The Wild World of Batwoman (1966) Poster

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Inexplicable. That's the only word.
Goggler11 January 1999
Nothing in this movie makes any sense at all. And I don't just mean that in the "Hey, it didn't explain how she came to that conclusion" sense; I mean, the events in this movie are just randomly strung together, as if the editor had just taken the snippets of footage, tossed them in the air, and pieced them together in the order they fell. It's fun! Kids, try it yourself! You can't do a worse job than these guys!

There's a drug that makes scantily-clad women dance all the time. Everyone breaks for milk and cookies in the middle. In the climax, the villain "Rat Fink" spontaneously creates copies of himself, and the clones, Batwoman, and her henchmen chase each other around a round, 5'-diameter table for about five minutes. If you want your head to explode, brother is this the movie for you!
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If I didn't know better, I'd swear this was a K Gordon Murray/Mexican Wrestler film
lemon_magic22 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this film is like drinking an entire bottle of cough syrup and then listening to a Ventures album while paging through an old copy of 'Argosy' men's adventure magazine. It'll make you vaguely queasy, vaguely horny, and somewhat ashamed of yourself.

But I have to admit, there is so much disconnected lunacy in this film that it tends to put your critical abilities into a confused slumber. After a while, you just sit there, taking it all in, and drooling slightly every few minutes. Depending on how bemused you are, you may or may not remember to wipe the drool from your chin.

Somewhere in this mess is a 7th grade boy's fantasy about a super secret society of hot teenage chicks who fight crime but aren't very good at it, and so they get kidnapped a lot and spent their 'not-kidnapped' time dancing, wrestling each other, pouting, or acting brain-dead. So that's fine.

There is also a weird plot thread about an Atomic Hearing Aid and the villain Ratfink who want to get it so he can listen in on other peoples' private conversations. I think. This is obviously meant to be "FUNNEEEE" (while failing on every level to be so).

There are also some of the worst attempts at broad physical humor, mugging and slapstick ever put on film. I think they were trying for the Marx brothers, but wound up doing the Smith brothers (the cough drop guys). The guy who plays Heathcliff, in particular, should have been dropped into the ocean at birth rather than be allowed to mug on film like this. And to make it even worse, the director tossed Steve Brodie into the mix. Brodie, whose anti-talent is legendary to bad film buffs, is by no means the worst thing in the film, but his phlegmy, whiny, nasal voice just adds another top note of hamminess to the mix.

There are blatant ripoffs (which I am sure the director rationalized as 'tributes' or 'inside jokes') such as the 'Bat-Tusi' dance which Bat-Woman steals directly from the premiere episode of the original 'Batman' TV show, and swiped stock footage from 'The Mole People'. There is an opening sequence which appears to be from another film entirely, juxtaposed with reaction shots from the Bat-girls, who therefore seem to watch a mugging and murder without lifting a finger to prevent it.

There is the character of the Bat-Woman herself, who looks as if she was caught in the middle when a Cabaret nightclub act collided with a Max Factor truck. Her costume makes no sense at all, and she displays all the physical presence, charisma, and regal bearing of your 48 year old matron aunt. You know, the one who teaches third grade and obsesses about Elvis.

There are numerous dancing scenes, complete with wild 'swinging guitar' music. Actually, these are enjoyable, in a throwaway 'Beach Party' way. But they go on forever, and bring the plot to a complete halt. Given the nature of this particular plot, though, that may be a good thing.

Watch with or without Mike and The Bots. Their riffs on the proceedings take some of the pain away, but you can watch this one on your own and emerge a sadder, but wiser person.
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I was drunk and I still didn't get it
erwan_ticheler31 March 2008
What the...? This is one dreadful film. I watched it but there absolutely nothing that made any sense. I saw the MST3K version after watching "Manos" the Hands of Fate a night earlier. That movie is obviously worse than Batwoman but has a fairly straight forward narrative. Batwoman has none. What is the deal with this bunch of garbage? There is this old gal that wears a mask for no good reason and leads a bunch of dancing broads.

After this all is up for grabs. The film goes every direction while making no sense at all, if it was to confuse it's audience at all times. Although the handling isn't as bad as Manos there is no redeeming quality to this picture. The comments on the MST3K version are priceless though, from quoting Doors and Who songs to rants on dreadful scenes, this version is amusing although the movie is a disaster.

And what is the story about vampires that starts the picture? There is reference on vampires what so ever in the continuum of the film. A true travesty, this excuse for a film. I thought it might be a wise decision to see this film being not that sober, but it didn't help that much. It is really beyond help!
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Mike Sh.2 April 1999
If "Manos, Hands of Fate" is the worst movie of all time, "The Wild, Wild World of Batwoman" is easily the most confusing. Let's see if I understand: there's this fortyish woman in a leotard that doesn't quite fit with a strange mask over her face, and she seems to be a receptionist or something for some R&D company who holds seances on company time while government auditors watch; and she has these nubile sorority babes as disciples who wear radio watches and dance and wiggle a lot; and there's this Dr. Claytin Forrester-lookalike mad scientist and his lackey who acts like a monkey and a couple of goofy guys who drool over the sorority babes and bump into each other while wearing stupid phoney beards; and somewhere in there there's a nuclear-powered hearing aid, and a guy who dresses like Zorro, or the Masked Marvel, and some mole people and a beach party and a dumpy looking scientist, ...

Nope! I still don't get it!
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Not Quite a One, But Not Really Any Good, Either
gavin694230 January 2011
The pointlessly-named Batwoman (Katherine Victor) and her bevy of Batmaidens fight evil and dance.

Long story short, I do not really know what this movie was about. Batwoman (who has nothing to do with bats) has a crew of brain-dead, go-go dancing girls who allegedly fight crime, but really just dance. They face off against a scientist who has a pill that... wait for it... makes people dance. It is just really, really bad.

The only redeeming quality is the makeup effects on the mole people, but surprise -- they did not even do the effects. They just stole footage from another movie! And there is no surprise they got sued by the Batman people... I mean, this was clearly an attempt to cash in on his name.
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What on earth did I just watch?
TheLittleSongbird30 May 2013
The Wild World of Batwoman is not quite as irredeemably awful as Manos the Hands of Fate and Monster A-Go Go, but it is a movie that is weird and terrible in every way. If it weren't for MST3K, I would not have seen The Wild World of Batwoman or even heard of it, and them tearing to shreds one of the worst movies that featured on the show made for one of the funniest and justifiably popular episodes. The Wild World of Batwoman is one cheaply-rendered movie for starters, the sets look unsteady and the camera work and editing are really amateurishly put together, some of the worst I've seen in any movie recently actually. The music sounds like several soundtracks for several movies spliced together, all in all it was very stock and just didn't merge with what was going on in the movie, well when something was going on. It also drowns out the dialogue a lot. The script is senseless and so paper-thin that you question whether there was one at all, and the story likewise(even now I still have no idea what the movie was about), filled with irrelevant scenes and trying to be many elements all at once. The humour is unfunny and can be seen as offensive, and the séance is overlong, unnecessary and distasteful. And the constant dancing just got on my nerves, it will bore anybody to death and you can't even call it dancing. The characters often serve no point to the story and the villains are some of the lamest and most unthreatening ever. The acting is basically people mugging embarrassingly through their lines, like with the dancing you can't class it as acting. In conclusion, terrible and gives a what on earth did I just watch feel? There is something about the badness that is somehow entertaining, but mainly because of its appearance on MST3K and how it was used. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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a mysty masterpiece!
courtland10018 April 2001
This movie is the reason why the art of parody exists.My all-time favorite episode of mst3k revolved around this movie.In spite of terrible acting,innumerable errors,and absolute silliness,this movie did have a certain energy and pace of its own.It lent itself perfectly to the mst3k format.This 1966 bit of celluloid was an excellent send-up,intentionally or not,to the pop-culture of the sixties,and everything from superhero TV shows,B-rated horror movies,go-go dancing,James Bond,and the California beach culture were given a hilarious lampooning.Add to the mix an avuncular official from the US Patent office and a seance which gets rudely interrupted by a Chinese ghost,and you get the picture.A laugh-riot not to be myssed by fans of comedy,sci-fi,and bad movies.Katherine Victor was an actress whose comedic talents as a foil or a Zeppo-Marx-type "straight" person were never realized.I look forward to a "Batwoman Returns"!!!
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So Bad It's Bad
Scott_Mercer27 November 2010
If you are a badfilm fan like myself, you might want to view this film. But I would definitely recommend sticking with the MST3K version with Mike and the Bots.

I don't feel that it is fair to compare this movie with something like Manos: The Hands of Fate. That is a totally different ball of wax. That was trying to be a straight-ahead horror film, and is funny because it is not remotely scary, is loaded with the incompetence of a completely inexperienced filmmaker, and filmed on a budget of two cents.

This movie, IS, in fact, trying to be bad on purpose. You know, because that's FUNNY. The Batman television show was something of a sensation when it originally came out. It's combination of comic book ridiculousness combined with straight-faced acting and a pop-art graphic design made the whole idea a verifiable hoot and a TV ratings juggernaut, at least for a second.

Enter z-grade, low budget movie auteur Jerry Warren, leaping with all his might on to the Batman bandwagon with The Wild World of Batwoman. The idea that "camp" could actually work creatively thus proved by the Batman TV show, Warren attempts the same idea, even down to the tribute to (ripping off of) the Batman character itself with Batwoman.

But attempting to create something self-consciously "camp," described by the old trope "so bad it's good" is a very dangerous task. The creative types working on the Batman TV show were experienced Hollywood hands, who knew what they were doing, of much greater talent than Mr. Warren and his company of rather unimpressive thespians, most of whom are young women chosen for their ability to pleasingly fill out a bikini (one of the most aesthetically pleasing parts of the film).

When attempting to create on purpose something that is funny because it is incompetent, or "wild" or "Crazy" or "out there", you are walking on a very narrow tightrope. And Warren and his crew fall off that tightrope time and time again. Making fun of outlandish comic book heroes and villains (or similarly, those from the old Hollywood movie serials) can be a ripe target for parody, or let's not give Warren too much credit, plain old goofing. (He never even approached the level of sophistication required in order to use the word satire.) But all we get here are jokes that fall flat, unfunny parodies, lame situations, and tired and laboring attempts at slapstick.

Slapstick, or physical comedy, is a form that usually gets little respect from those who fancy themselves film aficionados, but it can be done with vigor and effectiveness (The Three Stooges) or even balletic grace (Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin). However, Warren and his actors provide a limp, incompetent version of physical comedy that involves no thought at all. If a choreographer was used for these physical routines, he must have been dead for several years.

Someone else mentioned K. Gordon Murray, and this movie did have the same feel as one of his cheapo dubbed Mexican imports in spite of the movie being shot in California in English...not surprising since Jerry Warren earlier did a few films such as Curse of the Screaming Werewolf or something, which was a Mexican horror film cut together with a few new scenes Warren shot with Lon Chaney Jr. (Got to see that now, but I'm sure it's an unholy mess.)

About the only way to extract some entertainment juice from this leaden stone of a movie is the layering of Mike Nelson and the Bots on top of the whole rancid cheese on their Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode. Some of the funniest one liners in MST3K history grace this presentation as Mike and his pals try to make sense of the truly nonsensical goings-on unspooling in front of their unbelieving eyes. But watching the film without their japery is truly a teeth-grinding waste of 88 minutes.

Score: Film alone: 2 out of 10. MST3K version: 8 out of 10.
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You just need to give it a chance...
gch-525 April 2005
Wow! Some really nasty comments about this movie. Folks, you're just not watching it right. You need three things: a good friend, a pipe wrench, and a bottle of gin. Now, toodle off to the kitchen, get the gin, and drink the entire bottle as quickly as possible. (Preferebly, in less than 15 minutes) Next, have the friend beat you repeatedly in the head with the pipe wrench, until you're not sure who you are, much less where you are. Now you're ready...pop the tape into the v.c.r. and enjoy!

See? Now it makes sense when "crime-fighters" hide and watch a guy get shot to death.

Now, of course a woman with road-kill on her head living in the suburbs can be a superhero.

Of course, its perfectly logical that a major corporation would develop an "atomic hearing aid." (the nuclear powered enema is next...!)

Why would'nt there be a race of mole people living under the southern California beach?

(What do you mean, it dosen't make any damned sense at all? Have your friend hit you in the head a few more times!)

So, I hope I've helped everyone attain a greater appreciation for this fine....Oh God, I can't go on!! Ten minutes into this piece of cinematic sludge, you'll pray someone stops by with a tape of "Manos" for you to watch instead. Anything but this. Look, if you like pain that much, there are people in clubs in any major city who are trained ...
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Thank You Mystery Science 3000
paulavery6 May 2017
This film is horrible. Thank you comedians who tear the crap out of this piece of garbage. At least they can make fun of this and don't make us see the whole sad mess!I feel this was some horrible attempt at heterosexual titillation. Crow T. Robot puts it best, "You know a movie is bad when it makes The Monkeys look good!"
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Its interesting that this move was actually WORSE than any of the original batman episodes/movies!
lmntathffan18 June 2005
Jeepers Creepers, Batman! That was a load of crap! Girls who dance with guns! 40 somethings who kind-of fight crime! Evil guys with strap-on beards! MST3K had its work cut out for itself.

To be perfectly honest, nothing about Batgirl's world is exactly wild. Its similar to the life of a beach bum: A bunch of chicks shake their asses for no reason. Beach parties. Horrible grammar and general language. Invasion of turf by ugly bearded dudes. The list drags on......... Anyways, when viewing this film, numerous questions popped into my head: Why wren't the bat girls guns discharging? Why is Batwoman even teaching her secrets to a bunch of dirty whores? Of course, none of my questions were ever answered, and after seeing this film, I can't help but wonder what it was even about........... If you see it and you understand it, please, TELL ME! I am not kidding, I would really like to know if there was a point to the hour and a half of my life that I burned up on this piece of crap. 1 out of 10 is TOO generous for this load.
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The best B-Movie to see
f-zuch29 November 2005
This is without a doubt one of the best "Worst" movie I have seen. It is sooo funny that I laughed so hard I cried!! I was embarrassed for the entire cast who must have at some point thought they were making a legit they are cast in history as one of the wackiest casts to hit the screen...EVER! Watch the scientists helper making goofy the batgirls fight over what appears to be a horseshoe at a party....poolside go-go dancing...and mole people just on the other side of the beach....!! Its got to be seen to be believed! If you don't see this flick you will really be missing one of the all time "Best" of the worst! I have put this movie on at parties and it is always a crowd pleaser....! My only hope is that this movie would be colorized for future audiences...I would really love to see Batwomans garb in color!
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A movie so BAD it is fun to watch
robertmurray-706371 October 2019
If you had made a movie when you were in the 6th grade, it would have been really bad --- it would have been something like "The Wild World of Batwoman." I suggest that you watch the MST 3K version of this film with friends and then see if you can't come up with your own jokes about just how stupid it really is. It's not just bad, it's weird. I suppose the producers did this for laughs, but it's not funny; the humor falls flat because even a small child would think "this is dumb." But if you don't laugh WITH the film , you can certainly laugh AT it.
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Makes you question your sanity
axeman-98 July 2005
I waited a long time to see this movie, I had known of it's existence and as a lover of bad cinema I knew I just had to see it, and wouldn't you know it lived up to the hype. It sucks AND blows! A sinister, middle-aged dominatrix is running a secret crime-fighting organisation consisting solely of airhead young girls with pert breasts, cut-off tops and skintight trousers. With this crack team of undercover go-go dancers she does what she can to foil the evil schemes of an idiot criminal mastermind who appears to look and dress like a Mexican wrestler from another film entirely. True to comedy form he has on his payroll a mad scientist who looks like Dr Forrester from Mystery Science Theater, a barely intelligible Igor-like sidekick and a couple of clumsy hired goons whom small children can outwit. Hilarity ensues as our heroes make a terrible film with laughable dialogue, sets and action.

What can you say about a movie that steals many of it's effects and central characters directly from the footage of other bad movies? Lame doesn't cover it, atrocious doesn't come close to describing it, and frankly I think the guy that made this probably transitioned into porn sometime soon afterwards given the way he uses nubile females in this masterpiece of schlock. It leaves me feeling dirty, and by God I think I am. I enjoyed it as I enjoy many bad movies, because it's so downright terrible it makes you laugh out loud at how idiotic some people can be. It also makes you appreciate true cinema all the more, and for that I applaud this awful piece of celluloid. Watch it, it sucks.
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mst3k2 April 1999
Tom Servo's final comment on this movie. This movie bad. This movie VERY bad! There isn't one shred of plot to be found. There's dancing, some good guys, some bad guys, and something very bad that can't really be called acting. This movie hurt me and I think it hurt others as well.
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Even as camp, this movie is a bomb...
dsgraham21200228 May 2015
If possible, I would give this movie a .5 rating, but only because the actors showed up and said their lines. This movie is so wretchedly-bad, even MST3K's usually-entertaining riffing cannot redeem it in any way... an astounding achievement. There's no point in describing a plot line, here. Boring cannot begin to describe how uninvolving and dumb this cinematic horror truly is. I found myself even snoozing through the MST3K version. Even making fun of it was dull!! It makes the Batman TV series of the same era (an obvious non-coincidence) seem like Emmy-Award-winning landmark television. Maybe the cast of "The Wild World of Batwoman" were all high on something while putting this celluloid fecal matter together. I guess you could call it a soporific masterpiece, as or more effective as any known sleep aid, including Ambien, Trazodone, Sominex, Nytol, Sleep-Eze, Melatonin, Tryptophan, 10 shots of whiskey before bed, a blow to the head with a blunt instrument, etc., etc.
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yawn.... so baaaaddddd.... too silly for words
ksf-231 August 2018
Written and directed by Jerry Warren, this one stars Katherine Victor as Batwoman. and George Mitchell is both the Professor AND the make-up artist. Jerry Warren WAS the horror-film king of the 1960's. Not much of a plot here, so don't look too hard. lots of tight sweaters and tight pants. Now we're at a pool in the LA hills, reciting the allegiance to Batwoman. kind of like a John Waters film. or maybe Benny Hill. Faded out film stock. lame plot, lame acting, lame directing, lame editing. SO campy. interesting only for the fans of camp horror films. nothing too ground-breaking or earth-shaking going on here. will this thing ever end?? determined to watch to the end, if i don't doze off first... skip it......
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so bad it's good
rickherrick7720 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a celluloid gem. My understanding is that it was voted by fans of Mystery science Theater 3000 as the best episode. Summary: Batwoman is a superhero with a vague resemblance to the better-known Batman. Her main power is to "open unlocked doors" but her right hook on a bad guy implies a back story of the martial arts. Backstory is implied quite a bit in this film. She has had many battles with the supervillian Rat Fink ( a ripoff of Rat Phink a Boo Boo.) This time, however, Rat Fink kidnaps one of the Batgirls (one of Batwoman's trainees) in order to force Batwoman to steal an Atomic Hearing Aid (an atom bomb or simply a snoop's wonder-tool, we will destroy Miracle-Ear and rule the world!) Rat Fink by day is JB, a Mr. Drysdale lookalike whose partner in business falls for Queen Bat. A certain Dr. Neon, along with a Quasimodo-like assistant, have created mole people, who Rat Fink wants to cross-breed with the Batgirls. Many 0f the movie subplots have to do with go-go dancing in bikinis. well, see 4 yourself.
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A quality production throughout....apart from the part between the opening and closing credits!
planktonrules1 February 2020
Jerry Warren made garbage films with garbage film budgets. So it's not surprising that "Mystery Science Theater 3000" made fun of "The Wild World of Batwoman". But what is really surprising is that they didn't make fun of his other films...and they are a sorry lot. This is the same schlock filmmaker who brought us 'classics' such as "Frankestein Island", "Teenage Zombies", "Face of the Screaming Werewolf" and "Terror of the Bloodhunters"!

Like many schlock filmmakers, Warren did a lot of weird money-saving things to make this film. First, to cast the many beautiful girls to be part of Batwoman's army of do-gooders, they stood outside a strip club and signed women to star in the film as it was being raided! Second, because the TV "Batman" was suddenly very popular in 1966, he appropriated this for the film. Yes, he was sued for this by DC Comics....and inexplicably, Warren won the case!! Later, when the Batman craze subsided, he just renamed the film and re-released it! And, finally, to pad the film, he used bits and pieces of some other films (such as "The Mole People")....a typical sort of schlock movie trick.

The story finds Batwoman the leader of a group of sexy super-heroines. Batwoman's outfit is amazing...with a mascara-painted on batman symbol on her chest, a weird bat-like mask and a hat that looks like Phyllis Diller's hair...only black. These ladies fight the evil-doer, Rat Pfink*

So is it any good? After all, "MSTK3000" occasionally made fun of films that were actually pretty good (such as "Girl in the Gold Boots" and a couple Joe Don Baker films, "Mitchell" and "Final Justice"). Well, as you might suspect, the film is NOT an artistic triumph. I laughed every time music played, as the ladies in the film would all start dancing...just like strippers...and Pavlov's dogs! The acting and plot are both pretty lame as well. And then there's the fake Chinese portion...which is really embarrassing. Overall, apart from watching it in order to make fun of it, I can't see much reason for anyone looking for the picture. I did, by the way, find a copy on YouTube without the "MSTK3000" commentary.

*I don't know if Warren stole the name Rat Pfink from Ray Dennis Steckler's film "Rat Pfink a Boo Boo". Considering they both were schlock film auteurs, perhaps this was a homage to Steckler...or perhaps they were friends. I doubt, however, if Warren was worried about Steckler suing him for using this name considering it, too, is a terrible movie.
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What is this, some kind of weird-ass hootenanny?
spk076 August 2006
Mst 3k continues to educate me in the many different way a movie can suck. I don't even know where to begin. So I will just mention how these are the lamest superheroes battling (if you can call walking around aimlessly and dancing stiffly battling) the lamest supervillian for a......HEARING AID???!!! WTF???!!! Most of the time I couldn't hear what the hell they were saying. But the two biggest WTF moments were the Chinese voice coming out of nowhere and that hoedown at the end. The deluge of exposition and "plot twists" at the end was so unnecessary. And what was with the mole people? They appeared for like a second and then were never seen again? I will forever remember this as the episode that nearly broke Tom Servo. END!!!!! EEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!
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j-shizzle27 June 2004
This is not said for effect: after watching this for the second time with my sister, I sat up from my chair and noticed I was mildly (not slightly) queasy. Any person voting higher than "1" on this film is, without question, insane. I have seen many of the films on the "Bottom 100," and there are none that are even close to this one. If you submitted this film for a middle-school class project, you would grade between a C and F. Even if the film editor was from Romney's School of the Blind, there is some serious explaining needed.

This film is horrendous. Absolutely horrendous. It made me physically sick. To the multitude who voted two or higher, because of you I will begin actively supporting the death penalty.
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Confusion... pain.... horror.....
Triniti16 December 1998
Dear lord this movie was terrible! And I watched it with the aid of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and I *still* couldn't watch the whole thing! I mean the costume that Batwoman wore literally *scared* me when they first showed her. And the girls are trained but completely helpless. And they keep drinking the same stupid potion over and over and over. And there's bad music and worse dancing. And the bad guys keep being complete morons despite the fact that Batwoman is an airhead and her followers even more so. And.... and... and..... *sob* Excuse me whilst I try to recover from the memories by watching Manos: Hands of Fate again.
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Why a 1.9 rating? I love this film! :)
scarletminded30 September 2004
This movie is so bad it's good. Bat girls, for one. A batwoman who looks like Siouxsie going to a badly dressed goth club contest. A formula that doesn't kill or maim, it makes the victim dance uncontrollably. The evil guys are funny too. I have a copy of this movie and it is one of my favorites. It never gets old, it is fun and very light. The dialog is so precious. Especially when the bat girls are trying to blender something up, other than blood. Nightmare hippie girls, indeed.

This is a diamond in the rough. Watch it a few times and it will grow on you! :)
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Bad is in the eye of the beholder
DrPhibes196410 January 2021
Like many other fans Mystery Science Fiction Theater 3000 I was introduced to films that I would otherwise have never known existed. Among these is the bizarre and incomprehensible Wild, Wild World of Bat Woman. Made with no other intent than to sponge off of the Batman series of the late 60's but done under a micro budget and little talent or imagination, but therein lies its charm, for me at least. The MST3K DVD disc has both the riffed version with Mike, Tom, and Servo during the agonies of the damned watching this as well the uncut version. I have watched both an equal amount of time with equal enjoyment.

Why??? What is the appeal? I don't really know the answer. It is like watching an Ed Wood film. If you watch it in the right frame of mind it feels like a weird dream you might have whilst in the throes of a high fever and it defies all logic. It is a rare thing when all these bad elements come together to make such a wonderful mess.

Trying to make any sense of the story is an act of pure futility. I highly doubt they made the film with nothing more than a vague outline and nothing close to a complete script, throwing everything at the wall whether it stuck or not. I imagine this was made in about a week with a budget of a few thousand dollars.

But its "plot" concerns Bat Woman and her team tasked to travk down something called "the hearing aid", even contacting the spirit realm in an attempt to track it down. Her nemesis is a character named Rat Fink who walks around inconspicuously in a black mask, cape, and derby hat. But this plotline is quickly dropped as characters run around from one location to another. Bat Woman plays a small part in the story and has none of the campy charm of Adam West's Batman. The most charismatic characters are the villains but they are more bumbling than threatening and thus easily defeated Bat Woman and her Bat Girls. The "acting" is appropriately hammy. Whether this was intended to be a comedy or a drama is debatable. At moments we see scenes from the film The Mole People spliced in for some reason.

This would make a good double feature with the Ray Dennis Steckler film Rat Pfink a Boo Boo.
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Wow. Just wow.
BandSAboutMovies2 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In 1966, thanks to the TV show, Bat-Mania was sweeping the country. So Jerry Warren decided to make his own movie, ignorant of things like copyright law and good taste. Soon enough, he'd be sued for copyright infringement and this movie got an even better title: She Was a Hippy Vampire. The funny thing is, Warren won the case and still re-released this movie with a different name.

Jerry reached out to one of his favorite leading ladies for the film, Katherine Victor.

She turned him down.

Yes, even the star of Mesa of Lost Women, Teenage Zombies, Creature of the Walking Dead, House of the Black Death, Frankenstein Island and The Cape Canaveral Monsters knew a turd when she saw one.

In Fred Olen Ray's book The New Poverty Row: Independent Filmmakers as Distributors, Victor said that Warren promised her "large production values, color photography and her own Bat Boat."

Of course, none of that came true.

She still played Bat Woman in this, even if she had to make her own costume.

Our heroine has several young and lithe Batgirls helping her battle the forces of Rat Fink over an atomic hearing aid. The weapon of Rat Fink's choice? Bowls of soup with drugs in them.

That's it. That's the movie.

For the monsters, Warren just ripped off footage from The Mole People and the 1959 Swedish film No Time to Kill. No, really.

Bruno Ve Sota, who directed Female Jungle, The Brain Eaters and Invasion of the Star Creatures - he also shows up in around fifteen Roger Corman movies like Attack of the Giant Leeches - is in here. Plus, Bob Arbogast - who wrote the shortest-lived TV show ever, Turn-On, has a cameo.
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