Werewolf (Video 1995) Poster

(1995 Video)

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Intensely stupid and incoherent, not unlike the actors
lemon_magic16 April 2005
Since capturing the MST3K version of "Werewolf" on tape years ago, I have sat down and watched it several times, trying to figure out how functional human beings could make a feature film that has a sloppier script, more continuity errors, less coherent performances and ends up making even less sense than a patchwork mess like "Space Mutiny".

Then I happened upon 'billybrown4''s suggestion that perhaps the filmmakers kept running out of money, waiting to get some more, and then trying to resume again over the course of several years while the actors and extras and costume designers and crews kept coming and going. That would explain a lot of things: Yuri's wildly varying hairstyles, Joe Estevez disappearing after the 1st 1/3 of the film, the way the werewolf keeps appearing in totally different guises (a bear, a bat, a hand puppet, Federico Cavellini in spirit gum and floor mats, etc.), Richard Lynch's apparent loss of interest in the whole problem in the last 30 minutes, the jarring "start-stop" feel of the movie and the whole plot thread with the 2nd werewolf (the security guard) which serves no purpose except to establish Yuri as a complete *ssh*le who will stop at nothing to 'be famous beyond (his) wildest dreams'.

Oddly, the movie is filled with physically attractive, photogenic people who nevertheless seem to have the personality of a sack of cement - this may have been caused partially by the fact that English is obviously a 2nd language for the three main leads, especially the female lead "Natalie". So your eyes are drawn to them while at the same time your ear recoils in irritation at their attempts to speak the vernacular. "Yuri" is very handsome and muscular, but chews the scenery without mercy. On the other hand (paw?), there is "Sam The Keeper" who speaks perfect English but looks like roadkill and camps it up something fierce. And there is Joe Estevez, who is an utter cornball, but still is one of the most interesting things in the movie.

So the actors who aren't wooden marionettes in this movie are complete Shakespearean level hams, except for poor Richard Lynch, who probably took the money and ran.

Other discordant and jarring elements in the movie:

1) The longest transformation scene in the history of Western cinema 2)A fight scene between Yuri and the werewolf in which the two actors are never in the same shot and Yuri seems to sustain fatal damage without ever being physically touched. 3)A scene in which the female realtor is thrown over a railing by the werewolf when she visits him in the house she rented to his human form, which fall should have killed or crippled her, but she walks away without a scratch - AND SHE NEVER REPORTS IT TO THE POLICE!! 4)The scene at the benefit party in the museum where "Loud Mumbling Breaks Out", followed by the one were Yuri attacks Paul Niles with the skull of the werewolf. 5)At one point Natalie tells Paul "You're our only hope..." What? Where did THAT come from?? If the archaeological project needed more money, all they had would have to do is issue a press release about the werewolf skeleton and they would have more money and attention than they could handle. Michael Jackson alone would probably bid upwards of $5 million to keep the skeleton after they were done. 6)Most egregiously, the infamous scene where the werewolf attacks the young woman who is necking in the jeep, and she jumps OUT of the jeep and runs screaming with three voices down the middle of the road, only to trip in her pre-muddied dress and founder in a 2 inch deep puddle. Where did her boyfriend go? How did the werewolf catch her when he was writhing along the road like a snake? We may never know...

Anyway, an invigoratingly sloppy and stupid movie. Watch this whenever you want to feel better about yourself in comparison to a bunch of clueless people who wasted thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to make awful dreck.
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One important note: Worst single performance ever.
charlweed1 March 2010
Read the other reviews, I concur with all of them. But here is something to consider:

While I am not a true scholar of bad film, I have seen much of the MST3K collection, and countless other examples of truly wretched cinema. And in my opinion, this film may indeed have captured the worst performance in any commercially released film. It's not your ordinary woodenness, it's not merely the sheer inability to convey fear, happiness, or anger. There are countless bad actresses. Sure, the script was already incomprehensible. But that's common too.

No, I believe Adrianna Miles' performance is the result of taking a (terrible) actor, and then handing her a (terrible) script IN A LANGUAGE SHE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND, and only giving her the weakest possible direction on how to parrot the syllables.

Imagine Pauly Shore as the lead in a Chinese horror film, IN Chinese, where the director and voice coach hate him so much, that they refuse to even explain to him what is supposed to be happening in the scene.

To me, its the best explanation of the "This is absolutely fascinatingggg" scene, and every other time she is supposed to be performing "dialog". It's why she giggles while someone is writhing in supposed agony on the floor in front of her, and why she does not seem to recognize that the male lead is not supposed to spit in her hair while wooing her.

See this film. It may be one for the ages.
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"Werewolf"? Where-SCRIPT?!
Mister-628 January 2001
I've seen some good werewolf movies in my time. "An American Werewolf in London", "The Wolf Man" and "The Howling" are among my favorites (and, incidentally, some of the better examples of the genre).

And then we get to "Werewolf", which seems to be the cinematic equivalent of a really bad train wreck. Up until I had seen this beauty, "Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf" was the worst movie about lycantropy I had ever witnessed.

Even the synopsis is bad: archaeologists dig up a skeleton of a werewolf and when people get cut on it, they turn into werewolves!

Kids, I won't lie to you...this movie stinks in every conceivable way you could imagine. The actors have so many different accents among them you'd think this was a co-production with the League of Nations. There are about ten (that I noticed) different versions of about, say, four werewolves in the whole movie. The director has absolutely no sense of how to set up a scene - scary, introductory, dramatic, what-have-you (a werewolf transformation gets up-staged by a mural in a bar? Yeah, just what I was thinking).

There are pretty women to ogle at, though. Whether or not they can act is a moot point, I suppose, but they talk about "fussinading" things, scream with what sounds like three voice boxes and type letters while pantsless.

But in the end, this is about as sorry an excuse for a werewolf (or "wahrwilf", or "wherwalf" or whatever) film I've seen in my life. Yep, it's bad; as bad as a truckload of dirty gym clothes. Bad like those ties way back in your closet. Bad like a Pauly Shore retrospective. Bad like getting gyros from an Italian restaurant.

Break out the silver bullets, wolfsbane, crucifixes and everything else for this flick!

No stars for "Werewolf" - the worst werewolf movie ever featuring Joe Estevez.

TIDBIT - victims of lycantropy should NEVER drive.
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As Sam the Keeper would say, "What's going on..... Oh my God.... help me... holy Jesus God father.... WEREWOLF?!"
MaxZorin11 July 2003
This movie does indeed stink a lot. However, that DOES NOT mean it isn't worth viewing. It's actually a hilarious romp through Flagstaff, Arizona. First off you have stars like Richard Lynch (Trancers II) and Joe Estevez (Beach Babes From Beyond), these guys are always great in B-movies like this one!

The dialogue is insane and the special effects are ridiculous - is that really supposed to be a werewolf? I think it looks more like a bear that lived on Endor and got beat by a bunch of Ewoks with traffic cones.

Anyhow, the real gem here is the character portrayed by R.C. Bates (Bad Girls) known as "Sam the Keeper". Sam's job is to watch over the house where are main character lives. Not since the movie "Fletch" has the silver screen been graced by a more hilarious watchman.

Sam's is one goofy guy - he looks like Santa Claus/Jerry Garcia dressed up in camo carrying a shotgun "just to keep the flies down". He's a lovable goof and every scene he's in you'll find yourself hitting rewind to hear him deliver his goofy lines over and over. He even calls Count Dracula a faggot - but you don't need to believe him, "cause that's the facts!"

Sam the Keeper makes this movie a must see. Good out and rent it! Invite a couple friends over, order some pizza, and laugh away.

It should be noted that my friends and I thought this movie was so funny that I should have been on MST3K when we first saw it years ago... well, there is a sense of justice out there, because it did end up being on MST3k and boy, that was a good episode.

R.C. Bates forever!!!
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Gafke9 May 2004
Believe it or not, this film starts out pretty promisingly. A team of archaeologists working on a dig in Arizona unearth the skeleton of a bipedal wolf creature. The Native American diggers are instantly suspicious, claiming that these are the remains of a Skinwalker. When one of them is struck with the skull during a fight, the gash becomes infected and the man begins to change into a living, breathing werewolf running amok in a hospital!

This could have been a good little film. But it lacks a decent script...and good actors...and a coherent storyline and convincing special effects and...well, it lacks more than it has. The plot (what there is of it) consists of an Andy Garcia lookalike taking FOREVER to transform into a wolfman, and a bodybuilding dork who runs around injecting random people with werewolf juice for no apparent reason whatsoever. There's also a redheaded love interest with the face of a rabbit and the personality of a coat hangar who loves the wolf and is pursued by the dork. Richard Lynch is here too as the head of the archaeology department, though the writer of this mess apparently had no idea what to do with his character and has Lynch wander around in search of something to do or say. Joe Estevez disappears with no explanation after the first half hour and is replaced with Sam the Keeper, an aging hippie/militia man who is far scarier than the werewolf proves to be.

This movie is just a total mess. Avoid it at all costs.
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At least the box art looks okay
Aaron137524 September 2001
This is a film that was featured on my favorite television show Mystery Science Theater 3000. It made for a very funny episode of the show as there was just a lot of aspects to the film to riff. You had Joe Estevez who is Martin Sheen's brother who I am guessing only gets roles because he looks like his more famous sibling. You have a dude who changes his hairstyle several times during the film, you have a solid actor in Richard Lynch reduced to a very underwhelming role and wearing a grandmotherly sweater and you have the two lead characters who both sound like they are from the same country in Europe. It is not all bad though, as the werewolf at times looks pretty good and the lead female has a nice set to stare at, but that is just not enough to rate the film any higher than the two I have given it here. It was not boring though and there were also a couple of good kills, but there is just too much randomness going on in this one to rank it higher. The fact that the film goes in one direction and shows you the beast and then proceeds to take it in another direction with another main character kind of weakens the film.

The story starts out having people digging in the desert, searching for stuff. Well, they find the remains of something and then proceed to get in a fight that Richard Lynch must stop. One of the workers gets cut on the remains that resemble some sort of animal, but also has some human qualities too. Well the guy who gets cut becomes a werewolf and the guy who constantly changes his hair proceeds to make matters worse and soon the guy is a full blown werewolf who promptly gets shot. Is the movie over already? No, another character is introduced who goes to a party and somehow gets involved in the whole affair and gets cut too as the dude who changes his hair also likes to wield werewolf skulls as weapons. Soon, the writer who likes the girl with the nice rack and is apparently from the same country as him, starts changing and running through the streets and doing things!

This made for a great episode of MST3K. It is a bad film, but not a boring film. There is enough in it to keep one entertained throughout and for the gang to riff throughout too. The film is much longer without being on the show as I am guessing MST3K showed maybe an hour and ten minutes while the run time for the standard version is an hour and 39 minutes. That would probably explain some of the more confusing jumps in it, but I am pretty sure the movie would remain pretty bad even with the extra time as the two lead characters are still going to be talking with thick accents and that one guy may have even had a couple of more hairstyles on display. I do think there had to be more with Richard Lynch though as his character kind of disappears at the tail end of the MST3K version.

So, while this film is severely cut for its showing on MST3K, I am just going to assume that whatever was cut was not going to make this thing an Oscar contender. As I've said the werewolf looks pretty good at times, but a lot of the time it is just some hair here and there and at other times it resembles a bear. The characters are over the top and fun to make fun of, but it is kind of sad to see Richard Lynch stuck in this mess. The guy was in some good films during his career and this is most definitely not one of them! In the end though it is a perfect film for MST3K and I think that if they had simply continued to do the show as like a DVD release here and there after SyFy canceled it, they could do more justice to films like this because they could do more unedited versions. I am kind of curious to see an uncut version just to see if that one gal goes topless!
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"When confronted by a werewolf, it is important that you immediately leave your car and run out in the open"
Smells_Like_Cheese20 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
LOL, I just saw this movie from Mystery Science Theater 3000, well, actually it was the first episode I ever saw. But I didn't remember the movie since that was back in like 1999, but I just recently saw it again and I have to say that this movie was just an utter disaster waiting to happen. I feel awful for these siblings of Oscar winning actors, it seems like they get the crummy roles. So my sincere apologizes to Joe Estevez, it's bad enough your brother gets awesome roles, then your nephews as well? Poor Joe, let's take a moment for him while I try my best to describe this movie.

OK, from what I gathered, a group of archaeologists dig up werewolf remains. Now a group of scientists take the remains, but not before one of the archaeologists gets a cut from the remains, and becomes a werewolf? So this guy, I think his name is Paul, starts to infect people wanting them to become werewolves while his hair style changes on a minutely basis. Then this girl, Natalie, would like to save him... and she ends up with a bad consequence with no explanation what so ever.

This movie is just plain bad, believe me. I am so sorry that I had to see this film, but it was awesome watching it with Mystery Science Theater 3000, that's the only way that makes this film tolerable. I loved the scene with the couple's just making out and the girl gets out of the car while she sees a werewolf and runs out in the open, while her boyfriend just stays in the car. LOL, great MSTK3 episode, bad movie.

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One Night in Bangkok Makes a Strong Man Crumble!
Hancock_the_Superb26 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In Arizona, a bunch of strangely-accented scientists led by the psychopathic Yuri (George Rivero) comes across the skeleton of the Yamaglanchi (sic, who cares?), a Native American Werewolf. Yuri and his partner Noel (Richard Lynch) decide it would be fun to turn random people into werewolves, in hope that they might profit in. One of their victims is Paul (Federico Cavalli), a young writer who falls in love with research assistant Natalie Burke (Adrianna Miles). Also lurking around is Joe Estevez as a superstitious worker whose job is restricted to standing around looking frightened.

"Werewolf" is just plain bad. One of the most unintentionally funny movies of all time, it's about on the same level as an Ed Wood film or (God forbid) Manos: the Hands of Fate.

Rather than do a comprehensive essay, I'll just list some stuff bitching about the movie's various shortcomings:

  • What's with the accents? Granted, George Rivero is Mexican so I'll let him pass. But why are there so many Europeans running around Flagstaff? Are we supposed to think of them as Americans (it would appear so based on their surnames)?

  • Sam the Keeper provided perhaps the funniest moments in the film, although I'm not sure why he felt compelled to tell Paul that "Count Dracula was a f*****", or where he got that information.

  • "Sleeping like a coyote, nose to anus." Thanks for sharing that...

  • Worst werewolf make-up ever, or rather, not too bad in and of itself, but inconsistent. In some shots, he looks like a Lon Chaney Wolf Man, but in others, like an actual wolf. Can anyone say... CONTINUITY?

  • The werewolves in this movie are totally lame. All of them except Paul die about five minutes after transforming. Tommy gets sucker-punched a few times by a security guard and later shot by Joe Estevez and his buddy with little more than a whimper. The security guard dies in a car wreck a few minutes after transforming. Paul gets the snot beat out of him by a random guy on the street, whom he chooses to engage in a martial arts contest rather than just gnawing on him. Kinda hard to be scared of monsters that can get their lunch handed to them by Joe Average (or Joe Estevez for that matter).

  • I take back what I said before: the security guard lycanthropizing while driving his car was the funniest scene, not only in this movie, but in any movie ever.

  • Did they REALLY think nobody would notice the full moon being in EVERY SCENE?

  • Adrianna Miles' as the air-headed Natalie was too funny... "This is absolutely fascinating!" "You and Paul is in this for fame and fortune? But over my dead body!" To be fair, her biggest problem was probably her incomplete command of the English language. She reminds me of a much dumber version of one of my best friends in high school (who was herself a red-haired German, but also happened to be pretty smart).

  • How did Natalie become a werewolf?

Just a terrible film all around. Bad acting, bad accents, bad screenplay, lame werewolf. A very easy target for MST3K, and of their best efforts.

1/10 for the movie, ten full stars for the MST3K lampooning.
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This is obsolutely fusscinating...
jesse_barboza9 November 2005
When an inept director takes himself too seriously, the result can never be good. Such is the product of Tony Zarindast's "Werewolf". I find it hard to believe that Zarindast (who makes a cameo appearance as a hard-drinkin' security guard) could possibly have been pleased with this film...and he probably didn't appreciate the perfectly accurate razzing it received as Experiment 904 on "Mystery Science Theater 3000".

A movie whose only star power consists of Charlie Sheen's uncle, the film starts out with a group of angry archaeologists excavating a tiramisu and beating the snot out of each other for no reason while someone punches a side of beef offscreen. They soon uncover the skeleton of a werewolf (complete with ears) that was evidently killed for its Nikes and continually sings the Ave Maria. A cut from one of the bones sends weepy-eyed Timmy to the hospital in bad-bad-bad-bad-bad-bad condition. Sleazy archaeologist-of-many-hairstyles Yuri takes this opportunity to inject the poor man with Essence-O'-Werewolf, sending the raving puppet-beast out into the dead of blue filter night, where paunchy Joe Estevez guns him down to the tune of African bongos. Meanwhile, some guy named Paul arrives in town and is immediately greeted by gun-toting dictator for life Sam (who has a wonderful singing voice) and a woman who refuses to sit at a typewriter unless she's not wearing pants. While Paul finds himself unavoidably attracted to the airheaded and marble-mouthed Natalie (a Russo-Italian-Mexican archaeologist who barely even knows what a hat is), Yuri angrily takes a walk over to Kirk Douglas' house and drugs the aforementioned security guard, shooting up his bloodstream with more Eau De Yanaglonchi. The poor guard ends up lycanthropizing during his drive home from work (a route that takes him past the same gas station three times), eventually meeting his end when a bunch of renegade oil drums leap in front of his car.

Paul suspects that something is amiss and angrily berates Yuri's hair, ultimately ending up being beaten with the slipstream from a werewolf skull swung at his head. Before long, the full moon (which doggedly refuses to wane) takes its toll on Paul, who takes about six hours to fully metamorphose and finally shoots out of his room, lands across town, and drags a teenage girl to a mud hole so he can blow on her belly. Realizing that he's doing "things" by night, Paul tries to ease his fears with a night of tight-shirted pool at the local harpsichord bar, but naturally he spazzes out again when that stubborn full moon hangs around for yet another night. Realizing that Yuri and his fellow archaeologists "is" only trying to exploit her grease-headed sweetheart, Natalie sets out to find Paul before he can swipe blindly at any more random citizens (and miss).

If this movie was supposed to be a satire of the whole werewolf movie subcategory, it'd be great. But because it takes itself too seriously, it crashes and burns on multiple occasions. In spite of that, it's a load of fun to watch, but only if you've got Mike and the bots in front of it. Otherwise, this fossilized Yanaglonchi deserves to remain buried.
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Of Werewolves And Were-Euros.
dunmore_ego22 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Not five minutes into "Werewolf", we realize we've been duped into watching an interminable Mentos commercial – Euros playing Americans playing archaeologists.

We meet these brawling "scientists" (of course! – don't ALL scientists brawl at their excavation sites?) somewhere in Arizona, Europe, as they unearth a human skeleton with a wolf's skull. Joe Estevez, in a role you will not soon forget – waitaminute, who was I talking about?... oh right, Martin Sheen's brother – wide-eyed in terror (or attempting to perform the facsimile thereof), pules "yana-glanchi" at the skeleton, which means, loosely translated, "buried studio prop".

Apparently, the studio prop was a dead werewolf - Waitaminute! - when a werewolf dies, doesn't it transform FULLY back to human shape? How did its head remain lupine?

Specious examination follows, with Noel (lead scientist, bearing an unfortunate resemblance to literary gadfly - and one of my heroes - Harlan Ellison) asserting that the creature ran on all fours – but with all four skeletal limbs so patently human in form and function, were it to run on all fours, the creature's butt would be so high in the air, it might as well have stood up and gone bipedal.

Noel and musclebound "scientist", Yuri (who assimilated his English locution from Antonio Banderas movies), apply their stringent "scientific method" to the mystery of dem bones, which involves contemplating every unintelligible LEGEND surrounding this mythic creature, arriving at the baseless conclusion that the skeleton is, in fact, a "wahr-wilf", without raising one finger to physically examine it. Don't give up your day jobs, fellas.

Blond-and-breasted Natalie, who we presume has some kind of education (other than carnal) to be one of the lead scientists on this dig, tries ever so hard to add convincing dialog to her scenes, but in trying to get her Euro tongue around English as her Second Language, she sounds like she's gargling marbles. Don't give up your boob job, honey.

Considering werewolf legends originated in Europe, one would imagine that Euros would be the best purveyors of these tales. But somehow, when these Euros made this American-market film, all quality and integrity went "ciao baby", which might say something about the sub-standard perception Europeans have of the American Film Industry's boilerplate low-budget motion picture market, thereby creating inferior product because they don't have to strive too high - or it might just mean that *these* Euro film-makers stink…

The main character, Paul (pronounced "Pahlle" in Euro), is beaten by Yuri with the sharp end of the yana-glanchi skull; consequently, he turns into a were-creature and minces about the countryside hither and thither, crawling, jogging, ululating, pretending to bite people, shape-shifting into at least five discernible stages of wolf-hood, one of which looks like a guy in a bear suit. We gather that there is something terribly wrong about this, not least because the moon has been full for about two straight weeks indicating that its orbit has suddenly destabilized, but also because Natalie seems concerned (or attempting to perform the facsimile thereof).

And then, thankfully, the movie ends, leaving about five characters unaccounted for, two or three who just never appeared again after the second act. The final scene sees Natalie finding Paul as a slavering werewolf and being unafraid of him. The big reveal is that Natalie herself is a wahr-wilf!

How this came to pass is pointless to contemplate. Why this seems to be meaningful as the punchline of the film is even more of a mystery. Let's just back away slowly and hope the movie allows us to leave unscathed.

(Movie Maniacs, visit: www.poffysmoviemania.com)
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The Cover Was Great...
Chimera-223 October 2000
Well, let's put it like this. They must have spent more money for the cool-looking holographic werewolf-transformation cover than they spent for the entire rest of the movie.

It was a horrible, horrible film. Makes Plan 9 look like Ben Hur.
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If Tommy Wiseau directed a horror movie.
matthewssilverhammer26 April 2018
So stupidly funny, I was laughing hard enough that my face hurt and I was crying actual tears. And the old NRA guy who runs the bed-and-breakfast...wow. He. Is. My. Everything.
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Is it bad? Undeniably. Is it entertaining? Absolutely!
rainecphoenix28 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What's to say about this film that hasn't already been said by comedians and reviewers far more talented than I? No two ways about it, this movie is so schlocky that even Troma Entertainment might not have touched it. The acting, if you can call it that, is so stilted and wooden that you'd find more emotionally invested and dedicated performers in a middle school play. The hair and makeup department was so lax in their duties that they allowed an actor to have no fewer than 7 different hairstyles throughout the entire film, often changing from scene to scene or even shot to shot. There's a battle of dueling accents between the three leading actors so extreme in this film that it rivals Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brigitte Nielsen in "Red Sonja".

The werewolf/wurwolf/weerwuf, which doesn't officially make its appearance until the last 5 minutes of the film, looks less like a wolf and more like a melted-down Spencer's Gifts Halloween mask, stuck haphazardly with hair pulled from Yuri's hairbrush. The Duck Dynasty- looking butler or grounds-keeper (or whatever he is) is easily both the worst and best actor in this film, because it seems as though he knows how bad this movie is and as a result, he turns in a performance so phoned-in that it likely cost him long-distance and roaming fees. Conversely, Jorge Rivero's (Yuri)performance is far too sophisticated and distinguished than such a film calls for, making him stand out, but in a bad way, because he takes his role far more seriously than than anyone else involved took the film, kind of like a minor league badminton coach. Then, there's the female lead, Natalie. Wow. Her paradoxically heavy-lidded wide-eyed gaze throughout the entire film is mesmerizing in the sense that you're trying to place where she's from as your mind wanders, trying to picture what's going through her mind (if you could call it that) as she stares the way a cow would at an oncoming big rig, until you come to the ultimate conclusion that it's taking every ounce of what little talent she has to remember her lines in English that it depletes all other vital resources. The lead character, Paul, is probably the least memorable of the entire cast. I have more vivid memories of the pant-less Realtor(?), the long-haired Native American at the film's beginning, the Italian security guard, Richard Lynch and even Joe Estevez than of what's-his-face-Paul. Even when he finally becomes the werewolf/wurwolf/weerwuf, he's so bland, I'd just rather see someone else.

That said, I really enjoy this movie. I have a soft spot for schlocky B-movies that are so bad, they're good, and this one qualifies. You just have to know what you're getting yourself into in advance. It's surprisingly catchy and quotable. It's a great drinking game film (take a drink every time Yuri's hair is in a different style, take a drink during every continuity error, take a drink every time Natalie says "wurwolf", etc.). In short, it's a great film to watch with several like-minded friends. Just shut your brain off, pile on the popcorn and riff away.
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Hilarity's great especially when it's unintentional
InzyWimzy8 April 2011
This movie is so odd. We are not in Flagstaff. The horror is not from scares or frights, but rather at the low budgetness of this B schlocker. Maybe the heir of seriousness in the film makes it so difficult NOT to laugh.

Any scene with Paul and Natalie is comic gold. Romantic chemistry is nowhere to be found between the two and comes off as very awkward: looking like the other one is thinking, "What's my next line?" Extra kudos to Adrianna Miles for winning the Valeria award from Robot Holocaust (Yes Dak-won!). Still, Natalie serves as stunning eye candy (I'd rack the table next for her!), but this sadly does not make up for the pain and woe of her phonics lessons.

Incidentally, the babe's name in Werewolf and in Soultaker (Vivian Schilling) is Natalie. These two B grade gems both have Joe Estevez..COINCIDENCE?? Yeah, probably, but Joe fares much better as a soul repo man than as an archaeologist (the security guard had more screen time for crying out loud!). And lastly, the Platinum Turkey award goes to Jorge Rivero as Yuri. He steals any scene he's in and his erratic behavior provides for much of the entertainment in this lycanthropic limburger fest.

"You and Noel is in it for fame and fortune?" (too funny!!!)
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When International Co-Production Runs Amok . . .
mp9918 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see--the leading man is Italian, the leading lady is German, the main villain is Mexican, and the co-writer/director is Iranian--all gathered in what may or may not be Flagstaff, Arizona to ineptly tell the tale of werewolves who actually look more like bats and bears and apes than werewolves, or even were-puppies, for that matter. There's also the immortal score which Keith Bilderbeck derived from his Concerto for Cello and Werewolf (sorta like how Miklos Rosza adapted his Violin Concerto into the score for THE PRIVATE LIFE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES -- although I suspect Miklos might be a bit insulted by this suggestion), and there are brief appearances by such Z-movie stalwarts as Richard Lynch (who's really pretty good--he almost makes his little monologue full of pseudo-Indian mythology sound interesting) and Joe Estevez (who's just sort of paunchy and absurdly intense). There's also the archaeological dig that turns into a barroom brawl and the leading lady's pool game with what looks like a fey, tubby leather freak. And haven't even gotten to the real-estate agent who doesn't like to wear pants and the grounds-keeper who runs around with a shotgun and spreads lacivious gossip about Dracula's private life . ..
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Pretty funny, but I'm sure that's not what they were going for,
TOMNEL19 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This low budget werewolf film is amazingly less believable than the original Wolfman film, and of course is much worse. First of all, the special effects are really bad. The werewolf consists of a weird cat looking animatronic head that's mouth looked like it was cut open. The body was a guy in a suit so it looked like a weird cat bear. Everything from the film is stolen from every other werewolf film, especially the ending which is taken right out of the film "Wolf". Everything about this movie was cheesy, from the werewolf body to the wolf driving a car (is just stupid). The biggest star in the film is Martin Sheen's brother, and is this movie's only claim to fame. The only version of this that should be watched is Mystery Science Theater version.

My rating: BOMB/****.
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"You calling me a psycho?" "I'll kill your whole family if you call me that again!"
Oosterhartbabe17 March 2004
I love this stinker. I even rented the non-MST3K version from a video store to see the parts that got cut out. It is so awful that it just makes me laugh uncontrollably. And that is NOT,NOT,NOT Flagstaff, Arizona! I lived less than a hundred miles from Flagstaff, and it is WAY too cold there to have palm trees! It was actually shot in California, which puzzles me. Why'd they shoot it there and then claim that it's Flagstaff? Who knows. I love the female lead's wooden stare. She looks like she's trying to go into a Zen trance all the time. The bear costumes are hysterical. Yuri's constantly changing hairstyles and lunacy are just wonderful. Who'd hire this guy on an archaeological dig? The only reason that the indian guy got cut by the bones in the first place was because Yuri threw him down on them and beat the crap out of him. It would be like hiring Charles Manson to be your personal bodyguard. This movie is wonderfully cheesy. It makes me laugh every time I watch it, even the regular version.
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Frightening and terrifying - only for its inclusion of Joe Estevez
eichelbergersports15 June 2006
This film, written, produced and directed by Tony Zarindast (the poor man's Cy Roth), is one of the worst post-1990's movies since "Hobgoblins." Plot goes something like this: A human skeleton with a dog's skull is unearthed on an archaeological dig in the Arizona desert. This event causes two idiots to get into a fight, where one of them is scratched by a bone, and turns into "the least successful werewolf of all-time."

Actually, it wouldn't be fair to use the term "wolf," or any other member of the wolf family, since it resembles more of a bear, a bat, a cat, or a monkey in various incarnations.

During those crucial scenes, Martin Sheen's dumpier, homelier brother, Joe Estevez, make a few cameo appearances, and just like Emilio's career, disappears quickly and mercifully.

While villains Noel (Richard Lynch) and Yuri (George Rivero) take the bones and explains the legend of the Yomiguchi, or "the man who walks around on all fours" to a disinterested audience, dim-witted Natalie (Adrianna Miles-who conjures up vivid memories of Angelika Jager, the bizarrely-accented chick from Season One's "Robot Holocaust"), stands around, dull-eyed with mouth agape, uttering lines like, "This is fascinating," and "You and Paul is a weer-wilf."

Halfway through the film, two more inane characters appear, Paul (Fred Cavalli), who looks like Andy Kaufman's "foreign guy," and a goofy, bearded clown named "Sam the Keeper," who is a cross between Fidel Castro and Santa.

At a party, Paul humiliates Yuri, so, in revenge, the latter gets a security guard drunk and turns him into a lycanthrope, who crashes his car into a pile of oil drums. Later, Paul proves his ultimate effeminacy by being beat up by Yuri, hit with the canine cranium, and transforming into the second-least successful werewolf of all-time.

In the meantime, Rivero is going through multiple hairstyle and color changes, until the final scenes where he looks like Joe Pesci in "JFK." So, basically, this picture is nothing but bad hair, bad accents and worse acting.

Stick to the original "Wolf Man," or even "Teen Wolf," if you want genuine thrills. Watch this one (especially the "Mystery Science Theatre 3000" version) if you want some unintentional laughs.
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Watch MST3K version only..please!!!!
garyb044 November 2008
This is one messed up movie and I have a few questions:1)How come Paul doesn't say what he's writing about when asked twice?? 2)How come Natalie and Yuri don't notice Paul turning into a werewolf while playing pool?? 3)How come Sam the Keeper doesn't CALL the police instead of praying for them? 4)How come no one doesn't notice or say anything about Yuri's hair changing each time?? 5)Why does the girl leave the jeep when she sees Paul coming towards her?? 6) Why does Paul crawl on the ground as he's going after the girl in the jeep instead of running??? 7)Why are those cars behind Paul as he's going after the girl in the jeep? What are they doing there?? 8)Why is the security guard still driving while he's a werewolf? Do werewolves suddenly know how to drive while they're transforming??? Where did the barrels come from that he crashed into?? And,why did he keep going passed the same gas station over and over??? I know it's just a movie,but they weren't making a comedy,were they? Judging from the writing,the directing,the acting;etc,you would think that's what they were going for,but,I don't think so..Lack of money? Perhaps.Lack of talent?? Could be..The Mystery Science Theater 3000 version I'm giving a 10,but the movie by itself,I'm giving a 2 and that's being generous...
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I don't know, you had him last!
marcus_stokes200030 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers

Let me begin by saying this: This movie is so awful it's 'Absolutely Fussinating'.

The story? People find a werewolf skeleton (complete with EARS) in the desert; a man cuts himself with it and... gets diarrhea? Becomes a 'whurrwolf'? Whatever! The only thing halfway decent is the DVD cover; you aren't treated to a transformation scene, oh no, just a guy humping his pillows (in daylight) while outside (in night light) there is the full moon (for two weeks STRAIGHT), moaning and writhing like he needs to go to the bathroom - BADLY.

And it's not finished; there is time for the worst werewolf victim ever (yeah, it's so safe to run away from a jeep that could lead you to safety and run into the dark woods - for us, so you won't be able to reproduce) Martin Sheen's cousin, a main character who changes hair color FOUR times in the movie - and he's a guy, spastic cinematography, incompetent choices in music, and an ending pulled out of a rat's ass.

I advise you: watch this with Mike and the Bots, otherwise The Stupid in this movie will kill you! Werewolf (1996): 1/10 (Atrocious).
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Werewolf wreaks a little havoc on a small town
jim-77517 March 2005
While this movie is tough to watch on it's own, MST 3000 did a great version in season 9. They filmed this movie where I live (Susanville, CA) so they used several locals and watching the robots rip on them was quite fun. My suggestion would be to watch the MST 3000 version.

I thought I was done but I am required to write 10 lines. Let's see, this movie pretty much sucks, but at times sucks so bad it's entertaining. If you ever lived in the Susanville within the city limits or one of the two State prisons, be sure to watch the MST 3000 version and look for your favorite landmarks like the Pioneer Bar and the County Courthouse disguised as a museum.
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Howlingly Bad
matt-n-ay26 October 2009
OK, bad doesn't even begin to describe it. Rabidly horrible is more like it. But, if you're looking for a good MST3K flick, this is it. How could there possibly be a "spoiler" with this trash??? That's hilarious. The entire movie is a spoiler. Just when you think the werewolf can't get any goofier, it does. And, the dames! Wow, a pageant of bimbos for your viewing pleasure. How does a movie like this get made? Who even puts up $10 for the budget? Guess this is what coke and booze do to "producers" who produce nothing but red ink. Filmed with a home video camera, at best. Guess this filled the 10-line minimum for comments. Off to seek even worse material, if that's possible.
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One of the best Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes
robertmurray-7063721 September 2019
This low budget werewolf movie is packed full of so many absurd production mistakes that it is perfect material for the jokers at MST3K. Many of the other reviews here have described in detail these mistakes and why they probably occurred. This is what happened when an inexperienced producer/director had a limited budget and just wanted to throw something together for "direct to cable" distribution. This is the kind of movie that the early the cable movie channels in the 1980s used to show at 2AM when whatever audience they had was only semi-conscious. So, if you can see the MST3K version, by all means watch it with a big bowl of popcorn and some friends as it is absolutely hilarious.
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Terrible Movie, Great MST3K Episode!!!!
kaaragaara22 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is terrible, but it is watchable. It's exciting enough to at least somewhat enjoy, even though you're laughing the whole way through because of how lame the plot and acting are. The Mystery Science Theater episode is just hilarious. I was laughing so hard at their commentary and the ridiculousness of the film that I had trouble breathing, like when the werewolf is staring at his girlfriend and someone (don't remember who, maybe Mike) says something like, "Now you just need to wear a long, loose dress and roll around in the mud for me." Previously, a stupid girl in a long dress saw the werewolf and ran OUT of the vehicle she was in, only to be chased by it and killed in the mud. 3/10 for the movie (even the non MST3K version is humorous) 10/10 for the MST3K version.
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Killed him with his breath, I guess
lwjoslin4 July 2003
Saw this one recently with some friends who have an ironic love of truly terrible movies, and in that context, it was just the ticket. It was a double feature with "Satanik," a 1968 Italian piece of junk that was just as bad but at least had a hot Eurobabe as the killer. Both flicks were made by the absolutely untalented, and can be watched only by dedicated students of bad film.

In a "climactic" scene in "Werewolf," the title critter kills a man apparently without touching him, or even being in the same general area. We repeatedly cut back and forth between shots of the werewolf going RARRR, and of the victim crossing his arms in front of his face (again and again), in a posture of defense. Finally, the bloodied victim drops to the ground. At no time do both the werewolf AND the victim appear in this scene together. It's as though the two "actors" involved couldn't coordinate their table-waiting schedules in such a way as to be both on the set on the same day. We all looked around at each other and said, "What just happened?"

See it for laughs, if this sort of bad flickage is your idea of fun. Otherwise, flee like a Texas Democrat.
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