Wheels of Terror (TV Movie 1990) Poster

(1990 TV Movie)

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Hokey And Laughable
Lechuguilla25 January 2016
It starts out okay; I like that compressed visual depth of field, as it evokes a distortion of reality, consistent with the story's theme. But oh how this film quickly deteriorates.

Driving a school bus for a living, Laura (Joanna Cassidy) is a single mom who has moved with her teenage daughter to a small, presumably quiet rural town to get away from big city crime. Much to her chagrin, an ugly yellowish old car with windows that apparently are tinted, as you cannot see inside, terrorizes Laura and her daughter, then terrorizes the whole town. The first half is marginal at best, as the script trends cliché-ridden and borrowed, and characters are superficial. Then comes that dreadful second half.

The script is written so that at the midpoint plot turn, Laura, driving the school bus, gives chase to the evil car, which has just kidnapped Laura's daughter. The chase "scene" expands to almost the entire second half, some 35 minutes. It's just Laura in the school bus and Laura's daughter kidnapped inside the car.

Sometimes the school bus chases the car. At other times the car chases the school bus. It all depends on where in the plot you arrive at, after you have used your remote to fast-forward through all that chase redundancy. The ending is as hokey and laughable as any ending I have seen. We get dust flying through the air, lots of frenetic background music, screaming, silly maneuvers, explosions, and vehicles that are so durable that even after falling off a cliff, they still return with purring engines and tires that never go flat.

The editing, stunts, and photography in the chase scenes are actually quite good. And Joanna Cassidy is a fine actress. But the script's plot structure is way too unbalanced. The action is not believable. And the film comes across as a rip-off of James Brolin's movie "The Car" (1977). "Wheels Of Terror" might have had some degree of credibility with a vastly rewritten script. As is, it's not worth watching unless the viewer is interested in learning the technical aspects of filming a chase scene.
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The wheels of boredom.
gridoon31 May 2003
Pretty dull thriller. The director chooses an "arty" approach with lots of slow-motion sequences, "poetic" music and minimal dialogue, and it doesn't work. The characters have no personality, the script is virtually non-existent and the suspense is deflated by the fact that the "evil" car's driver (or the evil car itself) has plenty of opportunities to get away from the heroine who chases him, but keeps returning to do battle with her as if he has some scores to settle (we never find out what they might be). While you're watching this movie, don't be surprised if your mind starts going elsewhere, like into thinking what's for dinner or the next day's chores. (*1/2)
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ryan-1007515 October 2019
Joanna Cassidy stars as Laura, a loving mother who drives a school bus. A sick, twisted psychopath is driving around in a 1974 Dodge Charger and abducting and at times killing young girls in the small town she lives in. They are also terrorizing poor Laura until they are matched in a showdown car chase that could have been great, but teeters toward completely boring.

Directed by Christopher Cain and written by Alan B. McElroy. I was expecting Cain to breathe some life into this film other than the extreme over use of slow motion. As well as the whole idea of an evil car running around and chasing people down by 1990 was no where near fresh or original with the likes of Steven Spielberg's DUEL, Stephen King or John Carpenter's CHRISTINE or even THE HEARSE. All are better films, but if you have never seen those films this might work better, but I would suggest watching those films instead. In addition the ending is a complete WTF moment that completely derails the film.
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A good mix of horror, mystery, and suspense...
SentraWagon198221 July 2001
Wheels of Terror is one of those movies that has a mixed theme of horror, mystery, and suspense. It is about a 1974 Dodge Charger (it is said by a police officer during the movie about the year of the car, but how he could have known that without seeing it is a mystery) that terrorizes an Arizona community. The grill of the car was customized for the movie to give it a satanic look. There are several clues throughout the movie that tells the viewer that nobody is driving the car, however nobody comes right out and says for sure. There also are no clue on where this car came from or how it became evil.

The main plot surrounds a mother and daughter who have just moved to Arizona from L.A. to be away from the city to start a new life in the country. Most of the main events of the story surround the car stalking young girls, which lead up to the final chase scene between the mother driving the mini bus and the car which kidnapped her daughter. The chase scene lasts a good half hour.

The acting in this movie is rather poor. You will ask yourself "how can anyone be so dumb?" Before the daughter is kidnapped by the car, there was at least two scenes where the car was about six feet away from her and she was completely blind to it. How can you not see a car that is right in front of your face that is about to run you down? The makers of this movie used a bit too much of the slow motion technique during the final chase scene to add more of a dramatic approach to what was actually happening. The movie is actually very good despite what some of the other critics may think, it is definitely worth seeing a few times. The suspense and mystery really make it worth while.

This movie is very similar to the 1977 movie, "The Car". The difference between this movie and "Wheels of Terror" is that "The Car" will run down anybody in it's way and is more ruthless. The movie is more violent than "Wheels of Terror". Another short story similar to "Wheels of Terror" is from one of the segments of the 1983 movie, "Nightmares". The segment is entitled "The Benediction", which is about a satanic driverless truck that terorizes a priest that is traveling across a desert. Unfortunately the segment is less than a half hour long, but is very creepy and suspenseful.
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The last 33 minuter were BONKERS (SPOILER ALERT)
edeighton5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My review of Wheels of Terror (1990): (SPOILER ALERT) This movie was a made for television film that originally debuted on the USA Network in 1990. It starred Joanna Cassidy as mother who was a "hot-shot courier driver in L.A." who moved her daughter to a small town in Arizona and took a job as a school bus driver. Ms. Cassidy had some celebrity appeal in 1990 as she was in Blade Runner and Who Framed Roger Rabbit in the previous decade. This movie is directed by Christopher Cain, who two years earlier had box office success directing Young Guns. The movie was re-aired under the alternate title Terror in Copper Valley. The first 50 some minutes of this movie is a rather bland true crime dramatization. There is no horror involved in the majority of this movie. Instead this movie plods along at a slow place as we watch this bus driver become increasingly alarmed about a dirty black car that is always turning up at the scene when little girls are abducted. The bus driver tries to scare off the driver of the dirty black car and tries to warn the police about looking for the dirty black car and even attends funerals for dead girls who were suspected to have been abducted by the driver of the dirty black car. But right around the 55 minute mark, this movie takes a bi-polar switch in tone. This movie stops being based in reality and gives up all pretenses of being a true-crime dramatization. Joanna Cassidy's character, while driving kids on her school bus, witnesses her daughter being abducted and driven away in the suspicious dirty black car. That is when the real movie start. The remainder of the film is an extended chase (about 33 minutes!) between the dirty black car and Joanna Cassidy's school bus, with the school bus being the pursuer. But that synopsis actually gives this movie too much credit. What actually takes place is that this movie becomes incrementally more bonkers and unbelievable every one of the successive 33 minutes until the credits abruptly roll. Both the dirty black car and the school bus defy physics, logic and most laws of reality as they duel each other in demolition derby style. The action is punctuated by multiple explosions, multiple crashes off cliffs and way too may females hanging precariously off of the school bus as the dirty black car rams into the bus. Joanna Cassidy's character needlessly risks the lives of her school bus passengers, her daughter and herself as she becomes simplemindedly obsessed with catching the dirty black car and "rescuing her daughter".

SPOILER ALERT. The mystery of the dirty black car's driver is never satisfactorily concluded. The driver is never seen in the film. No description of the driver or how many people were in the dirty black car is ever given. The victims never recount if there was even a driver involved with the dirty black car. Is the dirty black car possessed like the car in Stephen King's "Christine". Does the dirty black car contain a group of rapists. Many of the scenes in this movie seem to logically require ether the dirty black car to be magical or that there are multiple villains in the dirty black car. The motivation behind the dirty black car's driver's obsession to kill Joanna Cassidy's character is never explained. If his motivation was simply to kidnap and kill girls, he could have easily escaped Joanna Cassidy's bus when it was teetering off a cliff, pulled over by the police or stuck half in a barn. But the dirty black car keeps returning to smash into Joanna Cassidy's bus and attempt to kill her. There is no explanation as to why the driver of the dirty black car allows Joanna Cassidy's daughter to climb out of the sun roof of the car and then matches the speed of the bus and drives real close to it so that the girl can leap from the roof of the car to the side of the moving bus. At any time he could have slammed on the breaks or swerved away and surely killed the escaping daughter.
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time to change the tires.
Not4You4 February 1999
Bad editing, over use of slow motion, horrible script, and bad plot all make for one terrible movie. 1 out of 10.
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Wheels Of Terror
a_baron24 June 2015
"Wheels Of Terror" is a rather improbable tale focusing on one of the major themes of the modern action film: the chase. A beat up, blacked out but seemingly indestructible automobile is being driven around a rural American town by a psychopathic child molester who is snatching young girls off the street, sexually abusing them, and then letting them go. Until the next missing girl is found in the river, which makes it a whole new ball game.

The protagonist of our invisible fiend is a lady school bus driver, a single mother who has relocated to the countryside to raise her daughter away from the pernicious influences of the big city, but who is surely questioning the wisdom of that move now the bad guy has kidnapped guess who?

So what does the film have to offer? Apart from the slow motion chases there are one or two fairly spectacular scenes, but the showdown is too silly for words. There is no side plot, indeed no plot worthy of the name, no resolution, no anything.
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What can I say?
kate110923 February 2004
Possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I did sit through the whole thing but only because it became so humorous because it was so bad. The acting was god awful. There's no real resolution, just a big explosion. Lame.
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Spare yourself from watching this, please...
jrmitch807 April 2020
Take the time you would have invested in this movie to learn a new hobby or trade. The only reason I gave it a second star was because my partner begged me to do so.
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A fantastic and action-filled TV movie.
bannonanthony8 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I love 'killer car' movies (as people who've read my other reviews will no doubt know by now) so as soon as I read about this film, I just had to see it. Living in the UK, though, it was near impossible to find, especially since the WHEELS OF TERROR Amazon.co.UK has is actually the 1987 film THE MISFIT BRIGADE, which they mistakenly claim is this film as MB had the alternate title WHEELS OF TERROR. But finally, after going to a second-hand video shop and asking them to use their internet search engine, they found a copy of this film, the genuine article, for me.

I must say at the outset that it was well worth the wait to finally see this excellent film. Yes, I can see how the plot could be considered a DUEL rip-off, but it manages to be original by throwing in a plot about a real horror we must face in real life: that of a perverted and mysterious child killer. Said killer is never actually seen in the movie (not even a glimpse, unlike the DUEL truck driver whose feet and hands on the steering wheel are seen at certain junctures) but is represented by his omnipresent '74 Dodge Charger, one of the most menacing vehicles ever seen in a movie. I said to a friend recently that I always think black Chargers make excellent 'villain' cars, which is why I'm glad Tarantino is using one in his DEATH PROOF segment of GRINDHOUSE.

Joanna Cassidy is brilliant in her role as divorced bus driver Laura, trying to raise her daughter in Arizona, and eventually having to save her from the unseen child molester after she is kidnapped. I admit I haven't seen many films Ms. Cassidy has made but in the few I have seen (WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT, BLADE RUNNER and GHOSTS OF MARS), she has been absolutely wonderful. Her desperation and determination to save her daughter and ensure the pervert never harms anybody again are very believable. The rest of the cast are okay, though apart from Marcie Leeds as Stephanie, Laura's daughter, very few of them are on screen long enough to make much of an impact. I agree with some reviewers about the whiny kids on the bus during the big chase sequence being annoying, but at least Laura lets them out to call the police. And in case you're wondering how the school bus can keep up with the murderous muscle car, there's a gratuitous info-dump scene near the start where Latino mechanic Luis points out that he put a racing engine into the bus. Why he would do that I don't know but it explains how the bus is able to chase the Charger.

As you can see, I do believe the film has faults, other main ones being the over-use of slow motion shots in what's supposed to be a climactic car chase and Stephanie somehow not noticing that a creepy-looking car is following her down the street at one point. But apart from those minor gripes, I would rate WOT as one of my all-time favourite car chase films and I hope that it gets the DVD release it so richly deserves. Strongly recommended!
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Rip off TV movie; almost twenty years after Spielberg's "Duel"
matt_tawesson-128 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This TV movie, "Wheels of Terror", was released to the small screen in 1990 (TV movie). Starring Joanna Cassidy and Marcie Leeds, this freaky and sadistic thriller is about a young lady (played by Cassidy) who works as a school bus driver and her young daughter (played by Leeds). They had moved to the country to get away from being city folks. This story is about a very sadistic, evil, and scary looking black car (the driver's identity is anonymous) that abducts, molests, and kills young girls. What was really shocking was the bus driver's daughter being taken right in front of her mother's eyes, and she begins a desperate attempt to track down the hideous car and get her daughter back safe and sound and hopefully unharmed. I had seen this movie twice in '90, but have not seen it on TV since then and not anymore. This is not one of my favorites, and I would not recommend this to other people whether they have school age kids or not. Joanna Cassidy and Marcie Leeds are great actresses, but this is not a good story; this seems to be a modern day "reprise" of Spielberg's Duel. What were the creators of this '90 flick thinking, anyway??? There are other great TV movies out and about, but this one should not have been made. Sorry folks!! I don't think that the movie should have a sequel. My grade for this movie: D-
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Surprisingly good movie
Profaust9 September 2007
I saw this movie at 2 AM late one night in 1997. At first I only kept watching because there was nothing else on, and it looked a little slow for my tastes. As the movie went on, I was drawn into the drama of the girls being kidnapped... but the moment that Laura pulled up to her house, saw the infamous black car moving toward her daughter, and I suddenly remembered the mechanic at the beginning of the movie mentioning that all he had to repair the bus with was a racing engine and transmission, I was glued to my seat. The pacing of the movie was perfect, even when introduced to that sudden twist and chase scene. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes either social dramas or car chases.
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Not A Bad Thriller
ladymidath21 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wheels Of Terror is a solid thriller/horror movie about a mysterious black car that kidnaps and abuses young girls. The acting isn't too bad and the action scenes are better than most films in this genre.

It's your typical 90s fare but it is worth a watch.
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Horrid! I should have watched static!
kms-67 November 2004
'Horrible' is an apt description of this bomb of a movie. (Actually, it's insulting to all other movies, just to call it a "movie"!) I would be embarrassed to have my name associated with this waste of time -- it's nothing but a ridiculous plot, with bad acting and ludicrous scenarios. A driver-less car? Flying off of cliffs, only to return to torment (us the viewers, I presume?). No other cars on the road? ANYWHERE?! A 12-year-old kidnap victim is magically a stunt person with acrobatic skills? PLEASE!!! And in case you're waiting for an explanation of the 'plot' in this drivel, give up. It never happens.

If this waste of time shows up on a channel in your area, you'll have the perfect reason for throwing out your television.
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Has a point to it
ageyiptus14 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The reason they didn't show you who or what was in the car, Was because they wanted the car to represent ALL child molesters and killers. I thought that for a low budget film, They did a good job pointing out the true terror of Child Molesters.

I really do believe that the director was trying to make a film while also bringing out a point. The opening scene with the little girl walking slowly down the middle of the highway when a trooper approaches in his car and is stunned by the site of her out there in the middle of nowhere was exceptional. It brings out the reality of "REAL" child rapists. Unfortunately, Most of the "REAL" Children aren't as lucky as the girls in the film and they DON'T get to walk away.
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Not a lot of positive here.
bensan912 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The evil car was cool.

The camera work and scenery was also fine except for the excess amount of slow-motion during the big scenes and a bunch of "how in the world!" things happening.

But overall the movie was tackling a very sick, serious subject in a trifling and unbelievable manner. It made the film a hard one to stomach.

I kept expecting a plot twist ending which would have made the film better in which the mother driving the school bus was actually just imagining the car the whole time. She was really crazy and murdering the kids. No other person in the movie could actually see the car except her anyway. We also never see or have any idea who the driver of the car was. This could have been done to great effect. Finding out it was actually her bus which ran over the policeman etc.

Sadly this unique twist never takes place and the movie is pretty much a waste of time about a very serious situation but done terribly.

There were a few laughs to be found in the explosion ending, so do at least stick with it till the end.
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A terrible forgery of Duel, one of Steven Spielberg's earliest films.
Anonymous_Maxine9 September 2000
Wheels of Terror is exactly what it sounds like. A cheesy after school thriller special that is meant to be laughed at. At least I HOPE it's meant to be laughed at. You have a scary looking car that seems to be terrorizing kids at their school, so one of the staff members decides that, instead of calling the police, she'll take matters into her own hands and chase the man down herself. It's good to see a woman taking the initiative like that in the movies, but then what do they do? They have the chase scenes take place with her in the 'short bus.' A laughable story, routine direction, no acting, and an absolutely pathetic ending all come together to make Wheels of Terror a perfect movie to never watch.
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Not the brightest bulb on the bus.
mark.waltz6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another suspense thriller about an unseen person in a car doing evil things (in this case, kidnapping young girls and allegedly sexually assaulting them, one resulting in murder), and with Joanna Cassidy driving a school bus, she turns into a vigilante to catch them when her daughter is abducted. Serious story that I found to be in bad taste because it turns campy at all the wrong moments.

For one thing, Cassidy is far too glamorous, looking like she's made up for a 1980's nighttime soap opera rather than driving a yellow school bus. She's apparently a hotshot big deal from L. A., so what is she doing in this small town all of a sudden behind the wheels of a school bus? At one point, she's chasing the filthy yellow car covered in Black such and all of a sudden finds herself over a cliff, reminding me of Karen Black in "Airport 75" and Doris Day in "Julie". I felt guilty for laughing but the situation had become so serious with all these silly elements that I couldn't help but laugh.

The story line becomes so messed up by this point with explosions and chases that you think you were watching a Mel Gibson or Bruce Willis movie. You're not supposed to be giggling and a situation where girls are being abducted but elements of the script become so absurd that it's difficult to keep it in. Cassidy is so out of her element in this film and this community, and the ability of the bus to go where Cassidy drives it is ridiculously absurd. So while I can't completely hate it as it did keep me entertained, I did find so many elements of it to just be far too over-the-top to really look at as anything more than a TV movie joke.
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ArbokLover-161825 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not at all scary but it has good lessons. My main complaints are definitely all the opportunities the guy had to get away and ditch the bus driver, the cops acting like they knew everything and not even considering the woman's report and all, but it is understandable that the budget was not the best so it's not gonna be as good as The Car or Christine.
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Strangely perverse
Mindwarp20 November 1999
This movie has a storyline that is strangely perverse for a made for TV movie. It is about a stranger in a black car who roams a small desert town, kidnapping, raping and finally killing a series of young schoolgirls.

Joanna Cassidy brings her young daughter to a small desert town to get away from the violence of the big city. But shortly after she arrives to take a job as a bus driver for the local school, a stranger in a black Dodge Charger begins to kidnap, rape and eventually begins to kill a number of the young schoolgirls.

Poorly directed, poorly paced and with far too many slow motion shots for the kind of movie that it is. This movie is a good example of the kind of movie that should not be done to TV because of the limitations of the medium. An unrated film of this nature could have gone far enough with the type of storyline, and that would make for a flat out NASTY horror film!
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Duel copy is utterly devoid of interest
Leofwine_draca4 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This dull television movie only serves as a reminder to us how good the original car chase thriller, DUEL, was. In fact, this film is derivative of that in every way, even incorporating parts of John Carpenter's CHRISTINE en route (no pun intended) but still managing to come out inferior in every respect. The first half of the film is a boring, clichéd view of small town life where absolutely nothing happens, apart from the sun shining into the lens of the camera and boring people going about their humdrum lives. I was very disappointed by this lacklustre opening but finally things did pick up in the second half, which is basically a long chase scene in the mountains and desert, a la DUEL. Although this part of the film looks cheap and rubbish compared to Spielberg's classic, it is at least mildly entertaining and better than the atrocious first half.

The trouble is that the film is poorly made and rips off other films too much. In some instances the director goes for a John Woo-style slow motion but it just makes the film look stupid instead of stylish. Joanna Cassidy is truly an atrocious actress and her attempts at screaming are embarrassing to watch, incredibly asinine, and all round annoying. I had to look away sometimes. There are no other actors in the film to speak of, apart from the grey sedan which does assume a life of its own in a way seeing as we never meet the driver (which is quite disappointing too). The car is admittedly suspicious looking.

There are a couple of good scenes in the film, for instance one where the car hits a policeman who goes flying up in the air (the actor playing him was a stuntman so I guess he did that all himself). Also, there is an incredibly stupid and cheesy ending where the paedophile's car flies off a cliff (hmm, maybe the director of this film saw the ending of DUEL here?) and then happens to land on a big building full of explosives which was just sitting there underneath it. However the rest of the chase is dull, the cars aren't going fast enough, and there's just not enough to hold the attention. This is the kind of humdrum, mundane, thinks-its-good American film which I absolutely hate. It only serves as a reminder of how good the other films it rips off are. Don't waste your time with this stinker.
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Wheels of terror
plissken-8580020 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Just discovered this "evil vehicle" TV movie. And it's a very good surprise to me. Well, some scenes are non-understandable because of logicals lacks (why Laura didn't call the police the second time she seen "Charger" closed to the school, for example) and during final pursuit, the damaged "Charger" became less damaged in few shots. In same time, the slow parts of this pursuit with melancholic music is kind of ballet without any continuity with the rest. Also, editing would be re-arranged a bit to be more clear but hey, for a TV movie, it's pretty nice and dark story. Look-like "The Car" but it's not the same plot. "Duel" seems more closer than the Elliot Silverstein movie.
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Wasted opportunity to become good movie
hope_for_rest4 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Too much screaming and panic, too obvious plot twists, pointless places where a school bus with (haha) racing engine can chase Charger - the movie could deserve 6/10 without all that.
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Wow! It was this or repetitive coverage of Hurricane Jeanne. I made the wrong choice.
calypso-326 September 2004
Terrible, awful, abominable, contrived, just plain bad, horrendous, laughable, dreadful, ghastly, so bad it just has to be watched. I could not stop, I had to watch it to the end, I just had to find out how bad it could get. Well, it did not disappoint. The ending was definitely up to the rest of the movie, only worse. Just how many feet of film was wasted on this I don't know. But 1 second's worth is too much. I curse hurricane Jeanne for trapping me in the house with only this (UPN) coming in clearly on my TV. It was this or hurricane coverage of fallen trees and dogs wading through puddles. I chose this. It was a tough choice. I probably would have been better off if I was one of those who lost power. I think I secretly hoped I would lose power so I could breakaway from this mesmerizing stupidity.
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If you enjoyed 1977 film 'The Car'. Well...
lost-in-limbo30 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Next up is your TV movie-of-the-week "WHEELS OF TERROR"... that's how this lifetime/hallmark-like, made-for-TV thriller comes across. From appearance, but actually you're in for a twisted surprise. The film's context (involving an ambiguous black sedan with a driver we never see terrorizes a small dustbowl valley community by kidnapping young girls resulting in sexual assault and even death) is eerily unsettling, but director Christopher Cain's execution of it falls on the ludicrous side.

It's an odd film, but just wait to you get a hold of the gutsy last half-hour. If you're a fan of slow-motion, dramatic slow-motion filled hair flowing in the wind and plenty of "Nooooooooooo"! Well, you're in for a treat. After starting off like the "THE CAR" it puts the pedal down turning its sights to "DUEL". You get a very long-winded rally-like chase sequence filled with cat-and-mouse dangers and careless vehicle ramming (where the mother seems to forget her own daughter is in the car) done in pockets of slow-motion involving the black sedan and a school bus with children on aboard. Hang on kids! Yeah, it's a bus trip that they'll surely not forget. It can grate with the whining, but it also can be a striking sight. There's one sequence that's crazy and beautiful rolled into one. And it's done in slow-motion.

Before it comes to that though, the first half is spent moodily building it up with the sedan stalking and tormenting a mother (impeccably performed by Joanna Cassidy), who also happens to drive the school bus. There's something ominous about that black, dusty car and she knows it, but things take a drastic turn when it kidnaps her daughter in front of her very own eyes. That's when the eeriness finally succumbs to suspense... actually more like daftness. And taking the cake is you think it's all over, but oh no, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My jaw dropped. How? I think the director just wanted more slow-motion.
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