Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (2006) Poster

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You'll laugh, you'll scream, you'll wish you hadn't eaten
CarolynneD24 August 2007
By offending absolutely everyone, POULTRYGEIST can offend no one ... and even if it did, they would be laughing too hard to do anything about it. Nothing is safe from ridicule in this gory TROMA comedy -- fast food people, lesbian people, fat people, Middle Eastern people, Latino people, zombie people, middle-aged male people in scout skirts and thongs ... they all get Tromatized! In addition to buckets of chocolate pudding, chicken guts and lime gelatin, this movie also contains singing and dancing, which sends an over-the-top film right over the edge. Bring a strong stomach, a sense of humor ... and any friends who don't take themselves too seriously.
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Well knock me down with a feather: a good Troma film.
BA_Harrison16 April 2008
I'm not a Troma fan, usually finding their films too amateurish and puerile for even me to enjoy. Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead, however, is actually pretty good.

Like most of their output, it's been made for chicken feed, and features the usual Troma ingredients: gratuitous T&A, shonky OTT gore FX, awful politically incorrect gags, crap direction, and shoddy acting from an extremely untalented cast. But it also manages to be pretty damn funny (there's loads of biting satire and some fun one-liners) and is so deliriously demented that it's almost impossible not to enjoy. Oh... and it's also a musical!!!

The plot to Poultrygeist is every bit as bird-brained as the title suggests: when a fast food outlet is built on the site of an ancient Indian burial ground, the result is possessed deep-fried portions of chicken which turn those who eat it into carnivorous zombie fowl. Battling for survival against the feathered undead are American Chicken Bunker counter-'girl' Arbie (Jason Yachanin) and his lesbian girlfriend Wendy (Kate Graham). Will Arbie and Wendy successfully fly the coop, or will they end up pecked to death?

Directed by Troma head honcho Lloyd Kauffman, this film is aimed squarely at the kind of twisted freaks who actively seek out the outrageous and the downright disgusting—so naturally I had to watch it. And, for the most part, Poultrygeist hits the target.

With loads of gross-out gore, plenty of nekkidness, and dubious jokes about bestiality, lesbianism, terrorism, homosexuality, racism, and bowel movements, there is something here to offend everyone! All of this unwholesome content is regularly punctuated by song and dance routines that, although hardly on a par with Sondheim or Lloyd Webber, are still a lot of fun.

The only thing that really lets the film down is its running time: 103 minutes is a bit long for this kind of movie, and the joke does start to wear a bit thin towards the end.

Still, after all that I've said about Troma films in the past, Poultrygeist leaves me with egg on my face!
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Troma-ctic experience
kosmasp17 May 2020
Quite the disturbing one at that. We have a movie here that goes ... well all out? Has not sense of sensitivity? Anything at all that does not involve balls or walls they might be attached to - you choose the family friendly version you like best. On the other hand, if you need a family friendly version of that, this movie certainly isn't for you.

Troma is known for "bad taste" and Lloyd Kaufman made quite a dent in the low budget world. This is another example and if you are not easily offended by the juvenille style, you may even have fun watching this. But it does involve a lot of violence, gore, splatter and other effects - and a lot of nudity. The jokes are not sensible at all, really offending anyone and anything under the sun. In this case the setting is a stab against fast food, but with KFC being in the center of it. It may bring some people to the verge of becoming vegetarians I reckon ... but that will be up to you.

The movie tries to entertain and make fun (depending on your sense of humor) - does it work? Not easy to say ... but there is love for this and other movies. Even if jokes do not land where they are supposed to ...
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Super raunchy and super funny.
kimtmo21 November 2007
This move is an odd mixture of gross out raunchy, and wonderful satire, mixed in with surprisingly appealing musical numbers.

I mean really really raunchy and gross out. Not for weak of stomach, but the satire makes up for it. If you liked Rocky Horror Picture Show, you may like this.

The story has been detailed elsewhere. I think it could have been a better film without all the gratuitous raunchiness..it still would have been as funny as all get out.

Satire is not seen in films today and this one is done very well in that aspect, poking fun at many aspects of popular culture.
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The best cinematic experience of my life.
this_email_Address_is10 December 2007
It was disgusting, perverse, and childish, and I loved every minute of it--including the times I wanted to throw up. There were quite a few of those. If you're a longtime Troma fan, or if you just like the idea of a musical about zombie chickens full of nudity, gore, and satire, then this movie is for you. The first five minutes delivered more than most movies can in two hours. It was the best Troma movie I've ever seen. The acting was actually good! Don't wait for it to come out on video. Find a theater near you that shows it. I drove 2 hours to see it, and I regret nothing. Nothing. Thank you, Lloyd Kaufman. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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The Troma I Know And Love
gavin69423 May 2013
When Arbie's girlfriend turns out to be a lesbian, he decides not to go to college but to work at the American Chicken Bunker where she always protests. One thing, the American Chicken Bunker was built on an Ancient Indian Burial Ground and on Toxic Waste.

This is bloody, gory, full of gratuitous nudity, vomit and bodily fluids (not to mention poop)... this is Troma. And it references other Troma films (Toxic Avenger, Tromeo and Juliet). And it is a musical.

I recall Uncle Lloyd promoting this film for years, and I half-thought it would never happen and half-thought if it did that the film would be pieced together so poorly that it would be worthless. I was wrong on both counts. While not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination, that would not be a Troma film if it was. Not since "Terror Firmer" (1999) have we seen a film like this. Welcome back!
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this is troma
trashgang9 July 2010
Troma. What can I say. You love or you hate them. I don't hate them, I have seen some watchable movies but this one was surely not my cup of tea. I have no problem with comedy in horror but this is a bit too childish. It's all about farts and other jokes. They even put some songs in it, a musical they call it. Sorry, it was a turn off for me. Oh yeah, a lot of tits and a lot of gore but it didn't bother me. Troma surely isn't made for me but I can understand that people love it. For comedy/horror I would rather recommend Lesbian Vampire Killers or Doghouse. No really, it was okay to see the guy being turned inside out in the beginning, but the constantly sound of farts, to much for me that is.
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It's Tromarific!!!
LoneWolfAndCub5 April 2008
Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead is Troma's latest offering and easily one of their best movies. Loaded with everything that makes Troma awesome; copious gore, breasts, sex, lesbians, political incorrectness, scatological humour, fat people, slime, car crashes...did I mention gore and sex?? Poultrygeist tells the wonderful story of an American Chicken Bunker fast food store being built on an Ancient Indian Burial Ground (the 'Tromahawk' tribe, to be precise). Young Arbie decides to work there to defy his now ex-girlfriend (who is now a lesbian). What follows is, in typical Troma style, the employees fending off a horde of zombie-chickens who want to the humans flesh.

Lloyd Kaufman has returned to his 'Toxic Avenger' roots and gone for a gross-out comedy/musical/horror that is so much fun, it is hard not to love. Consistently funny the whole way through, with some excellent musical numbers and some truly disgusting special effects, 'Poultrygeist' proves that morally incorrect satire is still alive and kicking. The fact that movies like 'Meet the Spartans' get theatrical releases and this doesn't further proves something needs to be done to get these far superior flicks out for everyone else to enjoy.

Of course, you have to take into account that the acting is not that good (although surprisingly passable), it looks cheap, the story is incredibly random and illogical and it IS shocking. The point of the movie is to be as foul as possible, and it works. The last 20 minutes are a non-stop gore-fest that is bound to please gorehounds around the world.

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Troma's best!!!
CrimsonKingLives18 February 2009
I'm a huge fan of Troma films, especially the Toxic Avenger flicks, although I haven't seen a lot lot of Troma movies (Tromeo and Juliet's one of my faves also) This movie is freaking hilarious! It's very low budget, but watching the movie, it doesn't look like it. The acting, for a Troma film, is great, the effects are good, and just the production values look good.

The whole film is satire, and you'd have to have a really good, open sense of humor to enjoy it. Those who hate it obviously didn't "get" it, thinking it took itself too seriously, or maybe they just think Juno is the only funny movie out there.

It's insanely gory and over-the-top with some pretty disgusting moments (durrrr) and just plain fun and hilarious. Also, the musical numbers are pretty sweet!! ANY Troma fan should see this and love it, and even if you've never seen a Troma film, THIS is where you should start! Poultrygeist is an 8/10 !!
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"Go Yankees!"
thisseatofmars7 October 2016
"Take this camel jockey out back—and hose her down!"

"That chicken has declared jihad on us all!"

...and so on.

All Hollywood ever gives us are boobs, muscles, aggression and explosions: nothing subtle. Ever. So, the exploitation genre figures, why patronize us with a hackneyed plot?

Enter Poultrygeist, a subversive film where we're given sex and violence on a pornographic scale. It's a wonderful addition to the splatstick genre, equal parts satire and horror. It's funny, highly quotable, and worth your time. Gross? Sure, if you think obvious cranberry juice as blood is gross. Offensive? I guess, but it's a movie where chickens replace zombies. If you find this film offensive, then you're most likely a PC fool.

I only have three gripes with Poultrygeist. First, there are way too many musical numbers. Songs in comedies never work. All they do is reiterate the plot up until that point, rephrasing already said dialogue, while adding nothing new. Plus they're never funny. Songs slow the momentum of comedies completely, by forcing you to sit patiently and wait for the plot to pick back up just for the sake of squeezing a limerick or pun in with a rhyme now and then.

Second, Poultrygeist feels overlong at 103 minutes (90 may even be too long) but on repeated viewings the extra run time may be welcome. I don't often rewatch comedies (who likes hearing the same joke twice?) but Poultrygeist exists in its own special little vacuum and its cult quality is evident. That said, I found the movie kind of dragging towards the end the first time I watched it, and in a single viewing the extra run time hurts the overall shock and awe of the film.

Third is not so much a problem with Poultrygeist itself, but rather the attitude (or philosophy) behind its studio, Troma Movies. I watched this entire film on Troma Movie's official youtube site (handy tip: type NSFW ahead of youtube in the URL to bypass the annoying sign-in age filter) and I noticed that the tagline for Troma Movies is "40 years of disrupting media." I just want to point out that Poultrygeist isn't truly "disruptive" media. Lloyd Kaufman is no rebel and and neither are you for watching this film.

Anyway, these are minor gripes through and through. Hey: thumbs up just for the Irish priest complaining about the severed member in his sloppy joe and the depiction of the character "Hummus."

"Like the dip!"
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Totally stupid packed with recycled jokes
metalrage66614 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I had high expectations when I settled in to watch this, (well, as high as one can get with a Troma movie), however even for them this seems to be nothing more than an drunken excuse to sully their "So bad it's good" reputation. To say that this movie took so many years from script writing to the final product is really indicative of the problems that are obvious throughout the movie as it doesn't gel together like many other Troma films seem to do.

This movie is just plain bad in every sense. It starts off fine enough with a young couple, (Arbie & Wendy), getting it on in a old Native American burial ground and before you know it, in typical Troma fashion, the place gets bulldozed and paved over to make way for a burger joint. Suffice to say, the deceased members of the "Tromahawk" tribe are none too happy about it.

Arbie has returned to the spot of his one and only sexual encounter and found that burger chain, American Chicken Bunker now stands on the site and Wendy has become a lesbian who's in the midst of protesting the fast-food chain along with her activist girlfriend. So naturally Arbie decides the best way to get revenge, is to get a job there.

From there the movie seems to really lack that panache that made many other Troma movies, as low-budget as they may be, enjoyable to watch. I didn't really see the point in having musical numbers throughout the movie, which just slowed it right down. After the first 2 songs, I found myself fast-forwarding the rest as they didn't even add to the story.

With a movie like this, you expect bad acting, poor effects, little story, nudity and over-the-top death and dismemberment scenes, yet even knowing this before hand, still won't prepare you for this futile attempt at making a low-budget and watchable movie. The sort of stuff that made Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke Em High and the original Mothers Day etc. the trashy classics that they are.

There are quite a number of disgusting and inventive torturous death scenes and random displays of nudity in Poultrygeist to keep most fans of exploitive movies happy throughout, (the woman who gets her breast implants ripped out is a new one), however if you're no stranger to Troma films, there's very little that hasn't been done before. Instead of Zombie Rednecks, Zombie Kids or Rabid Grannies, it's simply Zombie Chicken people who are now disemboweling people, which leaves me to wonder why even make a movie like this. The overall premise of the story is trashy enough to make a fun blood-drenched movie, but the singing, child-like acting and recycled humour just made it boring to watch, (I fell asleep twice while watching this), so there's my summation of Poultrygeist - A snooze-fest.
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Shocked, Offended, Grossed Out...And It Was Hilarious!
Samualt27 July 2008
This was my first Troma film and the most outrageous thing I've ever seen. It is not for the faint of heart or straight laced ignoramuses. This is gonzo cinema all the way. It contains lots of blood, slime, low ball humor, nudity, singing, more blood, more slime, some more blood, and even more disgusting low ball humor. This movie gets really really disgusting and silly in case you haven't guessed. So, get some friends together, grab some brews, and laugh till you drop. The talented and beautiful Kate Graham does some fine acting as well as the lead Jason Yachanin. The movie couldn't have been cast better. The plot may be a little silly but it works well for this genre (comedy horror exploitation.) A must see!
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Funnier than a one legged prostitute!
mcw695717 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I nearly crapped in my diaper when I saw this movie listed at a local theater! I knew for better or worse I had to show some love & get my ass down there before it vanished. In the 80's as a pre teen kid I worshiped at the altar of Troma as an adult I merely respect the concept & am glad they are still around. So its been a long time since I've seen a Troma movie I truly loved. Poultrygeist is my new favorite movie-EVER! I find it funny that its being released right at the start of the summer movie season its such a nice little turd stuffed in the cracks between Prince Caspian & Speed Racer. Nothing will top my experience of watching this movie. So what do you need to know well its an offensive messy musical with chicken zombies my god people why are you reading this find Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead & go now!
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Great dramatic potential, but they had to make it into a musical!
siderite23 February 2010
The movie is in the same time gory, funny, stupid, musical (complete with dance routines), offensive, gross , racist and it features Ron Jeremy in a cameo. It's what you get when you build a chicken fast food on an Native American burial ground in Tromaville.

You have to understand that I just had to watch it all. I knew it was sick, but I did it anyway. I rated it 3 stars because the musical scenes annoyed me, otherwise I would have rated it 2, that is: so bad it is worth watching.

Truth be told, the movie had great potential for fun, I was in a continued state of disgust but with a happy smile on my face at the same time. However, the jokes almost turned into one of those Scary Movie kind and that potential was partially lost.

It is not with zombie chickens, but people zombies with chicken attributes. It is not really a horror movie, but a parody. It is what you would get for crossing American Pie with Poltergeist, Scary Movie and a political movie against fast food chains. Damn effective, too. I can't imagine anyone actually eating chicken after they saw this film. You will find yourselves unconsciously ordering veal or pork and not know why :)

Bottom line: could have been better, but who am I kidding? They never went for quality here. Had some good jokes amongst a lot of average to bad ones.
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Just What You'd Expect from Troma
Michael_Elliott13 October 2009
Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (2006)

*** (out of 4)

Outrageous horror spoof from Troma delivers just about every sick joke and vile thought that one movie could possibly have. A chicken restaurant opens up on the grounds of a Native American grave site, which doesn't sit too well with those buried there. After people eat some tainted chicken, they turn into chicken zombies and begin to eat humans. I'm not a die-hard Troma fan even though I love THE TOXIC AVENGER as well as a couple other movies they delivered throughout the past couple of decades. With that said, this is pure classic trash as I'm quite sure that I've never seen anything like this. The amount of vile jokes know no limits as it's clear from the opening five minutes that this movie is willing to go as far as it can in order to get a laugh. A lot of the humor comes from bathroom humor including a point of view shot of a man sitting on the toilet and delivering something that will have most viewers hitting their eject button. Not only do we get that but we also have people puking on one another, sex between a redneck and a chicken, a butt plug via a zombie finger, lesbian chicken lovers, cannibals, jokes aimed at "Jared" of Subway fame and countless other things that can't be mentioned here. The movie, as is the norm for Troma, sets out to offend everyone no matter their color or gender and they succeed here unlike anything they've done before. The movie also contains the typical sex, nudity and violence that we've come to expect from the studio. The performance are actually a lot better than one might expect with Joshua Olatunde really stealing the film as the black store manager who spent all of his grandmother's money trying to open this chicken shop. Jason Yachanin does fine work as the lead as does Kate Graham and even Ron Jeremy in his cameo. Those who hate Troma films are certain to hate this one but I guarantee that you've never seen anything like this before. The horror spoofs work well, the vile humor even better. This isn't a masterpiece of cinema but it's pretty close in terms of trash.
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Best Troma Movie since Toxie
dschmeding11 April 2008
Since the title of this movie rocks and the reviews were good I thought I could give this a try although most of the newer Troma Movies were kind of boring and way too long. No "Poultrygeist" is a bit stretched at the end too but its what makes Troma Movies... ridiculous gore and dismemberment, grotesque splattering of liquids of all kind, political incorrectness all over, random titty shots and loads of stupid jokes dumped down on you every minute (I loved the posters like "German-Style German Luft-Waffles"). Whats best about this one is that the acting is quite OK and even the musical parts are entertaining and not as cheesy as I expected. "Poultrygeist" is Trash and if you rent a Troma Movie you know what to expect. Anyway I didn't have as much fun with a Troma Movie for ages...So if you also think Terror Firmer and the newer Troma Stuff sucked, try this. A line like "America is not ready for a Mexican gay chicken sandwich" or the collages of chicken torture made of Abu Ghureib and Vietnam-Pictures are just great. Beside that you get Indian-Chicken-Zombies, gallons of blood, puke, crap and green slime as well as well as a burka-wearing fast food worker named Humus that is mostly called Hamas and thrown at with every Muslim-cliché you can imagine. Its nice and loaded with critical undertones that often get way over the top. If you liked Toxie and want more comedy and musical... try this one!
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"The chickens! The chickens have come back from the dead!!"
schism1011 June 2008
If you love troma, then you will no doubt be wanting to see Lloyd Kaufman's latest opus POULTRYGEIST: NIGHT OF THE CHICKEN DEAD. It is one of the most entertaining films that i've had the pleasure to sit through. You want OTT, then this film brings it, almost outdoing itself, yet still filled with enough ideas, action and humour that can fill a 100 films! The simple plot is, the American chicken bunker fast food chain has built a new restaurant over an ancient Indian burial ground, yet unbeknowist to them, the Indian spirits are restless and seeking revenge, leading to the body's of the dead chickens coming back to life and causing havoc all around, while at the same time our hero, Arbie, has to fend off the mutant chicken zombies, while trying to win back his former girlfriend, Wendy, who has become a 'left wing lipstick lesbian!' Nothing is sacred in tromaville and everything is under attack, from right wing bigots, left wing protesters, jihad obsessed suicide bombers, Indians, the handicapped, the American public in general, corporate culture and political correctness all backed by buckets of bloody over the top gore and musical numbers!! If you have a chance to see this then do so, as you will not regret seeing it, though be warned its troma, so leave your sense of seriousness at the door!!
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This movie rocks
raven22-216 March 2008
I had seen two Troma movies before. Citizen Toxie 1 and 4. I wasn't really impressed, but it was fun to see the gorefest. Last week i have seen Poultrygeist which absolutely kicked some major ass. I literally couldn't stop laughing and at one point i had to run out of the room, because my stomach was hurting a lot. It becomes really really trashy after 1hr.. and the last quarter of the movie is total garbage.. but, it was worth the time. I have watched it with some friends though, so that might have helped a lot.

During the first 30mins i thought. This ain't worse than any film like Scary movie. It could easily be released as mainstream teenage movie.. and earn some big bucks. The last part of the movie totally ruins that option, but thats Troma for you. Kudos to Lloyd, i had a really nice time watching this.
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A C-level attempt at White Bread Trash
radfordj27 April 2012
Don't waste your time with this C-Level attempt at white bread trash. This movie plays on a ton of movie tropes that almost seem ironic and playful with the horror genre...but are funny only to 16 year old boys. If that's not you, don't watch this movie. If you are a 16 year old boy, don't watch this movie. It will actually make you less of a person. The acting is good given the writing, directing, and general concept behind the movie. The premise is good. The execution is good. It's polished. But, it's a movie that Matt Parker and Trey Stone wrote in middle school. Watch Cannibal: the Musical or save yourself for some other genuine, crappy movie like Hot Shots: Part Deux or Scary Movie. Don't waste your time with this C-Level attempt at white bread trash.
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Loved Every Minute Of It
ary080044 April 2008
Oh joy of joys,why aren't there more movies like this around.From the opening scene in the cemetery,the songs,"Fast Food Love",is no.1 on my hit parade"MY MEAT IN YOUR BUNS MAKES A SPECIAL SAUCE",LOL,and should be on everybody's,funny as hell yet somehow,bizarrely,touching.The chemistry between the two leads is obvious,and is why this movie works so well for me,apart from the hundreds of other crazy scenes and dialouge.Troma somehow melds all this craziness and disgustingly hilarious anarchy into an almost perfect piece of z-grade pap,but as with almost all Troma film's,there always seems to be an underlying "eco" message in there somewhere,where i'm not exactly,sure but you just know it's in there somewhere.But hey don't take my word for it,buy it,rent it,watch it at a drive-in,(perfect drive-in fare),but whatever you do ,indulge.8/10.
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A fun and odd take on a musical and Zombie like Apocalypse
Poultrygeist Night of the Chicken dead is one of the most strangest films ever. It has a lot of things going for it. Directed by Lloyd Kaufman you no it will be weird. Personally I enjoy Troma films. Yes most of them are bad but they all have a charm I believe. Poultrygeist is the best example of a Troma film, it's satirical and weird with all the things that have become common with Troma. The story is very odd and so are the characters which are my favorite part of this film. The disappointing parts are the musical numbers. Some of them just fall flat which is disappointing as I really hoped that they would be good. Although the story is very odd that doesn't necessarily mean good. It is all over the place and quite stupid at times. Some of the practical effects were good and some weren't. I did really enjoy the acting of this film. The jokes were hit and miss as some were just plain toilet humor but some were very funny. In the end Poultrygeist Night of the Chicken dead was an odd film with some hit and miss elements.
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So bad it's... Bad.
npettinato147 December 2012
Troma has become self-aware in its flagrant appeal to the "so bad its good" crowd. That concept can be hilariously funny, but only when played straight. Movies like "Troll 2" are entertaining because the director had a serious horror flick in mind, but lacked the budget or (more often) talent to execute his vision.

"Poultrygeist" pretends to be a schlocky, Z-grade flick, but it actually comes full circle and remains awful. The jokes are intended to be low-brow and the effects are an intentional nudge to low-budget horror. This is a bit like the woman from the "Where's the beef?" commercials of the 1980s. It was initially funny, but once the gag has been played over-and-over, ad nauseum, it becomes pathetic. It makes you wonder if they have anything beyond their one-dimensional schtick.

This movie is utter garbage and doesn't entertain on any level. If you laughed, you're probably already a fan of Troma. I can't imagine this appealing to anyone beyond fanboys.
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Troma fans unite, and rejoice at the release of POULTREYGIEST!
guerillaentertainment24 September 2007
This film may be the most absurd, violent, gory offensive and hysterical film I have ever seen!

I loved every minute of it!

Troma fans delight, Lloyd has returned with a film definitely worth waiting all of these years for, and he pulls no punches and makes no appologies. There is at least one thing in this film to offend nearly everyone in the audience.

It is gleefully sick and twisted and made me laugh so hard that I cried and my stomach hurt. One person in the row with me nearly vomited!

It will not be coming to DVD for quite some time, so if this film comes to your town GO SEE IT AT ALL COSTS! You will not be disappointed!
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The 'Citizen Kane' of Troma
Shattered_Wake3 April 2008
Arbie (Jason Yachanin) has just lost his girlfriend Wendy (Kate Graham) to. . . err. . . the other team. So, to spite her (and her lesbian cohorts), he takes a job at Tromaville's brand new fast-food restaurant American Chicken Bunker which is being protested by the Collegiate Lesbians Against Megaconglomeration (C.L.A.M.). Things run smoothly until a box of "mysterious vein-covered pulsating eggs" are discovered and accidentally fed to the hungry hordes of fast-food customers. This spells trouble for all because the infected (or cursed or whatever) are turned into disgusting hybrid chicken-human zombies. Now, it's up to Arbie, Wendy, Hamas. . . I mean Humus (Rose Ghavami), and Wendy's lesbian girlfriend Micki (Allyson Sereboff) to stop the chicken-zombie threat and save all of mankind! We're screwed.

Poultrygeist is essentially the Citizen Kane of Troma flicks. It is definitely a big-budget piece for a Troma picture, coming in at about a $500,000 budget and it shows. It works well with the budget and takes full advantage exhibiting some of the best effects to date in a Troma flick. The acting is average, but for a splatter musical about lesbianism, fast food, and zombie chicken-people, you're not supposed to expect Laurence Olivier to pop up. The writing isn't too shabby, and the musical numbers are hilarious. But, when it really comes down to it, does it matter how good the acting, direction, writing, etc., are? It's a Troma flick! And a damn fine one at that. It's mindless splatter, not a time for the thinking man. One gripe: It actually takes awhile to get into the true violence of the film, but when it does, it's a mess. In a good way. It's full of hilariously disgusting undead moments (including the zombie fisting and mop raping).

Final Verdict: 6.5/10. But it's a 10/10 in comparison to all Tromas.

Recommended? If you enjoy Troma flicks, you need to see this. It ranks right at the top with Troma's best like Tromeo & Juliet, Toxic Avenger, etc.

Favourite Quote: "American isn't ready to accept a gay Mexican chicken sandwich!"

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Repeatedly showing the same gross stuff over n over again aint funny n in fact tedious.
Fella_shibby4 November 2020
I saw this for the first time recently n found it to be boring, gross n not at all humourous. Fast forwarded many scenes of unnecessary oodles of blood, repulsive stuff n all.

Consumers, staff and ordinary citizens are trapped inside a chicken fast food restaurant, which is being attacked by a chicken-possessed zombie demonic alien spirit because the building is erected on top of a sacred Native American burial ground. Generous with a 2 cos of some lovely boobs.
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