Bomba: The Jungle Boy (1949) Poster

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Jungle law outweighs man's law.
mark.waltz12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
For somebody living topless in the African jungle, Johnny Sheffield is pretty pale. This curly haired young man is certainly no boy, having grown up on screen as the son of Tarzan. With that series over (at least in its original conception), Sheffield was contracted for a series of his own. It is an enjoyable revamp of Tarzan under a new name with a new version of Jane, played here by Academy Award winner Peggy Ann Garner who has risen from child star herself to a decent young actress, and the adventures he takes her on are very enlightening for a civilized girl who learns that her society laws and rules of survival are often ruthless and a fight against God's law.

Sheffield doesn't really have to act, just pose with his muscle bound arms and beefy chest, and grunt in his character's limited English. Sheffield comes across the lost Garner and tries to help her get back to her father Onslow Stevens, who may not be as grateful as he should be, having earlier nipped Sheffield's shoulder with a bullet. Sheffield proceeds to put Garner up near his cave, and a very subtle romance begins to emerge from their initially rocky introduction. Several dangerous elements emerge including a frightening attack by locusts who are definitely more than just your every day grasshopper.

Obviously made for younger audiences, this is sort of a Blue Lagoon of jungle movies, yet avoids the insinuations of anything going on other than one person helping another although a few moments drop subtle hints that add a few laughs. Stock footage of old African documentaries mixes well with the newly shot footage. Adorable monkeys of all sorts provide even more giggles, especially one chimpanzee who tries on Garner's undergarments. The story is preposterous, but it's so gently done and enjoyable. While the days of the B movie would be soon over, the remaining years would produce a few more series like this, quota quickies, yet perfect fare for the entertainment starved public.
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Cheapie from Monogram Pictures is more enjoyable than it has any right to be...
moonspinner5522 June 2011
Johnny Sheffield as a teenage Tarzan in the African wilds, rescuing a pretty young shutterbug and (rather half-heartedly) attempting to reunite her with her photographer father and his guides. Having already played "Boy" opposite Johnny Weissmuller's Tarzan several times, Sheffield was a natural choice to enact the formative years of this role once filmmakers began to run out of ideas and made the (worthwhile) decision to explore the loin-clothed legend's early beginnings. Sheffield is somewhat self-conscious as the boy who calls himself Bomba, and yet his modest performance is the best thing in the picture. He's straightforward in an innocent way, immature and yet brave around the girl, and he manages an amusing connection with the audience (one can almost hear the sighs of young filmgoers as Bomba gently helps Peggy Ann Garner's Pat onto a log to cross the river). The film is padded with nature footage (most of it poorly photographed and repetitive), and too much time is spent dragging the characters back and forth through the foliage, but the simple story (perky girl meets tame savage boy) still holds a spark of enchantment. ** from ****
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You Can't Take the Boy Out of the Jungle
wes-connors25 June 2011
On safari in Africa, pretty teenager Peggy Ann Garner (as Patricia "Pat" Harland) photographs animals with father Onslow Stevens (as George). For better pictures, "glorified game warden" Charles Irwin (as Andy Barnes) and "native" Smoki Whitfield (as Eli) lead them deeper into the wild, where they meet "Teen Tarzan" Johnny Sheffield (as Bomba). The popular "Boy" from the faltering "Tarzan" movies was a natural pick for this unofficial spin-off series. While successful, it's nothing special. The first outing finds Mr. Sheffield and Ms. Garner in a tame "Tarzan and His Mate" (1934) mode. Best scene is when Garner tears her dress and Sheffield offers her his loincloth; she declines as the always-obvious stock footage inserts two chimps kissing.

**** Bomba, the Jungle Boy (3/20/49) Ford Beebe ~ Johnny Sheffield, Peggy Ann Garner, Onslow Stevens, Charles Irwin
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rmax3048233 June 2004
I guess I saw this when I was about eleven years old too, in the Mayfair Theater in Hillside, New Jersey. I remember getting quite a kick out of it, since I'd read all of the adventures of Bomba the Jungle Boy, a kind of second-rate Tarzan who lives in the Amazon Basin instead of an African Valley.

Mostly, I remember one particular scene. Peggy Ann Garner has had some sort of trouble pushing her way through the bush and her skirt is torn. Bomba, in a fashion that is unusually cultivated for the Amazon basin, points that out to her. She grabs her torn skirt, flips it, and glances down for a moment at her underpants showing through the tear. I thought I would die with excitement.

There were other adventures too, most involving animals I think, but I've long forgotten them.

Historical note: The Mayfair turned to even MORE explicit fare in the 1970s and, the last time I saw it, was boarded up and defaced by grafitti. And to think that George Washington passed within one hundred feet of this site on a trip to New York. The old days are gone forever. (Sob.)
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Boy Becomes Bomba
bkoganbing19 November 2011
Johnny Sheffield who had grown too old to play Boy in the Tarzan films got a nice break from Monogram Pictures and was able to extend his career with the Bomba The Jungle Boy series of films. Like Tarzan, Bomba grows up in the jungle and in fact this film bears no small resemblance to Tarzan, the Ape Man.

Bomba's Jane is in the person of former child star Peggy Ann Garner who is a visiting photographer with her father Onslow Stevens. She gets separated from Stevens and enjoys an idyll of sorts with Bomba who is more articulate than those early Weissmuller Tarzans.

The only other regular in the Bomba series is Commissioner Andy Barnes who is a glorified game warden here and played by Charles Irwin. In later films Barnes would be played by Leonard Mudie.

Some stock jungle footage is integrated nicely into the film, better I would say than a lot of the Tarzan films done at RKO at the same time with Lex Barker.

Not a bad beginning for the series.
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Viewed this Bomba Movie as a 11 year old boy
ajschroer19 June 2003
If I am not mistaken I watched this movie in 1951 and I was just an 11 year old, and my memory fades somewhat on detail of the Film. Keep in mind, my memories of this film was from a childs viewpoint, but the best that I remember, I really enjoyed it, in particular the animals, and lot & lots of action. Bomba was just a few years older than myself and I really related to him and his escapades. I would like to see it once more as an adult, but I really don't know if any videos/dvds' are available. Thank you for reading my comments.
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"You good. Father bad."
utgard1430 May 2015
With Tarzan behind him, Johnny Sheffield moved over to Poverty Row where he would star in his own series for Monogram. Bomba the Jungle Boy is pretty much just Boy from the Tarzan movies grown up. Although I'm not exactly sure how grown up he's supposed to be as he looks like an adult (Sheffield was 18 at the time) but is treated like a young teen by other characters throughout the series. The movies are all juvenile jungle adventure tales with lots of stock footage. They are nowhere near as good as the Weissmuller Tarzan movies but, if you're a fan of those, these will at least keep your attention. Johnny Sheffield made twelve of them before retiring from movies altogether. This first entry in the series has a renowned photographer (Onslow Stevens) and his daughter (Peggy Ann Garner) coming to Africa to take some pictures of wildlife. The daughter gets lost and is rescued by Bomba, a white boy raised in the wild by a misanthropic naturalist. Most of the movie is about the girl trying to get Bomba to lead her back to her father. But Bomba is wary of outsiders and doesn't trust that her father won't try to hurt him.

Sheffield is fine in the role of Bomba, which is hardly challenging. Garner, who was an exceptional child actor (see Jane Eyre for proof) is better than this sort of thing but such was the state of her career as she grew up. She spends most of the movie in a short leopard-print dress looking very cute. Charles Irwin, sounding positively like Scrooge McDuck, plays a character whose primary function in the movie is to argue with the girl's insufferable father, played by Onslow Stevens. Garner and Sheffield are delightful together and their scenes are the highlights of the movie. It's too bad Garner couldn't have stayed with the series. It might have helped if Bomba had a Jane and nobody would've minded killing off her father. I was kind of expecting him to die given how unlikable he was.

There are some fun moments with monkeys and an amusing scene where the native guide explains the difference between native footprints and those of a white man. The use of stock footage is excessive but what really drags the movie down are the repetitive scenes of Stevens and Irwin. The movie basically breaks down like this: cute scene with Sheffield and Garner then back to Irwin telling Stevens he won't allow him to do something but Stevens does it anyway then back to Sheffield & Garner. Rinse, lather, repeat. It gets on your nerves after awhile.
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First of the Bomba movies
chris_gaskin12327 May 2005
Bomba, the Jungle Boy is the first of the Bomba movies with Johnny Sheffield (Boy from the Weismuller Tarzan movies) as Bomba.

In this first movie, a safari in Africa including a girl and her dad are photographing and filming the wildlife when the girl, Pat gets lost and Bomba finds her. They become friends and he helps her to look for the rest of the party, facing several dangers along the way including lions, leopards, a huge swarm of locusts and unfriendly natives. She is reunited with the others at the end and Bobma disappears back into the jungle.

Joining Johnny Sheffield in the cast is Peggy Ann Garner as Pat, Onslow Stevens (Them!) as her dad and Bomba regular Smoki Whitfield.

Bomba, the Jungle Boy is worth watching if you can get hold of a copy.

Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
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discount Tarzan Jr.
SnoopyStyle29 January 2021
George Harland and his daughter Patricia are photographers on safari. She's making wildlife films. She encounters white jungle boy Bomba (Johnny Sheffield) who leads her through the jungle.

Johnny Sheffield is 18 during 1949. This is basically a discount Tarzan Jr. The story isn't much more than the standard Tarzan plot. The sets are mostly artificial nature in interior studios. I wouldn't say that there is great chemistry with the young couple. They are very white-bread 50's American teens. The best parts may be the actual nature footage and some of the animals which adds up to about 5%. The most compelling and the most brutal would be the native lion hunt. It's 70 minutes which is about 20 minutes too long. The story isn't worth that. It's a B-movie which looks very much like a B-movie.
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"This is what I came all the way to Africa for!"
classicsoncall6 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you like Tarzan flicks and jungle movies, you'll be right at home with "Bomba, The Jungle Boy". I used to hunt these pictures down as a kid because I liked wild animals a lot; watching today the films are still somewhat entertaining but notably deficient in the areas of acting and story development. I had to get a kick out of the scene where Bomba (Johnny Sheffield) helps Pat (Peggy Ann Garner) onto a log in the river, setting off on a quest to find Pat's father and his expedition. In just the prior sequence of events, Bomba had returned from an area of the jungle where he found evidence of the Harland party, and it was in a totally opposite direction, and he didn't have to cross a river to find it!

Oh well, if you expect these stories to make sense you'll be extremely disappointed. Matinée fans of the day turned out for the jungle animals and perhaps more notably, to admire the trim athletic figures of the principals. Now Peggy Ann Garner may not be Maureen O'Sullivan, but she did cut a cute figure in the leopard skin, which by the way, did anyone else wonder who the jungle seamstress might have been to put that thing together?

On a more positive note, there were a couple of animal scenes that got my attention here, the first being the slow motion photography of those jumping impalas that seemed to defy gravity. Then there was a really incredible sequence involving a lioness actually pulling a warthog out of a den to feed the rest of the pride. Granted, these were part of the stock footage the picture utilized quite freely, but someone at some time got that footage and it was absolutely amazing. Just about as exciting was a scene later on in the story when native hunters speared a lion to prevent it's attack. Very cool.

With all that going on, the story itself is almost superfluous. As travel photographers, George Harland (Onslow Stevens) and his daughter Pat (Garner) are in Africa to photograph wild game and bring their story back to civilization. Sidetracked when Pat's guide is killed by a leopard and she gets lost, the rest of the picture involves Bomba helping Pat get back to her Dad in safe and timely fashion. Still, someone needs to explain to me how one of the native guides, examining the footprints next to the dead leopard (killed by Bomba), was certain they belonged to a white man.
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Dull and forgettable
pmtelefon14 February 2021
When I sat down to watch "Bomba: The Jungle Boy" I thought I was in for a fun, goofy hour. Instead I sat through a painfully dull movie. This is my second Bomba movie and I don't want to be mean but Johnny Sheffield is deadwood on screen. He brings nothing to the table. On the plus side, Peggy Ann Garner is cute and appealing. So the stars kind of balance each other out. "Bomba: The Jungle Boy" will only stay in my memory bank for about another ten minutes.
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Bomba was great! and so was my little angel-Peggy Ann Garner!
cervantes154716 February 2009
Bomba the Jungle Boy was an average movie but what made it great was the appearance of my little angel Peggy Ann Garner. She was 17 years old when this movie was made and her greatness was shown through her acting ,her beautiful eyes and her unique smile. Peggy Ann could act in any kind of movie be it comedy, drama, film noir or any kind of movie that existed. My little Peggy Ann is not with us any longer having left us on Tuesday, October 16,1984 but thank God we still have her through her movies. I am lucky enough to own a very rare copy of Bomba the Jungle Boy having secured it in England and when I view this rare movie and any other other Peggy Ann movies I fall in love with her all over again. God bless my little angel Peggy Ann Garner.
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It's a Jungle out there
sol121823 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** The first of a dozen "Bomba the Jungle Boy" movies has Bomba,Johnny Sheffield, together with his pet monkey Oto get involved with the Harland's Pat & George, Peggy Ann Gardner & Onslow Stevens, who traveled to darkest Africa to photograph the wildlife there. Not that he wanted too,Bomba always likes to keep to himself and his animal friends, but by saving Pat's life from a killer leopard he was stuck to be with her until he could reunite Pat with her father who in thinking that Bomba had kidnapped Pat wanted nothing more then to put a bullet between his eyes.

The film has Pat who at first thought that Bomba was some kind of a coconut in his weird ideas of civilization soon began to realize that his type of lifestyle suited her better then the one back home in Indana in that life was far more interesting and exciting in Bomba's world, "The Valley of the Monkeys", then her's back in the states. It was later in the movie when Pat's pop and his good friend Andy Berns, Charles Irwin, and native guide Eli, Smoki Whitfield, caught up with her that she decided to go back home leaving Bomba a bit disappointed in what he did for Pat and her father in saving their lives from the lion worshiping native cult the Basis who without his help would have massacred the whole lot together with Andy & Eli!

Nice stock footage of the jungle and those animals who inhabit it including a real life Lion hunt by the Basi warriors where they took on and killed a charging lion after he took down and mauled a number of them. We also get to see that Bomba unlike Tarzan, who's son Boy he played in some half dozen movies, knows enough English to be able to get by and be understood which shows that he was brought up by an Englishman, old hermit naturalist Cody Carson, not a family of apes like the ape man was.

P.S Johnny Sheffield who made a career of swinging on jungle vines and tree branches, as both Boy & Bomba, as effortlessly as the apes and monkeys in the jungle tragically died after slipping off a tree he was pruning in his back yard on October 15, 2010! Either Johnny was too old and out of shape or just forget how to grab and hold on to the tree breaches at the time by him being retired from making Bomba and Boy movies for over 55 years!
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Bomba and the Lost Safari
lugonian6 March 2012
BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY (Monogram, 1949), directed by Ford Beebe, introduces a new jungle hero to the silver screen, and his name is Bomba. Bomba, as initially introduced in a series of books authored by Roy Rockwood in the 1920s, is often classified as a teenage counterpart to Edgar Rice Burrough's most famous character, "Tarzan." With Tarzan enacted by numerous actors on screen since 1918, the most famous being Johnny Weissmuller (1932-1948), it was natural in casting Johnny Sheffield, who enacted the role of Boy, son of Tarzan in eight motion picture installments (1939-1947) to assume the title role. No longer a youngster of 12, this boy has grown to muscular build and deeper voice in the sound of a baritone singer, but none-the-less, Sheffield has now acquired a new series of his own that fits the formula for which he's best known. Playing an adolescent boy in leopard skin loincloth carrying a sphere, he lives alone in a cave with animals as his only friends. In this opener, the orphan of the jungle gets to meet some outsiders, and a female counterpart who attracts his attention.

In this initial entry, much of the time is spent on George Harland (Onslow Stevens), and his daughter, Pat (Peggy Ann Garner), commercial photographers, on an assignment in Africa to get some movie pictures for the Bronx Zoo. They come to the post of Andy Barnes (Charles Irwin), a British game warden, with Eli (Smoki Whitfield), his native servant, who act as their guides. During the course of the story, Pat, out to get photos of her own, loses her gun bearing guide, Mufti (Milton Wilkins) when attacked and killed by a leopard, while her father and Barnes venture over towards the Great Riff. Finding herself in unfamiliar territory, Pat, approached by Bomba, the Jungle Boy (Johnny Sheffield), tries to scare him away with her revolver, but after subduing her, he walks away. With no where else to go, Pat talks Bomba into helping her find her father's camp. At first Bomba resists her because she tried to hurt him, but in time, they form a friendship, keeping Pat from wanting to leave Bomba and his all jungle paradise. As Harland and Barnes go searching for Pat, situations arise as they find themselves lost in lion territory.

Following the pattern of TARZAN THE APE MAN (MGM, 1932), viewers don't have such a long wait for the central character (12 minutes) to appear as they did for Tarzan (30 minutes). The opening pattern to both films is basically the same. Regardless of the central character having the title role, one would have expected this opener to be all about Bomba and how he became a jungle boy. Instead, much of it balances itself between two teenagers after their initial meeting 25 minutes from the start of the film, and two other central characters (Harland and Barnes) on the other side of the jungle. Aside from Bomba being an orphan, living alone in the jungle, there's some mention of he being raised by a wise old man named Cody Corson, now deceased, who taught Bomba to speak English. Much of his spoken dialog is similar to the Weissmuller Tarzans. Bomba's broken English would be abandoned in later installments. Learning more about Bomba's origin and family heritage would not be brought up until the eighth installment, BOMBA AND THE JUNGLE GIRL (1952), but for now, Bomba is just a mystery.

Aside from limited plot development and character background, animal stock footage take up much of its 71 minutes, often looking like a documentary. Scenes involving assortment of monkeys are the ones that would be repeated in future installments. A somewhat lifeless jungle story is redeemed by the attractive presence of Peggy Ann Garner, best known for her excellent performance as Francie Nolan in A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN (20th-Fox, 1945). Of the Bomba female co-stars, Garner was one of the stronger names to appear, and unlike Tarzan's companion of Jane, would not retain her role as Bomba's female companion. At one point, Garner wears leopard skin attire given to her by Bomba. (How convenient, and the right size, too. Does this mean that Pat is not Bomba's first female encounter?). Acquiring the feel of jungle life, Pat comes up with a drastic decision, "The only time to do something you don't want to, is now." For Johnny Sheffield, Bomba may not be a role of a lifetime, but sure kept him employed until the series expired in 1955. While BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY is rather weak, latter editions including THE LOST VOLCANO (1950) and ELEPHANT STAMPEDE (1952) stand out as two of its finer entries.

Once part of the Saturday morning lineup of "Jungle Adventure" that aired on WOR, Channel 9, in New York City (1977-1979), the "Bomba" series was a welcome change of pace considering how the "Tarzan" and sometimes "Jungle Jim" series starring Johnny Weissmuller often filled the airwaves most Saturday or Sunday afternoons during that time. In later years, this and other "Bomba" adventures turned up on cable TV as Turner Network Television (1991-92) before making its Turner Classic Movies premiere June 22, 2011, and becoming part of its Saturday afternoon jungle matinée line-up hosted by Ben Mankiewicz that began in 2012. Next installment: BOMBA ON PANTHER ISLAND (1949). (** spheres)
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'Boy' Gets His Own Series
Michael_Elliott24 June 2011
Bomba, the Jungle Boy (1949)

** (out of 4)

When MGM decided to take their Tarzan series into a different direction, Johnny Weissmuller headed to Columbia to start the Jungle Jim series while his son, Boy, went to Monogram and began production on another Tarzan rip- off, Bomba, which would end up running for twelve films. The series opener has Pat Harland (Peggy Ann Garner) and her father (Onslow Stevens) are in Africa trying to take photos of some rare animals when she ends up in the jungle lost. Soon Bomba (Sheffield) shows up to show her some of the finer, less appreciated things in life. There's no question that this series should have been called TARZAN, JR. and there's no question that what brain cells the MGM series had are pretty much gone here. This isn't a horrible movie but at the same time it's doubtful too many are going to find it completely entertaining and this is due to several factors. One is that the screenplay really doesn't offer us anything new, original or really all that entertaining. I thought for the most part we got one boring sequence after another and in fact it takes nearly thirty-minutes before Bomba shows up, another ten-minutes for any sort of action and it takes yet another fifteen-minutes before Garner finally gets into her leopard-skinned outfit. As with the Tarzan films and the countless other rips, this film gets the benefit of many stock footage shots of the wildlife in Africa. We get to see a wide range of animals but it's obvious the footage was shot for other movies as it looks quite poor and even for stock footage the stuff isn't that good because the shots are so far away from the target and out of focus that at times you struggle to even tell what you're looking at. For some reason the film is pretty light on action as there are only a few fight sequences and even these are pretty tame. The first time Bomba fights a fake leopard it all happens off camera. The one saving grace to the film are the performances. Sheffield does a nice job playing the lead character and Garner adds up some nice support. The two feature some nice chemistry together and fans of HOUSE OF Dracula will enjoy seeing Stevens in his part. At just 70-minutes the movie goes by at a decent pace but it's just too bad they didn't try something fresh or original to throw a little life into the picture.
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Back Lot, Potted Palms, a Safari and Loads of Stock Footage = Bubble Gum Crowd Success.
redryan6417 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
FOLLOWING THE ABRUPT ending of his run as Boy in the MGM and Sol Lesser-RKO Series of Tarzan Pictures, young Johnny Sheffield swung, not to a new career path, but to the next tree in the vast Hollywood Backlot "Jungle". Beginning a new role as the title character in BOMBA,THE JUNGLE BOY (Monogram, 1949).*

THE COMBINATION OF good looks, a fine athletic physique and all of the previously generated publicity from all of those Tarzan movies, all joined together to make him perfect for the Bomba movies. The quite accidental combination of factors made for an ideal package of characteristics, both on screen and in the promotions department of Monogram.

AS FOR THE above mentioned Monogram Studios, it was a mark of a great step down from the Tarzans at MGM and RKO. Monogram (which was increasingly using its newly formulated moniker of Allied Artists)was truly a resident of what is known as "Poverty Row" in Hollywood. It was not only a member of this dubious fraternity, but it could well be said to be the preeminent low budget company.**

AS ONE WOULD suspect, BOMBA, THE JUNGLE BOY, being a cheapie production, makes plenty of use of stock footage, back lot scrub woods (with the occasional placement of potted palm trees, dwarf banana trees and lush plantings of the Castor Bean plant***)and black men as extras; portraying safari porters.

THE STORYLINE, ALTHOUGH admittedly somewhat thinner than most "A" Picture Jungle Epics, is adequate and told in a straight forward manner. however, regardless of narrative method, whether or not that it would spawn a sequel and a series, would rely on Box Office $ucce$$ with the Saturday Afternoon Matinée crowd. Needless to say, the combination of frugality and comic book-like appeal to the juvenile market equaled an A-OK for a series.

WE HAVE ALREADY dealt with Johnny Sheffield's casting; which can only be classified as a proverbial no brainer. Hence, we won't discuss him any more.

IN THE CAST we have the presence of Onslow Stevens, who anchors an otherwise nondescript company of supporting players. Mr. Stevens' characterization represents the intrusion of the Modern, Western Civilization into the wilds of the Dark Continent. Alrhough it is obvious that it is much more technologically advanced, it's no match for Nature and the primitives who inhabit its savannas, jungles and rain forests.

THE INCLUSION OF Peggy Anns Garner is both a plus and a sort of a shock; for just a few years earlier she was praised for her portrayal in A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN. Working a Monogram would seem to indicate some degree of slipping to her career.

SHE DOES, HOWEVER, make for a most lovely "Jungle Girl" and female interest as a potential love interest for the virginal Bomba. The two together make for a truly sensual and even sexy pair; particularly while stretched out and resting during the trek through the wilds.

NOTE: * BOMBA is just one of many Tarzan knock-offs (and most successful one)that had appeared over the years and were adapted to the screen. Starting with KING OF THE JUNGLE (Paramount, 1933) with Buster Crabbe as 'Kaspa the Lion Man', Herman Brix (Bruce Bennett) as Kioga (a sort of Temperate Zone Tarzan), HAWK OF THE WILDERNESS (Republic, 1938) and KING OF THE CONGO (Columbia, 1952) with Buster Crabbe as 'Thunda', are all fine examples.

In the World of the Comics Magazines, we also had Kazar: whose origin was in Pulp Magazines of the same publisher of Timley/Atlas/Maevel Comics. Congo Bill, long time back-up feature in DC Comics' Action Comics (and adaptation to the serial, CONGO BILL (Columbia, 1948), later acquired a Tarzan-like protégé in one Janu the Jungle Boy. Neither Kazar nor Janu ever got to the point of having any celluloid counterpart.

NOTE ** Along with Monogram, Poverty Row members included Republic, PRC (Producers' Releasing Corporation), American International, Grand National, Lippert and Columbia; which graduated to the upper echelon very early in the game.

NOTE: *** The Castor Bean is a commonly grown garden flower plant. It is tall with red stems and exotic & tropical looking foliage. The seeds of the annual are poisonous to humans.
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Essentially, "Tarzan Jr."....complete with the usual poorly integrated stock footage.
planktonrules3 July 2022
During the 1930s-50s, the Tarzan films were very popular AND cheap to make...a great combination for the studios. While MGM made the best of these films, smaller studios often tried their hand at Tarzan-like movies...and their results were pretty predictable. In other words, the films were made on the cheap and integrated a LOT of stock footage into them...stock footage that rarely fit the stories. Such is clearly the case with "Bomba: The Jungle Boy"...the first of a dozen Bomba films Monogram made in the late 40s and into the 50s.

The story finds a man and his daughter (Peggy Ann Garner) on a photo safari in Africa. Eventually, Patricia (Garner) happens upon the wild boy, Bomba, as he arrives to save her from a leopard. They soon get separated from her party and so her father goes looking for her. During this period, Patricia strikes up a friendship with Bomba.

The film has tons of stock footage. On one hand, at least it's mostly of African animals! Many cheap Tarzan knockoffs (and even some Tarzan films) show animals from all over the world in Africa--such as American alligators and Asian elephants! So, this is a plus. But on the other hand, the stock footage NEVER looks to be integrated into the movie...never. It's grainy and just looks like stock footage and often tehre really isn't much reason for it apart from the fact that they could get it cheap or free. As for the acting, Garner isn't bad. As for the rest, well, Garner isn't bad! Overall, yet another of these African white jungle man/boy/girl films...and it's VERY much like Tarzan but in teenage form....and Patricia is much like a younger and chaste version of Jane. Familiar...and cheap.
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Undemanding "jungle" escapism with two attractive stars
gridoon20243 March 2024
"Bomba The Jungle Boy", the first film in a long series of "Tarzan Junior" adventures, makes no real attempt to integrate the stock footage of animals convincingly, or to make the viewer feel that the action is taking place anywhere outside of an admittedly large studio. The story is short on thrills - and purpose. And yet, it has some appeal, mostly coming from its two young (only just 18 years old) stars: Johnny Sheffield, as Bomba, is supremely well-built (his thighs, in particular, look like they could crush coconuts), and Peggy Ann Garner is absolutely gorgeous (she even changes from her city clothes to a ready-made leopard skin halfway through!). Watching those two makes this film worth watching. ** out of 4.
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Wrong Animals
lecarol2 July 2022
Anyone who see's this film and knows animals, would spot the wrong animals that do not live in Africa. King Vultures and some of the birds, do not live in Africa. All stock footage of all animals. A fun film back in the day.

L. Sollenberger.
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Bomba The Jungle Boy.
raysond5 December 2011
In 1949,Monogram Pictures(also known as Allied Artists)released the first of 12 Bomba movies starring Johnny Sheffield,who played the character of "Boy" opposite Johnny Weissmuller and also Maureen O'Sullivan in eight "Tarzan" films, was chosen under Producer Walter Mirisch to star as Bomba. At the time this movie came out,Johnny Weissmuller was gone as "Tarzan",after 12 films to star in the "Jungle Jim" movies for Columbia Pictures,while newcomer Lex Barker,replaced him as the new "Tarzan" in five movies while Maureen O'Sullivan went into semi-retirement.

Veteran director Ford Beebe,a "B" picture veteran whose speciality was mostly action-adventure films and also movie serials,was hired as director/writer for the series. In all,Beebe directed all 12 Bomba pictures that were released between 1949 and 1955. Owing more to the Tarzan film series than the children's books they claimed to based on,the Bomba movies were made on a shoestring budget with predictable plots that rely on stock jungle footage.

The first of the series,"Bomba:The Jungle Boy",released in 1949 was a basic standard fare,more or less aimed as a children's matinée attraction. In this first outing,a photographer and his daughter arrive in Africa hoping to capture the local wildlife on film. Instead,they encounter(and never photographed)a killer leopard,a swarm of locusts,deadly lion worshippers and to the rescue to save them and protect them from the deadly encounters of the jungle comes Bomba the Jungle Boy! All of these within its 70 minute running time. Most of scenes involved the photographer's daughter(wearing a well-tailored leopard's skin)spends most of the movie with Bomba while her father and his assistant search for her.

As for Producer Walter Mirisch,after the success of the "Bomba" pictures,along with his brothers,formed there own company The Mirisch Corporation. The Mirisch Corporation,and under the powers that be at United Artists,produced some of the biggest hits ever to come out of Hollywood during the era. Films like "The Magnificent Seven", "The Apartment","West Side Story","The Great Escape","The Pink Panther",and "In The Heat of the Night",just to name a few. However,Producer Walter Mirisch won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1961 for "West Side Story",and again in 1967 for Best Picture of "In The Heat of the Night".
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Quite watchable.
snitzell2 July 2022
Not really a handbook for jungle exploration but oddly modern in it's conservation ideas. That's a near extinct white rhino...Hey let's get it to charge us and you kill it Andy.

Then the native dude gets attacked protecting the arrogant girl and she deserts him. At least he died for a noble cause. Not to mention the guards at night who stare into the campfire. Especially silly is the girl's demands YOU MUST HELP ME.....Why????

Bomba was a good guard sitting on the ground with the snakes and stinging creepy crawlers. And then he goes for help and the Great White Moron shoots him. Are they sure this isn't America in 2022??
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Not a promising start
Wizard-815 December 2011
After watching this first entry in the "Bomba, the Jungle Boy" series, I am really surprised that the series lasted for an additional eleven movies. I know these movies were aimed at kids who were less sophisticated than kids today, but I'm hard pressed to figure out how kids back then were entertained by something like this. Since this is a Monogram production, the budget is really low, seemingly shot entirely on soundstages with some occasional stock footage of jungle animals and natives mixed in. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if it were revealed that the screenwriter was shown the stock footage before starting writing, and was told to write something that would include all that stock footage. That's because there really isn't much of a story here, and the character of Bomba is weakly written. For one thing, Bomba doesn't begin interacting with the visitors to the jungle until more than a third of the movie is over! And once this point of the movie has passed, we learn next to nothing about Bomba for the rest of the movie - we learn almost nothing about his past, his opinions on things etc. I think even very young kids will be bored stiff, and viewers who originally saw the movies in theaters and feel nostalgic will be rudely surprised by this drab and boring production.
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Cute, worth, deverves to be disvovered again....
searchanddestroy-110 May 2023
I discovered BOMBA in the late eighties, thru my US VHS provider. Never heard of it before, the same with JUNGLE JIM character and movie series too. If you love TARZAN, you should,I say YOU SHOULD, like this cute series of movies, and not episodes, unlike JUNGLE JIM, which existed both in movie theaters and on TV. So back to this series of films made of course in Monogram studio lots, and certainly not on locations, it is fun, full of animals, natives, villains, celluloid jungle. OK, when you have seen one, you can consider you have seen the other ones, but for your kids, even now, in 2023, it would be better than Iphone silly and disturbing, insane games.
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