Mysteries from Beyond Earth (1975) Poster

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Crazy magic
BandSAboutMovies19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
George Gale has mostly worked as a post-production guy, but he also produced and directed two strange 1970's Fortean documentaries, Mysteries from Beyond Planet Earth and Are We Alone in the Universe? Narrated by character actor Lawrence Dobkin, this movie pretty much hits every single theory in its 94-minute whirlwind of info.

Your host stays calm through it all as we rush past every single theory anyone has ever had about anything, basically.

UFOs, Atlantis and Cayce talking about Atlantis? We've got that.

Planes getting lost in the Bermuda Triangle? Sure.

Telepathy, ESP, firestarters, Kirlian photography that captures auras and plants being able to communicate? Sure, we can talk about that.

But wait! Do you have time to talk about witchcraft and Satanism, including a Black Mass? Of course. And then we'll have to speak about the Hollow Earth, Bigfoot, black holes, genetic engineering, clones, freezing people and maybe we'll even get to aliens again. How much time do we have left?

This is a movie that from its very tagline asked, "What is the message from beyond the stars, which has been kept secret from our world until now?" Indeed. What is that message? Or messages?

This one is bought to you by American National Enterprises, who also blessed us by distributing She, Ironmaster, Endgame, Encounter with the Unknown and more. These guys had taste. None of it good. All of it amazing.
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A glorious example of 1970s woowoo
Reynald-de-Sade24 October 2013
Most people today are familiar with History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" series and other assorted pseudo-history programming; however, this sort of thing has been around for a long time.

This particular example of woowoo dates from 1975, and it certainly won't disappoint. It has UFO's, ancient astronauts and the Bermuda Triangle. I recommend it, not for it's insightful themes, or revelations of hitherto unknown knowledge, but rather as something of a guilty pleasure. If you've seen "Chariots of the Gods" and other assorted TV programs, or if you're curious as to where TV programs such as the aforementioned "Ancient Aliens" got their start, hopefully you'll find this particular example of such things entertaining.
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Good, if dated look at UFO's and other mysteries
dbborroughs2 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Good but dated look at UFO's and other strange phenomena (Magic, the Bermuda Triangle, though no monsters). Made during the mid 1970's UFO flap and before things got too far out and too wild, this is a nice collection of classic photographs and footage of UFO's, interviews with eyewitnesses who seem credible, astronauts, and scientists. The film suffers in that it keeps resorting to a trippy tunnel effect to link the various parts of the film, which dates the film and somehow makes it less serious. The film also has way too many subjects bouncing around in its 95 minutes with the result that the film feels like it was put together in a pinball machine as we start with UFO, move to the Bermuda Triangle, on to Voodoo over to ghosts before jumping back to UFO's. If you're willing to go along with how the material presented its a good primer on its various subjects. Worth a look, especially if you want to see how the subjects were covered before the Discovery Channel got involved.
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Typical '70s miscellany of paranormal subject matter
InjunNose14 January 2021
Typical '70s miscellany of paranormal subject matter: some of it worthwhile, most of it junk, and so hopelessly muddled together that it renders even the halfway interesting stuff pointless. Kinda-sorta based on Ralph Blum's "Beyond Earth: Man's Contact with UFOs," this film steps outside the bounds of the book to embrace a jumble of nonsense from black masses to psychokinesis to the hollow earth theory. A good example of the film's utter indifference to accuracy: narrator Lawrence Dobkin yammering about Tiahuanaco (and its alleged link to Atlantis) over dark, grainy footage of Teotihuacan (i.e., not Tiahuanaco). Folks who have read Blum's book should see "Mysteries from Beyond Earth" for its brief--but interesting--excerpts of Blum's chat with scrupulously honest UFO abductee Charles Hickson. Otherwise, I can't recommend this.

Mildly amusing if you're in the right mood; irritating if you're not. Dobkin wasn't doing himself any favors by appearing on-camera in that ridiculous toupée and ascot.
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just o.k.
ethylester11 November 2002
This film is just ok. It's trying to be a documentary about strange phenomenon on earth, but it comes away looking more goofy than anything else.

First of all, it has some pretty dumb hypotheses about Atlantis. It says that aliens are from Atlantis.?? And that space ships must be from Atlantis, too. Then it suggested that stonehenge and the pyramids and those other strange structures on earth might have been built by Atlantian aliens so that when they're up in their space ships they will have something to look down at from the sky as a way to map where they are.

But the good parts of the movie were the interviews they had with real people who had supposedly gotten abducted by aliens or lived in haunted houses. The people seemed believeable. The scientists, on the other hand, were quite hokey.

For example, the film had some funny before and after alien space ship landing soil shots that didn't really seem that remarkable. And they interviewed this scientist who worked with "auras" and besides the fact that she herself seemed like she was receiting lines and was a little too hyper to be taken seriously, the shots of the auras were so lame! They photographed the tips of people's fingers with this fancy aura camera while the people were kissing. (why the tips of their fingers, I don't know - all it looked like was random circles) then they said to watch how the auras changed and did stuff, but I watched it, and they weren't changing! It was so bad! It was laughably bad!

And funny how the main writer of the film is later "interviewed" about his scientific expertise regarding psychic phemonenon, or something. His interview was so staged, it wasn't even funny.

And THEN the part about devil worshippers was so incredibly awful and stupid! It was so not legit and very staged. It looked like a Halloween party! I think there were even people with face paint on! Then the narrator of the film comes back on the screen and tries to act like he is offended by the devil worshippers by slamming some papers down and it's just really funny and lame.

Lastly, the narrator himself is really quite annoying and not very credible. I found his ideas and stories and emotion hard to take seriously. Especially the sexist language he kept using to try to sound more scientific about "man" and all that lame business. It was very outdated and I believed nothing in the film except the actual people they interviewed who claim to have been abducted. They are the only real part of this whole movie, as far as I'm concerned.

All in all, it's quite fun to pick on this movie, but if you want real facts about strange and unexplained happenings on Earth, this is the wrong thing to watch.
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LeonLouisRicci10 May 2024
.These Low-Budget Compilations were Everywhere in the 70's. Probably Inspired by Erik von Daniken's Mega-Success with His Book and Follow-Up Documentary (1970) "Chariots of the Gods" (nominated for an Oscar).

Mostly the Format Contained a Semi-Recognizable Host Like...Leonard Nimoy...Rod Serling...etc.

Standing Up In-Front of Archival and Public Domain Footage of "Weird", "Unknowns", "Mysteries", "Myths", "Paranormal", "Crypto..." Facts, Speculations, and Musings on Things that Academia Avoids at All Costs.

As Carl Sagan Said About UFO's in the 70's...

"There isn't a scintilla of evidence that we have been visited by Extraterrestrials."

Despite Sagan and His Colleagues echoing that Hubristic Declaration, the Citizenry was Not so Easily Persuaded. A Huge "Cottage" Industry Formed with Books, Documentaries, TV-Shows, and the Kitchen-Sink Proliferated Pop-Culture that Still is Remanent Today.

This One is a Smorgasbord of Topics...Well Handled and Presented by Host Lawrence Dobkin with Interviews and Statements from Scientists, Educators, and Experiencers.

The Documentary Covers UFOs, The Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot, Ghosts, Kirlian Photography, Abductions, The Church of Satan, Witches, Atlantis, Ancient Megaliths, ESP, and more.

You Couldn't even Avoid the Phenom at the Grocery Store...Time/Life Got in on the Boom with Sets of "Encyclopedias".

The Movie has the Charm of Variety and the 95 min. Print Currently on YouTube is Excellent, and the Production Value is as Good as These Things Get.

For those with the Slightest Interest in the Paranormal and Earth Mysteries, this is Certainly...

Worth a Watch.
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A trip back to the good old days, when we believed all sorts of nonsense
Red-Barracuda21 March 2022
This is the latest instalment in my (n)ever popular viewing quest sub-series - documentaries full of complete rubbish. In this entry we learn about UFOs and alien abductions. Did aliens build the pyramids and Stonehenge? What's the Bermuda Triangle all about? (the phenomena, not the boardgame) Who is Yuri Geller and why? We look at the work of psychic surgeons and investigators. There's ghosts and witches! And how about considering the Hollow Earth Theory and how that explains mammoths? Further important questions are discussed such as 'are plants sentient?' and 'is Bigfoot an alien?' All of the above, and more, are brought to you via first-hand evidence of fantasists and the mentally deranged.

You will learn nothing useful in this documentary but that doesn't mean its not worth watching.
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Overly topic-filled documentary...
dwpollar21 November 2002
1st watched 11/21/2002 - 4 out of 10(Dir-George Gale): Overly topic-filled documentary primarily about un-explained phenomenons like UFO's and the paranormal. At times this was interesting to watch, but by the end of the movie you were so filled with so many different topics that seemed to be cramed into the film that it didn't have a major effect in any area. The most covered topic of UFO's was the most well done and if they would have stuck to that it would have made a much less information-filled 95 minutes and would have allowed more thought and focus on the subject. There were many of these films that came out in the 70's and I have to admit this is one of the better ones despite it's imperfections. It at least tried to give you the facts without glamorizing everything which is typically done in this variety.
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stranger than the mysteries it deals with
servo-922 May 2000
This was shown on some American channel several years ago as part of its "100% Weird" series of movies. Essentially its an ineptly assembled assortment of various topics related to the "Unexplained" including UFOs, Black Masses, and (I don't remember specifically, but how could it not?) the Loch Ness Monster.

It begins with a quotation of the opening lines of HG Wells' War of the Worlds spoken over what seems to be some footage of the special effects from Plan 9 from Outer Space. Things fail to pick up thereafter.
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A classic cult film of the 1970's
bdjtexas26 February 2010
This is a classic 1970's cult film, and therefore must be viewed in that context. Attempting to review the film from a current day perspective is unfair. Viewed from the proper perspective, this film is a wonderful and delightful, and fun adventure into the unknown of UFO's, ghosts, clones, telepathy, Atlantis, ancient astronauts, witchcraft, the Bermuda Triangle and more. This film is an journey into the mysticism that was so prevalent during the 1960's and 1970's. For those who long for a good ride in the "way back" machine, this is your film. People were much less cynical and had a greater zest for mystery and adventure. This film provides that vehicle.
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Excellent Exploration Into The Unknown
bayardhiler10 July 2013
Once upon a time, my sister used to work at a mom and pop video rental store (remember those? LOL) and every so often, she'd bring home some old tapes that the store no longer wished to carry. One of these tapes was a little documentary, maybe made for television, called "Mysteries From Beyond Earth". Having always had an interest in the unknown, I took a look at it and since then, it has become one of my favorite productions on the subject of strange. Hosted by Lawrence Dobkin, this lovely documentary gives you a basic look at such subjects like UFOs, Bigfoot, psychic energy, ghosts, ancient aliens, black holes, lost civilizations, even the morals of cloning before it was scientifically possible. Through interviews, you will meet the people who have experienced such things as alien abduction, hauntings, UFO encounters, and even a woman who claims to be a witch. While the movie might be a little dated, it is no less interesting, especially for those who wonder whether or not aliens have visited this planet or whether ghosts and physic energies are real. After all, although its been over thirty years since this movie was made, people are still encountering things that cannot be explained. So, if you're one of those folks who has a passion for the unknown and you like to see old, vintage docs on the subject, check this out. I believe it may even be on you tube.
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Journeys into The Occult
DBlackthorne12 March 2016
This documentary has always remained memorable ever since I first saw it on KDOC 56 once upon a time, eventually recording it to add to My collection of Occult videographic arcana, sharing it from time to time with interested parties {sometimes segments during parties}.

I titled this missive 'Journeys Into The Occult' because of the seemingly changing name of the presentation from 'Mysteries From Beyond Earth' to 'Journeys From Beyond Earth', though I seem to recall it also being called "Journeys Into The Occult" when I saw it. So it occurred to Me recently to search online for this title, though at first it was daunting. I did not even know the name of it, nor the host or date, just that it appeared to be from the "70's". I do love the earthy colorations, mannerisms, folksy music, focus on Nature, The Occult, wallpaper, appliances, toys, and wood paneling.

Hosted by Lawrence Dobkin {10 Commandments, Patton}, whom I learned more favorably also played "Col. Alvin B. Kinciad" in 'Inside Out' from Knight Rider - one of two of what I refer to as "the 'A Team' episodes" - the other being 'A Plush Ride'. I thought he looked familiar! It is also quite amusing that he scurries away nervously after the potent Church of Satan segment, obviously very disturbed, with incorrect passive-aggressive commentary based upon reactive fear, belying his role as proposed impartial narrator. Apparently, it was his one and only documentary hosting.

The rest of the presentation features many of the subjects I have always been fascinated by, inspirational relations driving one to actually participate in these experiences and experiments. A video documentation of all those books studied, from Edgar Cayce to Seth Speaks, tomes on Kabbalah to the Goetia, parapsychology, unexplained anomalies, psychic abilities, mysterious monoliths, crypotozoology, etc., an overall wide range of Occult lore.

Since possessing the Time/Life "Wizards & Witches" and "Mysteries of The Unknown" book series, reading the "Man, Myth, & Magic" series at libraries, Fate magazine, and more, all of which evolved one into a veritable walking, talking, breathing encyclopedia of The Occult. Always more than just a spectator for something 'weird', but a serious study and application, an actual practitioner oneself.

From the Kirlian Photography segment to Witchcraft & Satanism, to the varied oracles, are all complementary tools & techniques to help sharpen, maximize, and stimulate latent abilities as part of the total cerebrum and natural senses; and time and again, it is evident that via the scientific method, science fiction frequently becomes science fact, and that every legend carries a nugget of truth. What Witches and Warlocks have been operating of course throughout history, science will someday perhaps explain in technical terms. Ergo, "What is more important is not so much the particular ingredients in a bowl of soup, but the overall taste." {paraphrased, LaVey}

Overall, this presentation is a fine introduction into the world of Parapsychology, offering basic samples into many of the techniques, history, experimentation, and realms of the Occult. A study into what Magus LaVey identified as that "large gray void between psychology and religion". It is human nature to explore the inner and outer reaches of existence. If the Church of Satan segment is the personal religion, the rest is like a macrocosm of The Black Earth displaying the Mysteries of Nature, which one resonates with, projects, incarnates, and manifests. ∞
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