Bloodlines (Video 2007) Poster

(I) (2007 Video)

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The missing Wrong Turn script?
TdSmth514 February 2016
In the intro a woman is held against her will. We learn what sinister plans some old woman has for her. This woman is holding a baby in her arms, his name...Billy Bob.

Years later a country girl named Amber is leaving for college. She stops at a gas station...where, wouldn't you know it, the old redneck attendant scares her and says creepy things. Soon her car breaks down and she's "taken." When she wakes up she's in a room with two other girls. They try to escape but a bunch of violent deformed inbreds guarding the place grab them.

In charge of it all is...Billy Bob, now an adult. He spends his time having sex with his sister, who's eager to give him a child! But he finds that idea disgusting even though it is mating season for Billy Bob and what he does with the captive girls have them fight each other to the death. The winner will get to bear his child.

In the meantime, Amber's two skinny brothers who think of themselves as Rambos are out to find her since they haven't heard from her in days. They track down the house where she is and they and the girls will have to confront the extended family of inbreds.

Not sure why IMDb keep this movie "hidden" as you cannot find it looking by title. As you can tell this movie is very much in the spirit of Wrong Turn, some of the inbreds even look similar. It's a lower budget movie so acting and direction aren't exactly up to par but nevertheless it's an entertaining movie that focuses more on the creepiness of inbreeding than on violence and gore although there's some of that, too. It seemed that this movie would give us an even creepier twist at the end with Amber and her family, but unfortunately it doesn't go that route. Compared with most horror movies released these days which are just awful, this is a campy fun one.
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Freaky Film
flippinburgers8 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is watchable. I chose to comment after reading the first comment, which I disagree with.

CONCEPT: The storyline is: a group of inbreds kidnap, force to fight, rape and eventually kill their captives.

Granted "pretty girl's car breaking down in the middle of the woods and being captured" thing has been done a hundred times over. However the girl fight scenes were original and entertaining.

I agree that they should have established what Brody, Bear and Ambers relationship was. I assumed it was her brothers.

DIALOGUE: The dialog was dreadful. There is no point elaborating on it. The dialog almost seemed as if it was a spoof. "The strength is in the Strickland" ??? Amber said it jokingly but Brody actually tried to sell this $hit of a cornball line!

FIGHT SEQUENCES: The "brothers" came to rescue Amber however watching their fight scenes, Amber looked like she was handling herself much better. There is one scene where Bear actually takes a knife out and stabs someone in slow motion from the side! Apparently many of Bears moves seem to be freakishly slow. He also throws and knife through someone's head in slow motion. LMAO! Amber's fighting appeared to be more realistic. However there is one part where she puts her fellow captives aka Billy Bob's sister's, nose through her brain. The effect and make-up really take you out of the moment and into a feeling of WTF. The final fight scene where she hold the knife up over her head for quite sometime was also unrealistic. It was dramatic but annoying. Overall Amber fighting for her life was kinda a turn-on.

INBREDS: The mutation of the two relatives was silly since they seemed to be the only two even remotely dis-formed. They shouldn't have been so severe (complete with boils) and some of the cousins should have had at least a fish face. This would have made it a bit more realistic.

ACTING: Most of the acting/accents was very sub par. Out of the entire ensemble cast I would only mention two who I thought to be good.

Grace Johnston is the one actor who made this movie watchable. She managed to bring whatever reality there was to this film. I've read the reviews and I think this point is unanimous. Not only is she hot but she can act. I look forward to seeing more from her as I am confident we will.

Someone else who hasn't been mentioned much in the reviews but I thought did a good job, Jason Padgette. He played Billy Bob. You couldn't help but kinda like this a$$hole.

I've read the trivia and perhaps all the chaos is what attributed to the poor casting. Jenny is smoking hot. She looks like she was taken right out of a fitness magazine. However her acting was not there. She kept making the same face over and over again! Her voice was also killing me (not in a good way). She appeared to be in her thirties and an overall annoyance. I was looking forward to her rape (which never happened) as well as her death (she was one of the survivors!).

Brody and Bear had no emotion, Shawna was over the top while Dawn and Candy were decent. The mutants just grunted through-out.

NUDITY: Not much. I cannot understand why this is considered a "sexy film". I have seen more nudity on prime time TV!.... slightly exaggerated. There are two sets of boobs and a bra and underwear scene. The lingerie scene was courtesy of Jenny. Though smoking hot she kinda took me out of the film. I mean she looks like she could kick EVERYONE'S a$$, including Amber. China (WWF) has nothing on Jenny! I kept waiting for Amber to get naked or at least down to her panties..... don't bother guys, this never happens. You'll have to be content with the mid-drift. During one fight scene her shirt slightly rides up and she kills another girl between her legs. For me that was the highlight of the film.

MAKE-UP: Way too done up. No matter what they've been through or how many people they fight, the hair and make-up stay intact. The inbreds make-up was also unbelievable. Were they wearing masks?! OVERALL: With all it's flaws this movie is watchable and entertaining. It isn't any worse or better than any other run-of-the-mill horror. I was surprised that this didn't go to theaters since I preferred it to Hills Have Eyes 2.
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Bill3579 May 2009
Why is it that ninety percent of the of the movies I've watched from THINKfilm have been so silly and so dumb? Pretty ironic, don't you THINK? Bloodlines is no exception.

First of all, it slanders southerners much like the recent Horrorfest III crap-fest, From Within. However unlike that bilge this is so un-serious that it only provides passing annoyance.

This was supposed to take place in Kentucky, so what was with the Confederate battle flags on the gas station wall and the dope with the rebel hat? Last time I checked, Kentucky wasn't part of the Confederacy. They were neutral in the war between the states like a bunch of Kentucky fried chickens!

Where did they dig up that woman in the skull shirt? She was off the charts obnoxious. Every time she opened her nasty mouth I got sick. It makes me wish the director could have arranged for Vince, the Sham-Wow guy to show up and slap her in the chops like he did that Miami prostitute. I would've immediately upgraded this to ten stars!

Finally, how unrealistic were the scenes of women being forced to fight to the death in that dirt patch? Didn't the filmmakers know that the proper way to force a lady to fight another lady to the death is to make them do it in their underwear on a well oiled tarp or in a kiddie pool. Doesn't everyone know that?

THINK next time, boys!
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Why oh why?
namco015 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Why do filmmakers still churn out straight to video garbage like this? This film has some of the worst dialogue I have ever heard. It had me cringing and squirming in my seat.

The film is about a bunch of inbred rednecks (although out of what seems to be about 50 only 2 of them are horribly disfigured) who live in a remote house in the woods. With the help of a local gas station owner they lure girls to the house to fight each other to the death, with the 'winner' going on to be raped by the chief inbred. Doesn't sound too bad a story. But the reality is there is no horror in this film. The fight sequences are very tame (too many broken necks and all too easily, probably to save on sfx budget), the rape scenes are non existent. There is one brief shot of nudity on a dead girl who is quickly covered up, so why one of the plot keywords on here is Female Nudity I can only think is up to the film makers to try and get people to watch this load of tripe!

One of the captured girls' boyfriend and brother (at least I think that's who they are, they insist on calling her 'baby girl' so they could have been her parents for all I know) realise she is missing and have a good idea where she is so they set off in search for her. They seem to have a 6th sense as they pack a load of hunting gear and even maintain that they're going hunting. She could have been in an accident for gods sake! Needless to say they're soon on the trail armed with bow and arrow and knives. They dispatch the inbreds with ease with, as I mentioned before, several broken necks, a couple of arrow injuries and some knife action. The surviving girls escape through a balsa wood door that somehow managed to keep them locked in a room for the first half of the film and meet up with their rescuers. I must mention here that the dialogue between the girl, her boyfriend and brother is awful. She calls one Teddybear all the time and they call her baby girl. Bleaagh! A chase ensues and we see both rescuers downed and 2 women survivors, all very predictable. Then after all the inbreds are dead the 2 rescuers are suddenly alive, amazing! And they all live happily ever after. Awful.

I was so glad when it ended. The only thing that could have possibly saved this load of rubbish was adding more nudity and turning into an exploitation flick complete with inbred rape scenes but the filmmakers didn't and it's dreadful.
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Not good.
ogdogg2 November 2008
This is, without a doubt, the worst movie I've ever seen. There is nothing good about it. I read the trivia for this movie about how it was funded by friends and family and..well..yes. Yes it was. It would be cute if it was only shown in the hometown where it was created, but passing it on to DVD? Not so much. It's worse than any "Made for TV" movie I've ever seen, thus, it should really have been a "Made for YouTube" movie. The movie is too long for so thin of a plot, the story isn't fully revealed so the viewer is left wondering why the whole thing happened in the first place, and the acting is atrocious. There is absolutely no character development throughout the majority of the movie until the last 15 minutes where all character development is thrown in. I say again, this is the worst movie I have ever seen. I agree with a previous comment - the only way this movie could have been better would be to have more nudity and to have turned it into a porno. And even then, it would still be awful. Don't waste time or money by watching this trash.
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is it a horror or an action flick?
trashgang23 November 2015
Didn't know what to expect I thought to give it a try. All I can say is that this isn't really a horror. It do has the elements like the retarded rednecks and of course the inbreed which gave the result in some deformed brothers, Wrong Turn (2003) anyone?, and to shock you will see a sex scene where at the end the guy tells to the one he just screwed that she's his sister. A normal thing for those rednecks.

The story itself is simple, some girls are abducted and being used as sex slaves or they have to fight to the death against another abducted girl. So in some parts this is more about the fighting. Help is on the way to save the girls which all ends in a blood bath.

In between you will have all the typical elements to make it a horror, the crazy man at the gas station, the bow and arrow killings, the deformed ones, the sex between brother and sister but somehow it doesn't work out that well. Not that it's all that bad but the flick doesn't know what it wants to be, a horror or an action flick.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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Wasted Potential
maxiam_us19 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
BLOODLINES is not the worst straight-to-DVD film I've seen. In some ways, it is pretty decent. However, I will have to say that the bad out weights the good in this case.

Essentially, the film is in the genre of the evil rednecks, y'know, films like WRONG TURN and HOUSE OF 1,000 CORPSES. It deals with a young woman who, while on a cross-country trip to college, is captured by a clan of rednecks. Later, she is submitted in a Mortal Kombat-style tournament(complete with the main bad guy sitting on a recliner Shao Khan-style) where she has to fight to survive, having to kill her opponent. If she wins...she becomes the next woman the bad guy will breed with.

Now you ask yourself...that sounds like just the perfect B-movie concept, right? To bad its muted. In fact, and this is basically more of a personal preference...the girls in the story were not dressed sexy in the least. Seriously, the sexiness of these ladies was not exploited; the main girl probably wore a halter top, but the rest of her was G.I. Joe, with unsexy pants and construction boots.

And the awesome tournament angle/breeding plot? More like an afterthought than something that could have been expanded on. We get more scenes of the main girl's adopted dad and brother fighting the rednecks then any awesome scenes that could have did justice to this movie.
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Despite Some Unoriginal Ideas, a Respectable Film
gavin694225 February 2009
What we have here is another story of redneck hillbillies who may also be cannibals (or at least necrophiliacs) who capture women, make them fight, and keep the winners for breeding. There's an old saying among hillbillies that if you can't keep it in the pants, you should keep it in the family: this film breaks both rules.

I think this is the film that has been on my desk the longest between arrival and my viewing. By the time you read this review, you'll probably not be able to track down a copy of the film. But what can I say? I just don't know why we need so many hillbilly movies, with cannibal themes, set in Kentucky or West Virginia or anywhere else in the hills. Although this one was better than some I've seen, maybe even better than Rob Schmidt's "Wrong Turn".

The score is good, with plenty of Jew harp (a far-too-underused instrument), and a strong resemblance to Charlie Clouser's work on "Saw", which is either good or a ripoff, I guess. There's also plenty of neck-snapping if you're into that method of murder, including some done by a mute brother, who is thrown in for good measure. Heck ,we even have two mutants who look like Garth Alger and the kid from Tobe Hooper's "The Funhouse"...

Complaints? I have a few. Despite plenty of rape scenes (not shown) and woman-on-woman fighting, there's a lack of nudity. Can two women really fight in the mud without a shirt coming off? I don't think so. And how do you keep the women from escaping their prison if you don't have them in chains or being watched half the time? That's just nonsense.

But seriously, this film is better than expected and if you can't get enough hillbilly action, check this one out... I've seen a whole lot worse, and so have you. Actually, for your sake, I hope you haven't... I'm still not over Paris Hilton's craptastic "Nine Lives"...
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Rednecks & Mutants
TheDraytonSawyer16 October 2007
Wow this was actually a pretty good movie. It's like Hills Have Eyes a little bit. It's got 2 mutants in it, one looks similar to Pluto. He's got a beard though and long gray hair. Lot's of good fight scenes, and crazy moments. It was fairly bloody too. The rednecks were hilarious too. I liked everything, except the ending, I thought that could have been a little bit better. Still though this is one of the better low budget movies I've seen this year. Defiantly check this out if you liked Hills Have Eyes remake. I also recommend Detour, Hillside Cannibals, and Wrong Turn 1-2. All of those are a lot of fun to watch too.

Bloodlines gets a bloody good 8.5/10
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