Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Video Game 2006) Poster

(2006 Video Game)

James Horan: Doctor Strange, Ultron, Byrrah


  • Fin Fang Foom : I know you, human! You are the wizard, Doctor Strange.

    Doctor Strange : And I know of you as well, Fin Fang Foom. Leave this place. I have no wish to destroy you. But make no sense, I will if you remain here.

    Fin Fang Foom : You overestimate your powers, sorcerer. I am far mightier than any creature you have ever faced before!

    Doctor Strange : But this battle is useless. The Masters of Evil have lost and you are all that remains of their forces.

    Fin Fang Foom : I will send this ship crashing to the Earth then all the world will see that the Masters of Evil are a force to be reckoned with.

    Doctor Strange : By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, I will not allow that.

    Fin Fang Foom : Call upon all of your mystic powers, wizard - but the might of Fin Fang Foom will prevail!

  • Ancient One : Is that you, my student?

    Doctor Strange : Yes, master. It is I, Doctor Strange.

    Ancient One : Why have you disturbed my meditation, young one?

    Doctor Strange : The world is in grave peril, master. Dr. Doom has formed a band of villains known as the Masters of Evil. I would ask that you watch over us, aid us in whatever way you can.

    Ancient One : Rest assured, my friend, that the eyes of the Ancient One will forever be on you and your team.

    Doctor Strange : Thank you, my master.

  • Mephisto : So you have finally arrived in my domain! Good. I have been waiting for you and your friends for quite some time, Thor.

    Thor : What do you mean you've been waiting for us? And why do you have Ghost Rider trapped here?

    Mephisto : Don't take that tone with me. You may be a god in Asgard, but in this realm I am the ultimate power. Still, your concerns for Ghost Rider are rather touching. But are you so concerned that you would trade places with him?

    Thor : How do we know that you will not ensnare us all, Mephisto? You are well known for not following your own bargains.

    Mephisto : I follow my bargains to the letter. I cannot help it if others misinterpret what was said.

    Thor : You and my brother Loki are very much alike. Deception is in your own blood.

    Doctor Strange : I would ask that you allow me to take Ghost Rider's place. For only I can endure this prison without damage.

    Doctor Strange : And rest assured, Ghost Rider will be most useful should you be forced to battle Mephisto.

  • Dr. Doom : The final phase of our plan is about to commence. The attack on the Omega Base, the kidnapping of the X-man, and our dealings with Mephisto have all led up to this moment. I would remind you that failure is not an option.

    Baron Mordo : You worry too much, my good Doctor. We are more than prepared to achieve our ultimate goal.

    Dr. Doom : And you worry too little. How often have we all had victory firmly in our grasp only to have it snatched away by the heroes?

    Loki : You do realize, Baron Mordo, that the price of failure will be the wrath of Odin. Are you prepared for that?

    Baron Mordo : No... no. I don't suppose I am.

    Enchantress : None of us are. It would be fate worse than death.

    Dr. Doom : And that is why we must be absolutely certain we are willing to do what must be done for success.

    Baron Mordo : Fear not, Dr. Doom. I am prepared for whatever challenges we meet.

    Ultron : As am I. Just knowing the rewards that await us makes it all worth while.

    Dr. Doom : Of that you have not fear, Ultron. Everyone will get what's coming to them.

  • Dr. Doom : Baron Mordo, I trust all is in order? Our guests will be arriving soon and I would hate to be ill prepared.

    Baron Mordo : You can rest assured: I have taken all the necessary steps.

    Loki : Ha! An infant could have cast better spells. The heroes have detected your magic and suspect something is afoot.

    Baron Mordo : They cannot possibly know the true meaning of the enchantments. I'd stake my life on it.

    Loki : Be careful what you wager.

    Enchantress : Loki, leave the good Baron alone. What does it matter if the heroes suspect? They will still be ensnared by the trap.

    Loki : For his sake they'd best be. I'm taking a grave risk being associated with The Masters of Evil.

    Dr. Doom : Make no mistake, my friend - we all stand to lose much if we fail. Which is why I'm certain Baron Mordo will achieve success. But I would warn you, Baron, my faith only goes so far. Failure will not be tolerated and the penalty will be most... unpleasant.

    Ultron : What of the mutant amplifier we stole from the Omega Base? Does it work?

    Dr. Doom : Yes, even better than I'd dare hope. But time is now a factor in our plans.

    Ultron : Why is that?

    Dr. Doom : The mutant amplifier is quite destructive; if we do not move swiftly, the X-man we kidnapped will die.

    Enchantress : Oooh. You surprise me, Dr. Doom. Why do you care for the health of the mutant?

    Dr. Doom : I don't; an early death would hinder our plans. But make no mistake, death for the X-Man is inevitable.

  • Doctor Strange : [after defeating an enemy]  The battle is mine!

  • Doctor Strange : [leveling up]  Ah, yes!

  • Doctor Strange : [leveling up]  Incredible!

  • [During the Mephisto's Realm mission, if the player's team includes Black Panther] 

    Ghost Rider : I'm trapped in Mephisto's Realm? This can't be good.

    Black Panther : It isn't. To free you, we had to exchange one of our own teammates.

    Ghost Rider : So now we have to fight Mephisto to free the person who swapped places with me?

    Black Panther : Correct, but that is not all. We also seek to free two of the X-Men that Blackheart is holding prisoner.

    Ghost Rider : Beautiful. This day just keeps getting better and better.

    Black Panther : Do not be so disheartened, Ghost Rider. With you on the team, we now stand a high chance of surviving. A slim one, but a chance none the less.

    Ghost Rider : If you're trying to cheer me up, you're not succeeding.

    Black Panther : Very well then. Let us be off. We have lives to save and enemies to defeat.

    Doctor Strange : Ghost Rider speaks the truth. Hurry and defeat Mephisto. Then I will be able to break free from this prison and rejoin you.

  • Nick Fury : Hello, Dr. Strange, Welcome to Valhalla.

    Doctor Strange : Truly an intriguing place, isn't it, Colonel?

  • Vision : Greetings, Dr. Strange. How are you?

    Doctor Strange : I'm quite well, Vision. Thank you.

  • Baron Mordo : This is an outrage! How dare Loki and Doom leave us behind! I'll not stand for it!

    Ultron : This is not an unforeseen outcome. They now each get what they desire without having to share the spoils with us.

    Baron Mordo : We'll just see about that. All we have to do is guess which spear is truly Odin's. That will open the barrier.

    Ultron : Can you use your power of mind control to get the Elf to choose for us?

    Baron Mordo : It is all too simple for the Master of Magic. Go, Elf. Choose a spear for your master Baron Mordo.

    [the elf chooses the wrong spear, and gets disintegrated by the barrier] 

    Ultron : An unfortunate outcome.

    Active Hero : What's wrong? Outlived your usefulness to Loki and Doom?

    Baron Mordo : How did you get here? You shouldn't have been able to cross the bridge!

    Ultron : Evidence suggests differently. Let us battle them!

  • Doctor Strange : Greetings, my friends, and welcome to my home, the Sanctum Sanctorum. I realize an aging townhouse in Greenwich Village doesn't quite match the opulence of Stark Tower, but I think you'll find it comfortable. The rest of our team has already moved in. I would suggest you talk to Colonel Fury first - he has information concerning our next mission.

  • Doctor Strange : [Low on health]  I required health, immediately?

  • Doctor Strange : With Mordo dispatched, Clea and I were able to return to our own dimension., But I doubt Mephisto has forgotten this episode. No doubt he is plotting his revenge even now...

  • Doctor Strange : For the majority of my life I was simply Dr. Stephen Strange - a gifted neurosurgeon with a taste for the finer things in life. That was until the fateful car crash, which injured my hands.

    Doctor Strange : Unable to work, I spent my fortune on any procedure I could find to repair the damage. But none worked and I wound up destitute.

    Doctor Strange : In a last desperate hope for a cure, I traveled to the Himalayas in search for a man named the Ancient One. I found him and in me he saw a great goodness. He convinced me to become his apprentice and eventually I succeeded him as The Sorcerer Supreme. Now I protect the world from dark entities of the night.

    Doctor Strange : Take for instance the time Mephisto kidnapped Clea and spirited her off to his dimension...

  • Mephisto : Greetings, Dr. Strange. Somehow I knew you would be here, hoping to save your beloved Clea.

    Doctor Strange : Show yourself Mephisto. Or are you still smarting from our last encounter?

    Mephisto : Very perceptive of you, Dr. Strange. I may be weak at the moment, but I have associates who are strong - Like Baron Mordo.

    Doctor Strange : Mephisto, you scoundrel, hand over Clea immediately or you'll suffer the consequences.

    Mephisto : No, Dr. Strange. It is you who will suffer the consequences for hurting me. Attack him, Baron Mordo!

See also

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