Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation (1986) Poster

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cute film still good today
maverick-6931 July 1999
this is a timeless film that's still cute to see today. it has good music and is better than the first one. it shows off the bears more and you get a better feeling of what the bears can do, and different personalities. specially grumpy doing "double duty"
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Yeah, it's stupid
ericstevenson11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie's score has gone up a lot since the last time I checked, but I still think it's crap. I was willing to at least give credit for the original for having a coherent story and trying to show off some of the Care Bears mythology. What I hate is that none of this even makes sense with the original movie. I mean, it has the word "II" in its name yet it's no direct continuation of the original! We already saw the Care Bear Cousins origins and this completely changes that! In a movie that's intended to be a direct sequel, I would think you'd at least know what the original movie was about.

There are too many songs to list in this movie and most of them are just plain stupid. It's so obnoxious. There's a character that's supposed to be a horse, but it's literally nothing but a bear design with long ears! I'd rather watch "My Little Pony" over this. I of course mean the original series and not the awesome new one, as I'd watch that one over anything. At the end, the villain Darkheart realizes he cares and that turns him into a real boy. What? When did anything in this story imply his mission was to become a real boy?

Apparently, time moves differently as the Care Bear Cousins grow up instantly. Then again, it actually is implied time has passed back on Earth. So why are the kids the same age? At the end when the kids are waving them goodbye, they even give Darkheart the wrong character design for a moment! I knew that Christy would use her marbles to save the day. I knew really everything that would happen. This is the worst movie so far for Nostalgia Critic Month but sadly it's going to get much worse with 1987. I don't know why shattering the crystals would free the Bears either. *
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Hello, Nostalgia!
pynchonv9 August 2002
It's impossible for me to objectively consider this movie. Not that I haven't tried, mind you - but I sit down, and I pop in the aged VHS, and I watch the opening...and suddenly I'm five years old again and clutching my very own Care Bear and watching the movie with open eyes and an eager heart.

I can see, objectively, that this movie is a BIZARRE combination of cuddly baby merchandising-mascots and creepy prepubescent children with evil powers that has a thin story and uninteresting animation. But my inner five-year-old goes, "Yay! Care Bears!" every time I think about it. So - I'd only (cautiously, reluctantly) recommend this movie for those who saw it during their early youth and can call on the awesome power of nostalgia while watching it (like me) OR those lovably cynical Gen-X/Y-ers who deliberately seek out the wonderfully bad/strange (a category in which this movie...definitely belongs). To those actually looking for a compelling movie or wholesome family entertainment: You might want to keep looking.
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An odd piece of work...
La Gremlin19 July 2000
For the longest time, I liked this movie better than the original Care Bears movie. Well last summer, I watched them both together and decided I was wrong. The first one is a better Care Bears movie (as you may have guessed if you read my review for it). This one isn't a BAD movie, it's just... VERY STRANGE.

Well first of all, as a few people have mentioned, it completely disavows any knowledge of the first movie. I can't think of another sequel that contradicts the original so blatantly (especially with the genders of some characters and how they all met). When I was little and watching this, I was quite a bit confused and distraught. I felt the same way watching it as an adult!

On to the reasons why the movie is actually pretty good (IF you disassociate it from the first movie). I can't think of another movie for little kids with a DEMON as it's villan! Now I am not for a minute suggesting that evil demons who want to steal the souls of campers and Care Bears are good, I just find it cool that there's a SUPREMELY EVIL BEING in a movie for little kids! It's like that bizzare "Santa Clause vs. Satan" movie from Mexico you hear about sometimes.

Anyhow, the demon's name is Darkheart and he wants this chick to help him get the Care Bears in return for him giving her special powers. Very dark for a kiddy flick eh? And did I mention that Darkheart appears to the girl most often as a WHINEY VOICED 10 YEAR OLD BOY??? Freaky! Meanwhile some other kids are in Care-a-Lot looking after BABY CARE BEARS! Oh, man! Demons and baby Care Bears IN THE SAME MOVIE!!!!!

Needless to say, everything gets cleared up in the end (but not before we get to see Darkheart trap the Care Bears' souls in this scary chandelere thing in one [surprisingly] deeply disturbing scene). But I am left with the question of wether this movie has found the cult audience it so richly deserves. I might just watch it again myself.
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I'm a huge Care Bears fan but THIS FILM IS REALLY QUITE *AWFUL*!!!!!
decalderonne11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you are not a Care Bears fan to begin with, then this film should be AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS, because it's the *ABSOLUTE WORST* version of the 1980s franchise. It completely justifies why so many people became COMPLETELY CYNICAL about the Care Bears, which is TRULY TRAGIC considering how extraordinary the franchise can be when it's presented properly. The first Care Bears movie from 1985 was not the best by any means but it is still *INFINITELY BETTER* than this - and so is the 3rd movie, 'The Care Bear Adventure in Wonderland'. I really don't know WHAT Peter Sauder the writer and the rest of the "creative" team were SMOKING, DRINKING AND/OR SNORTING when they made this egregious 2nd film.

For the record, I actually *USED TO LIKE THIS FILM* some time ago, and looked back on it with FOND MEMORIES while acknowledging general corniness. However, I just re-watched all 3 of the 80s Care Bear films back to back, with objectivity, and was absolutely stunned and perplexed at the *VAST CHASM* in quality, style and substance between this film and the other 2 - which apparently never quite jumped out at me the same way before, as I had watched each film at different points in my life. Everyone keeps harping about the songs here, so let me get those out of the way first........they are some of the MOST *INSUFFERABLY* INSINCERE songs ever written, especially when you take off the blinders of nostalgia and compare them with the songs in the other films. The "sentiments" expressed in the songs are PHONEY BALONEY *BULLSHIT*!!!!

For instance, one of the songs goes on and on about the power of "colour" - which is UNFORGIVABLY HYPOCRITICAL when you consider that ALL the human characters/children in this story are WHITE. Seriously???? You're going to have a song about HOW SPECIAL AND WONDROUS *COLOUR* is and yet you don't even have a SINGLE child/character of colour?? This would be possible to overlook if they didn't have the DAMNED COLOUR SONG. I guess they were only interested in merchandising the toys to white children......and the only "colour" they cared about are FANTASY COLOURS, not actual skin colours and hues that make up the beautiful diversity of human beings. They could have made such a powerful statement with the colour song if they featured children of colour in the story, but no no no no no........that would require them to actually *CARE* (pun intended), which they DO *NOT*. The songwriters and creators were simply SPOUTING *TRIPE* in a disgustingly cynical attempt to give the (white) targeted children demographic and their parents whatever would PULL THE WOOL OVER THEIR EYES. Apparently it worked, given how many dolts here still praise the film well into adulthood. They have basically "sold their souls to Dark Heart" - there, I said it, for everyone who militantly and vociferously declares that they love this film so much.

It is also UNFORGIVABLE that the creators, starting with write Peter Sauder, would *COMPLETELY IGNORE* AND DISREGARD the entire first film when concocting this garbage story. Seriously?? What does that say about their OWN SELF-RESPECT, to eradicate THEIR *OWN WORK* with a single stroke of Peter Sauder's pen? The toy manufacturers decide they want to release a "cub" line of the Care Bears and their cousins, so just like that they are willing to ERADICATE the entire first film's story and continuity - even though the first film was made JUST A YEAR AGO!!!! You cannot reboot a whole franchise one year after you yourself created the original which did *JAW-DROPPINGLY WELL* at the Box Office. The First Care Bears movie was THE MOST SUCCESSFUL NON-DISNEY ANIMATED FEATURE FILM *EVER MADE* at the time - so much so that EVEN DISNEY could not believe their eyes - and yet, the deplorably greedy toy manufacturers together with American Greetings and Nelvana decide that they are going to SPIT ON THEIR OWN *MONUMENTAL SUCCESS* from the previous year, and revise the origins of the Care Bears and their Cousins in a PATHETICALLY NONSENSICAL way. That's right, this "rebooted" origin story does NOT EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE, which shows you how cynical the writer and the creative team were - they were just going through the motions and churning out some CRAP in order to placate American Greetings and Kenner the toy company.

I don't expect Peter Sauder to have read Aristotle, but the CONCEPT OF TIME in this "story" is BEYOND LOONY TOONS LEVEL. True Heart and Noble Heart go chasing the 'shadow' of Dark Heart around the world long exactly, for starters???? Months? YEARS? They make such a big plot point about moving the cubs to the allegedly "much safer" Care-a-Lot and the Forest of Feelings from the Kingdom of Caring, to protect them from Dark Heart, but Dark Heart FINDS THEM in Care-a-Lot WITH *ZERO EFFORT*. The children down on earth remain the EXACT SAME AGE despite at least a couple of years spanning between the beginning of the film and the end - during which time the Care Bear and Cousin Cubs have reached full maturity up above - which makes THE LITTLE BOY in particular seem like he's *STUNTED*. And really, True Heart and Noble Heart who are supposed to be the older, wiser guardians of all the Care Bears are portrayed as *BUMBLING IDIOTS* to have not realized that they were being sent on a wild goose chase by Dark Heart for...........again, GOODNESS KNOWS HOW LONG - we are talking AT LEAST months upon months on end, if not years. Apparently the writer thought that the viewers would be JUST AS IDIOTIC not to notice the discrepancies and glaring, gaping holes in the story.

And don't even get me STARTED on the SICKENINGLY CREEPY *SEXUAL SUBTEXT DYNAMIC* between Chrissy and Dark Heart!!! These are supposed to be pre-pubescent children - well, one is actually a FRICKING EVIL DEMON *PRETENDING* to be a young boy - and they keep shoving this DISGUSTING ROMANTIC/SEXUAL TENSION between them throughout the story. It reaches a PARTICULARLY HEINOUS crescendo as the Demon "redeems himself", and then we finally see him SHIRTLESS with Chrissy in the lake......after which they hold hands together in their very last scene. YUCCCCCCCCKKKKKK. How any sane parent could allow their children to watch this and be okay with it speaks to the DEPRAVITY AND MORAL BANKRUPTCY of those so-called parents. So much for "caring" - apparently you care NOTHING for your children's moral well-being to allow them to be SUBLIMINALLY *SEXUALIZED* in this manner, looooooong before they have even hit puberty.

I could go on and on, but as other viewers have already touched on the other horrors to be found in this mockery of a film - including the INFAMOUS "Peter Pan/Tinkerbell" rip-off which is handled *SO OBNOXIOUSLY* that you can hear the voice actor's cynicism during the calls for caring - I will conclude by urging everyone reading this to SPEND THEIR TIME MORE PRODUCTIVELY than watching this. Last but not least, the voice acting itself is *ABYSMAL* here, whereas the voice acting in the first film was *ABSOLUTELY TOP NOTCH*. The same voice actors who did such a great job with Nicholas in the first film sounds *RIDICULOUS* as Dark Heart here - coming across as a RANK AMATEUR particularly in his attempts to sound "evil" sounds *EXCRUCIATINGLY EMBARRASSING*, to the point where it feels like you would be better off going to see a Kindergarten Play!!!!!!! Even the voice actor who brought Brave Heart to such GLORIOUS LIFE in the first film and in subsequent incarnations of the franchise sounds like he is *PHONING IT IN* cynically here, and I really can't blame him given the BLATANT *COMMERCIALISM* that pervades this entire "project".

I firmly believe that it was THIS ATROCIOUS FILM that signaled the downward spiral of the Care Bears franchise, which could have otherwise reigned supreme well into the 1990s, given what a ROARING SUCCESS the first 1985 film was. But nope........the powers that be GAVE INTO THEIR *GREED* and their MOST *BASE INSTINCTS* in order to create a "requel" (which is basically a reboot and a prequel combined), thinking that they could cash in DOUBLE, but in fact, this film barely made ONE THIRD of the profits made by the first film, so the joke was on them!!!!!!! It is pathetic and tragic that so many people continue to praise and defend the film all these years later, JUST TO CLING ONTO some semblance of their childhood - but that is a *FALSE AND UTTERLY DANGEROUS* FORM OF NOSTALGIA which should have no place in the mind of a sensible, smart and morally sound adult.
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Why the low ratings...?
peace_on_earth30 December 2021
This is a cute movie. Great for kids. Happy and fun! Some great songs for children too! Positive movie for kids with positive life lessons. Recommend!
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Wonderful children's movie
mdilore25 August 2009
I grew up on this movie and I can remember when my brother and I used to play in the backyard and pretend we were in Care-a-lot. Now, after so many years have passed, I get to watch the movie with my daughter and watch her enjoy it. If you are parent and you have not watched this movie with your children, then you should, just so you hold them in your arms and watch them get thrilled over the care bears and care-a-lot! The songs, especially "Forever Young" are very sweet and memorable. Parents, I highly recommend this movie for all kids so they can learn how enjoyable caring for others can be! When it comes down to all the trash that is on TV, you can raise your children to have the right frame of mind about life with movies like these.
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Excellent Kid Movie
Dark-914 July 1999
The second Care Bears movie is immensely better than its predecessor. It has a deeper plot, better character development, and the tunes (especially the closing song) are both catchy and warm-hearted. Sure the movie tends to over stress caring but come on, it IS a Care Bears movie. This movie is a great picture to show to kids because it emphasizes friendship, love, and again, caring. Not to mention the Care Bears are just too adorable!
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Oldie but goodie
kirbiwilliams9 October 2021
I use to love this movie when I was younger and I still do. I showed it to my 2 year old and she loves it as well. She gets action, drama, horror and suspense all in this movie lol. She's a little scared of Dark Heart but once she sees that the Care Bears have it under control she's ok. Didn't realize how dark this movie was since Dark Heart is a demon that's leaving a dark influence on everyone and everything. I actually like that! They don't make 'em like they use to lol.
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I really liked this movie as a kid, and I still like it now
TheLittleSongbird12 October 2009
Care Bears Movie 2: A New Generation isn't at all a bad movie. In fact, I like it very much. Yes I admit the dialogue is corny and the story is a bit poorly told at times. But Darkheart, while very very dark is a convincing enough shape shifting villain, and Hadley Kay did a superb job voicing him. Speaking of the voice acting, it was great, nothing wrong with it whatsoever. The animation is colourful, and some of the visuals particularly at the beginning were breathtaking. The songs and score are lovely, especially Growing Up and Forever Young, the latter has always been my personal favourite of the two. The care bears, who I do like, are adorable, and the human children are well done too. And the ending is a real tearjerker. All in all, harmless kiddie fun. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Growlyted26 March 2004
Origins of the Care Bears & their Cousins. If you saw the original film you'll notice a discrepancy. The Cousins are raised with the Care Bears, rather than meeting them later. However I have no problems with that, preferring to treat the films as separate interpretations. The babies are adorable and it's fun watching them play and grow. My favourite is Swift Heart Rabbit. The villain is a delightfully menacing shapeshifter. I could empathise with the three children since I was never good at sports either. Cree Summer is excellent as Christy. The songs are sweet and memorable. If you have an open heart, love the toys or enjoyed the original, this is not to be missed. 9/10
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Strange, but it works
Thornfield225 June 2001
This cartoon was strange, but the story actually had a little more depth and emotion to it than other cartoon movies. We have a girl at a camp with low self esteem and hardly any other friends, except a brother and sister who are just a miserable as she is. She reaches the ultimate low point and when the opportunity arises she literally makes a pact with a devil-like demon. I found this film to be very true to life and just when things couldn't be worse, the girl sees what she's done, she feels remorse and then changes and then she helps this dark, mystical creature learn the human quality of love. The twins improve too, by helping the little bears and then they get a sense of self worth too. A very positive message for children, though some elements of the film was strange, it was and still is a rather enjoyable film. The music from Stephen Bishop (Tootsie songs) made the film even better
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Is it really all that bad?
ShancyShance22 June 2003
In an era of such awful cartoons, I am rather in shock to see a movie with such good morals make it to the IMDB Bottom List for Animated movies.

This movie does contradict the first. I won't deny that. However, when I was in the target age group for this movie, I didn't even notice, nor would it have mattered if I did. The people who made it may have used "New Generation" to note that this is another way the Care Bear Family could have began. Perhaps we are meant to decide for ourselves how the Care Bear family truly began.

This was my favorite movie at age 3-6, and it did not scare me or confuse me at all.
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Golgo13-527 December 1998
This movie is great, the music "with the exception of the very first song in the movie" was awesome. The story line is awesome too, it's just basically a wonderfull movie, for ALL ages. I found the last battle scene awesome! Basically this was a great flick!
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My favroite movie as a kid
Jennings19 September 2002
Every kid has that movie that he pops into VHS when he has nothing to do, or when there is a babysitter around. This was that movie for me.

I can tell you the whole plot exactly, I must have seen it 100 times at least, and I can say it is a good kids/family movie.

I still have the tape, I haven't watched it in 5 years, but maybe I'll get around to it this week, and be a kid for the day.

You just have to love the care bears, and their messege.
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My favorite.
evilgnik31 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is my favorite of the three care bears movies. Once again I liked all the songs. The big problem however as most people have pointed out was that this story contradicts the original. For those that saw the first movie recall the bears met their "cousins" who they apparently never knew about. It wasn't of course until the end that the cousins received their tummy symbols after proving how much they cared. In this story however the cousins grow up with the care bears and have tummy symbols all along. That being said this isn't a bad movie as long you keep it separate from the first. I thought the Darkheart character much more evil then the Nicholas of the first. But at the same time I felt it added a sort of balance to the sweetness of the care bears. I also liked the we care part at the end, although I know other people had mixed feelings about that scene. And of course I LOVED the songs. My favorites being Growing Up and Forever Young. The care bears movies have always had such good songs. Ten stars for a very good movie.
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This Movie Will Teach People At All Ages About Morality And What Life Is Really About
Bird Of Phoenix14 July 2001
As a child I preferred the first Care Bear movie since this one seemed so dark. I always sat down and watched the first one. As I got older I learned to prefer this one. What I do think is that this film is too dark for infants, but as you get older you learn to treasure it since you understand it more, it doesn't seem as dark as it was back when you were a child.

This movie, in my opinion, is better than the first one, everything is so much deeper. It may contradict the first movie but you must ignore the first movie to watch this one. The cubs are just too adorable, I rewind that 'Flying My Colors' scene. I tend to annoy everyone by singing it.

The sound track is great! A big hand to Carol and Dean Parks. I love every song in this movie, I have downloaded them all and is all I am listening to, I'm listening to 'Our beginning' also known as 'Recalling' at the moment. I have always preferred this sound track to the first one, although I just totally love Carol Kings song in the first movie 'Care-A-Lot'.

I think the animation is great, the animation in both movies are fantastic. I was surprised when I sat down and watched it about 10 years later and saw that the animation for the time was excellent. It was really surprising.

There is not a lot of back up from other people to say that this movie is great, but it is. I do not think it is weird/strange. I think it is a wonderful movie.

Basically, this movie is about how the Care Bears came about and to defeat the Demon, Dark Heart. The end is surprising and again, beats any 'Pokemon Movie' with the Care Bears Moral issues. It leaves an effect on you. Again this movie can teach everyone at all ages about morality.
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In today's world of horrible cartoons the old classics are refreshing
Lady Jasmine5 February 2002
Still love it 17 or so years after the first time I saw it, in fact I discovered that I had lost my copy of this and was very upset. Despite it's non-association with the original (which as a kid I never noticed and as an adult I don't care about), this is what cartoons *should* be like. Just dark enough to be interesting and light enough to be enjoyed by everyone. I'm more than glad that my parents raised me on this kind of thing rather than the cartoons we see today that teach our kids nothing. The music is great, and gets stuck in your head forever...I have downloaded the entire soundtrack at one point or another.
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I love this movie & it the best Care Bears Movie ever!!!
iCarlyFan200917 January 2006
It all started with True Heart Bear & Noble Heart Horse get the club to safety. Noble Heart Horse meet Dawn & John & took them to see True Heart Bear. Later, The care meter went down more & True Heart Bear & Noble Heart Horse check to see if it Dark Heart but they can't go unless the club at care for so they ask Dawn & John to care for the club. After True Heart Bear & Noble Heart Horse Come back, They send Dawn & John back to camp. Than the club & cousin bears have grown up to get ready to fight Dark Heart. At the end, Dark Heart kidnap all the care bear & the kids (Dawn & John) have to tell Christy that Dark Heart is evil. Than they work to together to save the Care Bears. Later, True Heart Bear & Noble Heart Horse found out it Dark Heart shadow & return to care land to find that their gone. The Kids (Dawn, John, & Christy) come but they was not powerful to stop Dark Heart. True Heart Bear & Noble Heart Horse come to help Dawn, John, & Christy to free the other care bears but Christy got in the way & was hit by Dark Heart magic. Than Dark Heart saw Christy got hit & stop fighting the care bear in order to help her but he can't because Dark Heart (himself) don't have the power of caring to save Christy. The care bears & the kids help Dark Heart save Christy. Now Dark Heart starting to care & became a real boy to fall in love with Christy. Dark Heart is now a real boy & help out Christy to work out in camp.

This is a great move ever & the best Care Bears Movie I ever seeing.

I like all the care bears movies & I can't wait to see "Care Bears: Big Wish Movie (2005)".

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3.5 yrs daughter LOVES this!
Russ-Williams14 August 2005
I was worried that my daughter might get the wrong idea. I think the "Dark-Heart" character is a little on the rough side and I don't like the way he shape-shifts into a "mean" frog, fox, boy… I was wrong, This movie was made for my kid, not for me. She "gets it" when it went over (under?) my head. Of course I don't "get it". This isn't one of the NEW kids movies that adults will ALSO enjoy. This is straight for the young ones, and the crew knew what they were doing. There isn't any political junk ether. There's no magic key that will save the world from ourselves, nobody has the right to access excess, and everyone isn't happy all the time. And as a side benefit, nobody DIES! –russwill.
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Love it! Also don't get why some do not.
wargod201014 July 2014
I love this movie with a burning passion even though I'm a fourteen year old boy I can't help but love it. It's got its faults but I mean what movie doesn't? I just don't understand how someone can give this three, two or anything lower than an eight! I actually miss this series and could never find out why it got canceled, or rather replaced with weird animations. (Granted when it first aired I wasn't alive) but beyond the point. I encourage adults, parents to watch this movie with or even without their kids. I mean I've seen the cartoons on Cartoon network and Disney and all them and I personally think most are terrible. Those shows and movies have more dirty stuff in them than this! Granted that's probably why adults like to watch them every now and again but again beyond the point.
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A great kids movie, a great lesson for all
i_am_watching_you_298 December 2004
This installment of the care bear movies. Is i think the best if you actually want to know how these characters began. Many people may find this storyline contradictive if you have seen the first movie. But that is the point such as the name second generation. I think this out classes the first movie in several ways. It shows characters in a way that reflects well on the T.V series but it also shows a beginning for example you can't just have turned up in care a lot. Ther story begins when the care bears ship is attacked by an evil being named dark heart but they are saved.

Recognised for their deeds of caring the stars offer them safe haven and a home above the Earth and among the stars. In this time you see how the care bears got their symbols and how they grew up. They eventually defeat dark heart in the end and watchers get to relearn som e important lessons about caring. This movie was the perfect springboard for the successful cartoon series which was playing at the time, and answered many questions. This movie would be cherished by any child who had found the T.V show care bears enjoyable to watch.

In a nutshell the care bears shows us how to care and be friendly it sets a perfect example to kids. It also shows how to fight the obstacles that your caring will encounter this shows this in characters such as Dark Heart in this movie. Feel free to make more movies as this is one show kids won't learn violence from
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Wonderful and Beautiful movie but where's the instrumental scores?
alyssatludden27 July 2022
I have always loved this movie since I was a kid and have not outgrown it's charm. I have been desperately looking for this movie and the prior's instrumental scores we hear throughout the movies. All I can find is the songs but never the background music for the films.
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The Best of the Care Bear Movies
Elwood2316 March 2005
This movie does contradict the first one as far as the origins of the Care Bears and the Care Bear Cousins goes. I won't deny that. However, if you look at "Part II" as a separate film, then it's a very good movie. I remember watching this in the early 80's (and fitting into its targeted demographic audience then), and absolutely loving it much more than the first movie (not that I didn't enjoy that one too, it's just that this one seemed to have a little something extra to it). Sure it's darker than the first one too, but perhaps maybe that's why it's so good. And it's dark in deeper kind of subtle way too (that kids may not fully understand, but could still be a bit scared of because of the atmosphere it gives off, and adults watching will surely get quicker as I have now watching this film again now in my mid-twenties) where you basically have a young girl making a deal with an evil spirit/demon in exchange for something else. Get the picture? But simply watching that as a child, sure as I said it may have been a little scary, but nothing traumatizing. In fact if anything it gave me another fantasy game I could play when I was that age. I can't tell you the number of times I used to pretend Dark Heart wanted to imprison me, have me help him capture the Care Bears, tried to make me turn over to his dark side, and other things like that etc. So this movie was also good for my imagination. And it's also got great emotional depth to it too. I used to watch it at least once a week.

Also Hadley Kay was the perfect choice for the voice of Dark Heart (I always thought so and I always will).

Now it's just too bad that they never made a soundtrack available. Sometimes I just want to hear Growing Up without watching the movie, as good as it is.

"What good is love and caring if it can't save her?"
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Fantastic movie, all-around!
Wish Bear27 December 2000
I loved this movie when I was a kid. My stuffed Love-a-Lot Bear was my most prized possession. And when I recently found the movie in my storage room and watched it again, I found that I still loved it! In today's world of kid's toys/movies/TV shows filled with violence and fighting, it's nice to again see the Care Bears, who fight evil with nothing but the power of love and caring. The movie itself has a strong plot-line, and catchy songs which my friends and I (we watched the movie at a party I had, to reminisce of our childhood) STILL find stuck in our heads. And best of all, the characters are well developed, but not so over developed that little kids (the movie's target audience) can't understand and love them. Watching it when older, I also picked up on many subtle points buried in the plot which suggest a deeper meaning. The movie is great fun for kids and adults who want to lose their age for a while!!!
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