Ed and His Dead Mother (1993) Poster

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I don't know why...
Otis-97 July 1999
I don't know why, but I liked this movie. It's one of Steve Buscemi's few leading roles in a movie and I like him as an actor, but my enjoyment of this film went beyond that. I've only seen it on TV a few times (was this ever actually released in theaters?) but I enjoyed it. It has a quirky humor to it and a rather odd storyline. If you ever see this on TV on a Sunday afternoon, watch it.
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A Very Odd Comedy... or Horror... or Something
gavin69429 April 2007
Ed (Steve Buscemi) loves his mother, but she's been dead for a year. When the Happy People Corporation gives him the chance to bring her back from the dead, he readily agrees. Also, we have a romantic subplot and a story of a man who just got out of prison (who I think is played by the same guy who played Uncle Rico and the Wolfman from "Monster Squad").

Steve Buscemi has never steered me wrong, and putting him in a lead role was brilliant on someone's part (he too often ends up forgotten in the background). This is one of his best roles, right up there with his part in "Ghost World". Buscemi knows comedy, and now it seems we can safely say he can even do romance (who would have thought?).

The comedy here is of the dark kind you might find on "Tales From the Crypt" or "Creepshow", with old women trying to eat dogs and the use of chainsaws and lawnmowers as weapons (has someone been watching "Dead Alive"?). People who love mainstream comedy (Ben Stiller fans) aren't going to love this, but those who like the stranger stuff will eat it up.

The salesman was great. I forget his name, but he looks like an old Ted Danson. He had a role that seemed like he should have been a newspaperman from "Little Shop of Horrors", his style was right out of the Roger Corman playbook. And the beautiful woman next door (played by Sam Jenkins, whose name does not do her justice)... ravishing! Those outfits were a little strange (even for the early 1990s) but she made them work. Would you believe Buscemi could find a woman this attractive? Believe it!

The gore was very minimal (even during a chainsaw scene) and the nudity was decent. The humor was the real selling point (if you don't find the opening courtroom scene funny, you may as well turn it off right then). But there was just something really great about this one, it was put together perfectly.

Fans of "Dead Alive" might like this one, as will fans of "Little Shop of Horrors". I really think you'll appreciate the similarities. And if you need Buscemi like Britney needs panties, this should be on the top of your must-see list.
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A Perfectly Sweet "Mom & Son" Movie
strong-122-47888523 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Dark, goofy, sick, twisted, bizarre - Yep. Ed And His Dead Mother is definitely all of these things. And, besides that, it's actually quite funny, as well.

36 year-old mama's boy, Ed Chilton, wants his dead mommy (who died a year ago) back.

Ed wants his mommy back so badly that he resorts to paying shyster salesman, Mr. Abner, from "Happy People Ltd.", big bucks just to have the return of this dear, old girl.

At first, when mom returns to the living, things are just hunky-dory, with Mabel (mom) merrily cooking, and cleaning, and taking special care of her darling sonny-boy, Ed, just the way that he likes to be taken care of.

But when dear, old mom starts eating bugs and then develops some rather quirky(?), undead-type habits, you know damn-well that something's way out of whack and, yes, heading right out of control.

Yep. Ed And His Dead Mother may be lunatic, crazy, and over-the-top "movie-madness", but, all the same, it is kinda fun to watch in the long run.
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Quirky.. I love it
needsamuse15 July 1999
Don't care what anyone says.. I love this movie! Twas the movie that got me hooked on Steve Buscemi many the year ago... Its odd, quirky, and cheesy-on-purpose. If you go into it expecting that.. You'll probably like it more. I dunno.. This is an all time fave of mine, and a lot of it has to do with the quirkiness of it (I like 'out-of-the-norm' movies.. especially comedies). If yer a Steve fan or not.. Check this movie out for some fun laughs :-)
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A slightly borrowed storyline but that's OK
shelbymustang20 January 2021
Anyone familiar with the original 'Twilight Zone' series may see some familiarity to the 1964 Season 5 - Episode 32 - 'Mr. Garrity and the Graves' which was a reheat of an actual event. That story was based on an 1873 incident in Alta, Utah.

Beyond that is was a fairly enjoyable movie, I can see how it is more popular now than at its original release as it circulates out on cable and streaming services.With a cast (partial list of notables) like this the movie works well.

Steve Buscemi as the phobic, off kilter Ed Chilton, Ned Beatty as Uncle Benny with his one liners, John Glover as the consummate salesman A. J. Pattle, Sam Jenkins as Storm Reynolds, (all 5'-11" of her), Jon Gries as psycho Rob Sundheimer and Gary Farmer as the unflappable, stoic Big Lar.

I thought that the last scene fell flat but maybe they were in a hurry to wrap it up in the 1:33 runtime.
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Happy people live forever. Happy people never die.
Hey_Sweden20 April 2017
Ed Chilton (Steve Buscemi) is a hardware store owner / operator still mourning the death of his mother Mabel (Miriam Margolyes) one year later. Therefore he is easy prey for a smarmy, super slick salesman, A.J. Pattle (John Glover), who's hawking the reanimation of the deceased. Ed soon agrees, and after some setbacks and price haggling, Mabel is brought by Pattle to Eds' doorstep. Naturally, as Ed and his uncle Benny (Ned Beatty) quickly realize, she's not the woman she used to be. For one thing, her new diet should come as a shock to no-one.

"Ed and His Dead Mother" is a pretty predictable black comedy, with no real inspired moments or fireworks. That said, it's still easy enough to take, and enjoy, but that itself may pose a problem for some viewers: it's NOT all that dark, or insane. One might think of it as a much milder version of Peter Jacksons' "Braindead", minus the over the top gore. What makes it as entertaining as it is is this excellent cast of familiar faces. Buscemi is endearing in the lead, the often priceless Glover is a hoot as usual, Beatty is quite funny (his character is a shameless, horny voyeur), and the under rated Margolyes has fun as the re-animated mother. The supporting cast can boast a couple of other recognizable people: Eric Christmas as a defense attorney, Gary Farmer as hardware store employee "Big Lar", Jon Gries as an ex- convict, and Rance Howard (very funny himself) as a crazed reverend. Sam Jenkins (a.k.a. Mrs. Kevin Sorbo) offers up lots of sex appeal as a new neighbor. Dawn Hudson, who has a bit as a telemarketer, became Chief Executive Officer of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences years later.

The movie is decently directed by Jonathan Wacks, who'd produced the cult classic "Repo Man" about a decade previous, and whose other directorial credits include "Powwow Highway" and "Mystery Date". It's also noteworthy for its stylistic choice of black & white wrap around segments, and Mason Darings' fine score.

"Ed and His Dead Mother" isn't anything great, but it does offer some fun for a well paced 91 minutes.

Six out of 10.
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Mommie Deadest.
mark.waltz9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Mothers are made to be lied to" Ned Beatty's uncle says to the still in mourning Steve Buscemi, unable to get over the death of mother (Beatty's sister) Miriam Margolyes the year before. Along comes "life" salesman John Glover, indicating that he can reanimate mommy, and the cynical Buscemi decides to give it a shot. She shows up as passive aggressively cheerily bossy as ever, although her being found in the refrigerator does seem like a chilly lifestyle.

Still living in the family house in a pre-teen decorated bedroom (hysterically wearing adult sized pre-teen pajamas), Buscemi is a man child with adult style bitterness but kiddie style dotting, demanding to see momma's collected corpse and instantly regretting it. At least the audience doesn't have to see the badly disassembled remains. Sam Sorbo as the sexpot exhibitionist next door adds allure, except to mommy who wants to be the only woman in her brother and son's life.

Overly bizarre (obviously) yet frequently funny (the sight of the ample Miriam running down the street in granny wig with a butcher knife and fork chasing a dog, her jumping in a rhythmic dance on a bed wearing a feathery red dress), this was obviously influenced by John Waters. The film fortunately knows how fat to go and not be overly long, and Margolyes is a smirky delight with Buscemi, Beatty and Glover seeming to be having a blast. Not for all "tastes", but for those who like to see cheery family comedies being skewered, this is a perfect choice.
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lifeless black comedy
SnoopyStyle4 August 2015
Momma's boy Ed Chilton (Steve Buscemi) has been mourning his dead mother (Miriam Margolyes) for a year. He lives with his maternal uncle Benny (Ned Beatty) and inherited her hardware store. A. J. Pattle (John Glover) from "Happy People Ltd." offers to resurrect his mother for $1000. Pattle finds the body in pieces after organ donations and the price is raised to $2500. His mother returns but she becomes more and more odd. Benny is a peeping Tom who spies on hot neighbor Storm Reynolds but she's interested in the weird Ed. Rob Sundheimer returns into their lives. He was put in prison for stealing from Ed's mother but has been released early.

I like the concept. It has good potential for a black comedy especially with Steve Buscemi at the lead. However the script from Chuck Hughes has no snap and the directions from Jonathan Wacks has no style. The promise is never fulfilled.
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You'll either HATE it or LOVE it (like I did)
planktonrules11 June 2005
Rarely on IMDb do you see such divergent reviews--lots of HATED ITs and LOVED ITs but not so many scores in between. I think this is because to love it, you MUST be the sort of person that can appreciate sick, over-the-top comedy--like I do! This is similar to the movie EATING RAOUL, but it seems to be better written and acted.

The film begins with Ed limping through life well after the death of his beloved mother. He's obviously in a funk and can't seem to get her early death out of his mind. Then, completely out of the blue, a guy dressed in a white suit walks into Ed's hardware store and offers to bring Ed's mom back from the dead! All this only in the first few minutes of the movie! Yes, it does have some mildly gross moments (though most is described, not shown) and some VERY kooky moments (such as the newly revived Mom chasing dogs and cats up and down the street with a riding mower after she gets a taste for BLOOD). Not everyone's cup of tea, to be sure, but if you like 'em wild and irreverent and off-color, you MUST give this movie a try--if you can find it! This was not released to the theaters (wimps!) and is hard to find on tape--you'll probably need to order it, like I did.

One reviewer compared this movie, unfavorably, to DEAD ALIVE. I saw both films and thought ED AND HIS DEAD MOTHER was a much funnier and less disgusting film. I also didn't think the plot was stolen, though there are a few similarities, I grant you. DEAD ALIVE is more like an EVIL DEAD/NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD film (complete with ALL the gore) while ED AND HIS DEAD MOTHER has almost no gore and is more funny to me (though I am sure opinions will vary).

UPDATE: This film has been shown a lot on Showtime recently, so if you have the channel keep an eye out for it.
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ALE101813 May 2004
A fun premise with a poor script and unfortunate casting. Sam Jenkins as Storm (dumb name for a dull as drizzle character) and, most especially, Miriam

Margoyles as Mother, who, while not untalented, was so ridiculous in this part it was actually painful to watch. Even the fine skills of Steve Buscemi, Ned Beatty, and John Glover couldn't save this film. Not so much a dark comedy as a misguided attempt to lampoon unscrupulous salesmen and mamma's boys, it was rightfully sent directly to video, but would have been best never having been made at all.
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A Movie well done!
Empire-720 July 2000
While I was flipping through the channels one day I happened upon Ed and His Dead Mother. Seeing as how it had Steve Buscemi in it I had to watch it. THANK GOD! This movie is great! Ned Beatty is absolutely hysterical in it. The way he delivers some of his one liners, is enough to make you laugh till you cry. I had the pleasure of watching this movie with absolutely no expectations, and I'm glad. If you just want to sit down and watch a really funny, and definitely original movie, I highly recommend this one!
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I guess his mother was bored to death...
paul_haakonsen24 June 2018
I remember having seen "Ed and His Dead Mother" once before, but I could not remember anything about it. So I decided to sit down and watch it again, because of the rather impressive cast list that there were here.

Now, the fact that I couldn't remember a single thing about it should have raised an alarm bell for me. But it didn't. That was a mistake on my behalf.

This was an unfathomably slow paced and boring movie. I managed to endure 1 hour of it before I gave up, from pure boredom and utter lack of interest in the movie. I was ready to give up after 30 minutes, but decided to give the movie a chance because of the cast and because it might just get better. But it didn't!

Not even the likes of Steve Buscemi, Ned Beatty or John Glover could manage to lift up this soul-draining wreck of a movie. It felt like they were given absolutely nothing to work with in terms of script or plot.

I had expected more from the movie, to be quite honest. But I was so sorely disappointed and not entertained at all. And I can now say in all honesty that I am not returning to finish the last 30 minutes of this movie.
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Very dark, twisted, morbid comedy!
hnt_dnl21 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I recall seeing ED AND HIS DEAD MOTHER (1993) on cable several times back in the mid-90s. For some reason, I really latched onto this movie and part of it has always stayed with me. I couldn't believe how absurd and outrageous the humor was in this when I first saw it. It literally plays death as a kind of sick joke.

The always-reliable Steve Buscemi has an early, rare starring role as one of the titular characters Ed. Buscemi's style of humor works to great effect in this movie, but unlike in many of his later supporting roles in films, Buscemi's Ed is really a purely good guy with no real shades of gray. He lives a simple life, running the family hardware store, lives like a monk with his oddball uncle (hilariously played by Ned Beatty).

The absurd plot of the story is that Ed's mother has recently died and a salesmen offers to revive Mom (played with dark, scary, glee by British actress Miriam Margoyles) for a small price. I remember being absolutely terrified of Ed's Mom when I first saw this movie! She was literally the walking dead, a kind of human zombie who effortlessly and nonchalantly slept in the fridge, chased down dogs with lawnmowers, and violently stabbed people! The way Buscemi and Beatty reacted to her shenanigans was spot on hilarious!

Another HUGE bonus in this movie is the presence of the incredibly hot Sam Jenkins, who plays a new neighbor lady that falls for Ed while she's investigating the goings-on at his house. Jenkins was an all-natural brunette beauty in a time before all this crazy plastic surgery that actresses go through! Her incredible body is featured without fail several times in the movie, but it never comes across as sleazy or cheap, just part of the uninhibited nature of this film!

The movie has an unapologetic morbid tone throughout and the moments are laugh-out loud funny. Dark comedies nowadays tend to try for oddball to the point of being disgusting or too self-conscious. But this is definitely not true of Ed and His Dead Mother!
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Inane and unfunny
Snow Dog-27 July 2000
Steve Buscemi is not a name I associate with quality films, but I watched this anyway out of morbid curiousity. As it turned out, I was being too optimistic. Not only does it rip the premise from Peter Jackson's "Dead Alive" (Watch both movies & tell me I'm wrong), but it's a horror-comedy with neither horror nor comedy... discuss amongst yourselves.
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Very Funny and Irreverent
Kasey Jones26 March 2002
Good one-liners and great deadpan performances by Steve Buscemi and Ned Beatty highlight this irreverent romantic comedy about death and hardware...? If you can find this little off-beat gem to watch, you shouldn't be disappointed.
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While not a movie for everyone, give this one a shot!
ralyin23 August 1999
I first saw this movie on late-night cable; and instantly fell in love with both this film, and the talent of Steve Buscemi. Viewing this movie is HIGHLY entertaining. Although, I have discovered, while watching with groups, that this movie is not for everyone. Some of my friends feel as though it is TOO unbelievable a storyline, making it hard to watch. I feel as though the unrealistic concept is WHAT makes this movie the gem that it is. I also feel as though the supporting cast is fantastic... Of course, it doesn't have the greatest acting in the world...and once again, that is part of its' cultish charm!
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Ed and his dead mother is funny as hell
uncletreez6 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A man has a hard time coming to grips with his mother's death, so he hires a company to bring her back to life. She has to eat living things in order to remain alive, mostly dogs and roaches; the bigger the meal the more life. she overdoses on life and becomes a crazed killer. If you see this movie in any video store, rent it or buy it. Besides the undead mother, other funny things about this movie include Ed's perverted uncle, who always watches the neighbors through a telescope, and tries to listen in to Ed having sex, the one time he does get lucky, "Maybe i can hide in the kitchen and scream out positions to you in case you get stuck on what to do next." Also, there are funny conversations about the process of bringing the mother back to life: "You didn't tell me your mom was an organ doner, ED, if we put her back together the way she is, she'll be good for slobbering and watching Married with Children...."Do you know how hard it is to find parts for a two legged, 1954 caucasian female, Ed?" It is well worth it, and very hard to find. I don't know how this movie has been forgotten.In fact, my last physical fight was in college, over somebody trying to steal my copy of this movie. It is that good.
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A very unusual, amusing, and enjoyable horror black comedy gem
Woodyanders23 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Shy and awkward sadsack mama's boy hardware store owner Ed Chilton (an excellent and engaging performance by Steve Buscemi in an early lead role) can't get over the death of his beloved mother Mabel (a fine and vibrant portrayal by Miriam Margolyes). Slick traveling salesman A.J. Pattle (wonderfully played with tremendous zest by John Glover) convinces Ed to bring his mom back from the dead. However, dear old mom isn't exactly herself anymore. Director Jonathan Wacks, working from a novel and witty script by Chuck Hughes, relates the offbeat and entertaining story at a steady pace, ably crafts and maintains a charming idiosyncratic tone throughout, and milks plenty of major laughs from inspired sense of often hilarious and always eccentric gallows humor. Moreover, what makes this picture so special and appealing is the casual and offhanded, yet still winning and creative way it does something fresh, funny, and even touching with its decidedly anything but standard and generic zombie premise. The ace acting by the tip-top cast helps a whole lot: Ned Beatty as ne'er do well peeping tom Uncle Benny, the luscious Sam Jenkins as sultry and enticing new neighbor Storm Reynolds, Gary Farmer as Ed's jolly pal Big Lar, and Jon Gries as no-count hoodlum Rob Sundheimer. Popping up in nifty small roles are veteran character actors Eric Christmas as defense attorney Mr. Abner and Rance Howard as folksy cuckolded priest Rev. Praxton. Francis Kenny's sharp cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. Mason Daring's quirky score hits the flaky sport. A refreshingly different and irreverent treat.
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A gem of a comedy!
hughes421514 November 2004
This dark humor film is not for everyone, but if you have a bit of a twisted intellect this is a very funny film. Not many people seem to know about this movie, which is a shame because I think it is very funny. Steve Buscemi is his usual stellar self. Ned Beatty is fantastic. Rance Howard is a riot as the minister. All around the acting seems to be first rate and I was pleasantly surprised to see how many name actors were involved in this effort. Well, some may not be "name" actors but you will recognize them from the many films and television shows they have done since this film. The production values also seem surprisingly high for this low budget film. I would heartily advise everyone to check this one out. I don't think you will be disappointed - that is again if dark humor is your bag.
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Very funny, very lean, very dead
osfania29 June 2003
If you don't understand or love this movie, maybe you should ask your relatives to reanimate you - you could be dead! And didn't you love the job that Gary Farmer did as the harware store clerk??? He continues to be the best actor in almost every film he is in. Wonder what "Fargo" would have been like if he were Buscemi's accomplice?
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Funny, but... weird
Matt-23323 April 1999
This movie offers a strange view on death, and the life after that. Steve Buscemi offers a so-so performance, in this funny, but sick comedy. Even though there are few good ones in the movie, some of parts of the film were funny enough to get a laugh. With an interesting plot, this movie is worth giving a try, if you have nothing better to do...
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Deadpan masterpiece
PeterB242211 March 2022
Yes, it's dumb. Steve Buscemi is a grieving Mama's boy who's offered the chance to resurrect his dead mother a year after her death. A better than average cast with Ned Beatty as Uncle Benny, Miriam Margoyles as the dead mother and John Glover as a slick resurrection salesman. There's a nice laconic style to the dialog. It comes off as a mixture of Pet Cemetary and The Music Man (without the showtunes).

With Rance Howard in a cameo as a cheerful vengeful pastor.
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Zany and out of this world... and NOT for everyone!
bellino-angelo20145 July 2023
I was curious for long about ED AND HIS DEAD MOTHER because it's a comedy full of dark humour and Steve Buscemi is among the actors of which I try to watch all their movies, so I finally saw it last March and it surpassed my expectations a LOT it was that zany! Now, I can finally take everything off my chest about this underrated comedy.

Ed Chilton (Buscemi) is an hardware store clerk that is seen as a perpetual loser and lives with his uncle Benny (Ned Beatty) after the death of his beloved mother. Ed's life is in a funk and he can't accept that his mother is dead until... he is visited by a salesman from the Happy People corporation that offers to resurrect Ed's mother for $1000. Ed accepts, and uncle Benny is of course disturbed. As Mabel Chilton (Miriam Margolyes) is resurrected, all sorts of crazy things happen: neighbours scared, dogs chasen by Mabel with cutlery because she has developed some sort of hunger for animal meat (and in fact she has to be fed with alive cockroaches for staying alive), running on the sidewalk with a huge lawnmower from his son's shop... something isn't normal, right? Well, Ed finally understands that he has to go on with his life and let his mother die. Out of desperation, Ed be-heads his mother and finally buries her, free of his troublemaking mother. As the movie ends, the salesman makes a nice surprise for Ed... he brought back to life his dad that couldn't stand him!

I have never found myself laughing so hard while watching a movie like this (well, except perhaps for MR. DEEDS) but I really couldn't hold myself. Lots of funny moments (some that looked like picked from cartoons), various great lines and nice acting by Buscemi, Beatty and all the others involved... it's certainly a must-see. And since it's available on Youtube, I recommend it mostly for folks with twisted and outer worldly humour... like me!
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Watch it
metrotest1 July 2021
Don't want to say anything about it as it would take away from it's glory.
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Ed and His Dead Mother (1993)
jonahstewartvaughan7 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Return to the Video Store #20

Ed and his Dead Mother (1993)

(8/10): Before Steve Buscemi was a household name he starred in various independent films, mostly in the nineties like Reservoir Dogs for example, but one of his most peculiar and odd films in general was Ed and his Dead Mother.

Ed, played by Buscemi, is a lonely man living with his uncle after the passing of his mother, of whom he spent most of his life with.

Ed always has his Mum in mind but then he meets a man from the Happy Corporation who is willing to sell Life to Ed.

Essentially what that means is that Ed can get his Mum back from the grave.

When Mum arrives she begins to act increasingly different; Cursing, Peeling potatoes in the fridge and hunting down neighbours dogs to eat, Ed then begins to struggle between keeping her around and also keeping his newly found love alive.

Then Rob returns from prison and has an in for Mum as she got him locked up in the first place, Mum begins to snap and becomes murderous.

It's a quirky, offbeat comedy with some horror undertones that has the charisma of Steve Buscemi and its wild premise carrying it all out to where it stays fun and engaging.

It's got some absolutely laugh out loud moments.

Miriam Margoyles looks like she's having the time of her life playing Mum and just getting to go crazy with her role and also popular Character Actor from The Monster Squad and TerrorVision, Jon Gries Makes an Appearance as well.

The Film was also directed by the Producer for the Cult Staple, Repo Man and also the director of the original 21 Jump Street television show.

The film is off the wall and while you might not consider it all that good, it's worth checking out as it's still pretty fun and also interesting to see where Buscemi came from.
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