Baby, Take a Bow (1934) Poster

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Decent, But Not The Normal Temple Fare
ccthemovieman-17 February 2006
If this is not considered one of Shirley Temple's more popular movies, it's easy to understand why.

First, she isn't the main attraction. James Dunn and Claire Trevor are the stars. This was Temple's first feature film but she was the third, fourth or even fifth person in here, screen time-wise. The powers-that-be must have seen the bright future she had, though, and made two more films with her in the same year (1934), beginning with "Bright Eyes," and she never looked back, becoming a huge box-office attraction on her own. This particular film featured a lot more drama and crime element and that was no longer to be, too, as light-hearted singing and dancing was the ticket...not this sort of fare.

"This sort of fare" meant a climactic scene in which Shirley is kidnapped, carried to a rooftop kicking and screaming for help while her father is pursuing and her mother is frantically looking on, screaming herself. Hey, that's not a "Shirley Temple film" as we know it.

That doesn't mean this movie is all dark or doesn't offer some typically-cute Temple moments: it does. There is a great song-and-dance number with Dunn, who was good singer in his own right, and a solo earlier in the film. However, the rest is drama about Dunn and his pal trying to go straight after a prison sentence and a few guys who don't want to see that or believe it. Overall, it's a fairly interesting movie, although very dated in spots, but it's not the kind of thing Temple fans are accustomed to be forewarned, if you haven't seen this.
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Little Shirley - Always Worth Watching
Ron Oliver1 March 2000
When valuable pearls are stolen, two ex-cons working in the home are immediately suspected. One of these fellows has an incredibly precocious & talented little daughter who manages to get her chubby hands on the missing necklace. When the real thief returns, will the tiny tot handle the dangerous situation to everyone's satisfaction? Will, once again, BABY TAKE A BOW?

Except for the presence of Shirley Temple, most likely this film would long ago have slipped into complete obscurity. James Dunn, Claire Trevor & the rest of the adult performers do their best with the rather tired material, but it is Shirley that one remembers. She is a darling & lights up her scenes with her sparkling personality. Everything else fades away...
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when Shirley was just a cute kid
kidboots3 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The first few films that Shirley made showed her as a cute, talented youngster in situations were the adults were adults and made most of the decisions. This was one of the few films where she had both a father and mother (who were fit and well). With "The Little Colonel" (1935) she became a star and appropriate vehicles were written so all the other actors supported her. I prefer the earlier films (when I watch Shirley Temple at all) when she was just a cute kid who was treated like a child by the adults around her.

Kay (gorgeous Claire Trevor) is going to Ossining to meet Eddie Ellison who has just got out of Sing Sing. They are then off to Niagara Falls to be married. On the train she bumps into Welch (Alan Dinehart), a sleazy private investigator. He has always had a soft spot for her but she has never forgiven him for sending Eddie to jail. There is a nice scene at Niagara Falls where Eddie and Kay plan their future. (Dunn and Trevor made a couple of films together and have an easy camaraderie). Six years later Eddie is a chauffeur at the wealthy Carson residence and he has also secured his friend Larry Scott a job. Adorable Shirley Temple plays their little daughter Shirley, who we first meet at a dancing school where she is showing her mother a new step she has learned. There are several scenes involving Shirley doing cute things (playing hide and seek with her daddy, doing morning exercises with her mother).

The main story is more dramatic than the usual Temple fare with Ellison and Scott trying to go straight. They are being stymied at every turn by Welch, who has a vendetta against them. Another inmate, Trigger,(Ralf Harolde) is released and steals some pearls from the Carson residence. Ellison and Scott, who have kept quiet about their stay in the big house are found out and reluctantly asked to leave their jobs. That night there is a big rooftop party for Shirley and she (looking completely gorgeous in a frilly pink party dress) and Eddie steal the show with a catchy and comic rendition of "On Accounta I Love You". They also do a cute dance. It is clear that she and Dunn had great chemistry together.

Trigger sees Shirley playing in the street and gives her the pearls to hide - she instantly starts a hide and seek game with her unsuspecting dad, his friend Larry and Welch. The pearls eventually end up in a carpet sweeper, the carpet sweeper is emptied in the trash and the pearls are gone. There is an exciting chase across the rooftops with Trigger kidnapping little Shirley. (Is this the first and only time Shirley was manhandled by a baddie???) There is a shoot out with Eddie hurt but in the end triumphant.

You somehow know Claire Trevor is destined for better things. She doesn't have a lot to do but makes the most of the key scenes she has.

Greatly Recommended.
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Shirley helps ex-con Dad get a break
starmineqed5 October 2005
Shirley Temple is wonderful. Beyond that, this is a movie that works on many levels for me. Claire Trevor brings an added dimension to the loyal wife and mother, and the ever-hard-luck-bitten James Dunn (A Tree Grows In Brooklyn) is perfect as the ex-con father trying desperately to put his past behind him. Alan Dinehart's slick and sycophantic private detective -- an embittered and opportunistic ex-cop -- does his best to pray on people's fears and keep Dunn with no recourse from the gutter. James Flavin, who later made a career playing Irish cops in the city, plays one here, albeit generally higher in rank and nobility than most of his later characters. Shirley only has two songs and one nice dance number with Dunn, but does more acting than musical work here, and is quite good at both. This is fine family entertainment amidst a backdrop of struggling to survive while the malicious and hypocritical try to keep others down. Certainly, although the movie was made in 1934, its themes are as resonant as ever.
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Good Judgment
bkoganbing12 May 2017
Baby Take A Bow is based on a Broadway play called Square Crooks and ran a respectable 150 performances in 1926 and also was a silent film in 1928. But noting in the credits of both the Broadway cast and the silent film I noted all the names save for an equivalent of Shirley Temple.

Fox films showed some good judgment in grafting Shirley Temple's child character into this version. A couple of guys played by James Dunn and Ray Walker are trying to go straight and are succeeding. Both are employed by a wealthy family as chauffeurs. Dunn and Walker are married to Claire Trevor and Dorothy Libaire respectively. But Dunn and Trevor have that little bundle from heaven named Shirley Temple.

Both these guys face a pair of menaces. A recently released con played by Ralf Harolde who tries to get them back in the life. And Alan Dinehart who is a private detective who would like to become a real cop, but they won't have him. His role model in law enforcement is Inspector Javert and he hounds Dunn and Walker especially after a jewel heist is pulled on their employer.

Of course it's Shirley who in her innocent way gets Dunn and Walker out of a potential jackpot. Dunn and Trevor both have trouble keeping up with her.

Fans of the eternal moppet will be pleased.
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Diamonds, Diamonds, Who's Got the Diamonds?
mark.waltz10 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
That's what practically everybody is wondering here. Ex-con James Dunn has been sacked from his job as a chauffeur because of a jewel heist at his employer's. But the real thief makes sure that his daughter (Shirley Temple) ends up with them so the police won't catch him with the stolen goods. With obnoxious detective Alan Dinehart on Dunn's trail, this threatens Dunn's freedom. But with "Little Miss Fix It" (Temple) on hand, its only a matter of time before everything is resolved.

Having sung the song "Baby, Take a Bow!" in the same year's "Stand Up and Cheer!" (a homage to surviving the depression), Temple rose to top billing with this film. Dunn and his frequent co-star Claire Trevor play her loving parents and are just as good. This film gets a little agitating when Dinehart is on screen; He invades Dunn's house without a search warrant, and they simply let him go about his business. But these types of movies aren't always about reality; After all, this wasn't made at Warner Brothers where gangster films were a lot grittier and New York kids spoke with a tougher edge than Shirley can muster. Dunn and Temple perform a cute little number (a must in one of Shirley's films) that is the highlight of the film.
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Although a tad sticky at times, overall a very enjoyable outing.
planktonrules19 January 2013
When I got this film from Netflix, it said that this film was Shirley's first starring full-length film. However, I noticed that "Stand Up and Cheer!" and "Stand Up and Cheer" (among others) came out a month earlier. In fact, about a half dozen Temple films all came out about that time. Perhaps they meant the first full-length film where she received top-billing--which is the case with "Baby Take a Bow".

The film begins with Eddie (James Dunn) getting out of prison and marrying his girlfriend, Kay (Claire Trevor). He then gets a job working as a chauffeur and several years pass. Now they STILL are amazingly happy and have the world's most perfect child, Shirley (Shirley Temple). But, into their idyllic world comes a serious problem--there is a jewel robbery and when their employer finds out that Eddie and his friend, Larry, both had been to prison, they are fired. A dogged cop, Welch, is convinced one or both of these men did it and he spends the rest of the film trying to return them to Sing Sing. Are they innocent? And, if so, who did it and how will they prove it? And, more importantly, will little Shirley's heart be broken?!

The film has a couple minor problems--though neither harms the film significantly. Welch is a bit one-dimensional and annoying--perhaps too annoying. Also, there is a song near the beginning that Shirley and James Dunn sing--and it's so sickeningly sweet that diabetics in the audience are encouraged to stop the film to check their blood sugar! However, the film uses a young Shirley well. She is awfully young and so she is given a part that is mostly comic relief--and so the plot itself does not rest on her small shoulders--a good decision in hindsight. And, despite the schmaltz, the film is enjoyable and fun.
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Baby Take a Bow (1934) **
JoeKarlosi21 February 2006
This was my first attempt at watching a Shirley Temple movie, though this film was made before she really hit it big and therefore her screen time isn't as much as it would quickly become. The story instead centers on a likable ex-convict Eddie Ellison (James Dunn) who has harmless fun playing practical jokes on his friends and comes out of jail to marry a loyal woman (Claire Trevor). Six years later, the couple have young Shirley as their daughter and Eddie tries to hold a job. But a bitter and nasty private investigator (Alan Dinehart) is determined to do whatever it takes to ruin Ellison and send him back to the slammer again and tries to nail him for a theft he wasn't involved in. Here is where daddy's little girl helps her father out by trying to foil the real crook.

It's easy to sense the potential which shines off Shirley Temple during her scenes with Dunn and Trevor, and the precocious little charmer does delight with some mild dancing and her cutesy antics, but this film is reportedly not one of her best. It's lightweight stuff, though probably a feature that wouldn't be remembered at all today if not for the participation of Miss Temple. ** out of ****
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Great Movie...
atlantean5411 July 2003
**Some Possible Spoliers**

It was 12pm in the afternoon, and the announcer happened to indicate that a film with Shirley Temple was to come up next. My mother told me to tape the film since she thought that any film with Shirley Temple is a sure winner.

I was reluctant, but once the film started going i was rather intrigued. The story is rather good, and the actors are not so bad. Yet the adult actors tend to be a little too rigid in some moments of the film.

Shirley has to be without a doubt, the person who steals the show in this movie. Being cute and full of charm, she has the potential to just blow other actors right off the screen.

Although sometimes you wish she hadn't done things, like cut Mr Stone loose, she still remains as the best actress on screen. The last scene of the film on the rooftop was a reassuring one. There was some pretty good acting by Claire Trevor (Kay) which made the scene believeable. And the ending was rather sweet and happy (predictable).

I really enjoyed watching this film, and the scene with the coffee pot and the beads always gets me nervous. Anyone who likes old fashioned comedy, you'll be in for a treat. Shirley's charm surely makes this film worth watching.

Rating: 8/10
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More dancing needed by Shirley.
gkeith_11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers. Observations. Opinions.

More dancing needed by Shirley. There was not enough.

She was subject of her birthday party, just like in Little Princess. There was a similar scene like look at me, I'm a spoiled brat here, too.

The black and white ruined it for me. The long criminal scenes made it even worse.

The mother was nice. James Dunn as the father, I always enjoy seeing with Shirley.

Too many thigh and crotch shots of Shirley, including skin tight undies. It reminded me of a toddler Shirley in her child prostitute scene in one of her earlier films -- satiric parody maybe like Polly Tix in Washington. Ugh. You talk about juvenile exploitation.

This moppet made big bucks for 20th in the Great Depression? At the end of the 1930s, her short and full career was about finished.

I am a degreed historian, film critic, movie reviewer, theatrical researcher, actress, singer, dancer and stage makeup artist.
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For Temple completists only!
JohnHowardReid8 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Copyright 20 June 1934 by Fox Film Corp. New York opening at the Roxy, 29 June 1934. U.K. release: December 1934. Australian release: 1 August 1934. New Zealand release: 26 January 1935. New Zealand length: 6,955 feet. 77 minutes.

SYNOPSIS: Ex-criminal Eddie Ellison (James Dunn) has a hard time going straight.

NOTES: Shirley Temple, acknowledged as the best juvenile performer of 1934, received a miniature statuette from The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences at the Awards Ceremony at the Biltmore Hotel, 27 February, 1935.

The stage play opened on Broadway at Daly's on 1 March 1926, and ran a surprisingly successful 144 performances. Russell Mack starred as the jittery ex-thief who tries to go straight, although everything conspires to send him back to jail. The play was directed by Albert Bannister, and produced by Bannister in association with Elmer Powell.

COMMENT: Although this was Shirley's 23rd film, it was her first starring vehicle at Fox, following her huge success on loan-out to Paramount for "Little Miss Marker".

For many years, all prints of this film were thought to be lost as the original negative and master prints were destroyed in a laboratory fire in 1935. However, a projection print in good condition, with only about 3 minutes of footage missing, credit and end titles complete and only a few minor scratches throughout, has come to light and from this a dupe negative has been made. From this unpromising material, the present colorized but otherwise very satisfactory, digitally restored release prints derive.

Unfortunately, the film itself does not repay all this trouble, but at least it will not gain a totally undeserved reputation as a lost masterpiece by default. And besides its curiosity value, "Baby Take a Bow" boasts a cast of seasoned players — all of whom over-act atrociously. There is some excuse for this theatricality, however, in view of the melodramatic nature of the script. The whole film resembles an enthusiastic but distinctly amateur stage production. In fact, the script makes few attempts, other than the intriguing opening sequence and the roof-top climax, to open up the action of the original stage play.

Harry Lachman's direction, for the most part, is disappointingly routine. Lachman was (and is still regarded as) a most distinguished painter in the post-impressionist tradition, but there is nothing in this movie that betrays an artistic eye. True, L. William O'Connell's photography does bring off a few attractively sinister effects with cross shadows on the faces of Ralf Harolde and Alan Dinehart, but otherwise the film has little visual appeal. In fact, production values generally are rather mediocre. In short, the Shirley Temple presented here isn't half as attractive as she was to become in her succeeding Fox pictures.

It's interesting to note that in overseas markets, such as England and Australia, neither this film nor Shirley achieved either a good press or box-office success. However, her next film, "Now and Forever", in which she was billed third to Cooper and Lombard, proved to be a great money-spinner everywhere.
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Take a dose of Shirley on a day without sunshine!
inkblot1130 September 2008
Eddie Ellison (James Dunn) made a big mistake and ending up serving time in Sing Sing. However, his lovely fiancé, Kay (Claire Trevor) waits for him and even takes him to Niagara Falls to get married on the day he leaves prison. Now, six years later, they live in New York City with their little girl, Shirley (Shirley Temple). Eddie presently works as a chauffeur and even got his good buddy a job with the same company. But, a crooked insurance investigator is certain that Eddie will break the law again and he watches the home constantly. On the day of Shirley's birthday, Eddie and Shirley entertain guests with their jokes, songs, and dances. But, things get complicated when an old, thieving friend of Eddie's gives Shirley a "hot" pearl necklace. He does this to bring Eddie back into the criminal fold but Shirley thinks it is a birthday gift. A ton of confusion reigns soon after as Eddie tries to hide the necklace from the insurance man and Shirley believes it is all an elaborate game of hide and seek. Will Eddie get fingered? This is a fun movie with a few dark elements, surprising in a Temple film. Shirley is adorable, young and talented, displaying her amazing talents for comedy, song, and dance. Dunn, too, is a stitch as her joking father, who is trying his best to go straight, while Trevor is very beautiful and touching as the faithful wife and mother. All of the lesser actors fulfill their roles quite nicely, too. The colorized version I watched had nice sets, costumes, songs, plot elements, and direction. If you like light comedy and vaudeville-type song-and-stomp, this is a good choice for you. Although there is a touch of violence, the sunny nature of the main players and their antics make it almost a second cousin to a Marx Brothers flick. My recommendation is to take a dose of Shirley on a day without sunshine, you'll feel like new.
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Baby, Grab the Saw
view_and_review9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I never thought I would hate a Shirley Temple movie so much. I was irrationally angry at this movie. I absolutely hated it from about the 45-minute mark on. It ceased to be entertaining and began to be rage bait.

Before a little over halfway through "Baby Take a Bow" everything was fine. Eddie Ellison (James Dunn) was released from Sing Sing, he married his sweetheart Kay (Claire Trevor), and he lived a straight life. Five years later he had a decent job, an apartment, and a little girl: Shirley Ellison (she just about always goes by Shirley with just the last name being different each movie). This was one of the rare movies where Shirley Temple had two parents.

Things were going so well for Eddie that his boss, Mr. Carson (Richard Tucker), told him that he could stop being a driver and work in his factory. The driving job would go to Eddie's pal Larry Scott (Ray Walker).

Eddie and Larry had two pending problems:

1.) Their association with Trigger Stone (Ralf Harolde).

2.) A detective named Welch (Alan Dinehart).

Eddie and Larry were no longer crooks so they didn't hang around Trigger anymore, however Trigger came to them when he was in a jam with some stolen property. It was a ridiculous insertion of drama like the writers were fresh out of ideas. Eddie and Larry shooed Trigger away, but that wasn't the last they'd see of him.

As for Welch, he couldn't be easily dismissed. He was a cop who had a hard on for Eddie because he wanted to marry Kay. Welch was just waiting for Eddie to make a mistake so that he could send him back to prison. When Trigger stole a pearl necklace from Mr. Carson, that gave Welch the chance he needed to ruin Eddie's life.

He went to Mr. Carson, informed him that Eddie and Larry were ex-cons, and informed him that he suspected the two of the theft. Welch proceeded to aggressively question the two in front of Mr. Carson which yielded nothing but Eddie and Larry's termination. Welch was convinced that Eddie and Larry were dirty, but he had no proof.

Then the movie fell off the rails. Stupidity and lack of ingenuity became the order of the day for "Baby Take a Bow." There were a series of absurdities that gradually sent me over the edge.

First; Trigger gave Shirley a stolen necklace to hold while she was on the street playing.

I have to say that Shirley's parents were waaaaaaaay to trusting and lax with Shirley's whereabouts. Several times she was by herself; on the stoop, buying ice cream, in the house, etc. I know it was the 1930's, but you can't tell me that back then they had that little concern for the safety of their five-year-old?

And this wasn't the first time Trigger approached Shirley while she was by herself. He was caught chatting with her before, when he asked Eddie to hold his hot merchandise. That should've been the last time as well. From then on my daughter wouldn't have been outside except under a watchful eye.

OK. This is just a small blip, nothing to get excited about. Sure, it is an absurd plot device, but let's see where it goes. He could've hid the necklace any number of places, but he chose to give it to a five-year-old girl. Make that make sense.

Second: Shirley put the pearls into her father's coat pocket.

After Trigger gave Shirley the pearls, she took the pearls upstairs to show her father. Eddie was busy looking through the want ads and had no time to pay attention to her. It was incompatible with the rest of the movie--the fact he couldn't give his daughter a moment of his time. Every other time she wanted his attention she easily got it, but now, when his attention is most needed, he couldn't give the girl five seconds of his time.

She wanted to play hide-and-seek with the pearls which, I suppose, a five-year-old girl could want to play. She put the pearls in Eddie's pocket without him noticing at all, and instructed him to find them. He was so engrossed in chatting with Larry that he didn't see his daughter, feel the pearls, or hear her tell him to find them-- which brings up another problem: what if something happened to her on the street? She had just come from outside where NO ONE was watching her. If he was that preoccupied, something could've happened to Shirley and he wouldn't have had a clue! As it was, a criminal pulled her aside and gave her stolen jewels without anyone noticing; what if he kidnapped her?

Now my blood was starting to percolate a bit. This was one more implausible thing stacked on another.

Third: Welch came into Eddie's home to search him and his place.

I know that felons have fewer rights, and maybe in New York they don't have a right to a warranted search. HOWEVER... They also don't have a right to not be intruded upon by a cop? A cop can just walk into a guy's house because he has a record??

And it didn't stop there. Besides searching through Eddie's private property, he was destroying stuff, and eating Eddie's food! Worst of all, he was questioning Shirley, a five-year-old, while Eddie was still in the living room.

That part is as much on Eddie as it is on Welch. I can't believe he didn't draw the line with a crooked cop questioning his little girl. It was a wonder if Eddie even knew where his daughter was at any given time.

Now I'm frothing at the mouth. I'm outraged. It's taking all my will power just to continue watching. It would be bearable if it was funny, but IT. WAS. NOT. FUNNY.

Fourth: Eddie can't think straight.

By the time Welch was questioning Shirley in HER ROOM behind a closed door, Eddie had discovered the pearls in his coat pocket. Instead of... I don't know... putting them back in his pocket, he freaked out and couldn't figure out what to do with them.

He eventually hid them in the coffee pot, which became a comedy because Welch helped himself to some coffee and Eddie was worried about them spilling out. He got a chance to remove them from the coffee pot and finally hid them in the carpet sweeper, which was then borrowed by the neighbor, who dumped the contents into the trash outside.

I was freaking out at this point. I wanted to insert sanity and rationality into this movie so badly, yet I sat there, powerless to do anything. I just sat with this impotent fury as I watched this movie devolve into something totally illogical.

Fifth: Eddie allowed his daughter to be alone with a criminal and she had access to sharp objects.

Trigger made his way back to Eddie's place looking for his stolen pearls. Trigger had Eddie at gunpoint and was asking for the pearls. Shirley was God-knows-where at this time. Eddie was able to get the drop on Trigger and tie him up. He then left him in the apartment while he went out to find Larry.

Why did he need to find Larry? Who the hell knows, but get this; Shirley comes back home from her latest adventure to find Trigger tied up on the floor.

"Are you playing the game too?" she asked, because having a grown man tied up on the kitchen floor is totally normal in her world.

"Of course I am... now go on and find something to cut me loose," Trigger answered.

Now I'm yelling, "Go ahead Shirley, cut him loose! I'm sure you can find a good chainsaw because clearly your parents don't care what you do and who you're with!"

First she grabbed a saw.

A SAW!!!!

This five-year-old was able to readily get a saw! I have adult kids and I don't think they could tell you where a saw is!! Why? Because I don't keep saws lying around that's why.

When the thief saw the saw he told her to get a knife, and she EASILY found a knife; and not just any knife. She found Norman Bates' knife that he used to carve up Marian Crane in the movie "Psycho."

Shirley then went on to deftly cut Trigger free which gave him the opportunity to escape and use her as a hostage/shield.

Of course, everything turned out fine. Eddie knocked out Trigger and grabbed his daughter while the police rushed in to make the arrest. On top of that, Eddie was assured that he'd get his job back, Shirley was told she'd get the $5,000 reward for finding the necklace, and Welch was told he was never to bother Eddie ever again. It was a happy ending, but I was already too far gone. I couldn't stomach the sequence of events. The last fifteen minutes was me barely holding on just so I could finish. But what upsets me the most is that they made me hate a Shirley Temple movie. Not cool.

Free on YouTube.
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Shirley's ex-con father is hounded by a sadistic detective and former crook associate
weezeralfalfa30 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Released in mid '34, just after the Hays film censor code went into full effect. As usual during her Fox years, Shirley was cast as younger than her actual age(presumably 5, rather than 6). This is one of her earliest feature-length films, in which she is given top billing. Actually nearly all her films were on the short side of feature length, this one a mere 76 min.. She seems noticeably younger than in "Bright Eyes", released at the end of that year, being treated more like a young child than a little girl with grown up ambitions. Of course, it was released in B&W, although I watched the colorized version. The screenplay is based on the '27 play and '28 silent film titled "Square Crooks", which lacked Shirley's character. This title may seem self-contradictory, but the point is that 2 men(Eddie Ellison and Larry Scott), who spent time in prison for some undisclosed crimes are trying to go straight after their release. We know that, in real life, this is often difficult, partly due to employer's prejudice against ex-cons. In this film, these two have some things going for them as well as against them. Ellison earns a recommendation from the prison superintendent, and has a beautiful girl(Claire Trevor, as Kay) waiting to marry him upon his release. They spend a romantic honeymoon at Niagara Falls, and make plans for the future.

However, Eddie and Scott have two important nemeses in the context of the plot. Cigar-chomping detective Welch(played by 'heavy' Alan Dinehart) has a fixation on trying to catch or frame Eddie relating to some crime, so that he can send him back to prison. His motto is "Once a crook, always a crook". He tries to make it impossible for Eddie to land or keep a job, by revealing to the employer his ex-con status. The same goes for Scott. Although not much emphasized, one scene early in the film suggests that Welch is particularly keen to make normal life for Eddie impossible because he has long lusted for his wife Kay, beginning with his involvement in Eddie's conviction. But, Kay hates Welch....Their second nemesis is 'Trigger' Stone(Ralf Harolde), an acquaintance of Eddie, who was sent to Sing Sing the same day that Eddie was released. In contrast to Eddie and Scott, who got out early for good behavior, Trigger brags about what mischief he will do when he gets out. When he gets out, just before Shirley's birthday, he heads back to NYC, steals a valuable necklace from the employer of Eddie and Scott (the Carsons), then looks for Eddie and Scott to help him 'dispose' of the necklace. But they refuse.

Before Trigger's release, we've spent some time getting acquainted with Shirley: the adorable young daughter of Eddie and Kay, seeing the love between her and her parents and between her parents. Welch now tells Carson about the ex-con status of Eddie and Scott, and that he suspects them of stealing the necklace. Carson fires them, in response. Nonetheless, a big birthday party for Shirley goes ahead. She puts on a demonstration of some of the dancing skills she has learned. She sings the catchy "On Account'a I Love You" , with Eddie participating in the singing and dancing later in the act. At the end, 'baby takes a bow'. Next morning, Trigger again comes looking for Eddie and Scott, but spies a familiar detective on the street, causing him to sneak the necklace to Shirley, as a 'birthday present', then disappears. Shirley slips it into Eddie's jacket pocket, and tries to play hide and seek with the preoccupied Eddie. Just then, Welch shows up looking for the necklace. Of course, Eddie and Scott are sure he won't find it there, until Eddie checks his jacket pocket. It's then hidden in the coffee pot, and they sweat it out when Welch wants a cup of coffee. Shirley latter pulls it out of the coffee pot, and gives it to Eddie when Welch is searching another room. It's now hidden in the carpet sweeper, which is borrowed by a neighbor, who then empties the contents into the outside trash can. All, including Welch, have quite a time trying to find the necklace in the retrieved sweeper. Fortuitously, Shirley later finds it in the trash. Trigger comes looking for the necklace, but is knocked unconscious by Eddie and tied up, before Eddie runs for the police. Shirley then encounters Trigger, who convincers her to cut his ropes. He takes the necklace from her and grabs her as a shield against capture. In the following chase, wounded Eddie finally knocks Trigger out with a head blow from behind. Detectives arrive, and Shirley pulls the necklace out of Trigger's pocket. Welch arrives and claims that Eddie and Scott had the necklace all the time. But, the detectives don't buy that, and announce that Shirley will get the reward for recovering the necklace. The still arguing Welch is backed up until he falls through a skylight onto the Ellison's bed, causing the pillows to burst their feathers, which cover him, for a happy ending.

Despite all the contrived coincidences. this was a fun film. Shirley is cute, cuddly, and, for once, in a stable family relationship from start to finish. Obviously, she had great rapport with James Dunn, as again shown in "Bright Eyes", as well as with Claire Trevor, as her mother. Alan Dinehart was as much fun, as the butt of verbal and physical humor, as he was sinister. ..It's true that Dunn and Ray Walker, as Scott, seem far too nice to have been crooks, in contrast to Trigger's sinister demeanor.
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Their Daughter, Shirley
lugonian9 August 2008
BABY TAKE A BOW (Fox, 1934), directed by Harry Lachman, with its backstage musical sounding title, is actually one taken from a production number introduced by James Dunn and Shirley Temple in STAND UP AND CHEER (1934). While it could have been a sort of sequel with Dunn and Temple reprising their original roles as Jimmy and Shirley Dugan, father and daughter song and dance team, in a story to what's become of them after making it big on Broadway, with the little girl taking all the bows while her father rests in the background, it's actually a dramatic story with some doses of humor thrown in, about reformed crooks going straight (filmed before as "Square Crooks" (Fox, 1928) starring Robert Armstrong, Dorothy Dwan and John Mack Brown). For Shirley Temple's first starring role at Fox, much of the plot revolves around future Academy Award winners James Dunn (Supporting actor for A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN (1945) and Claire Trevor (supporting actress for KEY LARGO (1948), with Temple, as their petite daughter, around for moral support.

The ten minute prologue introduces Kay (Claire Trevor) at the train station heading for Ossining to meet with the man she's going to marry. Eddie Ellison (James Dunn), a former crook, having served time in Sing Sing Prison, is being paroled four months early for good behavior. Welch (Alan Dinehart), the special investigator who caused Eddie's conviction to get Kay for himself, has followed Kay to the prison. Upon their meeting, Kay makes plans for she and Eddie to marry and honeymoon at Niagara Falls. As Flannigan (James Flavin) arrives with Larry Scott (Ray Walker) to serve a five year stretch, Scott, who takes an immediate liking towards both Kay and Eddie, and dislike towards Welch, does Eddie a good turn by socking Welch. Six years later, Eddie is seen working as a chauffeur for the wealthy Joseph Carson (Richard Tucker). He succeeds getting Cason to hire his friend, Larry, now out on parole with plans of marrying Jane (Dorothy Libaire), though both keep their prison history a secret. Also released from Sing Sing is "Trigger" Stone (Ralf Harolde), who, unlike Eddie and Larry, has no intentions of reforming. Eddie and Kay, blessed with a daughter, Shirley (Shirley Temple), make preparations for her upcoming birthday party to take place on the rooftop of their tenement apartment building. Trigger, who has stolen a pearl heckles from the Carson home, gives it to Shirley, thinking it as her birthday present. Due to the robbery and the discovery of Eddie and Scott's prison records through Welch, Carson is forced to have dismiss them from his employ. Learning that Trigger is the culprit, Eddie and Larry have a hard time proving their innocence, especially with the heckles in their possession and Welch hot on their tail.

Not quite the formula Shirley Temple production, BABY TAKE A BOW, does offer her, in ballet dress, a song and dance number accompanied by James Dunn singing "On Account of I Love You" (by Buddy Green and Sammy Stept). A good song underscored during its opening and closing credits, but something that simply didn't catch on as did Temple's other hit songs of 1934, "Baby Take a Bow" and "On the Good Ship Lollipop." Temple and Dunn registered so well together that they were reunited for the last time in their best collaboration, BRIGHT EYES (1934). Others in the cast include Olive Tell (Mrs. Carson); Samuel S. Hinds (The Warden); Mary Gordon (Mrs. O'Brien); and Guy Usher (McLane, Captain of Detectives).

1934 was a busy year for Shirley Temple, having more film releases than any other year. As for BABY TAKE A BOW, it has become unfamiliar and least known to modern audiences due to its unavailability, having never become part of the "Shirley Temple Theater/ Playhouse" on commercial television during the 1960s and 70s. Not until the mid to late 1980s has BABY TAKE A BOW surfaced, becoming a welcome addition to the Shirley Temple/20th Fox movies placed on cassette by Playhouse Video and distribution on cable television (Disney Channel (early 1990s), American Movie Classics (1996-2001), Fox Movie Channel) and later on DVD either in colorized or original black and white formats.

Regardless of BABY TAKE A BOW's reputation as being one of Temple's lesser efforts, due to plot focusing more on adults (especially the annoying Dinehart) than to her character, along with some gun battles not used in her latter films, overall, a welcome addition plus a look back into the early career of the biggest, littlest star, Shirley Temple. Baby, take a bow! (***)
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jewelch16 June 2021
As with all Shirley Temple Movies this one was awesome James Welch Henderson Arkansas 6/14/2021.
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Playing games
tedg14 June 2008
I love swimming around in these old movies. Very few of them are worth watching for themselves. But many of them have such strange narrative experiments. You just can't honk around today like this.

Here's what this is. It part prison picture in tone. Prison movies were a staple in that era because the system was considered to be inherently unjust, and good men could easily be sent to the bighouse, with cops usually depicted as incompetent or cruel.

Its part adventure/comedy, with stolen jewels, hidden and with open slapstick toward the end.

And it partly a show movie with a song and dance number, apparently recreated from a previous film.

The film itself is dull and cheap, but the idea behind it is wild. A pudgy 5 year old can carry a film?

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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Today I really enjoyed it
pmtelefon25 October 2020
The last time I watched "Baby, Take a Bow" I liked it but it kind of left me a little flat. Not today. Today, the last hour or so is so strong that I forgave any dips the movie took early on. Shirley Temple's supporting cast is very good. I don't know where I would rank I would rank "Baby, Take a Bow" in Shirley Temple's filmography but today I really enjoyed it.
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