"Smallville" Injustice (TV Episode 2009) Poster

(TV Series)


Tom Welling: Clark Kent



  • Clark Kent : This isn't your battle.

    Tess Mercer : So that you admit it's yours. Clark, don't you see I'm doing this all for you?

    Clark Kent : For me?

    Tess Mercer : Yes.

    Clark Kent : You're so delusional, you put together a small army to make some fictional prophecy come true.

    Tess Mercer : Clark, the mark of a true hero is somebody who's willing to sacrifice his own personal morality to help keep the world safe.

    Clark Kent : No one has the right to choose who lives and dies. I was beginning to think that you were different from Lex. I was wrong.

    Tess Mercer : The difference is that he turned his back on you. But I still believe. I understand that if everyone was more like you, the world would be a better place. But the truth is that it's out of your hands now. You can't avoid your fate.

    Clark Kent : Lex did teach me one thing. The word "fate" is used by people who's lost sight of who they are. Why are you so determined to see Davis Bloome die?

    Tess Mercer : That's simple, Clark. An entire civilization's survival depends on it.

  • Tess Mercer : Well you seem to taking my open door policy a little liberally these days, don't you?

    Clark Kent : I guess I assumed after you ambushed me in my barn and accused me of being an alien Jesus that we had dropped any formalities.

    Tess Mercer : You know, I can't say that the sarcasm adds to your coy charm, but please, come in.

  • Clark Kent : My parents once used Black Kryptonite to split off my Kryptonian side. I'm gonna separate Davis from the beast and use this crystal to send Doomsday to the Phantom Zone.

    Chloe Sullivan : Spare me the Kryptonian mumbo jumbo. You have to bend the rules on this one.

    Clark Kent : When I took Davis to the fortress, you stopped me from sending him away. You knew he was worth saving.

    Chloe Sullivan : I was wrong.

    Clark Kent : No, you weren't wrong, Chloe. Look, I know what you've been through, but there's still a side of Davis that's human.

    Chloe Sullivan : So, then what if the plan fails?

    Clark Kent : It won't. Sometimes, justice... it's not about making the easy decision. Sometimes, it's about finding the last bit of good in someone and saving them from themselves. You taught me that.

  • Tess Mercer : Clark, if you don't want to admit your true identity, that's fine. But we both know that Davis Bloome... isn't a man. He's a beast.

    Clark Kent : If he is this beast, then encouraging the police to go after him is dangerous. People *will* die.

    Tess Mercer : And when that happens, you'll know where to find him... so that you can finally slay the proverbial dragon.

  • Oliver Queen : We do what we have to do, Clark! And deep down in your heart, you know that it was my only choice 'cause you're gonna do the exact same thing when you find Davis Bloome. And all I can do is hope that the guilt doesn't wear you down as much as it does me.

    Clark Kent : Thank you, Oliver. But I'll take it from here.

    Oliver Queen : All right, look, we don't see eye to eye on everything. That's no secret, Clark. We're still on the same side.

    Clark Kent : No, we're not.

    Oliver Queen : I see. You're not gonna use that thing to kill him, are you?

    Clark Kent : I'm gonna use it to split Davis from the beast and send Doomsday to the Phantom Zone alone.

    Oliver Queen : Well, I guess I wasn't the only one hiding something, then.

    Clark Kent : I didn't have a choice, Oliver. I had to tell what you wanted to hear so you'd get me the Black Kryptonite.

    Oliver Queen : How many more lives are you willing to sacrifice if your plan fails *this* time, Clark? Put your ego aside. You have a responsibility.

    Clark Kent : My responsibility is to do what's right. Like it or not, we stand for something. We're set an example for others to follow. If we don't, then we're no better than the people we fight.

    Oliver Queen : I'm not your enemy, Clark.

    Clark Kent : Then who are you?

  • Rudy Jones : The pain is... killing me.

    Clark Kent : You can make it stop. Just give me my powers back.

  • Clark Kent : Davis may not be as invincible as we thought. There is something that might work. But I can't do it alone.

    Oliver Queen : Yeah, if it means getting rid of this guy once and for all, just say the word, I'm in.

    Clark Kent : Good. Because we're gonna need the help of Lex Luthor.

    Oliver Queen : You know, Clark, last time I heard, Lex Luthor was in no condition to lend a hand.

    Clark Kent : When Lex was murdered, he left all his Kryptonian research to Tess Mercer. Meteor rocks, crystals, and artifacts; she keeps them all in a safe. I think she has something that might work on Davis. It's black kryptonite. I need you to steal it.

    Oliver Queen : Because if there's meteor rock in there, it could kill you. I get it. Well, it's been a while, but I can probably find my way into the ice queen's vault.

  • Chloe Sullivan : What are you doing with the crystal?

    Clark Kent : Look, Chloe... don't worry about it, okay? I don't want you involved. You've been through enough already.

    Chloe Sullivan : Clark, I just survived a Gotic romance with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I think I can handle anything you throw at me.

  • Dr. Emil Hamilton : John Jones gave me the heads-up when Granville Police got the call. He's stalling local authorities, but we have to move fast.

    Clark Kent : Bone spur embedded six inches into concrete? You're right. Doomsday did make an appearance.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Yeah. Unfortunately, he had an audience. A man and woman, both dead.

    Chloe Sullivan : Clark, we have to stop him before he kills more innocent people.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Well, maybe they weren't so innocent. They were both meteor-infected. And from the evidence we've gathered, it looks like they were hunting him.

    Clark Kent : Great. Now that Tess made Davis public enemy number one, we have supercharged bounty hunters on the case.

    Chloe Sullivan : Who died doing what they believed was right.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Maybe. But I think something else is going on here. Two victims died from very different causes.

  • Dr. Emil Hamilton : She's been marked.

    Clark Kent : Are you sure the beast killed her? There's not a mark on her body.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : It's because he didn't kill her.

    [showing them a small GPS tracker] 

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : This did. It's a temporal-lobe implant GPS device that's also a small explosive. I don't know what triggered it, but when it went off, it killed her. It was blown into her ear canal, where I found it.

    Clark Kent : So someone other than Doomsday wanted her dead. Someone who was controlling her.

    Chloe Sullivan : And monitoring her.

  • Clark Kent : Chloe, you okay?

    Chloe Sullivan : Yeah, I think all the mayhem is just a little more than I can handle. I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air.

    Clark Kent : Wait, Chloe. Look, I don't like you going outside alone, not when Doomsday could be so nearby.

    Chloe Sullivan : Clark, it's just outside. Trust me, if he comes back, I'll holler.

  • Dr. Emil Hamilton : I know all that she's been through must be taking its toll, but I think something else is going on with her.

    Clark Kent : Why would you say that?

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Her feelings for Davis Bloome may be stronger than she's telling you. Last week, she came to me, desperate to cure him.

    Clark Kent : She didn't tell me that.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : That's not surprising, Clark. When it comes to affairs of the heart, everyone uses secrets and lies to protect the ones they love.

  • Clark Kent : [learning Tess' assistant was impersonating Chloe]  This means that Chloe is still out there with Doomsday. I can't believe I didn't see through Eva's disguise.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Well, she was a shapeshifter, Clark. It was her job to fool you.

  • Clark Kent : I know who killed her. She told me she and the others were all working for Tess.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Well, if Mercer has a team looking for Doomsday, then Chloe could get caught in the crossfire.

    Clark Kent : I'm not gonna stand here and wait to find out. Tess Mercer needs to be stopped, now.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Clark. In my experience with rats, you never corner one. Not when they're this lethal. She put kill switches in both Eva and the other girl. If the rest of her team is wired and you confront her, she could hit a remote and kill them all.

    Clark Kent : You said these implants were also GPS devices. That means they work on a frequency. Do you think you can isolate it?

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : I could piggyback on a signal and locate the others.

    Clark Kent : Tess' people are hunting Doomsday. If I can find them... I can find Chloe.

  • Tess Mercer : You looking for the crystal?

    Clark Kent : Let me guess, Eva told you all about it.

    Tess Mercer : You know, I thought I'd finally figured out the whole Kal-El puzzle with the Veritas journal, but... sending her in undercover did seem to reveal a few missing Kryptonian pieces.

    Clark Kent : So what'd you do? Have one of your Black Creek inmates steal the crystal before you had them murdered?

    Tess Mercer : I had nothing to do with their deaths, Clark. Black Creek was Lex Luthor's project. The chips were implanted there. The technology was untested. If it malfunctioned, you can't blame me.

    Clark Kent : I'm sure there's no way to tie it back to you. You've already had your people cover your tracks. Where is the crystal?

    Tess Mercer : I had it destroyed. So that you'd have no choice but to kill the beast. Sending him to some otherworldly prison, that's not enough. How many people like Plastique have you sent to jail only to have them slip through the system? What if that happened again? You can't tell me that no one's ever escaped from this Phantom Zone.

  • Clark Kent : Where's the kryptonite ring?

    Oliver Queen : It's in a safe place. You know something, Clark? You're lucky I had that thing. It saved your life.

    Clark Kent : You know that ring can kill me. Why would you make something like that?

    Oliver Queen : I didn't make it. I took the ring, after I took Lex Luthor's life.

    Clark Kent : You're responsible for the explosion.

    Oliver Queen : You know, Lex may have been your friend a lifetime ago, Clark, but... eventually, he would have killed you. That meteor-rock ring is proof of that.

    Clark Kent : Why were you wearing it? In case I don't agree with the next murder you plan?

  • Clark Kent : [finding Bette holding Tess at sword-point]  Get away from her.

    Rudy Jones : [speeding over to him]  Gutsy move coming in with no firepower.

    Clark Kent : You're better than this, Bette. I know you are.

    Plastique : It's Plastique now. And no, I'm not. If being better means letting people like her get away with murder, we'd rather be the bad guys.

  • Clark Kent : Were you able to get through?

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : I tried calling the mansion, but all the lines were down.

    Clark Kent : Someone's gotta warn Tess. I need to get to Smallville now.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Are you there yet?

    Clark Kent : I'm at the corner of Marshall and Beaman. I don't see anything.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : All right, turn north and walk about thirty feet. It's not faster than a speeding bullet, but it'll get you there pretty quick.

    [Clark finds a Lamborghini waiting for him] 

  • Clark Kent : I'm here to help.

    Bette Sans Souci : Right. Last time you helped, you gave me a one-way ticket to Belle Reve.

    Clark Kent : I know that Tess Mercer got you out. She promised to turn your life around, but she's not the friend that you think she is, Bette. She killed Eva and Livewire. She died right in my arms, and I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen to you.

    Bette Sans Souci : You're lying.

    Clark Kent : How do you think I found you?

    [showing her the GPS tracker map] 

    Clark Kent : Look. Tess Mercer, she put some sort of kill switch in your temple. She's tracking you with it.

    Bette Sans Souci : No. No, why would she do that? She sent us out to find Chloe and Davis. She said we were gonna be heroes.

    Clark Kent : You still can be. But first we need to make sure that you're safe. So tell me where everyone is, and I'll take you to a doctor who can help. Then we can find Chloe and Davis together.

    Bette Sans Souci : Not until that bitch is dead.

  • Clark Kent : I know how angry you are.

    Bette Sans Souci : You don't have a clue. But Tess Mercer is gonna find out how explosive my temper really is.

    Clark Kent : We're gonna turn her over to the authorities. That's the right thing to do.

    Bette Sans Souci : You can afford to do the right thing, Clark. Nobody can hurt you 'cause you're some kind of superfreak. Me, I want real justice, and I'm gonna make sure I get it.

    Clark Kent : I won't let you do that.

    Bette Sans Souci : You don't have the power to stop us.

    Rudy Jones : [absorbing his powers]  Oh, dude... I thought you were just fast on your feet. You're so much more.

    Bette Sans Souci : Don't hurt him. There's nothing he can do. He's not in control, this time.

  • Clark Kent : Why did you take off without telling me, and then not answer your cell phone when I called? And you know I've been searching everywhere for you?

    Chloe Sullivan : Sorry, Clark.

    Clark Kent : Look, I've already got reasons not to trust Oliver, but now you? First you want me to save Davis. Now you're asking me to kill him. So I need to know what's going on. I know you're hiding something.

    Chloe Sullivan : You're right, Clark. I've been lying to you ever since I came back. I know the girl who was killed. Her name was Leslie Willis, AKA Livewire. And I was using the Isis computers to hack into Tess' mainframe and I found all of this. Together with the other inmates from Black Creek, Leslie was part of a team assembled by Tess.

    Clark Kent : Eva Greer? Tess' assistant is meteor-infected?

  • Oliver Queen : Believe me, I know how difficult this is. We're supposed to be the good guys. But sometimes, we have to get our hands dirty. Do what's necessary. It's the only option.

    Clark Kent : We need to kill Davis Bloome.

  • Chloe Sullivan : He never left me alone. There was this... motel just outside Metropolis that we found, and... he wouldn't let me leave. He... I was so scared. We just hid during the day until dark, and then... one day, he decided that it was time to leave. And so we stopped at this gas station. And I just ran.

    Clark Kent : You're safe now.

    Chloe Sullivan : No, Clark. No. He's still out there. Anything that was good in him is now gone. No one's safe.

  • Clark Kent : Do you really think that spreading panic is responsible journalism? Making Davis Bloome front page news every day is reckless.

    Tess Mercer : Reckless? I-I think reckless is not doing everything in your power to stop him.

    Clark Kent : Starting a massive manhunt isn't helping anyone.

  • Clark Kent : This is not some fairy tale. Obviously there's some dark part of you that needs to be saved, but I am not your white knight. You're risking innocent lives, including Chloe's.

    Tess Mercer : Oh, right. The accomplice of the serial killer.

    Clark Kent : She's his hostage. And she's in the most danger.

    Tess Mercer : If you're so worried about her getting hurt, why are you fighting my help, hmm? Maybe it's because you're actually afraid to find Davis. Because the pure and virtuous Clark Kent can't face what he'll have to do, what you're destined to do, when that moment comes. Clark, I'm just making sure you embrace the inevitable.

See also

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