Solstice (2008) Poster

(II) (2008)

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Good mystery, not a good horror film.
kevin_crighton18 August 2010
After the death of her twin sister Sophie, Megan heads of for a few days with her friends. However, on arrival at the family cottage, Megan begins to experience visions and dreams. Is her sister trying to reach out to her from the dead, or is it something else....?

Directed by Daniel Myrick, who co-directed The Blair Witch Project, Solstice has many things going for it. The cast are pretty good, with special mention to Elisabeth Harnois, as Sophie/Megan. On screen pretty much the whole film, meaning the film stands or falls on her being convincing, and she is very good indeed.

The setting does give the film a nice atmosphere, and the story has enough of a mystery about it to keep you interested until the end.

But as a film that is supposed to be a horror film, Solstice fails. Yes the setting is atmospheric, but none of the so-called scare scenes work at all. Myrick, who has made scarier films, doesn't pull of the scares here at all. In fact, I think the film would have been better as a mystery-type film, dropping the horror elements completely.

Despite this though, I did enjoy it, and while it will never be remembered as a classic or highly regarded, I was never bored at any point and found it to be an enjoyable film.
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Enough with PG-13 horror movies!
MBunge14 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is what you get when you try to stretch a paragraphs' worth of plot and about two sentences' worth of characterization into a hour-and-a-half story. This ghostly tale is equal parts dumb and boring and the few cheap scares it musters up can't compete with a plethora of astoundingly contrived scenes and a near total lack of recognizable human behavior.

6 months after her twin sister committed suicide, Megan (Elisabeth Harnois) and her 4 friends head out to a big house in the Louisiana swamps to celebrate the Summer Solstice before heading off to college in the fall. While she's there, Megan is tormented by frightening visions that revolve around a teddy bear key chain her sister always carried around. What looks like the girl from the well in The Ring movies also shows up a couple of times. After boinking her dead sister's ex-boyfriend and making goo goo eyes at a handsome local who knows a little cajun voodoo, Megan finally discovers the reason she's being haunted and how it's connected to a creepy redneck who lives across the lake.

From teenagers putting on suits and ties to hold a dinner party to a huge house in the swamp that's perfectly maintained without a caretaker, from a plot twist that makes you want to throw something at the screen to one of Megan's friends looking like a preppie who escaped from a 1980s sex comedy (including wearing a polo shirt with an upturned collar), there's nothing about this film that makes sense or resembles anything like reality. These filmmakers took a very old and very clichéd ghost story that everyone's heard before and just started stapling stupid stuff onto it.

There are 7 characters in the story, yet they don't even have one personality among them. The film throws a few dream sequences at the audience but never defines exactly when they begin. So when the dream sequences end, you're not sure what actually happened and what was the dream. There's a series of flashbacks to the night Megan's sister killed herself, but there's no connection between what's going on in the story and when we see the flashbacks. It's not like something happens that makes Megan or someone else remember that night. The flashbacks are just inserted into the film, like little bathroom breaks for the viewer. You certainly can take a whiz anytime a flashback happens, because none of them contribute anything to the story.

If its cast of attractive young people had at least gotten naked a few times, Solstice might have been almost tolerable. If R. Lee Ermey had gone the full monty, it might have become horrifically irresistible. As it is, Solstice is just another PG-13 horror flick where the only horrifying thing about it is that I paid money to watch this piece of crap.
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Creepy in places but nothing new
fire-lizard5 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK this is no classic but it's not suppose to be one. The storyline is a group of kids go to a cabin after one of the kid's twin sister commits suicide under mysterious circumstances. As soon as they arrive, they get haunted by a creepy ghost. It is also a remake but I haven't seen the original so I cannot compare this film to it.

I think all the actors do a decent job though R. Lee Ermey definitely steals the show as a creepy resident in the woods. I think what I like about his character is the mystery that he carries with him which is what keeps me interested in finding out what his deal is. With the exception of his character, everyone else seems rather dull mostly because they have been done before with many other horror movies. You have the good girl who is the main character, the love interest who maybe holding a deadly secret and there is the joker who is a bit of a jerk. It's all too traditional to be but the performances of all the actors does make them very believable that you can see past those traditional clichés of the characters.

The film doesn't deliver a great deal of scares but when it does, they really work and that is best thing about this film. The ghost is very creepy looking and the story does keep you hooked as the characters try to find out the mystery of what it is that is haunting them and why the ghost is doing it. As in most nowadays ghosts films, it is all about what has happened to them that has caused them to be dead which I have no problem with just so long as the twist is something new which I found the revelation of the main villain who caused the ghost's death to be rather obvious but the identity of the ghost was a surprise. This was because the film would tease you to believe that the ghost was the main character's twin sister but it turns out to be someone different.

Overall, the film isn't very original but it does have some qualities such as believable performances, a surprising twist and some eerie scenes that should keep most ghost story fans hooked but don't expect anything new.
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Solstice (2008) has that professional quality in a mid range budget movie. But, its rated PG.
fogfrogblog18 December 2007
The plot is almost like that of What Lies Beneath, but played amongst teenagers. Very well made, the acting is authentic, characters are diverse and the plot doesn't give in till the end. The camera work and editing is very smooth, and not overdone, the sound effects as well. All in all you would enjoy this movie and worth your money.

The down side for those thrill seekers and horror fans, is there is zero suspense, and no jolts, not even with the sound effects. It's more on the drama side. The Sixth Sense is far more scarier than this.

And for those who likes skins, well, although all of the actors and actress are very good looking there is no part in the movie that could turn you on, RATED PG!
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Insipid, tepid and anemic
trans_mauro1 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well, those are the words that come to my mind when I think of Solstice.

How many times before a story following that same sort of plot has been told ? Zillions! Why ghost stories only know how to tell one type of story: Mysterious things happen. A particular person start to see and feel odd things. Is it a message from the "other side"? Nobody believes anything this particular person says. Then in the end of the movie the whole thing becomes clear after one or two plot twists. The body of the wandering ghost is found and then she/he can rest in peace, and justice is made finally.

Solstice has a nice production, but that is it. The story sucks. It is weak, deja-vu all over again.
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Surprisingly Good
claudio_carvalho30 September 2008
Six months after the suicide of her twin sister Sofie (Elisabeth Harnois), Megan (Elisabeth Harnois) still grieves her death and misses her beloved sister. In the Saint John's Eve, Megan travels with her friends Christian (Shawn Ashmore), Zoe (Amanda Seyfried), Mark (Matt O'Leary) and Alicia (Hilarie Burton) to her family's house in Nowell Lake, Louisiana, to celebrate the summer solstice. While shopping supplies in a local store, Megan befriends the seller Nick (Tyler Hoechlin) and buys a magazine with an article about communication with the dead in the summer solstice, the time of year when there is the greatest length of daylight. While in her house, Megan is haunted by a spirit that she believes is Sofie trying to communicate with her. In her investigation, she suspects of the weird hick Leonard (R. Lee Ermey) and while snooping in his house, she finds the picture of the missing girl Malin (Jenna Hildebrand) and unravels a dark secret about the suicide of her sister.

The low-budget "Solstice" was a great surprise with a consistent story, solid screenplay and good acting. The original story startles in many moments without gore, and the young team of gorgeous actresses and handsome actors has great performances. I was expecting to see another slasher teen horror movie and found a pleasant surprise. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Believe me, don't waste your time
andrea-agosti22 October 2013
I generally give a go to horror movies which scores 5 or higher on IMDb and this was one of those movies. However I am very much disappointed and surprised of the high rating.

I will keep it short, since there is very little to tell. This is not an horror movie, it is a mystery talking about a group of teenagers spending a few days in a house in the wood.

There is really nothing impressive, storyline is boring and predictable, there is no gore or scaring scenes, just the acting is pretty decent.

Believe me, do not waste your time, you are about to watch another boring and predictable mystery movies with a very poor and predictable story.

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Out in the marshlands, where the ghosts are restless
Vomitron_G9 June 2009
In these recent years we've seen so many horror films with one crazy plot twist after another and presenting us convoluted story lines and deranged denouements. So how surprised I was to discover that SOLSTICE manages to tell a ghostly mystery plot that is so basic and simple, it actually turned into a solid and engaging film. The mystery develops slow but steady. There's practically no shocks or gore, but the film didn't need all that. And there's only one twist featured within the film, but it's a good one. The mood and atmosphere are tense. The cinematography looks great. The swamp and woods settings are wonderful and creepy at the same time.

Veteran actor R. Lee Ermey has a small role, but his character actually has weight. Young actress Elisabeth Harnois plays a double role (Megan has a twin sister Sophie who's suicide becomes the core of the mystery) and I'd really love to see more of her. Aside from being beautiful, she's also perfectly capable of carrying this film with her lead performance.

I thoroughly enjoyed SOLSTICE because it's very effective without over-doing things. I even liked the ending, which for once does not include the whole cast being slaughtered at the end of the film or a crazy twist still killing off the protagonist unexpectedly. That would have been too easy and predictable. The way things come to a conclusion now, makes it a better film, separating itself from the obvious ones. To give you an idea, I thought SOLSTICE was better than recent films like THE MARSH (2006) and BENEATH (2007).
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Solstice original or just another remake?
mias_post-124 July 2008
I'm very surprised that it's NOT mentioned that Solstice is a remake of "Midsommer"(a Norwegian/Swedish, horror/drama/thriller, from 2003) I've seen both movies and the plot is almost identical. Of course the details is somewhat different, but overall, it is most definitely the same story. The Norwegian/Swedish story (being the original), IS better (also it made the theaters). Solstice offered no surprises and parts of the story was really to convenient (thinking specially of one of the characters, if you see the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about). If you haven't seen "Midsommer", then I recommend you to see it first (if you can) before "Solstice".
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Blair witch goes more traditional
SnoopyStyle8 August 2013
Megan (Elisabeth Harnois) is still grieving her twin sister Sofie's suicide. She goes to her family's Louisiana house with friends Christian (Shawn Ashmore), Zoe (Amanda Seyfried), Mark (Matt O'Leary) and Alicia (Hilarie Burton). She befriends local Nick. She feels a presence imagining it to be Sofie. With the Solstice coming, she hopes to reconnect with her but finds a darker secret.

Daniel Myrick who brought the world The Blair Witch Project is going with a more traditional horror movie. Without a gimmick, he gives few scares and little suspense. This one stars some pretty good actors. Although I like all the actors, the characters have little chemistry. This is more due to a very bland script. The ghost story has very few scary moments. The reveal lacks any tension or satisfaction. If not for the likable actors, I wouldn't care about anything in this movie. It is simply forgettable. Nothing annoying or offensive. Just bland.
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Double trouble on the bayou.
michaelRokeefe19 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
From the writer/director of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT Daniel Myrick, who spins a tale influenced by a Scandinavian thriller MIDSUMMER. SOLSTICE is a haunting yarn about a group of high school friends getting together for one last blow out before heading to college. Less than a year after losing her twin sister to suicide, Megan(Elisabeth Harnois)joins her friends on a trip to the family summer home on the Louisiana bayou. Things get real bizarre when Megan thinks she is being contacted by her sister from beyond the grave. A local hunk(Tyler Hoechlin)comes to dinner and teaches the group a Creole spell of the summer solstice. They actually try and raise Megan's sister from the dead...not without casualties. Flashbacks tend to disjoint the whole story and gets tiresome quickly. Also in the cast: Shawn Ashmore, Hilarie Burton, R. Lee Ermey and Matt O'Leary.
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Good, but Not Perfect
rd_pires4 January 2008
Okay, so this movie went straight to DVD, which would have many people assuming that it can't be all that great, and while it wasn't the best horror movie I've ever seen it wasn't bad at all. Despite what I've read, it had really good pacing with a number of creepy scenes spread out in the movie enough to keep one interested and slightly creeped out. The acting really helps too and you can see all the inner conflicts of the two main characters as they struggle to come to terms with what they're dealing with. The only thing I didn't like was the way the climax of the movie ended. The rest of the climax is great, but the resolution...not what I would have done. All in all, this movie was worth watching and I'm glad I saw it.
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2nd movie wit 5.3 rating on here!
UniqueParticle12 May 2024
I decided to watch cause Shawn Ashmore mentioned in the commentary for Mother's Day 2010 which is a much better film but Solstice is solid for young demographic and easy scares or the attempt of them. It's a sweet one nice for the young cast I love Amanda she blossomed quite a lot years after this. I really wish I could get Tubi not have ads but whatever for a service that has not common ones it's a decent service. Not much to this film I understand the low ratings from anyone. The main actress is lovely don't think I've seen her in anything before this; nice amount of terror mashed in and weird vibes cherry on top of everything R. Lee Emery he was a legend!
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Just another boring ghost movie
pmdawn28 August 2008
Well, Solstice gets a high-five for good casting, visuals, sound and overall atmosphere.

Only problem is the story. It's the same type of ghost story a proper horror fan has seen a gazillion times. And it's a remake! Why? Also, at 87 minutes, this felt like hours. Bo-ring. There are red herrings, scary shadows, MTV-style flashbacks from the dead, and while it's all well done, it's all been done before. Thank you, but no.

Myrick had a mediocre movie (Believers, also (V)) and a good one ruined by a terribly miscast main actor and a "gotcha-sucker!" ending (The Objective). At least here, justice was served and this went straight to DVD where it belongs.

Eduardo Sanchez' "Altered", although more of a sci-fi horror hybrid on a low budget, is superior to all of the above mentioned films in my opinion. Here's hoping that Myrick (who has loads of talent) will make a proper great movie in the future.

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Not a bad teen chiller
onosideboard29 December 2007
I don't really understand why this is a direct-to-video flick, as it had high production quality, familiar faces from TV, and a plot straight out of a Christopher Pike or R.L. Stein book. (Do those guys still put out books? I'm dating myself, but I used to read that junk 15 years ago.) Anyway, it was fairly predictable and certainly not very scary, but benefited from the always-fantastic atmosphere of back-woods Louisiana. Seriously, I think all horror movies should be set in the swamps of Louisiana. Much like Skeleton Key and Venom, Solstice probably gets a whole extra star for location alone.

The "teens" were all easy on the eyes (most of the actors are in their late twenties, but whatever) and performances were adequate at worst.

I'd give Solstice a 6 out of 10, considering it a teen chiller as opposed to a real horror movie.
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I agree with the majority.
andy-19786 April 2009
Watching Solstice is a bit like platting fog ! yes there is a storyline and maybe the writers are aiming at a student/ teen cult market, but I don't think this film quite hits it. It is like an old 70's / 80's movie. I don't think solstice will be cult or stand the test of time. I was not a big fan of Blair Witch but I could see the appeal and would give that a good rating. If they thought they would capture the same audience they may. Only once I think. Not being the first to slate this movie I feel confident that my opinion is valid. Solstice is weak. You really have to draw your imagination into wanting to be on the edge of your seat with this one. The actors are all good its just the poor movie.
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Decent but flawed supernatural effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder17 April 2015
Hoping to overcome her twins' death, a woman joining her friends on a weekend camping trip starts to believe her ghost is haunting her and her friends to unravel the mysterious events surrounding her death.

This is a decent and enjoyable supernatural effort. One of the better parts to this is the set-up here for the ghostly connection, which manages to make it believable that these experiences are happening for once. Rather than simply rely on the traditional manner of loud shock- jumps or boo-scares to sell the point to her, instead here relying more on intuition generated from creepy encounters that build to a fine whole with the two encounters shown here in the scene with her alone in the house or going into the bathroom with the sludge from the faucets and the distractions coming from outside as well as the different encounters shown with her continually-shifting bloody finger-tips which makes for an unnerving tactic by making it pop up from pretty mysterious origins when it's least expected. That is based alongside the running storyline of the reappearing charm as well as incidental scenes with the clogged bathtub or the car's headlights going off-and-on for additional creepy moments that all build the ghostly presence quite well. From there, the final half to this is where all these pay-off nicely as the series of chases through the marsh, the digging in the torrential rainfall and the full revelation of the mystery surrounding it are all brought into clear play which makes for a few chilling moments and some rather enjoyable moments that come into play here. These are enough to help this one overcome the few flaws here, mostly the fact that this one keeps all these ghost encounters to such brief moments which leave this feeling more like a supernatural-themed drama of her pouting about the loss. There's never a sense of really exploiting the ghostly visions since there's so few chances to do this with them bring so brief against the drawn-out drama scenes that it really tends to crawl along quite lethargically for the most part until the finale so these scenes are disrupting that kind of pace for the most part. The other factor with this one that really sticks out here is the rather bland manner as not only is this once against the clichéd notion of being broken up to hide the storyline twist since the mystery of the ghost activities are the central point here but also that there's never a really interest way to get this one sorted out to become all the more watchable. These here hold this one down somewhat.

Rated PG-13: Violence, Language and teenage drinking.
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Slick Teen Horror
jfgibson7311 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the budget was for Solstice, but no one is complaining about it's technical merits. It looks and sounds as shiny as an MTV video of the year. The cast is young and attractive--I would say they looked like they were straight out of a Noxema commercial, but I don't think those are around anymore. The plot contains a secret at the end and not much leading up to it, but that won't bother the target audience. If only there was a memorable villain, like Chucky or Jason, so that the kindergärtners whose parents allow them to watch anything and everything, could remember something to talk about with their friends. At least Jeepers Creepers had that flying scarecrow.

The kid who played Iceman in "X-men" and the dumb girl from "Mean Girls" take a vacation to the middle of nowhere with a group of friends. Central to this story is Megan, who needs some time away to deal with the recent death of her twin sister. Except that she is having visions and experiencing unexplained occurrences that seem to be some sort of communication from the undead. Is it her sister trying to tell her something? Or are the messages coming from the innocent girl that Iceman killed last summer and then buried without telling anyone?

You will only think this movie is original, well-written, or well-acted if you haven't watched very many movies. In which case, you won't care--you and your friends will be more geeked about having scored that six-pack earlier in the evening than anything that happens in any video you might be renting tonight.
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Nice "Ghost Story"/"Teen Slasher" sun-genre combo!
nitzanhavoc26 March 2013
To me, Solstice has been a rather positive surprise. As a devout fan of the Horror genre and almost all its sub-genres, I watch many Horror films, sometimes a few in one week, and with the genre being as "Hollywoodly" neglected as it is (at least quality-wise) I come across many mediocre films, or worse. Lowered expectations have become the finest tool for us horror fans. Unfortunate, but true. Having said that - being a Horror fan does have it's rare special moments and perks, and Solstice has been just one these.

Solstice's true innovative and original genius is, in my opinion, its combining of two sub-genres: Ghost Stories and Teen Slashers. While the Ghost Story part is pretty straight forward, the Teen Slasher bit has some pretty nice features that differentiate it. For instance with no spoilers - the guy in the gas station isn't an old redneck, and the usual roles of the characters (jerk, hottie, good guy and such) get rather scrambled at some point.

The story and build-up are good enough, creating interest and sympathy, and the acting is also pretty decent by all the cast. Always nice seeing Ice Man Shawn Ashmore in other roles. The plot is well thought of, and the twist has really taken me by surprise!

While I can't point my finger to anything specifically wrong, I can say that while Solstice is good, it isn't great and could have been better (but how many films can you name that couldn't have?). Devout fans of the genre would really enjoy the cross-genre, and all in all the film itself has been fun to watch. Recommended!
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Solstice is Boring
geminate71 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An adult would find this extremely boring, predictable and immature.

If you are 15-17, you would probably enjoy this movie.

I would not let anyone under 14 see this movie, because of sexual themes and some shock-value spooks. There is basically no gore, just a bleeding finger.

Revenge from the grave is trite and unrealistic and it was done very poorly in this movie. The shove-it-all-down-your-throat ending was expected and not appreciated.

I can't say I cared if any of the characters lived or died, they were all irritating and unintelligent.

A generous 4 stars is all I can muster.
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Nothing new but not horrible to watch.
jmbovan-47-16017331 May 2020
Decent production values, but a so so presentation and emoting acting somewhat undo an okay if standard story. Much trope laden movie that isn't without effort, largely from the main actress. But this does give off cable movie version of a theatrical release. Nothing new but not horrible to watch.
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Another boring, predictable teenage ghost story.
krachtm30 June 2011
When I watched this movie, I was struck by how bland, boring, and predictable it was. It was never actually bad or anything, but it was arguably memorable for being so forgettable. It was only after I came to the IMDb that I discovered it was directed by one of the guys responsible for that utter borefest, The Blair Witch Project. At that moment, everything made sense to me, and I felt totally vindicated in my intense dislike for TBWP (which all my friends, at the time, seemed to think was pure genius). I also realized that this director had done The Believers, which was, unsurprisingly, a bit of a borefest, though the ending was kind of cool (even though it was stolen from a Arthur C. Clarke story). Unfortunately, this movie doesn't really have an interesting twist to save it, unless you're really, really unfamiliar with the last 50 years worth of ghost stories coming out of Hollywood.

Eduardo Sanchez, the co-director of TBWP, made a pretty good movie a few years ago, called Altered, about a group of friends who have a really nasty series of run-ins with malevolent aliens. Unlike this one, I walked in to that movie thinking it was going to be crap, but I was quite surprised at how much I liked it. It was suspenseful, gory, and, while it wasn't really original, it still managed to put its own spin on a common theme (alien abduction). Really, it was more a movie about rape than anything else, couched in science fiction/horror elements. This movie? It's exactly what it looks like -- a group of stupid teenagers (played by 30 year old actors, of course), including a depressed girl, the depressed girl's best friend, an insensitive jerk, the insensitive jerk's long-suffering girlfriend, and the depressed girl's love interest (who also happens to be her dead twin sister's ex-boyfriend), spend about 70 minutes getting drunk, followed by about 15-20 minutes of plot, wherein they follow the psychic intuitions of the depressed girl, only to solve a Scooby Doo mystery. Unfortunately, this movie has all the thrills, mystery, and suspense of your average Scooby Doo episode, perhaps due to the PG rating. Amusingly, the ghosts ended up just standing around, in the background, looking as bored as I felt, while I was watching this movie.

Prepare to be bored to death, rather than scared to death.
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One of the best B - movies I've ever seen!
Miamoa21 December 2007
I must say I really enjoyed this movie,I thought the acting was really good and the story was good. But I wouldn't say that its a Horror movie you may jump a couple of times because you weren't ready for something to happen but its nothing "scary" in the sense that its a lot of gore or things that are often in horror movies I'd say its the music and the sound affects that does most of the so called "scare" but I would say its a really good thriller! I also like it because the movie didn't die of in part of the movie like it does in many movies. its really consistent all through the movie, witch is important so you don't get bored or sit and wait for something to happen. An overall good thriller well worth watching! Its a 7/10 for me.
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Not a really bad movie
funnycommentor21 February 2023
The plot of the movie was kinda interesting and I decided to watch that movie, because I was bored and I didn't know what to do. The storyline was kinda well-written, even though there were some minor plot holes. The characters were kinda interesting (actually, only the twin sisters), well-developed and some of them were really likeable. The filming location of the movie was basic, just a big lake house in the middle of nowhere. The casting was just nice and their acting was average. In my opinion, it wasn't a horror movie because it wasn't scary and there weren't any jumpscares. Actually, it was more of a psychological thriller, rather than a horror movie. I have to admit, the ending scene was definitely unexpected and the plot twist was kinda shocking. Overall, it was an average thriller movie, that I don't think I would recommend to anyone because nothing wow was shown, even though I kinda enjoyed the movie.
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Another straight to DVD CGI ghost film
Leofwine_draca23 June 2015
SOLSTICE couldn't get anymore ordinary if it tried. It's a tale which sees a group of twentysomething friends traveling into the sticks to celebrate the summer solstice. One of the group is tormented by her sister's suicide from years before, so when she begins to experience strange supernatural events at the house they're staying at, she thinks her sister's ghost is trying to communicate.

Of course, it's not her sister's ghost at all, but something far more sinister as a back story is gradually revealed to viewers. Unfortunately SOLSTICE for the most part is uninteresting, because the events that play out are so darned familiar. There are taps that run mud and CGI ghosts hanging about behind people, and it's all well telegraphed so that there's nary a surprising moment. The genre is still stuck with old AMITYVILLE HORROR-type tropes even in this day and age. Even the incessant long-haired ghosts of the J-horror genre are scarier than this.

The real surprise is that BLAIR WITCH director Daniel Myrick would make such an ordinary and forgettable film. There are a few familiar faces here - genre regular Shawn Ashmore (FROZEN), who's always a pleasure; the great R. Lee Ermey in a minor "hillbilly" role; a pre-stardom Amanda Seyfried - but the lamentable scare scenes and the oddly uninvolving denouement combine to make this a bore.
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