Man of Steel (2013) Poster


Amy Adams: Lois Lane



  • [last lines] 

    Lois Lane : Hi, Lois Lane. Welcome to The Planet.

    Clark Kent : Glad to be here Lois.

  • Colonel Nathan Hardy : Miss Lane. I'm Colonel Hardy, U.S. Northcom. Dr. Emil Hamilton from DARPA. You're early.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Hi.

    Colonel Nathan Hardy : We were expecting you tomorrow.

    Lois Lane : Which is why I showed up today. Look, let's get one thing straight, guys, okay? The only reason I'm here is because we're on Canadian soil and the appellate court overruled your injunction to keep me away. So, if we're done measuring dicks, can you have your people show me what you found?

  • Lois Lane : Why are you surrendering to Zod?

    Superman : I'm surrendering to mankind. There's a difference.

    Lois Lane : You let them handcuff you?

    Superman : Wouldn't be much of a surrender if I resisted. And if it makes them feel more secure, then... then all the better for it.

    Lois Lane : What's the 'S' stand for?

    Superman : It's not an 'S.' On my world it means 'hope.'

    Lois Lane : [smiles]  Well, here it's an 'S.' How about... Super-

    [interrupted by Dr. Hamilton] 

  • Perry White : Two weeks leave, no pay, that's your penance. You try something like this again, you're done here.

    Lois Lane : [turning to leave]  Fine.

    Perry White : So let's make it three weeks, since you're so willing to agree with me.

    Lois Lane : Perry...

    Perry White : No, no. Don't. Don't. I believe you saw something, Lois. But not for a moment do I believe that your leads just went cold. So whatever your reasons are for dropping it, I think you're doing the right thing.

    Lois Lane : Why?

    Perry White : Can you imagine how people on this planet would react if they knew there was someone like this out there?

  • Lois Lane : I figured if I turned over enough stones you'd eventually find me. Where are you from? What are you doing here? Let me tell your story.

    Clark Kent : What if I don't want my story told?

    Lois Lane : It's going to come out eventually. Somebody's going to get a photograph or figure out where you live.

    Clark Kent : Well, then I'll just disappear again.

    Lois Lane : The only way you could disappear for good is to stop helping people altogether, and I sense that's not an option for you.

  • Lois Lane : [Voiceover during montage of her searching for Clark]  How do you find someone who has spent a lifetime covering his tracks? You start with the urban legends that have sprung up in his wake. All of the friends of a friend who claimed to have seen him. For some, he was a guardian angel. For others, a cipher; a ghost who never quite fit in. As you work your way back in time, the stories begin to form a pattern.

  • Lois Lane : [Jor-El's image appears behind Lois]  Where did you come from?

    Jor-El : The command key Miss Lane; thanks to you, I'm uploading into the ship's mainframe.

    Lois Lane : Who are you?

    Jor-El : I am Kal's father.

    Lois Lane : Can you help us?

    Lois Lane : I designed this ship, I can modify its atmospheric composition to human compatibility. We can stop them, we can send them back to the phantom zone.

    Lois Lane : How?

    Jor-El : I can teach you; and in turn you can teach Kal. Will you help me?

    [Scene cuts to ships flying through clouds, and then approaching Earth's surface] 

    Jor-El : The Ship's crew are alerted. We need to move quickly. Retrieve the command key.

    [Lois retrieves the key, and Jor uses power to open door, they are ambushed a moment later by a female guard, Jor uses power to slam the door on her arm] 

    Lois Lane : Did you do that?

    Jor-El : Yes, pick up her sidearm.

    Jor-El : [Lois retrieves the weapon then begins to follow Jor down the corridor, scene cuts to Kal escaping from Zod's chambers, then to Earth where spaceships can be seen flying overhead, then returns to the corridors aboard the command ship]  To your right, fire. Behind you.

    [uses power to slam door. Then guides Lois to escape pod chamber, using power to open the door] 

    Jor-El : Secure yourself inside the open pod. Safe travels Miss Lane, it's highly unlikely we'll be seeing each other again. Remember, the phantom drives are essential in stopping them... Move your head to the left.

  • Lois Lane : You know, they say it's downhill after the first kiss.

    Superman : I'm pretty sure that only counts when you're kissing a human.

  • Faora : Are you the ranking officer here?

    General Swanwick : I am.

    Faora : [pointing at Lois]  General Zod would like this woman to accompany me.

    Colonel Nathan Hardy : You asked for the alien. You didn't say anything about one of our own.

    Faora : Shall I tell the general you're unwilling to comply?

    Colonel Nathan Hardy : I don't care what you tell him.

    Lois Lane : It's all right. I'll go.

  • Clark Kent : You're hemorrhaging internally, and if I don't cauterize this bleed...

    Lois Lane : How can...

    Clark Kent : I can do things that other people can't. Now, hold my hand. This is gonna hurt.

  • Lois Lane : What if I need to tinkle?

    Colonel Nathan Hardy : There's a bucket in the corner.

  • Jed Eubanks : I gotta confess, Ms. Lane... I'm not a fan of the Daily Planet. But those pieces you wrote when you were embedded with the 1st Division were... well, they were pretty impressive.

    Lois Lane : Well, what can I say? I get writer's block if I'm not wearing a flak jacket.

  • Lois Lane : I'm sending you the original article. My editor won't print it, but if it happened to leak online...

    Glen Woodburn : Got it. But didn't you once describe my site as a creeping cancer of falsehoods?

    Lois Lane : I stand by my words, Woodburn, but I want this story out there.

    Glen Woodburn : Why?

    Lois Lane : Because I want my mystery man to know I know the truth.

  • Lois Lane : What Colonel Hardy and his team surmised was a Soviet-era submarine was actually something much more exotic. An isotope analysis of the surrounding ice bores suggests that an object had been trapped in the glacier for over 18,000 years. As for my rescuer? He disappeared during the object's departure. A background check revealed that his work history and identity had been falsified. The questions raised by my rescuer's existence are frightening to contemplate, but I also know what I saw. And I have arrived at the inescapable conclusion that the object and its occupant did not originate on Earth.

    Perry White : I can't print this, Lois. You might have hallucinated half of it.

    Lois Lane : What about the civilian contractors who corroborated my story?

    Perry White : The Pentagon is denying that there was a ship.

    Lois Lane : Of course they are. That's what they're supposed to do. It's the Pentagon. Perry, come on, it's me we're talking about. I'm a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter.

    Perry White : Then act like it.

    Lois Lane : Print it or I walk.

    Perry White : You can't. You're under contract. I'm not running a story about aliens walking among us. Never gonna happen.

  • Officer Sekowsky : NASA's EOS satellites pinged the anomaly first. The ice shelf plays hell on the echo soundings. But there's definitely something down there.

    Lois Lane : A submarine, maybe? Soviet-era?

    Colonel Nathan Hardy : Hmm, doubtful. That's 300 meters. Considerably larger than anything we know they built back then.

    Officer Sekowsky : But here's the spooky part. The ice surrounding the object... it's nearly 20,000 years old.

  • Steve Lombard : Come on, Lois. When are you gonna throw me a bone? Court-side seats to the game tonight. What do you say?

    Lois Lane : I say you should go back to trolling the intern pool. You'll probably have more luck. Sorry.

See also

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