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My 358th Review: Given the material this is not up to par
intelearts26 January 2011
Howard Marks' biography remains one of the more fascinating and erudite, and just plain gobsmaking pieces of the past 20 years. He captured the zeitgeist and his book is full of bathos, bravado, and even some pathos.

The film does not capture this well. Shot in a very linear fashion we get a A-Z account of the life, but it suffers from that film biography sickness of making the events govern - and though we get those events quite frankly it gets pretty dull pretty quickly.

Given the talent here they should have gone for laughs, and though there are some, they are few and far between. What we have ended up with is a mediocre drama about the relationship between the IRA and a drug dealer - and honestly, even though it is viewable, it's not exactly brilliant.

If drugs are your thing I guess you may enjoy it. I was hoping for something less brash, less linear, and just more. The fault lies mainly in the script, the script is just not picking the superb moments that would have lifted this to another level, and is way too "and then this happens."

Given the material this could have been an excellent film, it's just OK.
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Review: Mr. Nice
movieevangelist25 January 2011
The Pitch: Howard The Skunk.

The Review: I spent four years at University in Bath, getting a degree and starting to develop my love of movies. While I was there, I came into contact with two things for the first time in my life: drugs, and the Welsh. Not a combination that I, or indeed anyone else, would necessarily put together, but that combination was responsible for one of the biggest drug trafficking rings ever seen in this country, or indeed any other. That Welshness was contributed fairly effectively by one man, Howard Marks, described by the Daily Mail as "the most sophisticated drugs baron of all time." Not that you'd know that from watching Mr. Nice. Rhys Ifans comes across as a fairly reasonable approximation of the man himself, and this is the story of his passage from the small coal-mining village where he grew up to Oxford, and the pronounced influence that had on his future direction. Despite becoming a big fan of recreational drugs, if Mr. Nice is to be believed Marks fell into his career almost by accident, just happening to be in either the right or wrong place at the appropriate time. Slowly but surely, he expands his influence and his reach, and every time an opportunity comes up, he takes it.

In order to get what he needs, he begins to rope in a motley crew of accomplices, and ends up getting involved with the IRA (a manic David Thewlis) and eventually even expands into the Americas (via a bearded Crispin Glover), despite the protestations of his wife (Chloe Sevigny), seemingly the only person who can appreciate the potential cost of the risks that Howard's taking. Through the course of this, don't expect deep insights into why Marks is doing what he's doing, or passionate arguments for the legalisation of recreational drugs – those are only implied in the sense that this really isn't Trainspotting, and the downsides of Howard's habits are the run-ins with the law that he had, not from what he or any others ended up taking.

But freed from the weight of those expectations, this is an enjoyable romp. Bernard Rose has both adapted the screenplay and directed – his direction is unshowy, but there are little stylised touches (inserting Ifans into stock historical footage) and the occasional impressive image, but by and large he lets the story do the talking. Thewlis probably gets to have the most fun, raging around with his accent, while the only slight weak link is Sevigny, the accent wavering just occasionally and the performance also slightly shaky. There's nothing shaky about anyone else, though, they're all too tripped out on the material, so just sit back, revel in the absurdities of the story (all true, as long as you believe Marks), and have a good time, man.

Why see it at the cinema: There's a few shots, such as a car crash, that will benefit from the big screen, but by and large you'd be here more for the company than the impact of the visuals.

The Score: 7/10
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neil-47622 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Rhys Ifans plays Howard Marks in a movie based around the Welsh drug dealer's biography. We go from Marks' entry to Oxford (where he first discovered the delights of smoking dope) to his brief brush with conventionality, followed by his first occasion of importing a Mercedes full of cannabis, his association with IRA gunman and drug importer Jim McCann (David Thewlis), and assorted escapades, brushes with the law, assumed identities and so on. Throughout all this he continues to father additional children with long suffering partner/wife Judy (Chloe Sevigny), and he appears to be a good father, loving and loved.

What to make of this? Well, it always holds the interest, it is well acted by all involved (albeit Sevigny's role is pretty thankless), and much of it has a reasonable sense of period (in particular, Ifans is inserted into period newsreel footage with mixed results), with some good use of period music (John Lennon's "God" is particularly well placed). It is sometimes amusing, seldom gripping, and be non-judgemental - Marks' exploits are presented to us and we are left to come to our own conclusions as to how right or wrong he was.

The illegality of his actions is not condemned: however, although there are several points where one gets the feeling that the filmmakers' sympathies lie with the legalising marijuana lobby, it is difficult not to take on board the drastic consequences for Marks and his family when he is apprehended and the excuses no longer work.

I ended up being as morally compromised as the movie - it was a worthwhile exercise to make the film, I think, but I am no wiser as to where Marks would stand if we were all to line up and be judged. And maybe that is how it should be.
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a review
katana112 February 2011
Having watched this tonight i think i can offer a fair review , its a joke to indicate the film doesn't have grounding within the book , there just too alike for words , however the book contains long winded accounts of activity that are tedious and boring , thankfully these sections were omitted from the film , good news then ? well no , sadly also key points in Howard marks life are also not in the film , the result has sections that make no sense whatsoever to the layman , Howard appeared to move around without reason and know people without explanation , the consequences of others actions are also omitted leaving a disjointed and slightly sinister film , there is humour but its not of the lol sort , knowing the film was shot over just 2 months then i think it shows , Howard marks has led a life so rich and varied and yet it simply wasn't portrayed in this film to its fullest , it leaves you with an empty feeling in that the film felt like soup when it could so easily have been steak , Ifans could not have done a better job and the only lightweight in the cast would be Chloe sevigney who didn't have much to say and didn't display a passion in the role , over all the film IMO is worth of a 6.5/10
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Enjoyable Romp
kosmasp30 December 2010
Nothing really serious, this just tries to entertain you. And it does achieve it most of the time. The acting is really good. Though I'm not sure if this is really based on anything that really happened (and if so, how accurate it did handle it).

The humor is not to everyones taste and there is a weird mixture with drama and adult themes going on. The UK rating still seemed a bit too high for my taste (no pun intended). It must have been the themes it did touch I guess. The story has bumps here and there, that do not allow you to be completely on top of it. Still despite those flaws, there is much fun to be had, with the rest of it.
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I was pleasantly surprised by this film
garymundy219 June 2012
I was pleasantly surprised by this film. I honestly did not expect that I would enjoy it after having read the book.

Last year I read Joseph D Pistone's "Donnie Brasco: My Undercover Life In The Mafia" and watched the film immediately afterwards and I felt the film paled in comparison to the book. Therefore after I had read "Mr Nice" and knew there was a film adaptation I felt it would be as big a disappointment as Donnie Brasco.

On this basis I left it a couple of months after reading the book before watching Mr Nice and as a result I was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. When I put the DVD in and it starts off with Rhys Ifans in front of a crowd asking if anybody was a plains cloths officer I had my doubts about how the film would be portrayed but once the black and white prologue turned to colour I was gripped.

Obviously this is not a perfect account of Howard Mark's life as many people have said you can not translate a 600 page book into a 2 hour film without missing many parts out but I feel it was not so much a literal depiction of the book but rather a visual interpretation of Howard Mark's life using the book as a starting point. As others have mentioned it leaves out much of his life based in Hong Kong and Thailand and The Phillipines as well as the feeling of despair when confronted with being deported to the United States and even the fact the judge called the wrong outcome which is something a film would normally expand upon. Every actor in this film felt believable as the character they portray.

I enjoyed this film more than I ever expected to therefore I feel a rating of 7 is justified. However I do feel the need to criticise the few scenes that earned this film an 18 rating. Jim McCann getting his knob out and the tooth extraction scene near the end of the film felt unnecessary. Don't get me wrong I prefer films to have scenes which disgust but there is a place for that sort of thing and I did not feel this film warranted it. It could have reached a better audience had it skipped these scenes and had a 15 rating.

However I feel I may have rated this film higher than it deserves based on not being disappointed, which made me feel relieved.
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"Blow", for Brits
Twins6524 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a straight-ahead biopic on Howard Marks, who was a famous drug dealer in the U.K., and who I was unfamiliar with. It was very similar in style to "Blow", the biopic of George Jung, a big U.S.A. cocaine dealer from yesteryear played by Johnny Depp. It even included a shot with the aged, incarcerated Marks meeting with his children, just as Jung did at the end of "Blow", when his grown-up daughter showed up.

Rhys Ifans plays Marks from his high school days (which surely was a stretch to look at) all the way to the very end, which shows him addressing a crowd after he's released from prison and lighting up a bat fat joint. He does a decent job, and is a very watchable actor. In between, we get the standard biopic narrative of how it all went down. The drugs are dealt, the money comes rolling in, and the law eventually shows up later. Included are some scenes with Jack Huston and a totally over-the-top David Thewlis, both great actors. Chloë Sevigny does an OK job pulling off a British accent while playing his wife, who also gets pinched along the way.

Check it out if you're interested, but there's nothing ground-breaking going on in this movie.
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David Thewlis Filmography Project
gink1027 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
#16 Mr. Nice

Jim McCann = The Trashy Character

Pros: You want me to tell you the truth? David's character is the only thing really worth seeing in this movie because it shows how sometimes a brilliant supporting character can entertain an entire movie, Jim is super hilarious! is Howard's friend (Ifans) a man who has made everything and great influence, David gives us all a lesson in how you can make an interpretation without the need for many resources. On the other hand, I also want to highlight Chloë Sevigny because I love to see her in every film in which she appears, Chloë is so adorable and charming, she also somehow keeps you from watching this film.

Cons: Do you want to read another truth? I'm pretty sure Rhys Ifans doesn't yet have enough experience to put all the weight of the story on her shoulders, her character is so insipid. The film takes a long time to start and therefore becomes slow and soft, Jim McCann was so good secondary that he should have appeared more and had a secondary story of his own, which is difficult because the script lacks consistency and better fluidity.
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Fun with serious intent
bartireid14 October 2010
Mr Nice is a rare beast of a film, it swaggers, it spits, it dreams, it punches, it laughs, it cries and of course and likely above all it gets stoned.

Howard Marks is the central character played effortlessly by Rhys Ifans, a welsh school boy turned big city student and pothead. We see Marks transformation through a series of off beat scenes in which director Bernard Rose reflects on Marks' humble, banal yet honest origins. Then our protagonist through a combination youthful substance experimentation and a fateful convergence of circumstances is established as an international Drug smuggler,

We are gradually introduced to a plethora of interesting characters that vary from casual love interests to drug dealing allies, who materialise as Ifans travels deeper into Marks' world of dope, dealing and debauchery. Amongst the group are fine supporting efforts notably from David Thewlis who delivers the hilariously cranky IRA terrorist turned middle man Jim. Chloë Sevigny convinces as the overly supportive wife and mother Judy and Omid Djalili sparkles intermittently as the Pakistani pusher Saleem Malik.

The film takes us through the tumultuous times of sex, drugs, betrayal, greed, prison and pot which Marks and his merry men navigate their way through against a lush backdrop of 70's pastiche. By the time we get to the stories conclusion we have great connections with the characters motives as a result of the superb cast and due to an impressive directorial mesh of humour and grit from Rose what's left is the best British film of the year to date.

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If you liked Blow you'll like this
stevenrobertson-9789928 February 2021
Good biopic of Britain's answer to Jung who dealt weed on a large scale. Same old story - confidence and bravo getting the better of him. Greed. Not an ounce of sympathy when the inevitable happens to him. Lost of sympathy however for his children. Only small gripe in that Ifans obviously was in his 40s at time of recording played himself as a teen and they didn't age him either at the end. Seemed odd. But other than that really enjoyable.
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Deserving more
tyo2413 October 2010
A film that in theory couldn't go wrong with some of the stories Howard has got in his arsenal. But the film was slightly off aim; mainly by concentrating more on his family life than action packed drug deals or comedy situations. Lets face it, the reason everyone wants to read and now watch about Marks is not his loyalty as a husband or devotion as a father.

Director Bernard Rose just seemed to go the wrong way about telling the story of Mr Nice. With very dry arresting scenes which are better left played out in your head with Howard's narration or read in the book.The film does have its up points however with David Thewlis putting in a master class performance as crazy Irish IRA Jim McCann which left me half wanting the film to be all about him. Rhys Ifans played the part of Mr Nice with that particular Marks swagger which his fans know and love him for and pulls it off well.

The film has pockets of comedy which helps numb the slow two hours of product, but at times it doesn't seem to know what it is a good witty British film to an ITV drama.
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To laugh. To cry. To care . . .
Chris_Docker24 June 2010
I hadn't read much about the film before seeing it. Afterwards, I'd say it is one part sexy, stoned, witty fun. One part light-hearted crime caper (almost, but not quite, getting too repetitive). And one part 'serious issues.' The film is very loosely inspired by the life of Howard Marks.

Part One. Howard (Rhys Ifans) goes from a tiny school in Wales to become a successful Oxford graduate, consuming large amounts of marijuana on the way (plus a tiny bit of LSD, probably a lot of sex, and a small amount of alcohol). After Oxford, he gives up drugs to become a teacher. But when a pal is stranded trying to bring a car full of resin home, he kindly steps in and finds it rather lucrative. The difference between someone who smokes and someone he deals is, as he puts it, the first smokes all they have; whereas the second has more than they can humanly smoke. He's drawn into the Secret Service in passing, who like his ability to move between borders and attract ladies.

I found Part One very funny. I have a slight problem with Rhys Ifans looking the same age at the beginning of the film as he does many years later, and after a fairly long stretch in prison. But it didn't distract me from enjoying it. His Welsh humour finds its mark, the comedic editing and timing is flawless, and for anyone over a certain age it has elements of a trip down memory lane. When David Thewlis chimes in (convincingly) as an IRA leader, Jim McCann, offering to supply planes to ferry the stuff over, heavyweight Irish hilarity meets Welsh wit. The head-on result is riotous, and yet never predictable or stilted. Add to that, my favourite fall-in-love-with-the-bad-guy actress, Ms Chloë Sevigny, and I am in for the ride.

Part Two consists of several cat-and-mouse chases as they evade capture. I did wonder if they were going to keep it up till the end of the movie, but it gives me a chance to look out for a tiny cameo by king-of-the bad-boy directors himself, Mr Ken Russell. (Look carefully or you will miss him – in the background at one of the passport check sequences.)

Part Three is when we start to see what the movie's serious undercurrent is, and it accordingly leaps in my estimation. Remember Steven Soderbergh's film, Traffic? If you came out of that thinking every sensible, well-supported argument on legalising marijuana had been made – and still there was no change in government policy – it's time to realise that rational argument is not going to change articles of faith. Can humour help? Mr Nice doesn't make moral judgements. But the natural facts speak for themselves. The main character and his associates never use hard drugs (stated emphatically). There are no perceptible harmful effects (other than Howard and friends enjoying what they do). There are considerable beneficial effects. Especially notable is the scene where a man discovers his partner being unfaithful. We expect violence. If they had been drinking alcohol – a drug with far more proved harmful effects – violence would almost inevitably followed. Instead, they get momentarily outraged: then share a joint. From my limited student experience of the dope-smoking 'scene' many years ago, this is an entirely plausible reaction. The association with 'organised crime' (here, the IRA in the form Jim McCann) is clearly a result of anti-drugs legislation, not the other way around. The misery inflicted is the emphatically the result of anti-drugs legislation, not the use of the drug (Sevigny especially comes into her element with some emotionally moving end-scenes. Yes, I did shed a tear. And Sevigny managed a very nice English accent to boot).

The filmmakers must have wondered if smoking marijuana would be decriminalised before Mr Nice was released – but the UK government, in one of the many pre-election scandals, ignored the advice of its own experts and continued to include hash in the 'war on drugs.' As Soderbergh said years ago, "We can't have a frank discussion with our policymakers - if you're in the government or in law enforcement you cannot acknowledge that drugs are anything but inherently evil and morally wrong." Bottom line: there is too much money and jobs tied up in 'drugs enforcement' to legalise them. But I should stress that this is my 'reading' of the film. Someone opposed to decriminalisation might reach an entirely different conclusion, and from watching the very same film.

On the downside, two hours of largely hash-based comedy could be very wearisome for anyone that hasn't had at least passing familiarity with the stuff. Other complaints might include Rhys Ifans not seeing him get his shirt off often enough (though I lost count of the number of times he did). Or whether Ms Sevigny used a stand-in for the brief times her shirt was off. On the plus side, it made me proud that Britain could turn out solid, constructive comedy. Rather than kitchen-sink drama based (as Ken Russell might say) on 'football in the Midlands.' Sometimes laughter, well done, can maybe reach places that common sense alone cannot reach.
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Routine Biopic of an Elite British Drug Smuggler
l_rawjalaurence21 March 2014
Howard Marks (Rhys Ifans) grew up in a Welsh village, went to Oxford a relative innocent, and emerged from university as a fully-fledged drug smuggler. He subsequently went on to become one of Britain's most celebrated (notorious?) drug barons, leading an exuberant lifestyle while successfully evading most attempts at capture. Bernard Rose's biopic encourages us to admire Rose's chutzpah, as he encounters a variety of shady characters, including practicing IRA member Jim McCann (David Thewlis, speaking in an eccentric Irish accent), and American cartel owner Ernie Combs (Crispin Glover). The film's tone remains lighthearted throughout, and there are some convincing scenes where modern-day actors are inserted into authentically Seventies archive scenes (complete with washed-out colors). But in truth MR. NICE does not have that much to say, either about the ethics - if there can be such a thing - of drug-smuggling, nor about the lengths to which people will go to try and evade customs-officers of various countries. It remains a rather slight crime-caper, distinguished mostly by Ifans' jaunty performance as Howard Marks.
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Read the book and don't go any further....
bisiker9 March 2011
First and foremost, if you haven't read the book or seen the film. Then please read the book first. Then if you want to afterwards, watch the film. Now I fully appreciate that novels, films, plays etc are all different forms of art and ways of telling stories, and people shouldn't always compare a film to the original book so harshly as most do. But immediately two books spring to mind that the writer of the novel has done a fantastic job, and so has the film in adapting it, I speak of, 'No Country for Old Men' and 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Cowards Robert Ford'. However, with 'Mr. Nice', the book is greatly written, it is funny, witty, heartwarming and a general entertaining easy read which is fantastic coming from such an intelligent man who doesn't have to prove himself by filling the novel with big clever words. But what he does do is fill it will the entirety of his life that makes for a fun and interesting read, that creates characters in your head you can picture so well and understand, and even at the end of wish you could of been apart of his life (for the good times anyway). Now the best way to describe what Bernard Rose did to the book to make the film was simply pick it up, and flick through it all in the that quick motion we can do with our thumb, letting the pages slide by and fan us as it goes. This is what the film felt like to me. It had no structure in terms of story to it, just episodes of the book he could pick out with his eyes as the pages flew past him and then shot it, and in the editing room tried to string them together to get some sort of story out it. Even if I hadn't read the book before and knew all that Rose had left out, I still wouldn't have connected with any of the characters on the screen or the story itself. You may say that a four hundred page book is difficult to squeeze into a two hour film, and that is fair enough, but I ask you to only look towards what Jackson and Walsh did for the LOTR. This then leads me to believe that Rose has no real writing skills and doesn't really no what a story is. Nor editing for that matter. But what annoyed me the most I think for this film is the total lack of knowledge towards the characters he was portraying on the film, now I may have read the book differently, and this is just my opinion, but I don't feel any of the characters were captured at all on the screen, especially Jim McCann, and every scene never went anywhere or made me feel anything towards them or the connection they should have with another. Like I said before, it just felt like Rose had took bits of the book out and tried stringing them together, giving us no real story or character arc. The only saving grace for this film for me was the fact that Rose remembered to put in a few of the good bits from the book itself, such as the funny scene in both book and film of when McCann and Marks are trying to talk to each other over the radio.
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Mr Nice - brief
user-142-63262525 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Biopic of Welsh hash smuggler, Howard Marks. Lightweight, by the numbers approach as young Marks goes to Oxford, straight as an arrow, discovers reefer, begins the transformation. Next thing, he's collaborating with IRA patriots to smuggle Afghan hash. Money for lifestyle or guns. Several funny anecdotal scenes, yet nowhere does this dig for substance. Big deals in the US skitter by, swimming pool styling in Mallorca added to show - I suppose - how boring the clean life was. Some of the cinematography intrigues as they have characters drive or walk in front of obvious rear projection of 60s or 70s exteriors. Too long at two hours, and still seemed shallow. Rhys Myers (as Howard) distracted by reminding me of singer Liam Gallagher (Oasis).
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"Mr. Nice" Trades in Nasty Commerce
jtncsmistad1 November 2018
Being a successful international drug smuggler is sky high fun. Until the long arm of the law seriously harshes your buzz, that is.

The biopic "Mr. Nice" is the story of Howard Marks, an Oxford alum who falls into a job as a pot peddling patriarch in swinging 1960's and '70's London. Rhys Ifans smokes it as the lead here. So good, in fact, that you actually find yourself pulling for this most affable chap on a seemingly endless ride rife with mischief and misadventures. But alas, you come to realize that what you are rooting for is inevitably and irrevocably doomed for devastation.

And that every trip meets it's end.
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Good performances... But where's the balance?...
cat_ranchero9 February 2013
I don't know whether it was deliberate or not, but I found the picture quality very poor. It may have been to make it look more like a period piece, but more likely it was the best the budget would allow. I thought Rhys Ifans did an excellent job, although he never seems to age all through the film! I loved the small part David Thewlis played; the mad- cap Irishman was just brilliant. As to the plot; well I found it far too sympathetic to Marks; not surprising since it was based on his book I hear you say. But I would have thought the filmmakers would have put a little balance in there; what effect did all the drugs he sold all over the world have? How many innocent lives were affected? All this seemed inconsequential and probably explains why, despite some excellent performances, the film didn't perform very well both at the box office and also critically. For me, whilst I enjoyed the performances, I found it a little too self-indulgent.

SteelMonster's verdict: RECOMMENDED (…Just)

My score: 5.8/10.

You can find an expanded version of this review on my blog: Thoughts of a SteelMonster.
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Interesting true story
grantss9 August 2015
Interesting true story.

Very funny at times, especially any scenes involving David Thewlis. Not great though - pacing is off, and writer-director Bernard Rose clearly wasn't sure whether he was making a comedy or drama. As mentioned, it has some funny moments, but then it has some very dark moments too. The comedy makes the drama seem frivolous.

Great performance by Rhys Ifans in the lead role. David Thewlis steals the show, however, with his over-the-top performance. Not sure why it was felt necessary to cast Chloe Sevigny in the role of Howard Marks' wife, especially as the character is English. Crispin Glover is also a bit of a waste in his role.
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Met my expectations!
dooble0714 February 2011
I have read a great deal about Howard Marx over the years and watched this film in the hope that it would meet my expectations and I was not disappointed. The film sticks pretty well to the book "Mr Nice" and although the book contains much more detail about the man & the events of his life, I thought the film did pretty well in giving you a accurate synopsis.

In all if you have a liking for the "herb" then I would say that this film will give you an incite to an era that has now gone by. Portraying the romantic image that we all have of the 60's & 70's but illustrating the price that Howard payed in his chosen profession. Personally think I'll stick to the daily grind of 9 to 5!
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Mr. Nice review
JoeytheBrit22 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Reasonably diverting biopic despite feeling like a whitewash in the way that it refuses to judge or even comment upon its happy-go-lucky subject's exploits. Ifans is engaging in the title role, while David Thewlis provides scene-stealing support as a mad IRA terrorist on the run.
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I don't know...
der_chi-gong2 September 2011
There are not many movies I have not watched until the end. This is unfortunately one of them. The book is amazing but I am not sure if all the actors have read it. I read it several times because of the wild ride that it is.

How anyone can turn this wild ride into a senior boat trip is beyond me.

Maybe they will make a remake of it in 10 years or so.

Until then I will read the book some more times...

...but, if you don't believe me, go see for yourself. I challenge you to watch it all the way through...
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quite a pleasant romp
jpdhadfield4 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
i had heard of Howard marks, but didn't know much about him, so i looked forward to seeing this film, i wasn't disappointed, its a good romp, i wasn't bored once, some people might think a film about a drug smuggler would be bad, but hash is no worse then booze in the wrong hands.

And the film is really an anti drug smuggling film, as Howard loses years of life he would have been spending with his wife and children , prisonlife is not fun,

if you like seeing films about people, who live unusual lives , then you'll enjoy this film.

my only gripe is the volume is quite low in places and mood music too loud, so they make it hard to hear whats being said.maybe i need a surround system.

But that aside id recommend this film .
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Mr. Nice, Please Pass the Joint
skepticskeptical20 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As I watched Mr. Nice, it quickly became clear that the story was based on a real person, Howard Marks, about whom I was previously ignorant. It was sort of amusing watching this in part because marijuana laws have been falling like dominoes, with possession and use and even selling decriminalized in the United States. This fellow got into a lot of trouble for dealing hashish, when only a few decades later it's no longer considered such a big deal.

As for the story, it's not that exciting (one reason why I inferred that it must be based on history). The message is more or less that drugs should be legal and people should be able to partake if they wish to. Given recent developments, this film is pretty much preaching to the choir. It is of primarily historical interest that a dealer should be aligned along with felons, many of whom have committed much more serious, usually violent, crimes. The film is opens in the hippie era and follows it until it finally wanes in the 1980s. The authentic depiction of those times in Britain was a plus.

I also enjoyed the portrayal of the hard-core IRA arms dealer with whom Marks was in cahoots for a while. Given the company he kept, one must ask: was Marks as innocent as he appears in this quasi-biopic? I don't know. In this respect, Mr. Nice reminds me a bit of Goodfellas, where we are asked to believe that Henry Hill never killed anyone. Not very plausible, to be perfectly frank.

I did not find the main character very interesting in his own right. He was basically a pothead, as was his wife (Chloë Sevigny), who seemed to be pretty much devoid of a personality. They both seemed nice enough, so his adopted alias, Mr. Nice, was certainly appropriate. The couple was apparently not big on birth control, because they kept having more babies.

The production values were more like a made-for-TV production, and perhaps that is what this was.
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Disjointed... Pun intended
ichrisho4 February 2011
Impossible to review as a movie based so loosely on reality and truth that one feels that a child could have lived it. A shame - as one would love to believe that Howard Marks was some kind of Magician and on this poor representation one could only assume that he was and still is a man in constant psychosis of reality. A pioneer of nothing and a living off a story that is in his own mind. The addition of juxtaposed story threads with quite simply embarrassing pigeon-holed characters makes one weep and indeed takes away from the voice of the book. I would rather recommend a Disney movie as this, as is Howard's life; a nauseating talk-jockey, lazy and not-that-I-care believable journey of disappointment. No wonder he needs to smoke. The man and the voice deserved a whole lot better. A whole lot.

The director has been directed and It is plain to see. Rhys Ifans is a wonderful actor mind you.
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A fun watch and interesting portrayal
timurtaimur19 June 2022
'Mr Nice' is a well known figure and this biographical retelling from his autobiography is both an electrifying and funny performance by Rhys Ifans coupled with an engaging storyline.

Though not all characters are memorable, Ifans provides a stellar performance that supports the movie without them.
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