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His real faith
bkoganbing2 May 2013
If you want to know about the founding of the city I consider the most beautiful in America, San Diego, than Seven Cities Of Gold is the film for you. It's a reverential account from a historical novel with the central figures Gaspar DePortola the soldier/conquistador who took care of the military end of things and Father Junipero Serra who handled the spiritual details. His mission which became the center of San Diego was the first of many he would found in the conquest of California.

Anthony Quinn is Portola and he's certainly my idea of a Spanish conquistador. He's a believer, but has more faith in his ammunition and artillery than in the maxim of the Lord will provide.

The figure of Father Junipero Serra is a controversial one in terms of the damage he did to the Indian culture. But the Catholic church in the Spanish and Portugese conquests also had a role in blunting somewhat the impact of the gold hungry conquistadors, it did shield their converts from the seamier depredations of European society. Serra who is played by Michael Rennie is done in the same saintly manner that Rennie played St. Peter in The Robe and Demetrius And The Gladiators. By all accounts Serra was a spartan figure for a priest.

Jeffrey Hunter plays a new young Indian chief who is not crazy about these people invading his neighborhood. That concern is heightened exponentially after his sister Rita Moreno is despoiled by one of the Spanish soldiers looking for a little action. In fact it throws the fate of the whole expedition in doubt.

Richard Egan is the despoiler who has some big decisions to make. Egan who was a serious Catholic in real life makes a decision commensurate with his real faith.

Real historians might have trouble with Seven Cities Of Gold. But as entertainment, especially if one is Catholic, this should please you.
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SEVEN CITIES OF GOLD (Robert D. Webb, 1955) ***
Bunuel197614 April 2011
Although coming from a different stable (Twentieth Century Fox as opposed to Universal), this historical epic is in the same vein as the contemporaneous KISS OF FIRE (released just a fortnight after this one and my review of which can be accessed elsewhere) but emerges a decidedly more satisfactory movie. For one thing, to the common Spaniards vs. Indians scenario this adds both mythical and mystical elements that render the mixture a thought-provoking one. The former is represented by the ultimately fruitless search for the legendary titular golden kingdoms while the latter applies to Michael Rennie's fine portrayal of crippled but single-minded Jesuit missionary, Fr. Junipero Serra – a real-life figure who was recently beatified by The Vatican and is on his way to becoming a saint!

Despite boasting a notable cast and being a major Hollywood studio 'A' production, this offbeat and worthwhile adventure seems to have literally fallen through the cracks of time because, 14 years into the format, there is still no sign of it ever getting released as a legitimate Widescreen DVD nor, apparently, has it ever been shown on the "Fox Movie Channel" because the copy I landed was sourced from a serviceable but washed-out pan-and-scan VHS! This state of events does not do justice to Lucien Ballard's De Luxe cinematography but, on the other hand, neither exactly does the pedestrian direction from Robert D. Webb – also a previous winner of the Best Assistant Director Oscar for IN OLD CHICAGO (1937) – to its colorful subject; nowhere is this more evident than during a fanciful and thoroughly unexpected sequence (a Bunuelian moment if ever I saw one!) in which The Holy Family unaccountably offer hospitality to Rennie and Richard Egan when they are dispersed in a desert storm!

That the film still remains a superior product (despite bogging down somewhat during the indigenous scenes) is down to the cast: apart from Rennie's monk, as already mentioned, there is top-billed Egan as the hot-headed but, ultimately, self-sacrificing lieutenant of the Spanish conquistador heading the expedition led by Anthony Quinn; the latter, then, is remarkably restrained but undeniably commanding, and well on his way to acquiring star status for himself (which he had mostly enjoyed abroad up to that time!), and also on hand are Jeffrey Hunter (making a belated entry – completely covered in paint, and wigged- out, at that! – as the new Indian chief) and Rita Moreno (as Hunter's sister and Egan's tragic love interest). Incidentally, not only had director Webb already worked with Hunter on a fine Western WHITE FEATHER (1955; where he also portrayed an Indian!) and would soon do so again on the even better THE PROUD ONES (1956)...but, given this film's religious overtones, it is telling that all 4 leads here had been or would subsequently be involved in Biblical epics! Interestingly, Edward Dmytryk was originally announced as director on this one with Cameron Mitchell in the lead; besides, the actual crew members included assistant cameraman Jorge Stahl Jr. (he would be Luis Bunuel's cinematographer on his delightful jungle adventure DEATH IN THE GARDEN the following year) and co-director(!) Rene' Cardona (best-known as the prolific exploitation film-maker behind such infamous fare as SANTA CLAUS {1959} and NIGHT OF THE BLOODY APES {1969})!
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Good Colourful Fox Historical Adventure
jpdoherty17 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
20th Century Fox's SEVEN CITIES OF GOLD (1955) is a handsome looking colourful adventure story set in early California in 1769. Yet it has been pilloried by some for not being more than it is. A pity really, for it is quite an enjoyable picture with great atmosphere nicely played by a committed cast and directed with good attention to detail by Robert D. Webb. This was another elaborate fifties Fox production photographed in beautiful Cinemascope and Delux color by the brilliant Lucian Ballard. It was produced for the studio by Robert Webb & Barbara McLean and was expertly written for the screen by Richard L. Breen and John C. Higgins from a novel by Isabelle Ziegler.

A marvellous sense of time and place is established from the beginning as we follow the procession of the mighty Spanish Conquistators under Captain Portola (Anthony Quinn) in the quest for the famous seven deposits of gold the Indians had left behind. Accompanying the army is Father Junipero Serra (Michael Rennie) the revered Jesuit monk who founded the missions of San Diego and was responsible for making peace with the Diegueno Indians. One of Portola's young officers Jose Mendoza (Richard Egan) falls for the charms of a beautiful Indian girl Ula (Rita Moreno) and begins an affair with her. But when he tells her he cannot take her back with him she becomes offended, flees from him in a rage and accidentally falls to her death from a cliff top. The erstwhile peaceful Indians now want blood and vow to attack the Spanish stronghold unless Jose is handed over to them. At first Captain Portola will not adhere to the Indian demand but later Jose (just like Jeff Chandler's character in TWO FLAGS WEST) to allay any fear of an attack, sacrifices himself and to the ominous and incessant beat of the Indian war drums walks out of the fort gates to his preordained fate. The sequence is deeply moving and heartfelt!

Performances are generally good throughout with Rennie being a standout in his best role since "The Day The Earth Stood Still" (1951). As the zealous Father Serra he is sincere and convincing. Good too is Richard Egan as the ill-fated Jose. A likable actor - Egan never got his fair dues for his screen efforts (He stole the acting honours from everyone around him in "Untamed" the same year). But the most disappointing bit of casting in SEVEN CITIES OF GOLD has to be Anthony Quinn. For an actor who has second billing in such a big production his part is not only poorly written but it is under written. He is hardly in the picture at all and when he does make an appearance his presence is merely perfunctory. Any of a dozen Hollywood bit players could well have played his part.

One of the most stirring aspects of the picture is the extraordinary music by Hugo Friedhofer. A vital and arresting score full of appropriate Spanish, Mexican and Latin rhythms. The composer's vast knowledge of this music shines through. The main title is a broad passionate Granada-like Spanish cue with blazing trumpet that points up the all-conquering Conquistadors and is heard in different guises (including a spirited march variation) as the picture progresses. There is a religious theme for Father Serra as well as some wonderful mariachi cues and indigenous folk songs. One such song 'Senorita Carmelita' is sung by the troopers (including Egan) at an open-air feast. It is infectious and totally irresistible! SEVEN CITIES OF GOLD is Friedhofer's best and most enjoyable adventure score!

SEVEN CITIES OF GOLD is a much better movie than its reputation reveals and deserves reappraisal for (1) Its authentic historical setting (How many movies besides "Captain From Castile" can you think of that covers the same period in American history?). (2) Its fine performances. (3) Its splendid Cinemascope/Color cinematography and (4) its rollicking musical score.
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All that's gold does not glitter...
Poseidon-33 December 2003
There's a mixture of interesting drama and camp in this story of Spanish conquest over California Native Americans. Egan and Quinn play Spanish officers who are on the lookout for the title cities, but who are saddled with priest Rennie who is along for the ride to build a mission. The men don't see eye to eye on how to handle the "Indian problem" and this lends itself to some nice discussion of and demonstration of the tactics used to control them. Eventually, the human elements of both the "whites" and the Indians begin to blend, but not without difficulty and eventually with great sacrifice. Contemporary audiences will be surprised that Egan is top-billed over Quinn and has the more substantial role. Even though Quinn is the authority figure in charge, the story is more about Egan. Quinn is believable as a Spaniard (as he was as so many other nationalities in his career!), but Egan is about as Spanish as William Bendix!! His flat American accent and obviously non-Latin coloring create a sensory paradox when he is onscreen. Rennie is also far from Spanish, but manages to pull it off better with a less distinct accent. All three male leads do a decent enough job acting-wise, but never really catch fire. The only other performers of note are Hunter and Moreno as natives. Hunter gives his usual impassioned performance (unfortunately covered in war paint most of the time) in one of many roles that were beneath his ability. Moreno gets very little to do, but tries to inject some emotion into the proceedings. While the Cinemascope lens captures some awesomely beautiful scenery, it also keeps the actors at a distance. Time and again, dramatic and emotional moments are played in practically long shots! There are very few close-ups in the movie. The two most beautiful cast members (Hunter and Moreno) get nothing closer than a two-shot. This puts a sort of wall up that detracts from the emotional investment in the story. Then there's the camp factor. It begins immediately with a hilarious voice-over that exclaims how accurate the story is and that the only change that was made is that the "words will be set in English." PLEASE! Moreno and Hunter, while compelling performers, are given ridiculous wigs and clothing to wear. Attempts at humor, handled adeptly by Hunter, seem to add a corny aspect to the otherwise serious film. There's a bizarre interlude with Egan and Rennie finding shelter in a sandstorm. The sword-and-sandal crowd may find themselves trying to spot Egan's winky as it veers to the left in his clingy green trousers (with oh-so-festive red cummerbund.) In all, it's a pretty, sometimes engaging movie, but rather silly at times and lacking any real emotional resonance.
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Epic adventure drama based on historical deeds about the Spanish priest Fray Junipero Serra
ma-cortes25 May 2015
In the 16th , 17th , 18th centuries, the Spaniards in New Spain (now Mexico) began to hear rumours of "Seven Cities of Gold" called "Cíbola" located across the desert, hundreds of miles to the north . The stories may have their root in an earlier Portuguese legend about seven cities founded on the island of Antillia by a Catholic expedition in the 8th century . The later Spanish tales were largely caused by reports given by the four shipwrecked survivors of the failed Narváez expedition, which included Álvar Núñez Cabeza De Vaca . This is the story of the making...and the forging...of California...when men chose gold or God...the sword or the Cross! . As the adventurers said they had heard stories from natives about cities with great and limitless riches . As the film deals with an expedition of Spanish conquistadors led by Capt. Gaspar De Portola (Anthony Quinn) who along with military and missionaries descend in 18th century California looking for secret Indian caches of gold . Along the way they suffer attacks , pains , and sacrifices , due the strong opposition of the aborigines . Meanwhile , roughnecks and Indians (Jeffrey Hunter , Rita Moreno) learn ways of God , thanks to Father Junipero Serra (Michael Rennie) . While traveling on foot from Vera Cruz in search for the seven fabled wealthy cities of gold , he injured his leg in such a way that he suffered from it throughout , though he continued to make his journeys on foot whenever possible , and he efforts to establish missions . As when in 1769 the party reached San Diego on July 1, Father Serra stayed behind to start the Mission San Diego De Alcalá, the first of the 21 California missions .

Regular semi-lavish costume epic based on historic facts about conquistadors and missionaries in search for fabled Indian treasure in Western US , California . This colorful picture contains thrills , emotion , religious feeling , and wonderful outdoors from Mexico . Interesting , though a little boring screenplay by John Higgins based on the novel "The Nine Days of Father Serra" written by Isabelle Gibson . Main cast gives passable interpretation such as as Richard Egan , Michael Rennie and Anthony Quinn . Being accompanied by a notorious support cast as Rita Moreno , Jeffrey Hunter , John Doucette , and Mexican actors as Eduardo Noriega . Thrilling as well as sensitive musical score by Hugo Friedhofer . Luxurious cinematography by Lucien Ballard in CinemaScope and shot in Mexico : Guadalajara, Jalisco and Manzanillo . The motion picture was middlingly directed by Robert D. Webb.

The flick was based on actual deeds about a famous Father , Fray Junipero Serra . He was born (November 24, 1713 – August 28, 1784) in Petra , Majorca . He was a Spanish Franciscan friar who founded a mission in Baja California and the first nine of 21 Spanish missions in California from San Diego to San Francisco, which at the time were in Alta California in the Province of Las Californias in New Spain. The Franciscans took over the administration of the missions on the Baja California Peninsula from the Jesuits after King Carlos III ordered them forcibly expelled from New Spain on February 3, 1768. Serra became the "Father Presidente." On March 12, 1768, Serra embarked from the Pacific port of San Blas on his way to the Californias. He began in San Diego on July 16, 1769, and established his headquarters near Monterey, California, at Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo. The missions were primarily designed to convert the natives. Other aims were to integrate the neophytes into Spanish society, and to train them to take over ownership and management of the land. As head of the order in California, Serra not only dealt with church officials, but also with Spanish officials in Mexico City and with the local military officers who commanded the nearby Presidios (garrisons). Serra was beatified by Pope John Paul II on September 25, 1988 and Pope Francis expects to canonize him in September 2015 during his first visit to the United States.
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"Conquest" continued
tomsview8 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is a sequence at the end of "Captain from Castile" starring Tyrone Power when the Spanish set out to conquer the New World. It's a fantastic scene accompanied by a monumental musical theme, "Conquest", by composer Alfred Newman. I was disappointed the movie ended at that point. We don't get to see what happens.

However "Seven Cities of Gold" starts where "Captain from Castile" left off, albeit 140 years later. A Spanish army sets out to explore California; this time accompanied by a stirring score by Hugo Friedhofer, another of the great film maestros. Both he and Newman gave the Spanish themes a thorough workout.

The film is based on the 1769 expedition to California led by Captain Gaspar de Portolà (Anthony Quinn). Forcing his way into the expedition is peace-loving missionary, Father Junipero Serra (Michael Rennie), who wishes to build missions to convert the natives.

After encountering the Indians and winning them over, Portolà's second in command, Lt. Jose Mendoza (Richard Egan), causes friction. He ignores advice often given to travellers not to fool around with the native women; Ula (Rita Moreno), the trim, tanned chief's daughter proves far too tempting.

Eventually Mendoza is forced to reject her. You might get away with that sort of thing during the rose ceremony on "The Bachelor", but not here. It takes an act of self-sacrifice to save the expedition.

The film is not a mindless action fest. In fact, it might be just a little too talky. It acknowledges the damage done during the Spanish conquests, but presents Father Serra and his faith in a positive light.

I have always liked Richard Egan. He had an amazing presence. He looked heroic and actually was. You read snippets about his military service during WW2; the hand-to-hand combat expert, and hints of lone missions in the Philippines, but he never spoke of it. There were bigger stars than Richard Egan, but not bigger men.

Jeffrey Hunter seemed a little awkward in his feathers and war paint while Anthony Quinn on the other hand was gravitas personified. He exuded the qualities that make you believe he could lead men anywhere.

I remember seeing "Seven Cities" on B/W television. It's not the way to see it. The filmmakers went to a lot of trouble with impressive sets, authentic costumes and real locations. Widescreen and full colour do it justice.
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Successful religious film!
JohnHowardReid23 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Copyright 1955 by 20th Century-Fox Film Corp. New York opening at the Roxy: 7 October 1955. U.S. release: September 1955. U.K. release: December 1955. Australian release: 31 May 1956. 9,243 feet. 103 minutes.

SYNOPSIS: A Spanish land and sea expedition is formed in Mexico City in 1769 to make haste to claim the territory of California for Spain and to locate the fabled Seven Cities of Gold. Captain Gaspar Portola (Anthony Quinn) and his lieutenant, Jose Mendoza (Richard Egan), rough and arrogant leaders of the land force, are angered at the assignment of a lame padre, Father Junipero Serra (Michael Rennie), to accompany them to found missions in the new land. Though Serra may be a religious, he soon proves to be a match for Portola and Mendoza.

COMMENT: This religious film is not suitable for children, but it succeeds with adults despite its second-string cast. Michael Rennie comes off best. Jeffrey Hunter, although unrecognizable, also impresses. Quinn's performance is off-hand, but reasonably convincing. Least credible are Rita Moreno (fortunately, her role is small) and Richard Egan (though he does have his effective moments, particularly at the climax).

For once, CinemaScope's width is forcefully used. Both the action and drama often comes across with surprising impact. Indeed CinemaScope, allied with natural locations and Webb's remarkably vigorous direction, gets considerable mileage and impact out of the emotionally moving Breen and Higgins script. Indeed, this one of Hollywood's few fully successful excursions into the realm of Christian religion.

OTHER VIEWS: A spoken prologue assures us that the events of the story are, in essentials, those of history; and for once, what follows does occasionally seem to justify the claim. The failure of the expedition to achieve its main purpose is a circumstance that encourages belief. - J.W.
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Seven Cities of Gold
CinemaSerf27 November 2022
On the face of it, this ought to have been a decent adventure film. Anthony Quinn ("Gaspar") commands a troop of Spanish soldiers travelling through 18th century California seeking treasure. Alongside him is his deputy "Mendoza" (Richard Egan) and their spiritual needs are cared for by "Fr. Serra" (Michael Rennie). Once they land, however, they realise that the terrain is hostile and the natives likewise. It takes time, bullets and some persuasion from the priest to convince "Matuwir" (Jeffrey Hunter) that they mean no harm as they explore. Of course, though, they do. They are there to convert and to plunder - and in so doing, apply the rather cyclical methods used by the church to indoctrinate the perfectly contented pagan population. As an adventure film it falls short on just about every level. Quinn doesn't really feature much as the film progresses into the sort that makes you squirm a bit with a sense of "just leave these people alone and go home". If you are expecting a lively swashbuckling affair, then look elsewhere - this is a confused and confusing history lesson that shows the visitors - however well meaning in the case of "Serra" - as ignorant and piously thoughtless of a culture that simply did not require their ribbons, bells nor intervention. The production is adequate, but the pacing of the story is rather erratic leaving a feeling of dissatisfaction - even disgust - with the whole enterprise.
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For the glory of Spain.
mark.waltz4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A colorful historical drama about the discovery of what is now California and the evils surrounding it through the conquest and captivity of those already there. Questionable casting has both Richard Egan and Anthony Quinn as Spanish officers, with Egan hardly right for the part, especially when seen on a horse talking with the accented Quinn.

The narration at the beginning indicates that the details are based on fact, but that the language spoken is different. Egan is a fine actor (one of my favorites of the 50's, and especially as the powerful Sam Clegg on "Capital"), but his casting is totally jarring. With actors like Cesar, Fernando or Ricardo popular during this time, surely 20th Century Fox could have done better and used Egan to better use elsewhere.

As the mission priest whose world they turn upside down by storming in and causing the death of a native woman, Michael Rennie is totally commanding, telling Egan, Quinn and their men off for their hypocrisy as Christians. It's one of the few times on screen I recall hearing something like this. Jeffrey Hunter as the native chief and Rita Moreno as his sister are other major characters, their participation later in the film stirring up the bulk of the conflict. This is colorful and certainly epic, but hard to avoid the flaws.
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Very dated, but it may hold your attention
vincentlynch-moonoi15 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Being produced in 1955, this film used a number of stereotypes to justify the Spanish "invasion" of what became southern California. Today, as we look much differently at how conquerors treated indigenous peoples, our view of this film is much different than it probably would have been in 1955...more than half a century later.

This was not a film that was very good for the key actors. Worst of all was what I looked at as an almost silly role for actor Jeffrey the son of the chief and then the chief of the local Indians. I laughed out loud, something that shouldn't happen in a period drama. But the man was handsome! And then there was Anthony Quinn. Quinn was already hitting his stride when this film was made, but this film only scraped the surface of his talent. And then there's Richard Egan. I've never warmed up to Egan as an actor; the most I can say here is that he was pleasant on screen. The actor that comes off the best here is Michael Rennie. I remembered Rennie from his iconic role in "The Day The Earth Stood Still" and "Les Misérables", and he does a nice job here as the historical figure Father Junipero Serra.

I would be overstating it to say that the plot plods along, but I also didn't find myself sitting on the edge of my chair. And I found the ending disappointing because it never really brings in the greater context of how important the role of this mission (both military and religious) had on the history of California for decades to come. It was an opportunity lost.

Of interest here, however, is the role played by a young Rita Moreno.

This is one of those films I was glad to have watched...once. I would never be tempted to watch it again.
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Waste of Time and Talent - Seven Cities of Gold
arthur_tafero25 May 2024
There are just a few things missing in this attempt of an adventure film; there are no cities, and there is no gold. Other than that, the title is perfectly accurate.

The film stars Michael Rennie, a very fine actor, and Richard Egan, another very fine actor. The only problem here is that they are both horribly miscast. They are about as Spanish as I am Chinese. Anthony Quinn, who, although featured as the star, really is just shown in a few insignificant scenes, but at least he makes a good Spaniard. The horrible miscasting of two fine actors is a big waste, and the screenplay, by any standard, is prettu lame compared to what we see unfold on the screen. This one is a mess to be avoided.
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For whom the bells toll
weezeralfalfa20 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The film ends with Franciscan Father Serra(Michael Rennie) ringing a set of bells that has just arrived from the awaited San Antonio, thus negating the planned abandonment of the primitive initial Spanish settlement in Upper California, at San Diego, due to lack of supplies and reinforcements. He's ringing them for joy and as a demonstration of their hoped for use in calling converted Native Americans(NAs) to prayer. However, they might have been rung to commemorate all those Spaniards who died in this initial expedition into the unknown of Upper California, and to all those NAs in CA who would die from introduced diseases and mistreatment by the Spanish, and to those Spanish who would die at the hands of those many NAs in this region who wanted the Spanish to leave.

I hate the title and the implication that this expedition was mostly about looking for gold to steal from the CA natives. Historically, it was motivated by the fear of King Carlos III that some other European power would soon claim this territory before the Spanish got around to establishing some sort of presence there. The 'Seven Cities of Gold' was, of course, a fable, originating from NAs 2 centuries before, that Coronado wasted his time chasing. Of course, the present expedition was an equal failure in this respect. The opening narration suggests that this film is also the story of the Spanish 'conquest' of CA. Again, it's not. It's merely the story of the founding of the first Spanish mission in Upper CA, which would be burned to the ground within a year by NAs, to be rebuilt.

The character Captain Portola(Anthony Quinn), Father Serra, and Graves, are based on those historical persons who were most instrumental in planning and executing this venture. The incident where Portola initially meets Serra in a village, and offers a declined invitation to ride to Mexico City, is based on the historical Serra insisting on walking from Vera Cruz to Mexico city, upon his arrival from Spain. As dramatized, he also walked the whole way on the present expedition. His long-term limp and problem with a snake bite-infected leg is historically true, as is the episode in which it much improved after a muleteer used his traditional treatment for mule leg wounds. Serra and others did stay at the hastily built mission at San Diego Bay, while Portola took the others northward, with the idea of establishing another mission in Monterrey Bay. He didn't find this bay, historically, because of heavy fog, continued north , and made the much more significant discovery of San Francisco Bay. Strangely, this discovery isn't acknowledged in the film until the very end!

The main character of Jose Mendoza(Richard Egan), as Portola's second in command, is fictional, seemingly serving mainly to take part in the tragic incident with the NA princess Ula(Rita Moreno). This reminds me of the incident in 'Hudson Bay', in which Radisson orders the execution of a member of the British royal family, who broke his rule against providing the NAs with liquor, resulting in the death of one. The difference is that Mendoza volunteers his punishment by the Native Americans, who tear his heart out, in Aztec fashion. Or perhaps the idea was that his 'crime' involved matters of the 'heart'. The way it's presented, Ula would seem the more guilty one, as the clear instigator of a marriage proposal with the objecting Mendoza. Nonetheless, her tribe doesn't see it that way, so Mendoza has to 'bite the bullet' to avoid a massacre. Odd that Egan is given first billing, when his character is clearly much less important than those of Quinn and Rennie, and he hardly makes a convincing-looking Spaniard!

There's the strange episode where Serra wanders off to examine some plants, and Mendoza comes looking for him. They get lost in a sand storm after scaring off some NAs, then see a cabin and enter to find a man, woman and young child. They fall asleep and awake out in the bush after the storm. Mendosa reports this as a dream. But Serra says it wasn't a dream, implying it was a miracle....Previously, Serra seemingly saved the expedition by merely offering strings of beads to a hostile group of NAs: another apparent miracle. I guess the point is that, through Serra's faith, God will insure the success of this mission.

Just before the expedition began, Serra gives a speech in which he predicts that the soldiers will try to steal the gold and other valuables of the NAs, then kill or enslave them to further enrich themselves, as past expeditions of this sort had often done. In fact, many of the missions Serra founded would decimate the NAs through disease dissemination and often render them virtual slaves. The change in policy of the new Spanish king from supporting the Jesuits as the advance guard of Spanish culture in northern Mexico and California, to replacing them with Franciscans and military-civilian colonists spelled the death knell for the many NA tribes in CA. The screenplay makes no mention of this critical change in Spanish policy.

Not available on DVD, I caught it on the Fox channel. Filmed in cinemascope, mostly in Mexico.
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A romanticized and inaccurate life of Franciscan Father Junipero Serra on California!!
elo-equipamentos4 March 2024
It's an inaccurate story of the Franciscan missionary Father Junipero Serra (Michael Rennie) toward to California, self-titled as New Spain at its time in charge of famous Captain Gaspar de Portolá (Anthony Quinn), at behest of Viceroy of Spain, both must pioneering such place starting by San Diego Bay, aiming for stablish Christian settlements at baja California and aftermaths reaches in northernmost San Francisco, the picture focuses this first leg only, exposing the unavoidable conflict with the native along the journey.

Meanwhile Captain Gaspar ought locates the legendary Seven Cities of Gold as overriding task, thus Father Junipero keep in San Diego with the Lieutenant Mendoza (Richard Egan), in the meantime the Father tries interacts with reluctant natives just getting smallest strides with the upcoming Chief Matuwir (Jeffrey Hunter), although the love affair between Lieut. Mendoza and Matuwir's sister Ula (Rita Moreno) on tragic outcome, just throw it all away, shuddering the still flimsy interplay among so differing ethnicities.

For dramatic purposes the picture points out a probable holiness of Father Junipero at least in four occasions, also his endurance when all hopes already running out, he still believing in something will coming from the sky, nicknamed by the natives a Grey Robe, Michael Rennie delivers all he could to portraits nearly perfect the famous Father Junipero Serra, that has been beatified in last Century, aside some flaws it has plenty enjoyable, sadly it never came out officially in Brazil.

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 1985 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7.5.
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Inaccurate but interesting tale of the founding of San Diego Mission
bux11 March 2001
Done on grand scale, this is the tale of Father Junipero Serra and the founding of the California Missions, in particular, the first at San Diego. Rennie, Quinn, and Egan turn in good performances and the story moves along quite well, even though history is played with fast and loose in this treatment. Of particular interest is the style and treatment of the Indians encountered by the mercenaries and the priest-there is much more realism than most films of this era. The action scenes are done well and the obvious, but inevitable conclusion makes the point. A good watch.
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The bells shall ring out.
ulicknormanowen28 July 2022
The principals of the film are actually Michael Rennie as the priest who wants to evangelize the country and Richard Egan as a greedy officer ;Anthony Quinn ,although at the top of the bill , is almost supporting.

The umpteenth search for the city of gold ( and it would not be the last , some contemporary movies still deal with it;the best in the field is perhaps " Aguirre der Zorn Gottes "by Werner Herzog) is not the meat of the movie ; Quinn 's quest is not even shown on the screen.

The religious side ,the church as a sanctuary (since the Middle Ages) ,the spirit of sacrifice make the movie a little more than a routine adventures movie. The (premonitory?) strange dream of Egan lost in the desert may puzzle the viewer who will understand its meaning only towards the end of the movie.
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This movie has nothing whatsoever to do with the Seven Cities of Gold. The expeditions alleged search is mentioned early in the movie and never given any consideration the ent
thedesertraven29 December 2022
A trite melodrama with far too many moralistic and religious themes.

However, sappy old movie lover that I am, I enjoyed it.

It held a lot of potential with the dashing Young Anthony Quinn, Richard Egan and a cute little Indian girl in a very young Rita Moreno that I didn't even recognize.

And this movie was 1955 and Rita Moreno is still around--67 years later in a TV series. Check her out!

This movie held out quite a bit of potential, but bogged down and ended up being more like a two act play: the journey from Mexico City and then troubles with the Indian at their first coastal port of San Diego.

But the ending was poorly conceived and even possibly holding back the movie from major release by 20th century Fox.

There are plenty of long reviews much more descriptive and cheerie than mine, I just wanted to point out some different observations.
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The Spanish conquest of California in 1769
clanciai21 October 2022
Anthony Quinn is the best actor here, making a more than convincing Spanish conquistador heading the expedition to secure all California for the Spanish in the late 18th century with critical success to begin with. In his retinue is Michael Rennie as the priest in charge of establishing the church in these remote parts in the far west of America beyond he deserts, also with limited success to begin with. The drama of the film is the conflict with the Indians, appearing as downright savages with very sly means for making war on the intruders, and Jeffrey Hunter makes a very convincing leader of them, vacillating between disbelief and trust in a religion that does not allow him three wives but only one. The turnout of events makes him strongly doubt the credibility of the religion of these modern intruders and with very good reasons. Richard Egan plays the difficult part, the soldier who commits himself in a love affair with one of the prettiest Indian girls with fatal consequences. The film is actually a drama of faith, the inevitability of doubt and the questioning of the meaning of this whole business, while it's also the question whether the priest actually succeeds in saving the credibility or not. He makes a great performance, but Anthony Quinn is the ultimate winner of the game.
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A mundane historical sword and sandal drama.
oscar-3520 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- Seven Cities of Gold, 1955. A historical costume drama about Portola's expedition to California in 1769 in search of fabled golden cities of the southwest Indians. It features the settlement of the Spanish at San Diego, and the efforts of Father Junipero Serra to establish missions and encourage peaceful relations with the Indians.

*Special Stars- Michael Rennie, Jeffrey Hunter, Richard Egan,, Anthony Quinn.

*Theme- Niceness can prove helpful in the new territories.

*Trivia/location/goofs- Co,or. The real Franciscian friar Father Junipero Serra was beatified (called "blessed") by the Catholic Church some years ago, which is the first step towards sainthood. He is now referred to as Blessed Junipero Serra. Look for a studio cable pulling down tree during battle with Indians.

*Emotion- A mundane historical sword and sandal drama of a small amount of drama. Mediocre at best.

*Based on- The historical legends of Portola and Father Sierra's travels in aboriginal California.
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