IMDb Polls

Poll: Mixed Movie Marriages

The new film Loving (2016) follows the plight of Richard and Mildred Loving, the plaintiffs in the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court decision Loving v. Virginia, which invalidated state laws prohibiting interracial marriage. Which of these interracial movie couples (either dating or married) dealing with difficult situations is the most memorable to you?

Discuss the list here

Results of 544 votes:

  1. 1.

    Sidney Poitier and Katharine Houghton in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)

    John and Joey from Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
  2. 2.

    Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer in West Side Story (1961)

    Tony and Maria from West Side Story (1961)
  3. 3.

    Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Sam Reid in Belle (2013)

    John and Dido from Belle (2013)

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