"The Sopranos" Made in America (TV Episode 2007) Poster

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The excellent epilogue of an excellent series
MaxBorg895 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
So, here we are at last: the final chapter, the last fifty minutes, the definitive end of The Sopranos. Made in America, written and directed by series creator David Chase, is the conclusion of an era, an essential chapter in television history. Like all other episodes, it's thrilling, violent, moving, funny and complex - and much, much more, of course.

Picking up from the blood-riddled climax of The Blue Comet, we see Tony Soprano living in hiding after Phil Leotardo had Bobby Baccala killed and put Silvio in a coma. Carmela, Meadow and AJ are staying at a different safe-house, as are Janice and her kids, while Paulie and the rest of the crew constantly search for Phil in order to end the feud once and for all. Moreover, rumors of the FBI having a new informant aren't that pleasant, especially since Agent Harris (Matt Servitto), who is helping Tony find Phil, won't reveal the potential rat's name, and someone still has to deal with Uncle Junior, whose illness has reduced him to a babbling fool.

Everything reaches its natural culmination in this beautiful finale, which clarifies once and for all what the show's really been about: Tony's fear of losing his family, as in his wife and kids, not the mafia Family. That's what the ducks' departure in the pilot episode symbolized, and that's what Chase has put at the center of the much debated final scene: the Soprano family, reunited.

Before I get to that specific scene, though, there is a lot of other things to cherish in Made in America (terrific title - a subtle reference to the fact that the US make the best TV shows): the outstanding writing, which won an Emmy, Chase's assured yet playful direction (something that hadn't occurred since the pilot), the splendid music (the song that plays in the very last sequence has to be the best piece of music ever chosen for the series, beating even the opening credits tune) and the impeccable acting. Speaking of the last, Gandolfini, Falco and the rest of the gang are as talented as ever, but a mention of honor is mandatory when it comes to Dominic Chianese's work: an absentee for most of the sixth season (he appears in four episodes out of twenty-one), his two-scene job in the finale is the most gripping performance he's ever pulled off, his last thirty seconds on screen being especially powerful and bittersweet.

And then there's that criticized closing sequence: even now, there are people debating the scene's heavy symbolism and multiple meanings, with some actually berating Chase for not giving us a more straightforward ending. Well, first of all, The Sopranos has always pushed the envelope in terms of narrative complexity, which ruled out a simple (read: lazy) conclusion right off the bat. Second, there's no need to throw out pointless theories when all that is required to embrace the greatness of that ending lies in the last on-screen words spoken by Tony and his son: "Focus on the good times" AJ quips, quoting his father, who immediately snarls "Don't be sarcastic". "Isn't that what you said one time? Try to remember the times that were good?" the kid replies. "I did? Well, it's true, I guess" the New Jersey boss finally concedes, touched by Anthony's remark. There you have it: ignore the frustration that might derive from analyzing the significance of those last images, and remember all the great moments that made The Sopranos what it is. Think of gems like The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti, Pine Barrens or Long Term Parking, remember how satisfying those episodes were, and you'll come to terms with the fact that Made in America is the perfect swansong for the most amazing serialized drama US television has ever given birth to.

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shivam54122027 June 2020
There are no words to describe this show.. except two TELEVISION REDEFINED..And trust me I am writing this in 2020...The best show ever..
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Schrödinger's Cat and the mafia
t_atzmueller24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
We, the diligent watchers, always knew that this moment would come: like all good things must come to an end, so would "The Sopranos". We dreaded the moment when we would have to leave that parallel-universe where we were part of "that thing of ours" and say goodbye to Tony and "la famiglia", but knew this moment was nigh when Tony opened his eyes in the beginning of "Made in America".

The Lupertazzi storyline is resolved, we see Phil get what he deserves and things returned to "normal". Meaning: the Sopranos move back home, A.J continues to wallow in self-delusions, Meadow gets ready for her wedding and Tony is facing an indictment. Janice continues her scheming for financial gain and we visit comatose Silvio and entirely demented Uncle Junior one final time.

The only question that remained was: would Tony get his (deserved) bullet to the back of the head, or would he survive, continuing his way to the top of the organisation? Or would the show end in a tie, leaving Master David Chase with the option of reviving the show in a few years time? The answer is invariably yes.

Like 90 percent of all viewers, I was convinced that the TV-receiver had failed me in the crucial moment (alternatively, other people thought their DVD were faulty or the download wasn't complete). The second thought that came to my head was "Schrödinger's cat".

See, in quantum physics Schrödinger's cat sits in a box and is both alive and dead. Paradox but how could you prove it's not so, if you're not in the box? Whatever personal conclusion or theory you may have, it's invariably correct because nobody can prove the opposite – unless perhaps David Chase and he's not talking.

But Chase once stated that all the answers were in that final episode and why would Chase, after six seasons, suddenly lie to us? The "man in the members-only jacket" may have been Tonys assassin – or perhaps the gang-like hoods that entered the fast-food joint. But Chase may also have led us on a false trail, concentrating on the final five minutes, when all the hints where there earlier. To mind comes that cat that snuck into the episode earlier, often theorized to be Paulies harbinger of doom, a symbol of bad luck or even, as one theory goes, a reincarnation of Christophers murdered fiancé Adriana and/or Christopher himself. Or, here's my pick, one of Schrödinger's cat.

So, there is the possibility of a follow-up, be it in serial form or as a "The Sopranos"-movie. It may begin with Tony shoving an onion ring into his mouth as he reprimands Meadow for not being able to park her car correctly; it may begin with Tonys funeral or it may never happen at all. Life in the Sopranos-universe continues, but we're no longer part of it – whack, we didn't even hear it coming.

Or perhaps I am just a stugats and got it all wrong, lo cazzo.

What matters it that, like in most of the last 80+ episodes, David Chase delivered and gave us Finale worthy of a great show, perhaps one of the most brilliant Finales in the history of TV.
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The emotional heart of the conclusion meant more to me than the debate over truckers, parking symbolism and so on (SPOILERS)
bob the moo30 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely write a review of a specific episode (and never just one scene) but like everyone else in the world with an internet connection, I wanted to just note my thoughts now that I have seen the infamous ending to the final episode.

The episode itself was good due to the build up of the episode before but in itself it seemed too hasty. I didn't really understand this considering how it had been a planned finish rather than an axe falling but it did bug me, some things were resolved way too quickly while others were left hanging. The latter statement is perhaps an understatement in regards the final scene, as we cut to a black, silent screen before going to the silent credits, really not sure what has just happened. It is sudden and jarring and, like most viewers my first reaction was one of shock – not mouth open shock but more like I had been woken suddenly by a loud noise – or, in this case, the lack of one. I have since watched it several times so that I can pay attention with experienced eyes, watching the scene for what it is.

I do not know what happened for sure and I cannot see the point in cluttering up the internet further with detailed theories. In my opinion, Tony is shot and the point of his death is the cut to black. It makes sense that this would be the end of the season and that it would be sudden for us just as it is for Tony. I have read lots of posts about how the other customers are characters from previous episodes. I have read how Meadow succeeding in her parking on the third attempt symbolised the two unsuccessful attempts on Tony's life (and the third one to come) or how the bells of the doors is a call to mass, or the view of the table when Tony first sits at it is a clear Last Supper reference (and of course how the board in the scene before does say "next meal – supper"). The Godfather reference, the "communion" style the three have to eat the onion rings, the orange cat in the episode, the tiger logo in the diner etc etc but I will just say that some of these things are false (the actors in the scene are mostly extras with only this as an acting credit), some are true (the board does say "supper") and some are conjecture. For me I think it makes sense that he should die and that Chase should end on this as suddenly as he does; it links with Tony and Bobby's earlier musings about what death is like plus the religious references and other clues (red herrings?) put around the scene also indicate that death and finality are the themes de jour – hell, the episode even opens with Tony lying in state with organ music in the background!

What took place when we cut to black has been the focus of the media and most users here but for me there is plenty in this scene that isn't just about leaving breadcrumbs for the viewer. When we started this show years ago, Tony was suffering panic attacks which related to the fear of losing his family (like the ducks on his pool) but here we are now and they are all around him (well, with Meadow on the way). Things look bleak with a trial looming but the mood is warm, that of a family. This is also beautifully shown in the exchanges between Tony and AJ – they are affectionate and playful but with real heart. When AJ references something Tony had said (in a similar season closer where the family had a meal), Tony reacts with hostility but watch him looking genuinely touched when he realises his son has remembered something he said – it means so much to him at that moment and the happiness of that moment did touch me. In the context of the "hit" (which I do think is from the man in the Member's Only jacket – given the focus on him and the couple of references he has to earlier events and also Godfather) I also liked the way that Tony cannot see the threat almost because of his focus being on his family. AJ enters the scene after this man, obscured by him (and I suspect this is not bad framing from Chase) but Tony only sees him. Likewise, when the camera looks at AJ, we can see the man out of focus just over his shoulder – again we know he is constantly glancing at them, but Tony does not see this because his focus is on his son.

Family has always been the heart of the series and it is the heart of the conclusion. The delivery and the amazing use of the Journey song make it such a strong scene and the many themes and references are valuable in making the viewer think but for me the lasting impression was of that happiness, that sense of family and togetherness that Tony feared losing all those years ago. He has it. It is not perfect but this is yet another of the "good times". The other aspect of the series (the violent reality of what Tony is) takes it away from him but Tony (and the viewer) is spared that pain because it simply stops.. It is sudden, beautiful and shocking.

By all means debate who the trucker was etc but find the characters in the scene and you'll find the genius and strength of this conclusion.
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Phenomenal Finale
cuddlesatusc18 February 2021
In classic unconventional storytelling, David Chase ends the series with the uncertainties of life, another prominent theme in The Sopranos. It doesn't matter whether Tony lives or dies, what matters is that we enjoy with what we have in life, to "Don't Stop Believing."
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Some People Won't Get It *** Spoilers!! ***
krisr111 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The ending couldn't have been any better.

Absolutely brilliant.

Tony's won. Phil's own crew set him up. That battle is over.

Carmela has her "spec" house.

AJ's got a good job "making contacts" in the film business.

Meadow's got her career on track.

The two black men, the man occasionally looking toward Tony, then going into the bathroom, Meadow rushing to get her car parked; it was all just just to show us how much we've made the characters and what happens to them important to us.

Nothing was going to happen and nothing did happen.

And maybe Tony will forever be looking over his shoulder (as we do for him, and as he should). But his biggest battle yet to come will be the FBI indictments and trial afterward. His lawyer flat out told him (and us) it was coming.

Those who haven't kept up on the show (and seen every episode), will in no way understand any of the tension that was rising at the end. Because there won't be any for them. It won't make any sense to them.

No, this episode was for us: the true fans who've stuck it out since Day 1.

It was for those of us who know the Sopranos inside and out, and have made them a part of our lives.

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't think any other ending would have been as satisfying.
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Unexpected, But Ultimately Satisfying.
loudprincess11 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The news this morning is bubbling over with reports of irritated fans that feel last night's finale was highway robbery. I, for one, couldn't be more OK with the ending. For the last week or so, I've scoured the bulletin boards for spoilers, hoping to brace myself for the end, and no matter how plausible each scenario seemed to be, none of them were ideal. From apocalyptic visions of Tony's entire family being taken out to a surprise claim of paternity from Junior, to Tony being sent to prison, none of these endings would have been satiating.

So, I may be alone in this, but I am comfortable with the ending of the show. Nothing is wrapped up in a neat package by the show's end, but if it were, there would be little room for future movies or specials, and it wouldn't be true to the nature of the show. If David Chase and the show's creators decided to go against their original goal of making The Sopranos as realistic as possible, devotees would be angry. The realism is what defined the show as being heads and tails above the rest.

The thing that did crack me up about most of the show were the moments where David Chase clearly intended to build up the viewers' worry of something drastic about to happen. Particularly with the final scene, and the intentional drawing of attention to other patrons who could whack the whole family, it was an artfully crafted moment of uncertainty.

I also think David Chase did what he set out to do: present a finale that no one expected. Almost all of the predictions called for major violence and death. One of them said that we'd see Sil flat-lining in the hospital. Another suggested the A.J. would try to blow himself up in the swimming pool. Aside from the true prediction that Phil Leotardo would be shot at a gas station, there was little violence or death, and that was unexpected.

In the end, I'm satisfied with the finale, and would have been a lot less pleased if everyone had died or all the ends were tied. Life isn't neat and tidy. So why should America's most realistic mob show be?
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Still shocked and can't stop overthinking about the ending
Casta_200122 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Young generation here :) (Same feeling as ending Breaking Bad)

Felt (like everybody) that the TV was broken.

I can't decide if I love/hate the ending, but as I think more and more about it, it makes more sense and it gets even better.

As the Journey song kept playing, I started to realize this is it. But it didn't make any sense. What's going to happen with Sil, Paulie, Tony and all the plot? Started the episode expecting a huge fight between gangs and having a final winner as modern TV does. But then suddenly everything turns off and I can't hear the song anymore.

I like to think that Tony gets killed, it makes sense and it closes the whole story, (as my heart and brain needs it) but as you think more about it it's just another day, another episode, another conflict on this guy's conflicted lifestyle. Everything goes as back to as normal as it could get and The Sopranos universe keeps going without us (with or without Tony Soprano).

I know I'm gonna see it again in 5/10 years and I'm gonna love it even more and fully understand it.
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The best ending ever, but a lot didn't get it!
GAKAS12 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This ending was brilliant brilliant brilliant. Chase you are a master writer. Like everyone when the screen went blank I was like "fix it, fix the TV"......then I saw the credits, and I couldn't believe it. It was a perfect ending. The convo with bobby and there being no sound when you get whacked brought it all in to perspective. First thing I said was that this was the best ending of any TV series or movie ever. My wife is watching the View in the background and they don't get it either. they keep asking the question what happened to Tony. Understand it everyone, The Sopranos is about Tony Soprano, not about Sil or Paulie or Carmela or AJ or anyone else. The only way you can end Sopranos is to end Tony. Thankyou David Chase, thank you for not doing a crappy ending of Tony lying in his blood and the camera panning up into the sky and then focusing on some airplane or something stupid like that. Thankyou David Chase for sharing your creative flair with the world. I usually pick these type of endings but I had to see the credits to get it. Brilliant! If you see this finale and don't get it, watch the previous episode again and the final again. 10 out of 10 is not enough. its worth more Mr Chase.
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You'll always be looking over your shoulder...
maxglen16 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An unexpectedly subdued finale, after the events of Blue Comet Tony puts his plan into action to get rid of all his enemies at once and it seems to go off without a hitch and in true Sopranos' fashion the characters come first and are the one and only focus of this episode. The writers could have easily had this big action packed episode to wrap up the series but instead all scenes of violence are short lived, unglorified and almost glossed over by the sheer amount of character work here. Our characters are shown to be entering a new chapter in their lives and in the final scene we see Tony sitting down at a restaurant with his family after all his trials and tribulations but the way this scene is shot implies tension, we see multiple 'suspicious' figures as the tension builds and builds and then... it ends. Now a lot of people will say this is the most anticlimactic finale to a show ever but this scene is masterful because it puts you in Tony's shoes. We're worried for him, we're suspicious of everyone and that's exactly what's going on in Tony's head, for the rest of his life he will be looking over his shoulder and the way the scene ends so you don't know wether your paranoia was well founded or just irrational perfectly illustrates the life of made man. This to me is one of the best endings to a show ever to one of the best shows ever. I'm gonna give Made in America a 9.7/10
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existentialism and sopranos
bobbykhorasani5 February 2010
The Sopranos is a work of art. It is about a man with two families, pivoted on conversations with a psychiatrist. David Chase brings themes that are central to life in America throughout the series. He is fascinated by questions of morality, religion (see: Amour Fou, The Flesh Part of the Thigh), existentialism (see: D-Girl, From Where to Eternity,) and the human experience. Therefore, his show culminated with the fitting title of the last episode, 'Made in America.' Tony's conversations with Dr. Melfi throughout the series are a way for the audience to delve into the inner thoughts of Tony and explore in-depth the themes of the show.

The last episode was for some a disappointment. But to be in-line with the rest of the series, Chase could have done it no other way. In his post-modern take on the world, questions are left unanswered, absolute truths are unknown, ambiguity reigns supreme, and loose ends remain. This is the reality of the world Chase wishes to project, that certainty lays beyond our grasp. This is not the first time Chase leaves us to determine for ourselves what may or may not have happened. In Pine Barrens, the Russian is never found. When Christopher gets beaten up while trying to score drugs, we are left wondering if he gets revenge. Silvio is left in the hospital, his fate unknown.

I highly recommend watching this show, not only for it's mafia related entertainment, but for the deeper questions that are asked and explored throughout the show, often presented in a humorous, subtle way, and left for the viewer to draw conclusions on.
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Still the best
kcrateau17 March 2022
Just finished my rewatch every few years. The more I've read from the producers and watched in breakdown videos, the more enjoy the last seen even more. The story and the ending play out so well to the whole plot line that it makes me ignore some of the episodes or characters I didn't like. Wish someone would come along and make something like this again.
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Made in America (#6.21)
ComedyFan20101 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
AJ deals with his issues. He wants to join the army but his parents get him to participate in some B movie instead. Phil is also killed off and Tony can get out of his hiding.He has onion rings with his family at some diner when the show abruptly ends.

I didn't love the episode. Not because of the final scene but because when watching it for the last time I was kind of hoping to see more of characters I loved, instead there was too much AJ for my taste.

The final episode was alright. Although I didn't believe Tony died. I just finished the show. Watching it 7 years later obviously resulted in me getting some spoilers and I was actually expecting Tony to die. But what I saw just didn't look like it. Not only was Phil already defeated at that point, we didn't even see it from Tony;s view for the whole theory that it just went blank before his eyes and he didn't hear a shot. Last thing we see is Tony, it is our point of view. It was just a symbolical "death" of the viewer by abruptly take us out of Tony's life which we observed all that time and that we never get to see him or anybody else again.But that it caused so much disagreement sure make it a great show finale.
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Lazy, Insulting End to the Greatest Series in History.
Information_Retrieval11 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout the entire series, fans of the Sopranos have grown accustomed to red herrings and dashed expectations. Usually, though, these outcomes reflected reality, and made dramatic sense. This is not the case with "Made in America." The entire episode is dull and disappointing. The show reverts to its early season 6B form, as it plods around with uninteresting plot threads that a are sure to lead nowhere. AJ snaps out of his suicidal depression just with the offer an easy, high-paying job. Is David Chase suggesting that AJ's depression wasn't real? Is he merely the same spoiled, whiny kid we thought he was? This is at odds with the rest of the season, in which it becomes clear that AJ is the only Soprano with any feeling, or emotion. Tony is glad after he murders his nephew. Meadow knows that if she tells Tony about what CoCo said to hear, Tony will exact brutal revenge. Yet AJ, after he and his friends beat the black bicycle messenger, is sent over the edge by guilt. Apparently, this was all a clever act.

After the heart-pounding, stunning "The Blue Comet", fans were promised the long awaited NY/NJ war. We were disappointed at least twice before when it came to the final war, but this time seemed different. Tony would get revenge for the murder of his brother-in-law and the possible murder of his best friend. Instead, the entire conflict is resolved within 20 minutes, in a scene devoid of any tension. Butchie becomes boss, and Phil is murdered.

This brings us to the already infamous final scene. Chase builds up unbearable intensity and dread within the viewer. The mysterious patron enters the bathroom, Meadow has trouble parking. She runs into the diner. Tony looks up at the camera, his arm moving downward, and then......

Nothing. Cut to black. Chase always said he would not spoon feed his audience. He also said that the show would be as close to real life as possible.

Well, I do watch the Sopranos because of its realism. It accurately reflects modern American family life and reportedly portrays Mobster life accurately too. But I also watch the Sopranos because it was able to satisfy the audiences thirst for drama. If the show couldn't excite us, we wouldn't watch. I want realism up to a point. If I wanted to see life this realistically, I wouldn't be watching a television show about the mafia.

The final scene comes off as a smug insult to the audience. It's packed with coy little criticisms of American culture, and seems to say, "You're a terrible person for wanting to see violence." This, from a show whose just showed an SUV running over a man's head as his grandchildren sit inside.

It seems that David Chase was too smart for the rest of us. It's either that, or he just doesn't care. We've given this man 8 years, sitting through all the red herrings and false clues, all of the moments that led nowhere. And still, he can't reward us. He can't finish a story. I for one don't believe either of these theories. It seems to me, he just wasn't smart enough.
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matukonyc116 June 2007
This series used the "mobster" genre to explore life. Life with its difficult choices, lies, and reality. How can you end a life? When life ends, the lights go out, and for all of us who felt Tony Soprano as alive, it just had to end. What happens? What happened was that we no longer have access to Tony Soprano's life. It's over, it's sad, and even if he lives on, our relationship with him in real time is over, finis.

Whatever you believe after life, or life after death, the fact is that relationships end. Our collective relationship with these people is over. It's not Al Pacino, it's Tony Soprano, and that's an amazing achievement.
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A masterful ending to a masterful series
jdjc00114 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One word. WOW.

I couldn't imagine a more apt end to this series. Filled to the brim with nuance, foreshadowing, tension and just sheer brilliance in storytelling. The ending itself was just so perfect for the series with all of its ambiguity and poignance. It's just like real life - there are no definitive endings. Even in death we live on through other people.

If I had to complain, I'd say that too much emphasis was put on AJ. I understand he's one of the most prevalent characters on the show, but to me, his arc had already ended for the most part and I think some more time should have been spent on the lesser-seen Meadow.

Overall, 'The Sopranos' has been one of greatest and most unforgettable viewing experiences I've ever had and although it has never been perfect, it certainly deserves to go down in history as one of the greatest works of audio-visual art ever created. Bravo, David Chase!
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implicxt24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For years, the only thing I knew about The Sopranos was the controversial ending, when the screen abruptly cuts to black and the audience is left to interpret what that means. But nothing could've prepared me for what I was about to watch. Simultaneously frustrating and brilliant, the final episode truly captures what The Sopranos has been about this entire time. Whether Tony dies in that diner or lives to see another day, it doesn't matter. As Tony himself said, a man like him has 2 endings: dead, or in jail. Tony may have survived that night but in the end, it makes no difference. His fate was sealed from the first episode, the only thing that can change is how often the miserable cycle of his life repeats itself.

The Sopranos is interesting because a lot happens, but no one really changes. There is no "arc", no redemption, no salvation. The characters try to better themselves but it never lasts, everyone is ultimately doomed from the start. Any effort towards self improvement is inevitably crushed by the world they find themselves in. Christopher gets sober but is pushed back into addiction by his supposed friends, who then betray him. Carmela considers leaving Tony, attempts to get a divorce, tries to be more independent by working, but always comes back to Tony and the subservient life she's used to. Vito is given the chance to live a "perfect" life where he can express himself without fear, but he basically chooses to dig his own grave because he can't stand being away from the Mafia lifestyle. Even characters like Meadow, a girl with so much talent and ambition, will inevitably fall into the same cycle as all the other women in her life. Tony... I don't even need to explain this one, Dr. Melfi says it all when she decides to stop treating him. And that's what the finale really means. Tony could live another 10, 20, 50 years and it would make no difference. His life would be defined by constant paranoia, anger, and misery. He could receive therapy from Dr. Melfi for the rest of his life, and he still wouldn't change. He could wake up from 100 comas, and he wouldn't be any better of a man. There is no way out.
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Incredible episode(spoilers)
jhutches11 June 2007
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For those who are unsure of what happened at the end and for this reason feel the episode was a disappoint.....Tony got whacked.....thats what happened when the screen went black.....If you remember Tony and Bobby's convo about what it'd be like to get clipped, they said i bet you don't even realize it happened, it just happens.....Since the show is from Tony's viewpoint, when he gets clipped, everything just goes black, and there is nothing more. It was a genius way to end the show in my opinion, very creative and ensured that only people who had followed all the little details would pick it up. Think about it, it all makes sense that, thats what happened, Tony didn't even realize it, he gets hit and his world goes dark.
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America wants an orgasm, chase gave them a tantric experience
galz8111 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
*(I apologize if there is grammar mistakes and incorrect spelling)* This show is the best drama on TV history. I know that almost a cliché to say on the sopranos but what can you do? it's a fact. The reason i post this message is because after the last episode i entered the net to see what people had to say about the finale and i was surprised: "A disappointment", "chase let me down" etc. Well, i hoped for this kind of an ending cause the sopranos is a work of art, and good art is not meant to be clear, chase never made it easy for us. He knew what people wanted, he knows America want a round ending, an Hollywood ending...people don't care about the issues he brought up - problems in and out of America spoken so clearly (AJ) in the final episodes. they want to know who's gonna get whacked and how many chicks can tony sleep with in one episode (AJ "wanted" to make a change but didn't know REALLY what he wants. when tony and carmela gave him a job in a b-movie he changed he's mind. hello America, Surprise - chase is talking about you!). Amrica wants a round ending just like the ONION RINGS they eat with such crave on the final scene. but no, chase is not going to give that to them - the sopranos is too important, too good. America wants an orgasm ("he makes porn" AJ said, think about it), David chase in 6 seasons gave us a tantric experience that does not suppose to come to an end. there is many key aspects on the final episdoes that i want to write upon (the cat as a brilliant metaphor that was built up for the entire last episodes, junior - even the ones who makes it crumble with age, AJ as an exact image of young America, silvio and the fact that on almost every scene at the office in "the bing" he's cleaning something... on the hospital scence in the final episode he's wife cuting his nails...very interesting, poly, janice as a mirror of her mother, the issue of "fathers and sons") and i will. On a TV program 20 years from now called "the history of television" the narrator will say that on the last episode of the sopranos called "made in America" million's of Americans set down and watched a black screen for the last 10 of the series thinking their something wrong with their television.
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Greatest series ever
This is truly the greatest series ever in my opinion. The episode starts with FBI agent Dwight Harris talking to Tony. Tony finds out that one his guy's is going to testify. Then they have Bobby's funeral. Phil Leotardo is taken care of in front of his family. Tony goes to see Janice and also Sil in the hospital. AJ decides he wants to join the army but Carmella and Tony think he should get involved in films. Meadow decides she wants to do law and not medicine. Tony's lawyer tells him it's likely he will have to go to trial. Then Tony goes to see Uncle Junior one last time, in a very touching and emotional scene for long time Soprano fans. Then the family all meet at a restaurant and for die hard fans we all know what happens in the end. Most people have an opinion on what happened to Tony, all I can say is I loved this series and think it's the greatest drama series ever
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Us poor Americans
femtoman11 June 2007
Why do we Americans always have to have everything in a work fiction spelled out for us? Why do we always seem to need resolution? If I were I a writer, I think that I would be miserable if I spent most of time wondering what I could do to make my audience happy. Boo Hoo to us all. We didn't get the ending that made us happy and now we no longer feel whole.

I think some of you should go watch reruns of Friends. Everything was solved on the final episode. We were left content. Secure in our knowledge that life ends when a TV show does. Maybe the Sopranos ending was a little like quantum mechanics. All things happened and none of them did.
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The Greatest Finale Since Bob Newhart
jwinters-213 June 2007
Wake up America. this was without question the greatest ending for a series in the history of film. What did you want? A blood bath. that's been done. You wanted the daughter killed? that's been done. You wanted an ending where Tony just went on. That would be bullshit. You got what we all wanted; a statement of the continuing moment of disgust and fear that was and is the life of anyone who has devoted themselves to crime as a basis for life.

If you wanted a nice bow tied up for this show then you weren't a real fan.

I hated not knowing what really happened but by morning, I realized that Chase is a genius. Thanks to the Sopranos
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The Greatest Series In History.
tamerhaddou-7000821 February 2022
The Sopranos is one of the greatest series in history ever. Live the events of the series as if you were a gang member.

The series should have been Longer than it is to show some details but despite everything The Sopranos is still the greatest series in history.
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Some thoughts on the ending and season
zonker84511 June 2007
Well theories abound. If David Chase was either looking to not give an ending that could be predicted or he was simply looking to be controversial he succeeded.

One of the more popular theories is that Tony is whacked dying instantly and we see the end of the show from his perspective (I can see where we wouldn't need to see the reaction of his family). It would be a dramatic statement about how this complicated life just stops. Maybe that's it and Chase thought viewers would get it and he miscalculated. I don't see where Meadow coming to the door fit's in. Or maybe Chase was trying to say that it doesn't end and the fade out was just us leaving the viewing of that life. Maybe he was allowing viewers to decide what happened so the substantial "Gets Whacked" and "Lives On" camps could each have what they wanted.

Some of the other theories deride Chase as being chicken or lacking the creativity to write a climactic ending. Others say he's leaving open a movie possibility (He could of done that by just doing a slow pull back from the family eating) Another theory says the full ending will be on the DVD (If that was true there could be multiple ending or even slightly different final episodes)

I am not sure how I feel about the ending. I mostly enjoyed the episode but I have to give very low marks to the handling of the NY/NJ war. After years of tension the war breaks out dramatically but then ends seemingly without reason and illogically like something that has got in the way. The leap from the seasons of build-up to the actual beginning of the war also seemed kind of quickly contrived. Christopher's death also seemed like some quick idea to get rid of him and the drama over whether Tony would find out about the drugs and kill him. Where was the final build up? Did Chase simply open up too many subplots, that he created too give him more potential things to write about, and not leave himself enough time to close them with their deserved attention?

I would have to give the final season a 5, or 6 at best, out of 10 and that's without the ending which I'm not sure about. It seems definitely that there was a rush to close to plot lines that had been poorly paced to coincide with the series finale.

While the Sopranos goes down as one of the great TV series of all times It became decidedly uneven with many disappointing episodes in the last few season. It's seemed the creative drive declined before the profit drive.
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What a Cop Out.
HockeyFan139 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let me first say this is one of the best shows in TV history. The ending is nothing more than a cop out. Not giving a divinitive ending to the story of Tony Soprano is a slap in the face to every fan who tuned in every week and waited months and months and months between seasons.

For people calling this ending brilliant? You really need to examine show endings done the right way. Look to Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad for starters. That's how you end a show... not the trolling crap shoveled in our laps by David Chase because he didn't have the stones to write a real ending to Tony's story. It reeked of "I don't know what to do... so he gave us nothing.

Oh and Tony wasn't killed. There is nothing in the show that ever showed someone getting whacked in front of their wife and kids. Nope. Not happening.
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