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Wacky, dumb fun!
tarbosh2200028 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Joe Wong (Fong) is a private investigator, and he has a unique way of doing his job. He's behind on all his bills, his office is a pig sty, and all he really wants to do is go to his favorite eatery and have some chicken feet soup. He and his perky partner Diane (Stevenett) are barely staying afloat. One day John Templeton (Donahue), not to be confused with The Protector (1999), (who could surely handle this problem on his own), walks into Wong's office and hires him to find his daughter Karen (Bowling) who has gone missing. Despite Wong's warning that he "is expensive", much like Rod Armstrong, Donahue gives him the money and Wong is on his way.

It turns out Karen has been brainwashed by the Universal Enlightenment cult and is spending most days farming at their compound called Unity Village. The leader of this mysterious cult is one Yarakunda (Mitchell) and his "sister-wife" Karma (Busia). Since this secretive organization doesn't take kindly to outsiders, meaning there are plenty of armed guards, Wong hits the local punchfighting (or in this case, pit fighting) circuit to hire some recruits to help him invade the cult and save Karen. Of all the ninjas, women, Chicanos and fat guys that all fight each other, he chooses Fuzzy (Farmer) and some others and then they all go to complete the mission. Using just their martial arts abilities and their wiles, will they succeed? Here the usual gang of troublemakers (Fong, Pierce, Mitchell and director Frank Harris, among others) reunite once more for another round of wacky, dumb fun. Despite the common low-budget pitfalls of bad film quality, choppy editing, and major issues with what must have been a script at one point, Low Blow remains "Low Brow" entertainment. Fong plays the goofy P.I. with some serious car troubles with nothing but flatly delivered catchphrases. The main issue of Low Blow is you can't hear anything. The sound quality is so amazingly bad, the entire movie is unhearable. It doesn't help that Fong never speaks above a whisper, and he has an accent. But what we could hear is funny. And when he's attacking the bad guys' car with a chainsaw, he always remembers his safety goggles.

Cameron Mitchell, as the Jonestown-inspired guru, wearing a black hooded cloak and sunglasses, never stands up in the movie and appears drunk. It's a more laid-back Cam performance, especially in comparison to his bad guy role in Killpoint. Also as counterpoint to Killpoint, Stack Pierce here is fairly underused as Corky. Yes, his name is Corky. But we can't forget an early appearance of Billy Blanks as a camp guard that fights Joe Wong. Unfortunately, the climax of the movie takes place at night and the filmmakers forgot to turn on any lights, so we can't see what transpires very well.

The introduction of the punch/pit fighting adds a lot of color and flavor to the proceedings, and the addition of Fuzzy to the national consciousness was surely a good thing, though he lacks the joie de vivre of a Jack S. Daniels or a Bear. Also of note is the U.S. Vestron video VHS box art (seen at top of page). While a pretty cool piece of artwork in its own right, this person you see is not in the film. They invented him for the box art. What, was a picture of Leo Fong not good enough? That's shameful. But at least we can now see what it would look like if your fist was basically the size of your head.

Yes, the movie is inept on almost every level, and the attempts at humor are...attempts at humor, but Low Blow proves ineptness isn't always a bad thing - it can be pretty entertaining if you are in the right mood. 'Blow isn't as bad as some say it is (although some technical aspects certainly are, but so what).

If you need more Fong in your life, a good place to continue your obsession would be Low Blow.
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A fairly good action movie with a good cast !
move-730 May 2005
A pretty good cast here with ... Leo Fong , Cameron Mitchell , Stack Pierce , Akosua Busia , Troy Donaghue , Diane Stevenett and I think that Hope Holliday plays a small part as a Head Mistress of a school.

Four of these actors incl Leo Fong are from the other movie Kill Point ! Cameron Mitchell (High Chapparel 1960's TV Western) as Yarakunda is just plain weird. Akosua Busia (Colour Purple) as the sadistic Karma , is weird as well but SO gorgeous it isn't funny. Diane Stevenett as Joe Wong's secretary Diane is really cute and plays her part fairly well. Stack Pierce as Corky , as always is mean looking deadly and certainly comes up well , as well as can be expected. I'm sure though that his part in the movie has a different name , possibly "Duke". Anyway he throws some good punches. He is a first rate actor !

I suppose that you can't expect any Oscar award winning from Leo Fong , but never the less I have seen worse actors. Actually Leo Fong isn't too bad as an actor and even though he's never had the coaching I'd bet he's got more ability than Arnie and JCVD. He can be quite funny at times and has his moments and you realize that you get a liking for the guy.

I suppose that he's a little mechanical , but you can see the breaks where he lightens up every so often.

The movie is a bit better than mediocre and has some good action scenes. Leo Fong is quite a good martial artist and even though you don't see all of the acrobatics and technical trickery etc ... you get some realistic scenes. Fong as you can see is a pretty strong guy and for his age he does well. The best action part is in the building where Fong takes on a couple of guys an does them over. The part on the stair case is good !

All in all I quite enjoyed the movie and his part as Joe Wong. And what a rough scruffy PI he is. You sort of get the impression that as soon as he'd make the money from a case he'd spend it on whatever before the bills etc.

I own this on DVD now but I saw it a couple of years back and then I recalled seeing it sometime in the late 80's . I thought that the actor was MA Expert and board breaker Pu Gill Gwon , the author of "The New Forms of Tae Kwon Do" Anyway its not Pu Gill Kwoon or Pu Gill Gwon , Its Leo Fong an I'm glad that I have the movie as I'll watch it again.
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Dirty Leo takes out the trash!
Coolestmovies30 April 2010
Private dick Leo Fong is hired by millionaire Troy Donahue to rescue his runaway heiress daughter from Cameron Mitchell's pan-theistic "Universal Enlightenment" cult. Mitchell calls himself "Yarakunda", has a pentagram on his cheek, a red dot on his forehead, a cross around his neck, wears big Jim Jones sunglasses, dresses like a druid and hardly ever stands up during the entire film, so you know he means business, or possibly wasn't paid enough to actually act. Oh yes, and he's also blind, which means his Godly visions are more better than yours, so there. But Fong means business too! The sign on his office door reads: "Joe Wong, Private Investigator, Bounty Hunting, Conflict Management, Kung-Fu Fighting Lessons and World Headquarters of the Wei Kuen Do Association". (and yes, that's supposed to be funny) When he's not blasting away scumbags at his local deli ("Hey, forget the ham sandwich!"), taking down redneck purse snatchers, or deflating stereotypes about Chinese food and Asian drivers in Big American Cars, he's rounding up a motley team of specialists to aid him on the rescue mission by staging a tough man contest that attracts ninjas, kung-fu masters, Hispanic knife-fighters, black boxers, redneck purse snatchers and a female bodybuilder in red panties. Really. Frank Harris' direction here is a very slight improvement over his work on KILLPOINT, but it's Fong's screenplay that saves the day, using popular contempo action/buddy movie clichés to buttress his rather loopy main story. The puzzler here is real-life Ghanian princess Akosua Busia, who squanders the goodwill she engendered in Steven Spielberg's THE COLOR PURPLE by appearing here as Mitchell's conniving, sadistic daughter-slash-wife. Fortunately, her career would survive. One the plus side, Fong kicks Billy Blanks' ass, puts his foot THROUGH another man's head, and cuts the roof off a Mercedes-Benz hiding three goons who apparently can't find the door handles during the several minutes it takes Fong to run around the car cutting the roof supports. Hilarious stuff!
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Fun 80s Action Trash!
Crap_Connoisseur12 December 2005
This movie reeks of 1980s, straight-to-video action: zero budget special effects, "filler" action sequences and some utterly loony acting. It may sound bizarre, but those are also the very reasons why I enjoy this film so much.

In comparison the action movies of today, Low Blow seems positively wholesome. There is not much blood, no sex and the emphasis is more on fist fighting than high-tech weaponry. However, the film is never boring. The action is fairly constant and there are occasional touches of humour along the way.

Leo Fong plays private detective, Joe Wong. Joe is hired to find a missing rich girl, Karen. Karen not only has a very unattractive hairstyle but is also completely moronic, as evidenced by her falling in with one of the most ridiculous cults ever depicted on film - complete with a black sheet wearing blind guru and a crazy woman played by real life Ghanian princess Akosua Busia. Leo Fong's dead-pan delivery and no frills martial arts style suit his character perfectly. A special mention must be given to Akosua who turns in the most ludicrous performance of her career.

After having his butt kicked trying to infiltrate the compound, Joe realises that he needs assistance taking out the wackos and naturally enough, decides to hold a tough man contest to find some extra muscle. The scenes of the contest are some of my favourite in the movie. The fights are brief but varied and amusing. I particularly liked the wrestlers and the bizarre iron lady with the blond mullet. The film then comes to its rather predictable climax with some fun action and a good dose of humour.
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$500 budget
dolphlundgren8719 April 2005
I wouldn't be surprised if this movie was made on a $500 budget with its bad acting an ultra poor sound quality. I bought the DVD for $3.00, and after watching it I felt like I had payed $2.95 too much.

The DVD cover displays a steroid freak (main character), a huge truck and a group of 80's punk rockers with M16 machine guns. Well, in the actual movie, there was no truck, no 80's punks and the main character was far from a steroid freak.

The most enjoyable thing about this movie was the main character's bomb car and his mad parking techniques, but other than that it's a complete waste of time. Although this movie is a great cure for insomnia, my advice would be to avoid it.
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Who the Heck is Leo Fong?
vvanpo13 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I own a collection of Beta videotapes with recordings I made back in the mid- to late-1980s. I've been watching through them and I came upon a volume that led off with something called "Low Blow". For the life of me I couldn't remember anything about this movie. Why did I record it? The third name listed on the opening credits told me. I had a thing for Akosua Busia back in the day.

The first name listed, Leo Fong, told me to expect some sort of chopsocky effort. Sorry for the stereotype. The first scene proved me wrong of sorts. It is an unintentional comedy.

Leo's character, Joe Wong, notices something amiss at the local greasy spoon. Three perps, armed with shotguns and the like, are holding up the joint. Joe, like any sane person, tucks his handgun in the back of his pants, strides in there and proclaims "Where's my ham sandwich?!". Naturally after that he soon gets the drop on all three and bang! bang! bang! problem solved.

Next scene is the obligatory chewing out by the brass at the police station. Here is a prime example of "Low Blow"'s greatest weakness of which there are many. Mr. Fong's total lack of screen writing skill. I'd be hard pressed to think of any scene with dialogue lasting more than a minute of two. Here the cops make their empty threats. Joe responds with the excruciatingly wrong-headed "I save a couple of lives in there.", takes back his gun and heads out the door.

It turns out Joe is not even a rogue cop but a private eye! To describe him, he's got a hang-dog expression that Mr. Fong steadfastly refuses to change throughout the movie. The lone exception is when he splays a malevolent grin while whacking the baddies' Mercedes with a 2x4. He's built more like a truck driver than an athlete. And he's old. I pegged to be in his 40s but Mr. Fong is 10 years older. His office is a pig sty as is his home that from all appearances is located near the municipal dump.

One day on the mean streets of San Francisco, wealthy businessman John Templeton (alright Troy Donahue!) witnesses Joe handily dispatch a couple of yahoos who had mugged a purse off an old lady. Then and there Mr. Templeton decides that Joe is his man to rescue his daughter from a religious cult.

It seems she has given up all her worldly possessions to follow the word of Yarakunda (you think I'm making this up?) played by a heavily-sedated Cameron Mitchell. But the real power is held by Yarakunda's right-hand girl, Karma (Busia). She holds the flock in a compound surrounded by armed guards led by Billy Blanks of "Tai-Bo" fame to keep them in and strangers out. Busia gives the most over-the-top performance I have seen. She chews scenery like the bag of candy she always carrying.

After visiting, and escaping from the compound, Joe decides on a plan. Put together a motley crew to infiltrate the compound. The switch-blade fighter from the barrio, Sticks the numchuck expert, a huge mound of lumpenflesch named Fuzzy, a boxer even older than Joe, etc. Together they'll take on machine gun-wielding men. Of course, in these types of movies the enemy is always utterly incompetent. There's even a showdown between Blanks and Fong that almost reaches the absurdity of John Cusack vs. Benny "the Jet" Urquidez in "Grosse Pointe Blank".

Well now I know why Akosua Busia flamed out after the Color Purple. That always brings me tears, "Low Blow" brought me tears of laughter.
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"Bring Your Mind Into The Past, Present And Future"
PaulEss77712 April 2024
The bootless trio from the annoyingly haired 'Killpoint' is back : director Frank Harris, and 'stars' Leo Fong and Cameron Mitchell. A triumvirate of terrible. Harris in particular, should be ashamed of himself.

'Low Blow' isn't as sick, racist or downright nasty as 'Killpoint' - and that's it. It's just as amateur, vacant, irritating and soul-destroying in every other regard. Fong, despite slightly improved hair, drudges through this all-out dog's breakfast like a stop-motion clog.

A ridiculous, dozy cult led by Mitchell in a hood and sunglasses; and - the film's only plus-point - dishy but demented disciple, Akosua Busia, have kidnapped some girl and are brainwashing her on a farm. It's up to somnambulant Fong and a few bumpy grunts to rescue her.

All Fong films' selling point is chiefly the fact he knew Bruce Lee, but so did a lot of other people. I met Sir Michael Hordern once, but I don't go around doing Lear at the Old Vic.

You may ask - justifiably - why even watch this turnip ?

Good question.
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markp8625 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
When i see movies like this i dread to think of the amount of money and time wasted on such a completely horrendously awful piece of cinematic train-wreckage. By being this awful, it makes for a great comedy. I found this movie on DVD for $3 Australian (About 1.50 us) in a local electronics store. I had a spare 3 bucks and me being a fan of the martial arts genre, i thought why not. Well now i can think of plenty of reasons why not. The movie is about Joe Wong, a P.I. who wears a dirty singlet and doesn't pay bills. i THINK he is sleeping with his secretary but nothing is ever really explained in this movie. As stated in another review of this film, there is absolutely no continuity, and the synchronization of the punches looks as though it was handled by stevie wonder. But i was able to watch the whole thing as i was generally entertained by the absolute badness. Some of the things that kept me going include: -Bad quiet dialogue not even loud enough to hear over the music -Joe not being able to pay his bills, but being bale to set up a 'toughman' contest with thousands of dollars in prize money. -The sandwich shop fight scene, and all other fight scenes, after which Joe is never ever questioned by police despite killing 5 or 6 people each fight. -The lack of contact with any of the punches and kicks in the movie. - The atrocious, atrocious scene where Joe punches a man in the face, exploding it.(On closer slow motion inspection, the head appears to be made of rubber, the skin is a horrible brown, the mustache is painted on and the brains coming out the side is mince meat)

Unbelievably bad, but a fantastic laugh if you enjoy poorly made movies that are an actual attempt at a film.
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I have seen many movies, and this is one of a kind!
dougriley26 August 2002
Having watched over 5000 movies in my lifetime, I can truly say this is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. I watched it ten years ago, and sadly I still remember it. But for a lack of even mediocre actors, any plot line, any continuity, any thrown punches that came close to connecting, or a sound editor who could synchronize the actors' voices and their mouth movements, this could have been a passable movie. That the best actor in the movie, in my opinion, was a woman who had three lines says much about the crew more than the cast. Yes the cast was bad, but even a good actor is only as good as the writing, editing, sound, and directing. Thankfully I have never seen another movie even close to this bad. Avoid this movie at all costs, unless you want to experience real pain. I doubt you'd make it through this piece of trash.
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mumble the blessed mumble mumble
Bezenby13 August 2013
Cameron Mitchell's career is varied to say the least. One minute he's Minessota Clay, next he's a crazed gangster in Medusa, or a cop in The Nightmare Never Ends. If it was possible to speak to him today, I'd set myself down next to him at a bar, slide him a beer and say "Hey Cam, what was the easiest gig you ever did?" Unfortunately he can't answer, but I'm sure he would have said: "Probably that martial arts film where I didn't even need to get out of a seat, wore sunglasses, mumbled a lot, and groped a young actress." That film would be Low Blow, an action film starring Mitchell (who was an ex-special forces bar man in Codename Vengeance), Leo Fong, with an appearance by Stack Pierce (of Pyshic Killer 'fame'). Fong is an ex-cop turned PI, who seems to spend his time dealing with endemic street crime in San Francisco. While he's out kicking the heads in of two bag snatchers, he's spotted and hired by businessman John Templeton, in order to rescue his daughter from a cheesy new age cult (led by Mitchell (who played a crap cop in The Demon), but run with an iron fist by his daughter/wife!). Mitchell (who was a slick businessman in Memorial Valley Massacre), who wears sunglasses, a hooded robe, and a star on his cheek, seems oblivious to all the armed guards and beating and rambles on about the meek and says 'Blessed' a lot.

Fong pays a visit to the cult's plantation and immediately gets into bother with hired goons hanging around the place. He ends up rescuing a dude but reckons he's gonna need back up to get the businessman's daughter back, and you know what that means, right? Correct: A fairly pointless fighting competition, complete with Stack Pierce, ninjas, and a strong woman. Gang assembled, they all head off for a final showdown at the plantation (which involves needlessly killing hired goons whom, up until that point, had hardly hurt anyone.

You won't get much in the way of gore in this film (except for the bit where Fong stamps his foot right through a guy's face!) as Low Blow is played more for laughs than anything. This is just as well, as some of the acting is dodgy to say the least (especially Fong's secretary). Mitchell as usual just falls into the roll smoothly (he always seems to be enjoying himself, which is why I enjoy most films he's in), put I wouldn't put this high up on your list of films to see. It's good enough, but no classic, that Low Brow film.
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Yarakunda sees all
nogodnomasters24 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Based upon the unqualified success of "Killpoint" Fong teams up with Cameron Mitchell to bring us a classic film of the era hitting on all the hot news items. Fong is an ex-cop now a PI. He drives the worst vehicle in town and eats chicken's feet. When Patty Hearst joins Jim Jones' cult, Fong springs into action with a tough guy contest to recruit martial art fighters/boxers to battle guys with assault guns. Our holy man has both a red dot and Star of David tattoo on his check, so we know he is really holy. It's all good clean fun.

Originally known as "Savage Sunday" available on multi-packs. It totally smokes "Killpoint". The metal saw on the hood had me scratching my head.
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fishboy_rex200014 January 2006
like others here, i bought this movie for $3. And yes, the acting is awful, it is low budget, the case has nothing to do with the movie, and the soundtrack appears to consist of one song. However, it is one of the funniest movies i have ever seen. Does the fact that it is not intentionally funny cancel that out? Does hilariously bad choreography equate to a bad movie? or story lines that don't make sense - such as yanakunda calling Karma "my daughter, my wife". This movie gets funnier every time i watch it. The script at times is ridiculous - and that makes it very quotable. its also a great movie to watch when you are drunk. So, in terms of film making, this movie is right down there with the worst, so i could easily give this a poor score like others before me have. But i watch movies to be entertained. and if this movie is so bad that its entertaining for every minute that it lasts, then it is a good movie. If it gets better every time i see it, then it is a great movie. and this movie has proved to be far more entertaining than most of the "best" movies ever made, so i give it a 10.

some scenes to watch for: all driving scenes, the pointless church scene (he drove to a church and crashed his car just to say 2 words to a guy), the car and chainsaw scene, the puppy scene (totally random and unexplained), i could go on forever
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Action scenes so poorly done you will laugh until you hurt
dbborroughs18 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Leo Fong play Joe Wong a detective who is hired by a rich man to rescue his daughter from a religious cult headed by Cameron Mitchell. Somewhere just past silly this is a film with not very good action. There are times when you'll be laughing too hard at the alleged fight scenes that you may bang your head on the chair in front of you. The film opens with Fong thwarting a robbery in a local diner because he's bored. After killing all the bad guys he saunters out saying that the cook should forget his sandwich. I don't know what to say this is a really silly movie. If you want a silly action film give it a try, otherwise there are better ways to spend your time. (It should be pointed out that action stalwart and work out guru Billy Blanks who is listed in the promotional material on some of the DVD cases and is toward the top of the cast list here on IMDb, has little more than a glorified walk on as a camp guard.)
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Hello ladies, Leo Fong is back and he is pulling no punches!!
evanbrowner11 December 2004
Low Blow, the piece d'resistance for legendary Hollywood heavyweight, actor/director/screenwriter and cinematographer Leo Fong, sees Fong reprise his crowd pleasing role as ex-cop Joe Wong. In this installment, Wong is commissioned by capitalist tycoon (Troy Donahue in a standout performance) to rescue his daughter from a dangerous and mind warping cult. Set in the seedy underbelly of the outer areas of San Francisco, Wong must use all his guile as a street smart private investigator to penetrate the fortress of cult leader Yarakunda's compound and rescue the life of the movie's young heroine. A life held desperately in the balance, it is truly a race against time. Realising the limitations of a one man attack, Wong brings together a crack force of street fighting soldiers of fortune, much in the style of Hannibal's A-Team, with the promise great rewards. Wong and his salty mercenaries set in place a sophisticated plan that can't possibly fail. But is it too late?

It is set against this seedy and powerful background that Fong sets about fully exploring the socio-economic imbalance and segregation in modern society, as well as the resultant effect on the innate human need for inclusion and interpersonal relations. Fong craftily using extreme physical violence as a metaphor for self-actualisation and positive external affirmations of inter-conceptual self discipline. In so doing, he demonstrates that while verbalisation of interpersonal conflict can be at times a useful tool in the subtle art of open ended dispute resolution focused dialogue, where concepts cannot be expressed using excessive and unnecessary force they are often not worthy of expressing at all. Further, in so doing, Fong furnishes the viewer with a useful forum for discussing the usefulness of ruthless and relentless violence in their own lives. In light of the currently repressive attitude of society toward aggression and hostility, in presenting this film, Fong bravely champions the cause of antagonism not only as a form of potentially hilarious entertainment, but as a most useful tool to be utilised in everyone's day to day existence.

And in closing, while this movie contains vast offerings for a wide range of cultures, creeds and beliefs, is true to say that the underlying message of this film, as it should be, is that the deadliest weapon is still your fist.

Fong – we can only say thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
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If you enjoy motion sickness, nausea and having your hearing destroyed, then watch this movie.
bzparkes-14 May 2005
On the box this movie reads "Hit hard, hit first and hit with a LOW Blow". Well, after watching this movie I felt that I had been hit with a low blow. This movie is shocking. The acting is truly abominable and the attempts at humour really are pathetic. The absolute worst part of the movie however, has to be the soundtrack. There is constant soloing guitars playing in the background and there is no relief from it. I felt like my head was going to explode from all the pent up pressure before the movie finally finished.

Unless you're into bizarre forms of torture, don't watch this movie. I watched it when I was drunk and it was still bad. I'd shudder to think what it would have been like if I was sober...
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A seriously bad example of '80s action cinema
Leofwine_draca19 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
An execrable film, so poor that I can't even classify it as an "action" movie - instead, fans of bad or cult flicks might get a kick out of this atrocity just because it's so ineptly done in every department. The sound quality in particular is appalling, with half the mumbled dialogue muffled by crappy music - not that you would want to hear the dumb lines that the characters say in any case, although the line "cancel my sandwich!" does offer some amusement. This is depressingly bad stuff that plays by the clichés, including an opening scene in which our hero takes out a gang of men who have taken the employees of a café hostage (maybe he saw Erik Estrada doing it in LIGHT BLAST). From then on the run-of-the-mill antics involve Fong beating up gang members and beginning a very SLOW investigation into a weird mind-control cult led by Cameron Mitchell, of all people.

Mitchell's appearance is the oddest thing in the movie. With dark glasses and a black robe, he does indeed look the part as weirdo cult leader Yarakunda, and he spends all of the film mumbling songs to himself whilst sitting in a field. Was Mitchell drunk and/or on drugs when this film was made? From the evidence before me I would have to say most definitely YES! Then again, would-be hero Leo Fong (rating a 0 on the action movie hero scale, one below Thomas Ian Griffiths) is something to see as well. You wouldn't typically expect a middle-aged, balding Chinaman to be a heroic private eye and leading character in an action film but here Fong is, hamming it up a treat and delivering his dialogue without an ounce of realism.

Also appearing in the cast are Troy Donahue, like Mitchell a remnant left over from the old days and seriously down on his luck at the time. Akosua Busia overacts as another mad cult leader, turning out to be irritating instead of scary. The only other mildly familiar cast member is Billy Blanks, playing a guard, but he's only memorable for his incredible physique than anything else. Also around for our "entertainment" value are a pair of bumbling drunks who spend the film getting beaten up. This is one of the cheapest movies I've seen, loads of fighting takes place at night with poor lighting and forget rough around the edges, this is rough throughout. It looks like an amateur production and I'm surprised it even got a video release in America.

Still, there is some fun to be had with this. Like the scene in which Fong just goes totally berserk and cuts apart a car belonging to the bad guys with a circular saw! Not before he's finished smashing the windows out with a crowbar. This scene is actually frightening because Fong just goes mad and you can tell he isn't acting. There's also a hilarious competition called the "Tough Man Contest" (I'm not kidding) in which a range of warriors - including ninjas! - battle it out for supremacy. The winners get to join Fong on his mission which is to engage in a poorly-staged fire fight with a few bad guys in an anti-climatic ending which promises a lot but delivers nothing. Fong's associates in the finale include a female bodybuilder (!), an ageing black boxer, a Chinese kung fu man just for the heck of it, and a Hell's Angel. At least they're a varied bunch. Even the abundant action in this movie is boring, so all I can advise is to give it a miss - unless you have a seriously strange idea of entertainment.
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jstein9022 October 2000
Even for a cheap action film this was bad. Bad acting, bad writing, unrealistic action scenes. There was no plot, no story, and ridiculous dialogue. The action scenes looked laughably bad. This is a film to avoid.
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Bails45428 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this movie in a $3 bin. It was fantastic. That's not to say the acting was good; it was terrible. The one thing that makes this movie great is Leo Fong. If the lead actor was, say, Chuck Norris, you'd be groaning at the cheap lameness of it all. Leo Fong, however, goes about the movie with a cheerful suaveness that makes him likable, albeit a little laughable.

If you don't like these sorts of movies though, there is still one scene that makes the $3 all worthwhile: The face mashing scene. After Leo manages to down an opponent with a flurry of kung-fu excellence, he, with genius that is unsurpassed to this day, stomps on his victims head. The baddies face promptly explodes as Fongs shoe sinks into his face. Medically unplausible but hilarious. Apon playing the scene in slow motion it is revealed that the head is actually a plate of some sort of pudding.


The perpetual presence of eighties keyboard music, awful plot, terrible acting, and, of course, Leo Fong, makes this movie enjoyable.

It also teaches us valuable modus operandi: Always wear safety goggles when slicing up a car.
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Awesome movie, brilliant effects. Martial arts breath taking and casting superb 10/10 for me and anyone who watches it!!
totoman100021 November 2005
Awesome movie, brilliant effects. Martial arts breath taking and casting superb 10/10 for me and anyone who watches it!! Leo Fong is an outstanding actor, and his martial arts believable. The whole movie is something that everyone can relate to as what happens in the plot happens everyday. This is a movie the whole family can watch and enjoy, although some action scenes you might want to cover your children's eyes as it can get a little gory. It is good how the producer made the victim to have a personality and not just a dumb bimbo who needs help (like in other martial arts films). All in All well done to all those involved with the film. I will be looking out for more Leo Fong movies.
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Hamfisted, dull action flick
lor_4 March 2023
My review was written in April 1986 after a screening at UA Twin theater in Manhattan.

In "Low Blow", filmmakers Leo Fong and Frank Harris (who previously teamed on "Killpoint") reduce an action picture to its basic elements: fights, shootouts and simple delivery of expository dialog, with tedious results. This test of an audience's patience was filmed in Stockton, California, under the title "Savage Sunday".

Fong, who also produced and scripted for his Action Communications banner, toplines as private eye Joe Wong, an ex-cop who is hired by rich guy Templeton (Troy Donahue, looking like he's been to a nearsighted barber) to bring his daughter Karma (Akosua Busia).

Fong spends most of the film killing time by staging tough man contests and otherwise recruiting a team to go in and rescue the girl. Script fails to establish the evilness of the cult (other than their hypnotizing and seemingly drugging kids to keep them), but Fong & Co. Go in and kill the cult's guards anyway in ruthless fashion. Karma shoots Yurakunda (bad guy Cameron Mitchell), but her fate is just another loose end.

Sole point of interest in this clunker is the presence of Akosua Busia, actress whose next role after this in "The Color Purple" earned her an Oscar nomination. She is funny, vivacious and ultimately a bit touching in the stock, evil dragon lady role. This film won't appear on her resume, but it's a wild performance nonetheless. Busia's thesping contrasts with that of Fong and the rest of the players, who are strictly monotone. In fact, many of the smaller roles look like they're being filled with pals who work out with Fong at the local gym.
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Intriguing, suspenseful and action-packed, this movie is great!
dave1x18 April 2004
I remember seeing this movie at a theatre back in 1986 when it first came out. I enjoyed it a lot. It starred Akosua Busia, who is now married to movie writer, producer and director John Singleton. I thought Akosua was so beautiful back then. I vividly remember her lovely dark skin and gorgeous lips. She played in quite a few more movies back in the '80s too. Some commenter claims he saw it just ten years ago and he complained about the audio and visual quality. He obviously didn't see the theatrical release, which had fine quality. He probably saw a poor copy of a video tape which would likely explain the quality issues he mentioned. If a title is only available on VHS, I always go to reputable renters like the national companies because they carry the original tapes, not duplicates made from a single original tape like many smaller video stores do.
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"Cancel my sandwich!"
kertwit26 October 1999
THIS is a chef-d'oeuvre, nothing is missing to create the perfect (and I really mean it) atmosphere for non-stop laughter. No acting is believable, the script is ... how could I describe it...Well to make a very long story short, this one's a must for anyone who loves to take fun out of something that wasn't supposed to provide any.
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Dangerously direct, ferociously fleet footed detective Leo Fong can do no wrong!
Weirdling_Wolf26 February 2021
Kung Fu, action movie maverick Leo Fong ignites the screen with fellow celluloid cultists Cameron Mitchell, Troy Donahue and Billy Blanks in capable director Frank 'Kill Point' Harris's bodacious, street fightin', skell slayin', fist bangin', wrong headed religious cult bustin', bad guy ball bustin', Crow International pictures, backstreets ballin', low budget, high kill-count B-movie classic. Writer/Producer Leo Fong stoically plays the kinda' rigid, shoot first, pay later private dick you don't want on your tail unless you want it kicked into next week, dawg! Hired by big wheel business cheese John Templeton (Troy Donahue) to locate and rescue his kidnapped daughter currently held under the diabolical Hocus Pocus of blind pseudo priest Yarakunda (Cameron Mitchell) but discovering that the real power behind the throne is the breathtakingly beautiful Akosua Busia as ice cold killer Karma, who if crossed, will, quite literally, take your breath away! Lionhearted, dangerously direct, ferociously fleet footed detective Leo Fong can do no wrong, and you'll never see a Statham or Carano take a Benz apart with just two steely fists of righteous fury! And with its rough n' tumble, down an' dirtier than a dozen dime a dozen Dirty Dozen's hyperbolic climax, the only 'Universal Enlightenment' any Kung Fu, B-Movie freak needs is a high res Blu-ray of 'Low Blow'.
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If you liked "Killpoint", you'll think this is...well...OK.
lemon_magic8 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Low Blow" appears to reunite the director and most of the cast from a previous 80's movie called "Killpoint", only it seems to be made even more cheaply than that enjoyable time waster. As such, it's not the worst martial arts/action movie you will ever watch -I'd watch "Low Blow" 5 more times rather than watch Steven Seagal's "The Foreigner" even once more.

The credits say that Leo Fong wrote this movie as well as starring in it (uh-huh).I have to admit the screenplay isn't nearly as bad as it might be, mostly because the movie doesn't seem to take itself (or the hero/leading man) too seriously. Fong plays a likable diamond in the rough, and the movie doesn't ask him to do anything he can't do well.

Most of the rest of the cast are community theater rejects, with the exceptions of Cameron Mitchell (who once again has to act from behind a huge pair of blackened sunglasses), Stack Pierce and his trademark grimace, Troy Donaghue as your basic generic rich white guy/senator type, and a startingly charismatic and attractive young black woman who plays Cameron's girl Friday.She steals most of the scenes she is in and almost walks away with the movie.

Again,the super low budget is very evident here, and the screen play has no real energy or momentum - it just kind of mooches along from fist fight to shootout to the next fist fight and then some more shooting. And BTW, since when can a bunch of private individuals with guns invade another privately owned compound and kill 90% of the people in it with no repercussions? I mean, supposedly the movie is set in the continental US - Fong's character just drives to the cult headquarters. It's not as if this is taking place in the Phillipines (even though some of it was obviously shot there).

At least "Low Blow" is mildly funny and ribald when it means to be, and there's lots of cheesy action - only instead of "The Wild Bunch", it's more like "The Mild Bunch".

You should not play actual money to see this DVD - I got as part of a 12 movies-for-$5 compilation, which was fine.
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