"Dark" Enden und Anfänge (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Perfection is not easy in this genre
djetm23 June 2019
I just finished season 2, and I downloaded the family tree - and I cannot count how many times I had to pause and look at it while watching this season.

This show requires your full attention! (No fumbling with your phone during this one)

The writers have done a perfect job, same with the actors.

Best foreign show I have ever seen, and in my top 3 of all time.

(You might even learn some german)

HIGHLY recommended
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Does The Impossible And Continues The Utter Greatness
zkonedog11 October 2019
The first season of Dark was one of the single greatest slates of opening episodes I had ever seen in a TV show. Though I had little doubt that the show would continue to be good, I did wonder if this sophomore effort could possibly live up to the billing. Remarkably it did, proving to be every bit the equal of its predecessor.

To get into all the characters and plots of Dark S2 would require an essay-length document, so I won't take that route. It would also suppose that I have everything figure out myself, which is never a given in this complex series. What I will say, however, is that the best analogy I can draw for this season is to the similarly time-travel themed Back To The Future films. Much like BTTF2, Dark S2 doubles down on the complexity while still managing to keep it watchable (and enjoyable) for viewers at all levels. It would have been easy for this show to continue dancing around the peripheries of its fantastic mysteries, but instead it dives right in and that proves to be 100% the correct approach.

Whenever I have recommended Dark to family members or friends, I have always prefaced it with a statement that it takes incredible concentration (and maybe even outside research of family trees and names) to truly enjoy. I probably scared some people off of it in the process. One thing that S2 really hammered home for me, however, is that this is a show that can actually be enjoyed by many various interest levels. Basically, you can go as deep as you want to into it (and it holds up), or you can engage on a bit more of a surface level and still be satisfied, at the very least. You don't have to be a quantum physicist to enjoy Dark.

Another film property I liken Dark to is the film "Enemy". Both there and here, concrete answers do not abound, yet that doesn't spoil the fun in the slightest. In fact, in both cases, feeling as if you are slightly in the dark (pardon the pun) is all part of the fun. If this show wanted to truly explain everything, it would grind to a halt. Instead, it brings up incredibly interwoven time-travel plot lines and intersperses them with incredible cinematography and editing. The overall effect is an absolute sensory overload (eyes, ears, brain, etc.) with every episode.

Of course, no show is much of anything without interesting and relatable characters, and Dark has that front covered without a problem. One particular episode this season, "An Endless Cycle", is an absolute clinic in this area. Truly one of the greatest character-centric episodes of television I have ever witnessed. That episode alone somewhat elevates the entire show to an entirely new level of achievement.

Overall, Dark is now firmly entrenched on my short list of favorite television shows of all time. From music to visuals, plots to characters, Dark legitimately has it all. The confirmed third (and final) "cycle" cannot drop soon enough for this fan!
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The definition of "mindblow"
rares_i_tm25 June 2019
I fell in love with the genius of that show... Dark is too underrated for the brilliance of its creator's mind behind that script.Every action in this second season was unexpected but also had a specific reason to happen in the end so each character is unintentionally following it's own role in the rule of time.JUST PERFECT. Looking forward for season 3 and making sure all my friends are gonna watch it.
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A masterpiece
mechanlily21 June 2019
The writing in this show is phenomenal, and the season finale was no different. For every prediction I got right there were three other things that I never saw coming, and for every question answered another one arises. I have complete and utter faith in the writers that they will tie everything together perfectly in the final season - which I am already desperate for.

And the music in the final scene was perfect, as usual.
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What a masterpiece
sianpaullasaga22 June 2019
I loved everything what they did to this season. This season exceeds my expectations. If I only have a time machine, I would really loved to travel to the future to watch the season 3 because I really need it now. Congrats to the casts and crews, you guys are the best.
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I understood what was going on, until this episode...
TheDonaldofDoom16 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is so full to the brim with revelations, shocking moments and utter confusion that even some scenes that you'd usually see as the 'big moment' of any other TV show's season finale are buried under wealth of other crazy stuff going on. And that's meant as a compliment. The reveal that someone is her own daughter's daughter, a pretty crazy reveal, is, amazingly, not even one of the episode's biggest moments.

To start with, Jonas is trying to break the cycle of time again, but it's not going to work. Jonas says that a small thing can be altered. But we know at this point that you can't change the course of time. Either Dark is going against its own philosophy, or Jonas is wrong. If he's wrong, he could be lying or genuinely still deluded enough to think it's possible to change events.

I think it's really true that he still doesn't fully grasp that history can't be changed, because Stranger Jonas is still trying to save Martha from the apocalypse even though it's a worthless endeavour. And in a wonderful exchange with Young Noah, we see that Jonas doesn't grasp, or doesn't want to believe, that he will definitely become Adam. As for the letter Noah gives Jonas, that holds the hope that Martha will live... it could be forged, or it could be the Martha from the parallel universe who signed it.

Noah's death is a pretty unexpected moment, but the question of what was in those pages is a tantalizing one that goes unanswered. Martha's death is a real shock though. The moment that changes everything, though, is the arrival of Martha from a parallel universe. God knows where that will lead us.

The climax of the episode is so intense it's unreal. It involves the coming together of so many amazing plotlines, all with a foreboding, atmospheric song.
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This can be a sci-fi masterpiece.
alpilhanuysal24 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This season has been crazy all along. Jonas (Adam) being the villain was so unforeseen. If anyone saw the show "Continuum" Alec Sadler, was the villain who tried to redeem himself. I firstly likened Adam to him but they developed Adam in a different way.

The time travel was already somsthing we knew and if it's written good it can be really great like 12 Monkeys. There are pretty bad examples of it too. But the thing here is that when you look at season 1 you only see a fragment of the story. It ties up really good in my opinion. I haven't noticed any major plot holes. The fact that Elisabeth is both Charlotte's daughter and her mom is crazy.

And at this episode adding to the time travels... I'm thinking of parallel universes. The best show yet to integrate these two is Fringe, and I think Dark can surpass it.

The thing I'm wondering is tho, is the surgence of "new" Martha is something Adam has experienced or not?
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Mental foreplay
Br4ve-trave1or22 June 2019
Two years ago when this show debuted, I was absolutely captivated and found season one incredibly intoxicating and compelling. Many shows try to capture this series theme, but many fail to execute it as well as Dark does.

I believe Dark does it so well because the characters are so emotionally grounded. The writer's didn't overlook the shows characters and have special places for each one.

For those like me that love the concept of time travel and paradoxes, this show is like a stimulant to the brain and tickles your mind. It's mental munchies and also serves as mental foreplay.

Season 2 finally scratches that itch at the roof of your mouth that for so long, your tongue couldn't quite reach.

This season proves that the writer's know exactly what their doing. The way this show deals with the "time-travel paradox" is utterly flawless. I realize how hard it is to get it right and not have so many plot holes and terrible plot devices and that's why I appreciate this show so much.

Dark is on another level than anything I've ever seen before!

This series is a masterpiece, there's no doubt about it. It provides an incredible reward for viewers that love celebral shows that refuse spoon feeding the audience and also satisfies the viewer by addressing the questions you have by answering them, and then raising many more with twist after twist, reveal after reveal.

I now fear I will fall into the inevitable show hole because really, where is there to go from here; devouring this exceptional series. It raises the standard of quality among TV and sits amongst the top.

I'm in love with the storytelling and how it engages us to think about all the connections and guess what's what, and even if you may predict something, the show then blows your mind.

I applaud the writers of this series for not only getting this theme so right, but imo, also perfecting it and upping the ante for shows to come. I only hope this show serves as inspiration for creators.

After season 2, Dark has officially become one of my favorite shows and bravo to Germany for producing this groundbreaking hit.

Those that have doubts that it will not live up to the quality of season 1, fear not! The second season has a faster pace and expands on what's so very intriguing. That's what this show does so well: it's intriguing as ever to the very end!

After witnessing how well the writers deal with every loose thread this season, I have great confidence that they will meet, my now, high expectations with the third and final season and tie it up nicely for fans satisfaction.


2019 has produced truly great shows and Dark is amongst the top.
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Where is the damn season 3!!!
theogiago23 June 2019
I have never done a review before but for this one i'll make an exception. Just go and watch it for freaks sake! I'm from the future, i know stuff!!
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Oh that damn cliffhanger
derbigpr2 July 2019
I wish I had a time machine now to travel into the future so I could watch season 3 right now. There is nothing worse than this waiting period.
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Heart Pounding faster
nirbhayjariwalanj22 June 2019
In the final episode of 1st season, I was thrilled but in the Final episode of S2, I was jumping off my bed and my heart was pounding hard... Best Sci-Fi series ever. I think I'll repeat S2 on Loop. Mannnn I want to time travel and watch S3 rn. How did they even manage to set so many paradoxes. So many more questions..

Believe me just go for it.
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It goes from OH GOD to OH MEIN GOD in 2 seconds.. throughout the entire season!
dmd_m23 June 2019
God bless Germany for this gem that is Dark.

Throughout the last several decades "shocker" and "plot twisr" shows and movies have become super popular, as they stretch the viewer's mind into new adventures into one's mind. Incredible movies such as the "Interstellar", "Inception", "The Butterfly Effect" and most notably "Game of Thrones" technically generalised the genre. Every time you would think of a move shocker and a twist you would think at some moments in those television cinematics.

Dark however takes everything you know about the said genre and throws it into the bin. The writing is so well-done that it manages to create a connecting storyline with over 10 characters and add an emotional depth and connection in between each other that u cannot but relate and experience it from their eyes. It is incredibly hard to adapt any sort of time-travel or space-like drama into TV, let alone keeping you up on the edge of your seat, and it just keeps on giving.

Season 1 was an incredible introduction to the characters, while Season 2 is a full blown Game of Times in action. As if they they purposely slow-paced the first season, so we'd learn the characters and be comfortable with them as S2 raged on.

Every episode was beautifully warped by the end of it with incredible music combined with a twist we totally sod not expect giving us a moment to contemplate what just happened while our subconscious is being drawn by the emotional music.

The ending was as we all expected "unexpected". Rarely there is a cinematic art who's plot as complicated as it is you'd assume at some point what would happen to some of the characters and it always turns out in a completely new and incredible direction.

Dark season 2 is a straight 10 out of 10 and i can't wait for the final season 3!
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Loved season 1 and 2, but that ending has me worried
lucasvanstraaten26 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The best shows are the shows that have the ending already written before they even begin filming season 1. The ending of season 2 has me worried. To me it seems the writers introduced the idea of other worlds to make a new season and it may not even have been in the original plans. If that's the case, the ending of the show is gonna be really bad.

So I really hope the multiverse thing was their plan all along and the writers will blow us away next season.
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This is my favorite tv show
lucyka71322 June 2019
Better then the first season. This is my favorite tv show. I loved the story, the secrets, everything. It's perfect.
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This is Genius
niharkadam17 May 2020
After hearing those last pieces of dialogue from this season finale, all i can say is season 3 is gonna be mind bending. And the creators say that it is the final season, which I'm totally fine with. Can't wait.
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Above expectations
luks-192-51346411 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The 1st season was awesome, but the end was kind of a mistery of how the series was going to be. Personaly, i thought that they would mess up indluding another period of time in a future devasted after an apocalypse, but they did a extraordinary season, with a great plot, so many plot twists, and great actings. The last scene is, again, a little bit of a concerne, but i believe now that the director and the producers have this series in control and will not get lost like GoT in the last season.
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I want season 3! And i want it now!!!
tedscoasterchannel21 June 2019
After the end credits rolled, i was speechless. I expected the second season to be good, but what we got is way above my expectations! Season 3 can not come soon enough! It poses more questions than it answers and got rid of all my criticism of the first season (sloppy dialogue, mediocre acting). This is by far the best german TV-show this century has seen and it is on one level with "Das Boot", which was my favourite german TV-show until now!
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EpimetheusA129 February 2020
This show moves at a breakneck speed while constantly introducing new characters and plot lines so if you're looking for something light, look elsewhere. I cannot even begin to explain how insanely brilliant this show is. Jonas is the most intriguing character, in all his forms, but honestly each character jumps off the screen in their own way. There isn't a wasted scene, sort of reminding me of LOST. There isn't a song out of place. Each answer brings more questions. The enormity of it all is astounding. With the questions of the finale asked, Season Three will be phenomenal.
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kwb-1864122 June 2019
This episode just a masterpiece With perfect story, script, plot twists, soundtrack, cinematography, directing, and acting. That mix made it a masterpiece episode

Do NOT listen to the haters cause simply haters just gonna hate for no reason.
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rsingh124024 June 2019
This show is absolutely insane and my brain is melting. Kudos to the people that put this together for being able to connect all these dots. This is literally the most complex show I've ever watched but complex with a purpose, not just for complexity's sake. Very quickly ascending my list of all time great TV shows. If you like time travel you WILL LOVE THIS SHOW.
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djorleon14 July 2019
The ending was unexpected, and opened a lot of possibilities. Maybe Winden's world is more like 'The 13th Floor' than 'The Matrix', for that would explain better what's going on. Anyway, I can't wait for season three. So many questions...
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What ending make me worry
freizelbt22 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Worry that the only thing they do correct which is playing WITH A SINGLE TIMELINE in which everything is mean to be , inevitable NOW Will be destroy with the stupid multiverse scenario... Listen multiverse is not as cool as It sounds, that means only possibility , endless And thats take away the sad aura of this show ,the melancholic Life of the Guy Who couldnt stop what he tries so hard to stop... DIDNt like It , not Happy... I wish they tried to show more about that distopyan future instead
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Lacks a clear direction. Very unsatisfied
shinobanzai17 June 2020
For the whole season 1 and the majority of season 2, my opinion of this show was that it was an excellent piece of entertainment that offered a challenging timeline so the viewer had to keep in mind plenty of details.

At some unspecified point I began to feel that the show was lacking a clear direction. Things happened, then in the next episode it turned out that it was the opposite, then in the next one they started adding some more complicated details that didn't solve any of the previous misteries,...

The final scene of this last episode has been the last straw for me, as they have not only not concluded any of the major misteries, but instead they have opened yet more stuff that overcomplicates the plot.

It feels as if the directors/producers/whatever just want to shock the viewer with one final revelation each episode that does not go anywhere near on giving any kind of satisfactory conclusion.

The second half of this season has left me very unsatisfied and it has tainted my opinion on all the previous episodes, as it seems clear that their original plan that was set up has been stretched to fit more and more stuff that was not necessary for the story that it was telling.
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We're done talking years. Now we're talking worlds.
blackcatgalaxy17 November 2020
Just when one thought this series couldn't grow more intense, the concept of parallel worlds breaches the barriers and occupies the stage. This is not only a show, this is a brand new vision of the future.
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