The Deadly Spawn (1983) Poster

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An average horror movie with surprisingly innovative effects
Groverdox4 November 2017
"The Deadly Spawn" is a classic example of a horror flick made on a shoestring budget which is nevertheless worth watching due to the ingenuity of its creators.

The plot is basically non-existent. An alien comes to Earth in a meteor and hides in a family's basement. It starts picking people off and having little babies that look and behave like land-based piranhas.

The characters and dialogue are all completely forgettable. The enthusiasm that went into the creature and gore effects obviously didn't rub off on the cast.

But that's not what you watch it for. You watch it to see what a talented crew can do with little money and on that score, "The Deadly Spawn" more than delivers.
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Legendary alien mayhem with great monsters!
Bogey Man24 May 2002
This is one of the best alien/monster slaughtering and splattering movies I've ever seen! It is so funny and creative as the monsters are something I hadn't seen before. They are ugly, disgusting, hungry and have about 7000 teeth! They can also move, but pretty slowly. How they did those monsters with the low budget? They look so fantastic and scary as they actually have nothing but huge mouths and hundreds of sharp teeth in them.

Some alien stone comes from the space and crushes into the Earth with these nasty visitors. Soon they find a new home in a cellar of one apartment, and then the "fun" begins. There is one slow sequence in the middle of the film and it is boring to sit through, but fortunately for most of the time, there is always something going on.

The effects and overall look of the film is so 80's and low budgeted and nostalgic and it really makes to miss those golden days when these were made. Nasty slashers, stupid Conan rip offs, alien clones etc. Those were the legendary days that produced us these gems, that we can now track down and enjoy. The Deadly Spawn is recommended HIGHLY for all fans of marginal cinema and especially monster cinema, because these babies are something new! They bite in a way that no other monster has ever bitten before! They appear also in a form of slithery worms, and it only raises the puke-o-meter and fun-o-meter, but only for those who understand these rare pieces of gold. Others will only feel sick watching these!

This film earns at least 7 ultra gory stars out of ten, and these films will NEVER die, no matter how many stupid mainstream efforts or "modern horror films" are made!
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Before the Slugs, Slither n Night of the Creeps, there were these slimy creatures with hell lottuva teeth. Watch out for the decapitation n defenestration scenes.
Fella_shibby14 June 2019
I first saw this in the mid 80s on a vhs. Revisited it recently. The initial kills r offscreen with jus blood on the ground, on the spectacles, on the bulb n on the wall with lots of slurping noise but the film does get gory later but nowhere tensed or fast paced. A woman's face gets munched upon by an alien suffering from bruxism. An old uncle gets devoured by the aliens offscreen. A teenager gets decapitated by an alien's teeth n the aftermath defenestration scene of the rubber body will make u lol. The salad scene from the film Slugs was inspired by a similar scene from this film. Inspite of the running time only 82 mins, the film gets tedious considering the old ladies' chit chat n the teenagers conversations.
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This is the kind of horror film that inspires
one4now422 October 2003
This movie has a bigger cult following than many might think, and I am proud to say I am part of it. I see this film in the ballpark of "The Evil Dead", "Re-Animator", "Bad Taste", and many other classics of splatter legend. I don't feel the need to criticize the acting (unless you count the first two hapless victims), and this is because this movie does what most movies don't with their characters: it makes them REAL people. The fantastic elements blend beautifully with the boring, frustrating mess of most people's everyday life. Still, this is a fun b-movie, which means instead of depressing us with the real-life stuff, it puts some humorous spins on it. The gore and creature FX are amazing. Don't let that R rating fool you, this is one HARD R, so those with weak stomachs need not apply. The creature FX I was amazed by most of all. I would love to know how they did this with such a low budget! Everything in this looks extremely vivid and real (with the exception of some amateurish backgrounds at the beginning and end that are obviously pictures somebody painted or whatever). Even the computer cartoons of "Jurassic Park" do not hold a candle to these creature FX in the least. This is definitely one of the greatest indie/sci-fi/horror/splatter films ever, and I do wonder why it hasn't got the kind of recognition that movies like "Evil Dead" have (no big-budget sequels maybe?). As for those who call "Parasite" a sequel to this, I don't get it. Not only is this a film far more superior to "Parasite" and was seemingly made by totally different people, there is absolutely no way to connect them unless you're talking genre-wise. "Parasite" is in the far-off future, this one's in the present. "Parasite" is about genetically engineered creatures, this one's about space aliens. This one has a sense of humor. "Parasite" doesn't. In any case, I love "Return of the Aliens: The Deadly Spawn" (no matter what title it's under) for it is the classic that "Parasite" should have been and much, much more.
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Highly me at least
movieman_kev5 December 2004
Thank god for DVD, I was waiting for a chance to see this film since I was but a wee pubescent gore fiend way back in the mid '80's when I saw a clip of it when I rented "Terror on Tape" (which was and still IS a much better compilation of horror films then the much better known "Terror in the Aisles, but I digress), while sleeping over my Aunt's house. This film's plot is just alien eats and eats and eats some more people. So was it worth the decades long wait?? Well for the most part a resounding YES. I knew it was going to be low budget and I knew it would have bad acting. But it was still a really fun movie for gore lovers. And i wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to fellow low-budget horror film fans.

Synapse DVD Extras: 2 commentary tracks (the first with the director and a few cast members and the second with the Producer); alternate opening; audition tapes; stills gallery; outtakes; a 15 page comic book style prequel; and theatrical trailer

My Grade: B
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damn boring!
ndrew-17 June 2004
Extreme experience. I have never seen such a disgusting movie like this. The plot isn't interesting, just some aliens and documentary on some family life. Ending is stupid, whole things is just cheesy. Forget it! Don't waste your time for this crap! The only positive thing is that aliens are nasty. But it isn't a reason why one should watch it. You'd better watch "Bambi" instead. It will be surely a better way of spending your free time. Such low-budget horrors without any enjoyable plot, special effects and good, original ideas are worthless. Waste of video cassette, really! Perhaps you've seen worse than this one, but don't check it! There's a whole bunch of boring films, don't be silly and don't watch it. I did it. I regret it. Your life don't have to be that bad.
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The F/X Make It Worth Wathing
ryan-100755 June 2019
Some deadly aliens have landed on planet Earth. Soon they are hiding in the basement of a normal middle-class American family. The two brothers Pete (Tom DeFranco) and Charles (Charles George Hildebrandt) must outwit the killing aliens if they want to survive.

Supposedly made for only $25,000. It is the effects or the look of the aliens that in my book are excellent given the shoestring budget. The acting as well is better than you are expecting, but please remember its not like any of them were robbed on Oscar night. There are also a couple dialogue heavy scenes that maybe could have been rewritten to add some spice to those scenes, but it doesn't make me not recommend this to any fans of gory, low-budget horror flicks.
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You'll have more fun watching old ladies converse...o wait this movie all ready has that.
Pure garbage. After watching this garbage I couldn't wait to see how much bashing it got on this site. I was wrong...most people actually praise this movie...why?

The plot is so random and small (alien mother and her offspring invade a farm house) that it constantly has characters talking about nothing just to fill time. I mean what was the scene with the uncle and nephew about? why was the uncle such a loser? they didn't even show him get killed. What was the point of adding that blond fat bimbo into the plot ten minutes before the movie ended? She didn't even look attractive. The effects are so bad, there not fun gory, just groan gory. The acting is irritating, I wanted everyone to die in this movie quickly.

The editing and direction in this movie are non for example whenever it wants it will show random shots of hands moving things and random shots of characters faces for no reason. Wait, I did see a quick sense of style which was one quick zoom in shot of wall that's exciting as it gets.

The only cool deaths in this movie are the farm wife getting her face much-ed on and head chomping that will make u burst with laughter. Didn't see that one coming, I'll give it credit for that.

The score is so low key and generic that I really can't remember much about it...not very effective...even for a ludicrous b-movie like this. The dialog is so moronic and the actors are all un attractive.

I'm a huge fan of really bad movies (HellGate, Texas Chiansaw massacre the next generation, Troll 2, and Slumber Party massacre 2 have all made it to my collection and i love watching them) but this movie is too boring..maybe if it was a 15 min short it wouldn't be so bad...not a movie that trys to stretch itself for an hour and 20 mins...the ending was a crap fest also. Nice effects on that one.

zero stars out of ****
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A real horror film!
siektwo26 October 2004
I really love this flick. It's cheesy, full of gore, has comedy (some intentional, and some unintentional), and cool low budget monster effects.

In other words, it's fun. horror movies are supposed to be fun. they are supposed to entertain us horror fans. this movie is very entertaining.

Made with a shoestring budget, it uses it's budget quite well and at least it wasn't "shot on video" (technique using a camcorder to make films).

The gore is kickin. You get peeled off skin, decapitations, bites, limbs chewed off, and more.

It is a unique film, and a great standout scene includes the monster's "babys" (they look like mean tadpoles with teeth) attack an old folk's home. totally funny stuff seeing a retirement home go into chaos.

If i were an actual film critic, i'd score this movie 4 out of 10. I'm not a film critic though, i'm a hardcore horror fan. Therefore, i'm giving this film a 9 out of 10. It's really one of my favorites because it's just no frills fun...and a great watch with your buddies when you're bored and want to kick back some beers.

NOTE: SPECIAL EDITION DVD RELEASE on October 26th by Synapse video. First time ever on DVD!

9 out of 10 (based soley on horror merits)
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Spawning death.
morrison-dylan-fan22 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After being told by a fellow IMDber that UK DVD company Arrow was having a sale on Amazon Uk,I decided to take a look at the titles on sale,and I spotted a fun-looking, slimy alien monster movie,which led to me getting ready to see death spawned.

The plot:

Whilst camping in the woods,some campers notice an meteor fall nearby.Going to investigate the crash site,the campers discover that aliens have landed on earth,who brutally kill them the moment they get their first glimpse of the campers.Living near the crash site is a family consisting of Sam,Barb and their 2 kids Pete & Charles.After his mum and dad have gone on holiday, (talk about good timing!) Sam decides to check if a recent rainstorm has flooded the basement.Fearing that the basement has been flooded with rain,Sam soon discovers that the basement has been flooded by murderous aliens.

View on the film:

Before I get to the title it self,I have to mention that Arrow have given the film a terrific transfer,with the natural grit of the Video being kept,whilst offering a clear soundtrack and filling the DVD with detailed extras.

Covering the full cost of the title at just $18,000,co-writer/(along with Ted A. Bohus/John Dods & Tim Sullivan) director Douglas McKeown takes advantage of shooting the film on video by covering the movie in low-lights,which along with building a creepy atmosphere for the aliens,also emphasises the fuzzy grain that the format offers.Along with displaying the video dirt,McKeown also runs down the film with ultra-gory alien/monster killings which McKeown presents with a real glee,which go from the delightfully rubbery,mega-tooth "final boss" to the surprisingly creepy, eel-like mini aliens.

For the screenplay the writers attempt to cross mad alien/monster antics with teens in a mysterious peril.Whilst the writers do well in slowly increasing the horrific nature of the outrageously grisly murders,the teens in peril/mystery sadly slows the whole film down,due to the cast being shockingly flat,and being unable to express any sense of terror in even a mildly convincing manner,which leads to this spawn not being as deadly as it should have been.
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So bad it's... still bad.
finetunes28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing so many glowing reviews I had to, first, make sure I saw the same movie and then set the record straight. I'm sorry but the monsters move so slowly that this movie should have be called "The Deadly Snails" or because the humans are so stupid it should be called "Hip, Hip Hurray! - the Culling of the Herd". Put the 2 together and you get a pretty bad movie. Add to the fact that the only person with decent acting chops ends up, mercifully, becoming defenestrated from the movie early. Redeeming factors? - a decent sound track and the monster's teeth, that's it. Maybe you're just a wee bit curious? Tempted to watch it anyway? Don't give in to that impulse. Want a fun, cheesy horror movie? Watch " Dead Ant." It's got real actors, Sean Astin, Jack Busey and Tom Arnold.
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Really good b-movie
depeche-426 November 2000
I can't be objective when I talk about horror movies or something similar... I've been a fan of b movies since I was 4. Personally I think that this is one of the best b movies I've ever seen. And everyone who likes that genre wont be disappointed. The rest of you, you who don't like monster movies and gore, keep away from it and don't kick a genre that you can't stand or understand, you are who will be disappointed (some of you maybe still like it). The genre lovers don't be afraid of it, you'll really enjoy it. I promise you.
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The Deadly Spawn
Scarecrow-8825 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Alien monsters, with their mouths full of razor-sharp teeth, ride a "meteor" into the Earth harvesting in the basement of a nearby house. During the film, those who live in the house, unknowingly become lunch to the beasties when they enter the basement. The basement, however, will not hold them forever and we watch as many smaller alien monsters venture outside attacking a vegetarian dinner party full of older women gathering together. When the parents are eaten by the monsters, their sons, young horror movie fan Charles(Charles George Hildebrandt)and older astronomy student Peter(Tom DeFranco)will have to defend themselves or else perish. Pete's pals Frankie(Richard Lee Porter), love-interest Ellen(Jean Tafler)and Kathy(Karen Tighe)come over and find themselves also in a battle for survival.

75% of viewers who watch this flick will probably find it repellent and laugh at the rubber monsters, but this film is intended for a certain audience. I think, in essence, it's an old-fashioned "aliens attack" creature feature" except for the splatter-gore. The film is loaded with disgusting violence such as how we see the monster attack victims, often chomping down on their heads and flesh. I think creature feature fans, used to fake-looking rubber monsters from yesteryear, will embrace this flick for that's part of it's charm. For a LOW budget( was indeed a good idea to set most of the film in the central location of one house), the gore effects are quite impressive. Cheap photography might also add to it's charm. The cast is littered with no-names whose acting is adequate, but in a gruesome B-flick sci-fi horror, that doesn't much matter. The ending twist is wonderfully inspired.
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I had high hopes for this Film!
ollie-thiele6 January 2010
But unfortunately my hopes were not answered!

Many people have given great thoughts on this movie, so I needed to check it out! But unfortunately this movie (at least for me) came off as pretty mediocre! The acting was poor (but I honestly did expect that!) and overall the movie pretty boring.

And don't get me started on the gore! People treat this movie like its one of the goriest movies ever made! And if this is one of the goriest than I must be the most gore-watchable movie buff ever!

This is a cheesy movie but not in the way that makes it good (like Killer Klowns from outer Space)! It is not very entertaining and I'd rather watch something like... (Insert good B-movie here)

The only reason I'm giving this a 5 is because the special effects are pretty good for such a low-budget!

Overall: Only watch it if you need to watch EVERY B-movie in history!

2.5/5 5/10
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The Ultimate "Home-Made" Horror Movie
squeezebox3 October 2003
Extremely low budget, but lively sci-fi horror movie about a group of people trapped in a house full of toothy extraterrestrial monsters, hatched from a fallen meteorite, which look like a cross between a giant salamander and H.R. Giger's creation from the ALIEN movies.

The shoestring budget actually adds to the movie's charm, as it appears to have been written, shot and designed by a bunch of talented kids who had nothing better to do with the weekend (which is actually not far from the truth).

The dialog and performances, in general, are fair at best, but the swift pace, campy atmosphere and enthusiastic carnage balance out the shortcomings. Great music score, too. At any rate, you get the feeling that the filmmakers have a true love of the horror genre. It's creepy, gory, and a lot of fun, and would be a perfect flick for a Halloween horror-thon.
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Endearing low budget schlock.
Hey_Sweden21 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"The Deadly Spawn" is very likable, earnest stuff, and one can tell that it's made by fellow fans of the sci-fi and horror genres. Made for approximately $25,000, and filmed on location in New Jersey, it's done in a fine old school style, with use of obvious matte paintings and the kind of practical effects that people like me thrilled over during their introductions to this kind of thing. Its story deals with a meteorite that crashes in the woods, a meteorite bearing a disgusting species that basically looks like a many toothed, very phallic version of Audrey II. (The miniature versions of the monster definitely will have viewers thinking along sexual lines!) After gobbling up some dumb ass campers, the creatures find a nice comfy home in the damp cellar of a nearby house, and during the course of the next (rainy) day, find an assortment of human victims on which to snack. Now, "The Deadly Spawn" is likely not going to quite be for everybody, as it takes its time preparing for its wild finale. One may grow impatient as the people inside the house go about their business completely oblivious to the danger down below. For a movie running a mere 82 minutes, there is some slow pacing going on, to be sure. But it's too hard to really knock a movie featuring such characters as a horror junkie kid (Charles George Hildebrandt) who's got enough smarts to figure out a way to destroy the monster (Give this kid credit, also, for staying so cool when he sees what remains of his mom.), his science obsessed teen aged brother (Tom DeFranco), and their psychiatrist uncle (John Schmerling) who takes the time to interview his precocious young nephew about his interest. The writing isn't completely predictable, with a nasty fate in store for a rather amiable character. There's lots of splatter tossed about, and genre lovers will be delighted once the attack is finally underway and our human cast starts getting munched on. It's never, ever taken too seriously, with the tongue in cheek tone emphasized strongly with that priceless "it ain't over yet" final shot. The acting is admirably sincere, and the shoestring budget, and absence of excessive slickness you'd get from a studio picture, makes "The Deadly Spawn" a pleasing, unpretentious, and simply fun experience, flaws and all. Seven out of 10.
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Today: Humans on the Menu
Tweetienator19 October 2021
One of those many B horror movies of the 80s, watching The Deadly Spawn it is best if you put your brain on sleeping mode and just enjoy the total mess of a story (hungry aliens dinning on human flesh) and the sometimes - superb - trashy moments of gore. The true star here are those gory scenes, the rest is not memorable at all. Recommended if you digest such stuff like TerrorVision, Xtro, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Tremors and the like.
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Great FX, Poor Script
JoelChamp858 May 2021
Though the characters and dialogue are weak, this film is worth the watch for the creature and gore FX. The queen creature design itself looks fantastic with the giant rows of crooked teeth. The strongest character in the film is the kid and he literally says a couple of lines but the other characters make good victims. The old ladies tea party scene where they get attacked reminds is pretty funny.
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Enjoyable scf fi horror
A meteorite lands on earth and a creature crawls out into the celler of a nearby house.

The creatures starts to spawn little aliens and they escape into the outside world and start to kill people.

A Group of friends meet at the house to revise some scientific school work and discover one of the aliens spawn but pretty soon they are over ran by a horde.

A kid who likes horror films who also lives in the house finds he parts of his dead parents in the celler and decides he is gonna try to kill the main monster.

There is Loads of gore and death with pretty good effects The music is quite decent too.
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My Favorite Movie, ever.
femboi14 May 2014
To me what they did with such a low budget is astounding.

This movie entertained me all the way through, which in the year 2014 a movie from the 80's can't do anymore.

Compare it to 10 million dollar CGI snooze-fests and this movie is GOLD.

GOLD I SAY!!! The effects are where the movie stands out.

Usually it's a kid with a bucket of fake blood but when it's there, GOD DAMN it's awesome.

My final verdict 12/10.

Best movie since Dawn of the Dead (1978)
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Pretty good low budget monster flick from the 80's.
Aaron137512 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen the film "Don't Look in the Basement" you will know it does not deserve that title, but rather this film does! Okay, the monster does get around a little bit...that being said this film is not too bad for a film that stars no one of note, as it actually has some really good gore and some decent monsters. Heck, it even does rather good as far as miniatures. With all the good it does have bad as with the budget and time they shot this, no way is it going to be a flawless production.

The story, meteor lands and two campers die in the pre-credit sequence, poor dopes! Well the monster makes its way to a family's home. Whose family, heck if I know. I think the mother and father are the ones who get killed right off the bat so it must be their house. There is also another couple staying there and they seem to be related to the others killed. Two boys are there too and they refer to the two surviving couple as aunt and uncle so I think I'm right about who is who. Well the alien starts spawning aliens so soon the house is infested with the little tadpoles of varying size. One child stays in the basement an absurdly long time right in front of the beast and so he is able to discern its weaknesses while the older brother refuses their existence even as the love of his life gets her head bit off!

The movie predates Friday the 13th part 4, but the two movies share a few things in common. Both feature a house in the woods and both feature a young boy obsessed with horror and masks and both feature said boy saving the day. I wonder if it is coincidence...I would say a resounding yes, but the whole mask thing is just a bit too similar.

As I said the thing is not perfect as there are a couple of dialog scenes obviously meant to pad the screen time that offer nothing to the story and the fact the monster is dispatched with electricity when the power has been shown to have been knocked out. Still, it can be forgiven as the very green cast does their best and that whole strange dinner party is just crazy! The film was known as Return of the Alien:The Deadly Spawn when I saw it as a child, glad to see they ditched that first part, which was obviously trying to trick people into thinking this was a sequel to Alien.
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For fans of bad horror movies only...
paulclaassen13 September 2021
I don't know what happened with horror movies in 1983, but I'm yet to find one that actually blew me away. The best by far were 'Cujo' and 'Videodrome'.

I'm still sitting here wondering what the hell I just watched; that being 'The Deadly Spawn'. This movie is at the bottom of the barrel of bad horror movies, with B-movie acting at its worst, B-movie visuals almost at its worst, and B-movie props also incredibly bad! On top of this the movie has weird dialogue with the characters saying and doing the strangest things. Speaking of characters, I didn't care about any of them. There's no clear protagonist - just a bunch of uninteresting, bland, two-dimensional characters. A young boy, Charles, comes to the rescue during scenes towards the end, but he doesn't have protagonist trademarks and didn't feature much during the film.

'The Deadly Spawn' is more comedy than horror, but it certainly ain't funny - it's just bad in every way. In fact, it was laughably bad - and that's no laughing matter! The creatures were lifeless, mechanical things. And what an absolutely stupid climax! This is an 80's horror movie you'd want to avoid - unless you enjoy laughing at badly made vintage movies...

Would I watch it again? There's no chance...!
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I Don't Want To See A Movie Like This
PaJRJ26 May 2018
When I used to go to the local Mom and Pop video store I would be confronted by cheap pieces of film disguised as entertainment such as this. One look at the cover tells you all you need to know. The correct reaction is "I don't want to see THIS movie!"

Bingo. If you're like me, that is incomplete. I don't want to see this movie. I NEED to see this movie. I will do whatever it takes to buy this movie which I am now enjoying on my copy on VHS with the oversized case.

A labor of love produced on a $30,000 To $50,000 budget backed up by a serious love of old time schlock cinema.

Ted Bohus did graduate to some better budgets, such as Vampire Vixens from Venus which via friendship with Fred Olen Ray did include Michelle Bauer in the cast, but this work including nobody you ever heard of is one of the best cult movie classics you can get a hold of.

As usual with reviews of this type of movie, do not expect high art. Just turn you brain off and enjoy the ride.
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Critters gone frenzied
PeterMitchell-506-5643646 February 2013
I love these cheaply made horror flicks of b grade status, that go straight for the gore. Such is, The Deadly Spawn. Simple plot: A meteor crashes against a fake beautiful backdrop that's 'spose to be real. First sign of a b grade flick. Two campers, one of them, their first uttered line, as his head peeks out from a tent "What was that". I tell you what it was, hundreds of alien like little monsters (think Critters, but bloodier) who are here on earth, with big appetites as they feed on human flesh. Unfortunately for one family who we get to know a bit of, these little fu..ers take residence in the basement of their house, the little boy, who comes across 'em, stupefied. These horror flicks that have unknown casts, and deliver big on gore are great. One by one, the owners, and neighbor friends, are taken by these swine, where it comes down to some intellectual teens, two of who'm are in love (oh, it's all so cute too) and that young boy, to exterminate these swine. The Deadly Spawn is clever with buckets of gore, even though the creatures looks as fake as, but what did you expect. Horror fans, this is one, you should sink your teeth into.
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catch the full uncut
trashgang21 December 2009
At last, I watched the full uncut. Full uncut is only available in the US and in Germany were I bought it at a convention with lot of extra's. Was it worth it, oh yes. I would classify it in the region of Slithis and The Abomination, be aware, The Abomination was made later but the comparison between them is the look of the alien(s). Sure, Brain Damage (from 1988) his aliens are looking the same like those in this flick. Luckely, here we don't have stop/motion. Still, we have to deal with a low budget but a nice one. The story line is okay and the effects are the reason why it has his cult following. When the aliens attack they attack in a gory way. Mostly the attacks are off camera but the result of the attacks are shown, geeks will love it especially the attack of the aliens on mother's skull. Sure, some outside shots are made of a model, funny to see but I have seen worser. Only the end is a bit of a laugh. But nevertheless, you have to watch it, sometimes it's a bit of what the hell, the scene with the old people, and sometimes you will love the use of the red stuff.
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