Deep Evil (TV Movie 2004) Poster

(2004 TV Movie)

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Alien revisited on Earth with a low budget
meslon17 February 2004
This is called a Canadian movie but it is an American Pay TV movie set in Alaska but filmed in Canada to save money. It is basically a story of germ warfare; with a twist. American scientists working on a project in futuristic Alaskan Laboratory find a new terror weapon. Any more explanation would be a spoiler. Rather simplistic movie worth watching after midnight if there is nothing else to watch. Most simple storyline would be ..Alien meets Alaska. 3/10 is about what this film deserves and i would like to say that i am in reality -being generous. The type of film where you watch and watch only to see if you were correct in your guesses as to what the plot will bring about. Simple and when it ends it ends--finally. the end
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Walking Down Corridors
Theo Robertson25 February 2013
One interesting thing about this TVM is that it was filmed in 14 days . This is the only time the adjective " interesting " will be appearing in relation to DEEP EVIL . It also gives a hint as to what sort of quality you should expect from this type of film . Quickly written , quickly produced and quickly filmed the only thing that doesn't fly by quickly is the film itself . Two hours of your life you'll never get back ? It seems a lot longer than two hours sitting through this

As in these type of horror/sci-fi TVMs the intellectual and artistic parisonmy is matched by the budget . Once the military/scientific team are given their mission they spend a large proportion of the running time walking down a dark corridor waving torches . I don't know if it it was my imagination but this sequence seemed to last for 20 minutes and in order to impress the audience the characters spout such Oscar winning dialogue such as :

" Everyone thinks I'm a lesbo "


" No way was that officer's daughter jailbait . Shee was eighteen or nineteen at least "

If you're expecting a low/no budget remake of ALIENS you'll be disappointed because this is a very dialogue heavy type of story where not much happens What makes it more irritating is how exposition is given out to the plot . If you've read the plot summary on this page it tells you all you have to know as to how the story plays out
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Not so deep, not so evil
Vomitron_G23 February 2012
I rented this once and thought it stunk. What possessed me to re-watch this, I don't know. Oh, wait, yes, I do know: I felt like re-watching some recent rubbish sci-fi/horror flicks. Amazingly so, "Deep Evil" isn't actually all that bad as I remembered it to be. I blame that on the fact that by now I have watched a considerable amount of infinitely worse flicks already. So, in some underground facility the government has been experimenting with an alien substance. Those folks just never learn. Of course the alien organism evolves and grows out of control. A team of highly trained military folks are sent in to secure things (as in: blow the whole thing to kingdom come). Amongst them, that 'what the hell happened to my career'-guy Lorenzo Lamas. Our team gets to fight against (in following order): alien water (yes, you read that right), hundreds of silver alien spiders and eventually rubber-suited humanoid alien creatures. Far from anything special.
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solid sci-fi action flick with good effects
heavyc6513 February 2005
The CGI effects, the "liquid metal" type reminiscent of those in Abyss and T-2, are the real star of what is a pleasing combination of Alien and The Thing. Lorenzo Lamas is the sole bit of recognizable star power, but he's purely incidental to how enjoyable this flick turns out to be. Pour a drink, open a bag of chips and turn off your brain while you watch this one. If you take it too seriously you're going to end up bitter and twisted...just like many of the IMDb Users whose comments seem to be coming from either film-school dropouts or Hollywood wannabees. Or both. Remember - it's called the "willing suspension of disbelief" for a reason. Are we talking Academy awards here? Nope. Instead we have an hour and a half of cinematic popcorn - tasty enough to entertain but nothing that will stick with you for long. The folks at First Look Home Entertainment and DEJ Productions have given us another solid effort. Keep 'em coming, guys.
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please don't watch this
houston-197 February 2005
Please Please Please don't watch this. i am 23 years old and consider myself a bit of a movie buff, i have seen countless movies (good and bad) but nothing has effected me this way, this movie should never escaped the studio. It is a pox on all that watch it. It is seriously appalling. Not just bad, as some movie are, it seems to attain a new standard of s**t that was previously un-attained. I refuse to even mention the details of the movie in this post as it weakens my moral fiber to even consider inflicting this on another human being, actually I'm not only sorry i watched this film but I'm sorry for posting this and piquing anyone else's curiosity enough to watch it. Please don't, seriously, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!
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Keep out , virus infested...
Dario_the_2nd20 January 2005
A really pathetic wannabe SF movie. When we have; A lame story in a mixture of lousy dialogs and superb poor acting followed by some bad CGI effects and an awful creature design, can we consider this in the slightest way as a good movie? I don't think so!!! This movie will bother and annoy the more quality viewer among you big time and this for many reasons. A highly contagious virus escapes, which seems to be a morphing drop of water, and we see a special unit (Delta team) running around in one of the most poor protection suits I have ever seen in a movie. Is it normal in these kinda situations that the women of this so called "hard-boiled" Delta team are running around with this suit half open onto their breasts? I know the term "sexy" sells but please leave some credibility! Would you feel comfortable running around in an infested area like this? Not even to mention the so pathetic "Jerry Bruckheimer", "Hero" wannabe soundtrack. This is maybe fun for the American viewer but turns really quick into annoying and pathetic for an audience outside the States. Once again we have that over the top "Hero, patriotic" feeling the director wants to shove us with, poor really poor. This TV movie is a waste of time, money and energy. And I'm not talking about their money or whatever; I'm talking about my time, money and energy!!! Avoid like you would avoid a virus-infested area!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dario/ 1/10
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The Horror!
kenneth-r-close-15 June 2007
This is a terrible movie. Nearly every depiction of the US Army is wrong in it - from the way they talk, wear their berets, rank, branch insignia, etc. If a director doesn't know anything about the military (and most don't) why not ask someone instead of making a movie that looks stupid? And the monsters made no sense either. There was no real science in this science fiction. The whole story just wasn't very well thought out. The actors seemed okay, and I amazed they could keep a straight face while speaking such horrible dialogue. If I had the resources (actors, production crew, $$$$, etc.) these people put into "Deep Evil" I could have made a film that would have grossed over $100M in theaters, instead of crashing and burning on cable TV. How do these guys find the funding to make such crap?
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jhr20129 September 2020
Typical SyFy snooze fest. You've seen it many times before; you know the characters and you know how it ends. Don't watch when you are tired; you will fall asleep.
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This movie is certainly something.
jderekmead30 March 2020
I literally only made an account to point out that Deep Evil and The Thing Below use the exact same scene in the lab. In The Thing Below it's when the main character's brother is talking about what happened when they drew blood. In Deep Evil, it's when they're exploring the lab and getting a sample.
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Lamas on the way down
siderite7 July 2005
This is a typical movie about aliens loose in a confined environment. The presence of Lorenzo Lamas only proves that he is on a descending curve as casting is concerned and he has a really secondary role that involves no foot work, so he doesn't really belong in the movie.

There are a lot of loopholes in the plot, but how does care? This is a monster movie, just produce the monster, let him loose on people that we don't know and don't care about and maybe, just maybe, let a few of them alive to be cast in some other movies.

Someone mentioned the effects, they were not great. If you count greenish, reddish, yellowish liquids coming out of twitching people as special effects or you like quick morphs between computer generated aqua and people dressed in plastic, then this is the movie for you.

Actually, the only good scene of this movie is when the young daughter of the general i doing an erotic dance for Lamas at the beginning of the movie. From then on, the movie just keeps going downwards :)
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All right, send in the military cannon fodder!
Coventry2 March 2023
A mate of mine pointed out to me just how many horror/Sci-Fi movies there exist dealing with random military men (and women) being sent into a top-secret and geographically remote government research facility or underground lab to eliminate some sort of experiment that went horribly wrong. As a matter of course, these people haven't got a clue what they will be battling against and, regardless of their intense training and superior skills, they get mercilessly ripped to pieces by something (usually an alien or a genetic experiment) much stronger and slimier than them.

Oh my, yes! There are so many flicks like that! James Cameron's "Aliens" is presumably the pioneering role model, because notably the 90s and early 2000s brought forward a copious amount of "send in the military" or "something's creeping in the underground lab" B-movies. "Deep Evil" is one of them, and proudly puts a tick in every box on the cliché-list, including the isolated location (Alaska), strange phenomena (alien water drops), macho soldiers (Lorenzo Lamas as the 'artillery & explosives' expert), and secrecy above all (if the monster doesn't kill you, the government will).

"Deep Evil" is a bad film, but I can't bring myself to write too many harsh and negative things about it. You know what to expect (or, at least, you should know) when choosing a film like this to watch, so what's the point in complaining how terribly unoriginal the script is, or how awfully cheap looking the stunts and special effects are? The idea of an aquatic alien species is reasonably interesting (although still stolen from, again, James Cameron and his "The Abyss") but the plot does the dumbest and most illogical things with it; - for example drops of water that turn into silver-colored spiders that look pathetically fake. The cast truly excels in giving the worst possible performances as possible. Of course, they're all well trained in this domain. Lorenzo Lamas honestly never starred in anything half-decent in his life, and Ona Grauer is the "star" of such Uwe Boll classics like "Alone in the Dark" and "House of the Dead".
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Passable creature feature
slayrrr66626 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Deep Evil" is a nicely decent creature feature.


Hours after the detonation of a nuclear bomb, Trainor, (Lorenzo Lamas) and a military team, Maj. Michael Ross, (Adam Harrington) Sgt. Hall, (Will Sanderson) and Capt. O'Brien, (Rachel Hayworth) are sent in with Dr. Cole, (Ona Grauer) and Prof. Peter Langdon, (Jim Thorburn) to a chemicals weapons facility where they both work. Upon entering, they find the entire complex empty and covered in slime, as well as one of their experiments. When they find that the escaped experiment is a cloned alien species designed for the US Army, they race to get out before becoming infected by the creatures.

The Good News: This wasn't all that bad of a creature feature. The opening half hour of the film is pretty creepy. There's a couple of really suspenseful set-ups, all stemming from the fact that it's almost impossible to see what is lurking in the shadows. There's constant hints around that there is something there in the place, but it's not known what. The lighting and damp location there play important parts in that fact. There's some really nice good moments driven from the early suspense scenes. The film really picks up back in the final twenty minutes which is filled with action and lots of excitement to close the film out on a high note. The chase through the missile room is the best part, keeping the gunfire going and the action going along. The creature looks really threatening, a kind of off-shoot of The Gillman, only with some adjustments done near the face to change it slightly. The film does have some rather decent science fiction to explain the proceedings, which can get overly complicated but are still noteworthy without being over-the-top. It's all quite decent.

The Bad News: There's still a couple of things wrong in this one. The first is the pacing, especially in the beginning. Granted, there's some really creepy moments in there, but it's also quite slow, as the majority of the time remaining is devoted to the clichéd dialog choice of having characters constantly repeat that the mission is top-secret and won't reveal what's going on until too late. That not only is a tiresome cliché but really drags out the film when there's a fifth conversation that constantly features the same result with the same dialog. The monster itself is so rarely on-screen that, while it looks easily creepy, there's hardly any scares derived from it. The design is good enough, but it's not seen enough to really get the most out of it. The very low body-count also lowers the gore in here, and while we do get some gory kills, they aren't really on-screen that often. They are for the most part off-screen, with the weakest, non-goriest kill being shown. That is the most aggravating part about it, especially because the other deaths are really gruesome and the weakest one is on-screen. Otherwise, this isn't all that bad.

The Final Verdict: Yes, there are some problems with it, but that isn't enough to really disregard it. It's certainly not one of the better films of this type around, as it's too clichéd to stand out, but it's still worthy of a look for those who are interested in this type of films.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and Nudity
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Experimentation has no room for accidents.
michaelRokeefe14 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In remote Alaska a bio-research lab is hiding the secret experiments with alien microbes that landed in Siberia in the 1950's. In recent days a procedure is accidentally mishandled and the research lab is automatically put on lock-down. A distress signal is about informative as the exact purpose of the lab itself. A best-of-the-best military team is sent to investigate the incident. Of course this team, that does not lack ego, has no idea of the terror and chaos that awaits them. Finding a total bloody mess, the team has no real idea of what they are looking for. When they themselves become ankle deep in the mystery, paranoia instills the fear an insider may be plotting against them. This obviously low budget Sci-Fi film has some unexpectedly good F/X. Castmembers: Lorenzo Lamas, Ona Grauer, Rachel Hayward, Adam Harrington and Will Sanderson.
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Deep pain
Dr. Gore7 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers

"Deep Evil" is yet another alien in a lab movie. I've only seen about a hundred of these flicks. What's one more? Lamas and friends are sent to secure the aforementioned lab. It is there that they will meet their B-movie destiny. Apparently those crazy scientists have done it again and cloned an alien to turn it into some kind of super weapon. The Lamas gang will have to use all of their military training and hardware if they want to leave this lab alive. Sounds pretty standard doesn't it? There's one big problem though. Two words: Alien Water. They made an alien water monster? No, no, no, oh no...

Yes, it's true. "Deep Evil" manages to be one of the lamest alien in a lab movies I've ever seen. That's a bold statement. So the scientists thought it would be pretty cool if they could make a water monster. They got a couple of drops from outer space and started playing around with it. That might have been a good idea for the scientists but why did the filmmakers think it was worth anything? A water monster? Are you kidding me? How lame can you get? There are actually scenes of the soldiers shooting puddles of water. If that's not a recipe for disaster, I don't know what is.

Soon the filmmakers realize their error and try to make up for it by actually having some monsters in their monster movie. First they spring for some water spiders and then they actually splurge and whip out some aliens. Unfortunately, it all comes too late. "Deep Evil" had already passed the point of disaster by the time the aliens came out to play. This is one alien in a lab flick that needs to be skipped.
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Starts off well but quickly goes downhill
TheLittleSongbird12 August 2013
What keeps Deep Evil just about afloat are the creepy first half-hour and the good creature design(The Creature from the Black Lagoon comparison is definitely apt). The acting is also competent, nobody is terrible but nobody apart from Lorenzo Lamas perhaps stands out either. Deep Evil however was the sort of movie that started off with promise but went in a downward spiral very quickly. There is nothing interesting about how it looks, how it's shot is dully lit with a use of bland colours. And most of the special effects are generically coloured and look as though they were constructed in a rush at last minute. The music doesn't drive the movie at all, in fact it is a very lifeless soundtrack and is just forgettable at the end of the day. The dialogue is very turgid stuff, full of tiresome clichés and full of lines that make you go "what do they mean by that?" How the actors managed to keep a straight face or not look embarrassed is quite an accomplishment. The story is often slow to the point of boredom, and is predictable and like Alien mixed with The Thing but with hardly any of the suspense, thrills or nail-biting horror. The deaths are generally weak, in number and how they're played, and the alien(s) are not threatening in the least and are developed and characterised very poorly. The science and the depiction of the military will raise eyebrows and even annoy/anger people. There is very little interesting about the characters and you don't care for a single one. To conclude, not bad to start with but from half-an-hour in it's very bad. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Not as bad as expected but still not exactly good.
poolandrews17 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Deep Evil starts as Major Michael Ross (Adam Harrington) gets a call from his boss Colonel Harrison (Michael Kopsa) informing him to get his team ready for a top secret mission, a mission to a biochemical research laboratory just outside Alaska that has gone into lock-down because of some unknown breach, problem or terrorist attack. Joining the military team are scientist's Cole (Ona Grauer) & Lang (Jim Thorburn) who seem to know more than they are telling. Once there the team enter the facility & find some sort of slime covering everything, eventually they find one of the staff (Leah Cairns) but she is infected with some sort of disease & is killed. The team soon realise that they are trapped inside the facility with an alien creature that drips intelligent killer alien water(!) & to add to their worries the entire place is going to be nuked to stop it spreading outside...

This Canadian production was directed by Pat Williams & as far as dumb unoriginal made-for-tell 'Creature Feature' type Aliens (1986) rip-offs go Deep Evil isn't as awful as some although that's not saying much & I would still have a hard time recommending it to anyone other than the most die-hard of sci-fi horror film junkies with a high tolerance level much like myself. The script is your standard Aliens rip-off with some team of soldiers going in blind to a situation where they find themselves up against some hostile alien threat in an isolated location where they find themselves stranded facing both the alien menace & impending extermination from some huge explosion that will destroy the entire place they are trapped in or on. Most of the clichés are here although the alien water is fairly new, however the makers just end up ripping James Cameron off again & using it like the liquid metal T-1000 from Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991). Things start off OK & hold your interest but then it descends into people walking around dark corridors not doing much which becomes boring very quickly. The character's are alright (even if they are ripped-off from Aliens with Lang as the evil Burke corporate character, there's a wise cracking Hudson type & the female scientist Cole is the strong woman Ripley impersonator), the plot is alright if a complete rip-off of James Cameron's greatest hits & it's watchable I suppose but fairly forgettable without much action or gore & it's nothing that hasn't been hundreds of times before.

Surprisingly the CGI computer effects aren't too bad here, the liquid changing into alien spider's effects are actually fairly impressive for a low budget production such as this. There's not much gore here unfortunately, there's some melting skin, someone is shot through the head & there's some blood splatter but not much else. The aliens themselves are alright but forgettable, they are humanoid in shape & are obviously just actor's in rubber suits.

Apparently shot in just 14 days on a fairly respectable $1,500,000 budget in the strangely named Chilliwack in British Columbia in Canada the production values are better than expected & it looks alright with decent enough special effects. The IMDb lists the dreaded Jim Wynorski as an executive producer & I would assume he had a hand off role as this turned out better than just about any film he ever directed.

Deep Evil is your standard unoriginal Aliens rip-off made-for-telly 'Creature Feature' with better CGI & production values than I expected although in the end it's the boring & predictable script that kills it dead. Footage from the opening sequence was edited into the abysmal The Thing Below (2004) made the same year.
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Good Movie
mbaddngtn30 January 2006
I personally thought it was an interesting movie. Of course it helps that I am a huge Scifi buff. There is always a problem when anyone who tries to compare a "B" movie, to one that I always have called an "A" movie. However I did take the time to read as many reviews as possible. The reviews I did read were very interesting to say the least. There was one scene that I agree had no place in the movie. I won't mention the scene, just in case you haven't seen the movie. Movies that I watch need to have the twists and turns to keep me interested enough to watch all the way through. But you know as well as I do, you can read all the reviews you can find. But at the end of all this research, you have to watch the movie and judge for yourself. TTFN
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Better then I expected,good story.
stormruston31 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I read the reviews here before watching this movie, so I was prepared for a crapper bomb, its not.There is a Si-Fi blight right now so I am forced to take what I can get.

None of the actors are very good, but no one sucked either. The special affects ranged from poor,buckets of watered down slim dropping onto the ground, to pretty neat, the aliens them self.

Everything about this movie screams cable TV and that is what it was...go in with the attitude that this is about the quality of say "Chupacabra: Dark Seas " and you may enjoy it too.

Minor Spoiler...One scene I did like was when Lamas got his spine torn out.

The basic story can be read by the reviews above or below mine.No point in rehashing it for you again.
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KHayes6662 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As the number of insect thrillers produced by First Look Entertainment continue to rise (Mosquito Man, Larva), Deep Evil seems to be the most original.

A meteorite crashes in Syberia back in the 1950's containing alien DNA, it quickly spreads through a top secret base and wipes everyone out before a nuke makes toast out of everything....or so we thought. Fastforward 50 years and the same virus that wiped out the last bio-station strikes again, but this time it wasn't contained. The entire movie is basically a flashback from one character's view point. Its tough to explain the rest of the movie so I'll make it op, no survivors.

The storyline itself was interesting until you were able to figure out the end before the climax even began. I really wanted to like this movie for it had a lot of suspicion. No kidding, this movie actually kept me on the edge of my seat for a while until I realized the ending like I said earlier. For those who have seen this movie, you know the exact scene I am referring to. This movie showed some promise and had some cool convulsing effects, plus I always love to see movies where the bad guys win. The only problem I had with this movie was there wasn't any nudity. Other than that it was a very underrated flick that most people gave a bad rating because they don't like movies that make you think 7 out of 10
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Another Good one
psyc3d18 March 2004
Another good TV movie from the folks at Insight, The premise of the movie was quite well thought out although I think the story was strong enough to support a longer movie.

Could have spent a little more time with character development I think as there were some strong characters that could have had more introduction and development.

Although a little rushed i think it was an enjoyable movie.

Good work guys, wish I was with you on that one. Look forward to whats next. Matt
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Now this was actually a nice surprise of a TV movie...
paul_haakonsen8 March 2020
Right, well initially I didn't really have much of any expectations or hopes for this 2004 movie titled "Deep Evil".

Why? Well, because it was a TV movie starring Lorenzo Lamas. Yeah, I can't really claim to think that he has been much of a grand talent in my eyes. But still, I was given the chance to sit down and watch it, so I did.

And color me impressed. This movie was actually rather enjoyable. Especially because it felt very much like a movie I would have seen during my childhood in the 1980s, perhaps even in my teens during the 1990s. It had that particular feel to it, and I must admit that appealed to me. I mean, there is just something about a secret military research facility and having an alien lifeform running amok.

I dare actually go as far as to say that this was even the best movie I have seen Lorenzo Lamas in.

The special effects in "Deep Evil" were good, and actually still are sort of passable even today. Sure, it is not photorealistic effects, but they work very well to suit their needs and purposes.

I enjoyed "Deep Evil" and thus I am rating it a six out of ten stars.
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Mental Mash of Movies
james123456789024 August 2007
This movie surprised me. I thought I was in for some "Pure Quality" But this was better than I expected.

Even though this movie had nothing original in it, deep evil managed to take all those stolen concepts and put them together really well. I noticed a few scenes straight from The Rock and Phantoms. But Liquid alien, underground laboratory, biological weapon gone wrong, commando team sent to fix the problem ...... come on. Deep Evil makes it work!!!!!!!!

The only reason I can see for it getting such a low score on IMDb is the CGI must have been done by David Hasselhoff's first grade fan club. It was pretty bad. But probably because I'm used to that sort of trash, I wasn't phased. Even the bad CG helicopters was repelled off my mental block of badness.

If you have a high tolerance for low budget computer graphics, I'd recommend this movie to you.
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Alright, Alright . . .
whattorso25 November 2006
The movie is called "Deep Evil . . ."Deep-Evil." (*Snorts with laughter*) Great . . .just great. I'm in hell, this is hell right? Yep. I think I'm in hell.How do you name a movie Deep Evil ? is this a more provocative evil ? a more sensual and richer type of evil ? I'm really interested . . .Haha! I sincerely hope that this did not reach the overseas market, because if it has,our diplomatic relations with other countries is justifiably moot. I think this movie would be better off being tweaked to include all of Jeff Goldblum's scenes from Jurrasic Park, I really do . . .or at least they should have stolen stock reels from the movie "The Abyss" HaHaHa . . .Someone call the fire department this one's out of control !
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When Things Go Wrong, Send In Lorenzo...
azathothpwiggins26 October 2021
Super-duper soldier Lorenzo Lamas and his elite military team are sent into a secret facility where scientists have been working on a bio weapon.

Something has gone horribly awry.

The team, led by a supermodel / scientist must enter the lab and save humanity. Upon their arrival, our heroes encounter living slime from a meteorite that infects a team member, causing her to jiggle and fester. Lorenzo squints and gives everyone a stern look.

Can this ooze be stopped before it goops up the world?

DEEP EVIL contains thespians from the human-caber school of acting, employing video game-level dialogue. We're also treated to cartoonish CGI for extra laughs. As an added bonus, people in rubber alien costumes run around for a few nanoseconds.

A true sub-sludge classic...
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